Dear Dawn

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Dear Dawn Page 36

by Aileen Wuornos

  On the other hand “Smart” on “Ben Laden’s” part in how they organized it all. It must of took “years” doing so, and thats why I feel its “NOT” over yet. I feel instead – his plans have just begun ...

  I’ve also been meaning to ask., when you flew, were any stops made in Boston or New York!? While I also want to say I told ya flying was “DANGEROUS !.” OK!. So., I’m going to close here, and check on some more of this . . . Sadly going on . . .

  Love Aileen,


  Dear Dawn,

  Hellloooo! . . . I heard it was said that Bin Laden has another ace up his sleeve for this day . . . You know – I ought to – as my – last word is said in the chamber – say – “I wish I could take the bastard with me.” Chuckle . . .

  And so it’s the 22nd and still early – wondering if Bin Laden’s other idea is going to fulfil itself as planned. I heard it’d be Bio Chemical if it is. So they’ve heightened security at water plants acrost the nation . . .

  One of the books I’ve been dieing to read came in. “Chariot of the Gods.” And after having read it – felt a royal need to share the info in it with ya . . . I’m going to copy its entirety, then once I’m finnished I’ll send it on ever in one fat Mannilla . . .

  And so I’m gonna go ahead and close er up here . . .

  By the way———Where’s some of that Apple pie!. Chuckle. I really (dont) like pies at all, butttt if you made it———I bet its absolutely good!....

  Until next time.


  Love ya Buddy


  Stay Cool!


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . OK so now how is [Dave]!? I thought for sure he’d come out swinging through out all of this, full of colors. So now – What happened!?. . . . . fill me in . . .

  This whole procedure by the way – sounds – painful and a ½ . . . Man – I sure wish I could have been of some help for ya buddy. How well I know you could use it. I’d . . . Take care of the critters for ya!. Mow the lawn. Weed the garden., and do just about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I could for ya, buddy. Yet – here I am – sis – helpless as hell. Em. Em. Em . . .

  And if ya feel . . . the pressures to much that ya may not be able to handle the X. “Finanncially” (or) “Emotionally.” then – pleeeese – let me know “NOW”. . . . as I’ll then have no other choice, but to bring Arlene into this, if at all. (Now I could)!.... I know, I know, I know, I can hear ya now. your probably saying . . . , “your kidding!.” Well buddy, I’m only thinkin ahead., thats all.

  Now let me tell ya this one. “TiME life BOOKS” came out with a real cool “COLLECTION IN SERIES.” There’s a line up of stuff in strange phenomena’s., simuliar to all that Erick Von Daniken200 was stressing out. Titles such as Mystic Places, Psychic Powers, UFO Phenomenon’s, Mysterious creatures . . . and so on . . . What I’d love for you to do – if you would “REGARDLESS” how much your hurting financially – to order if you would – there “ENTiRE COLLECTION”.——————cause you’ll never ever regret you did. There “THAT INTERESTING” . . . So if you would – pleeeeeese call this number and do it for yourself – will you – as the NUMBER IS 1-800-621-7026 . . . YOU’LL NEVER REGRET YOU DID. “FOR REAL.”

  I’m gonna go ahead and sign off here. Yet, as I do, “GET WELL SOON DAVE!.” Please send him my best. I’m praying for him – all the way! Until next time then....

  Keep your energy up!.

  Eat your Meat

  and Veggies



  1 1-15-01

  Dear Dawn,

  . . . And so you asked if I missed ya . . . of course I miss ya! Yet lord only knows what your gonna do after I’m gone to help the “hand” out . . . Hopefully a grandchild can replace the need of any with your hand or anything else. If so – then good. I myself was never hot with kids . . . While all my life I said I’d never have another one either, after the labor experience I endured at 14. So from then

  on ... I got hip to use rubbers. Left with no other choice, since I was against the pill. Because – as you know – I dont believe in drugs . . . Anyway. . . . regardless how cute they are, just never had a desire to learn much about em . . .

  Well——————let me go ahead an sign off here . . .


  Love Aileen,

  P.S. Again, Happy Thaksgiving!

  Get stuffed!


  Dear Dawn,

  Hey buddy., hows it goin!?. Hope your thanksgiving was good, and Dave’s too . . .

  There’s a classic rock station here. but they just play the same ol’ same ol’ all day long . . . I’d play real hip stuff from way back. Stuff they’ve never heard of. Like the outlaws song – “I am an Outlaw”201 or M.C.5s/ Kick out the jams. M.C. for Motor City. My favorite the outlaw song that somewhat refers to me. It goes like this in what best I can remember of I am an outlaw – I was born an outlaw son. Highway I will travel. Highway I will roam. One hand got a bible, another got a gun. Dont ya know me., I’m the outlaw one. Chuckle chuckle . . .

  Say – I was meaning to ask ya if you recieved all the Christian songs I copied down and sent with the box?! And did ya order Time Life – The books!?. . . .

  Until next time then

  Stay Warm.,




  Dear Dawn.,

  Hi——————Hope the holiday treated ya right. Here it was only one slice of turkey with 2 pieces of bread. Chuckle. Chuckle . . .

  Say——————I wrote another kite to the Supreme Court based on Richard Mallory, so I’m going to copy it down for ya and send your way so you can stick it with the rest of everything . . .

  Well – let me go ahead here and copy this jazz I wrote . . .

  To The Florida Supreme Court

  Page One of Three

  On Richard Mallory and his arrest back in the 60s/.

  To the Honorable Thomas D. Hall



  I’m sending this letter in referrence to Richard Mallory. He’d been classified “a Rapist” by so many and the media, while upon my review of his records, and the night he died with me – I dont see how!....

  Richard Mallory broke into a house and upon entry to steal things from it – found he was’nt alone, but that the Women of the house happened to be home as well . . . [He] threatened the homeowner with the fear of sexual assault by “fondling her breast” then left. Only for her next to call the Cops. Eventually he was caught, and convicted for the B+E, along with sexual battery for fondling her breast. Recieved a 10 year sentence . . . [He] was apparently busted with having sex with another inmate. Only to wind up then on a program for sexual disorder.

  . . . Where’s Rape!?. The man never was a rapist.202 And lord only knows what he could of done to her if he had of been———but didnt.!

  . . . And so to further straighten this record . . . would like to give you then – in writ here – and in brief here, somewhat of the night I had with Richard Mallory and how he died.

  It was November 24th 1989 . . . 10:30 at night and in the mist of a slight drizzle . . . hitchhiken on I-4 heading towards Daytona. And in one set frame of mind, bent with revenge, and set to kill———a Cadillac pulled over to give me a ride, with Richard Mallory inside . . . mixed drinks and pot were offered, only for me to refuse and continue – as planned – in this pure hatred I’ve harbored for years. Yet he himself intensified that hatred when he mentioned along the way a dislike for various Women, with a desire to kill as well his ex-wife and kid. So with that, the fire was fueled, as I tried to sway him off the road with some sex. But much to my surprise he was’nt interested, all of which then would take me at least an hour and a half before I could get him to be . . . Once parked – that was it – he didnt have a chance to do a thing. The gun was pulled and he was instantly shot numerous times.

  And so – as you can see
with “The Truth” being before you here – there was no self-defense. It seems how this all came about and into play was when I

  lied through the skin of my teeth a good 57 times to “self-defense” throughout the confessions . . . Yet – I’m here to tell “The World” and “All of you acrost the Board” into eternity———that “NONE” were in self defense, but rightfully convicted under in 1st degree.

  And so I’ll close here hoping once again I’ve cleared things up . . .

  Respectfully Yours

  Aileen Carol Wuornos

  Death Row


  Dear Dawn.,

  . . . Did you recieve the letter to the Supreme Court on R. Mallory?. . . . And so as you can see, and as I said I’d do, I’m using any public domain. I just want in that chamber and go, While in the meantime, I’ve been looking for space———alot of it. To cry my eye’s out with myself and say to myself – goodbye. So thats why I havent been writting as much as usual . . .

  Yet, as far as visiting – Man – I dont care – come down with Nick – I’m sure you 2 will wind up having a blast., besides ourselves. So if your into it – go ahead! . . .

  And now I’m gonna close –

  Merry Christmas



  Happy New Year




  Dear Dawn,

  Hi———Recieved your letter on a visit and I’m gonna tell ya right now I’m not up to having anyone visit me until the X!. “Bottom line.” I’m looking for my space now, having become quite tired with visits or anything else. So sorry Dawn, but “NO WAY.” Only before the X. So you’ll need to get the tickets reimbursed or use em for your own Vacation down here. But you cant see me., wont let you or anybody else! To many problems with staff. And besides I just seen ya weeks ago. 12 hours that should have been good enough. Geeeeeeeez., Anyway!. Sorry, but its the way I feel. Only media can get through now.

  I’ll catch ya in the next kite.

  Until then,





  Listen up, and this – is – for real. I’m tired of pussyfootin with you and beating around the bush in a round about way to be kind and say “NO” . . . don’t ever think you could force yourself on me!. The day you do – your out! I wont put up with such shit for a minute!. So don’t be thinking I’m some mentally unstable child that you can act like a Mother on!. I’m 45 going on 46 and will act every bit of it and more if need be!. So I’m here to tell you in all my Womenhood – buddy – that I wont allow it. Not here. . . . . “anymore.” I’m now looking for peace . . . No I haven’t heard from Nick either, and CNN canceled because its behind glass. While last but not least, even if Keith was alive and wanted to see me I would’nt let him in, not even my Mom or Dad! I’m that fed up with this place.




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . By the way, the word knowledge is not spelt (noilage) which leaves me wondering how on earth you can even read if ya cant get the word right!. Can you read OK!?. . . .

  So your coming down regardless Ā.! Well thats fine – and I hope you enjoy yourself for once – Without seeing me . . . My minds made up and I wont let you in. Bottom line. So enjoy the tropical air for yourself . . . “I’d set out for Daytona”. Its safer. Miami is full of Robbery and Murder, and if ya don’t know your way around you could get raped too . . . And then I would’nt stay a week either!. You’ll eventually get bored. Just 3 days ought to do it . . . for a good bit of relaxation. Then again another smart thing would be to rent a car – if you are gonna spend a week, and cruise around Starke to check everything out for when the X comes . . . In the meantime whatever you decide – I hope you enjoy yourself. Every bit of it!.... Stay Warm





  Dear Dawn,

  Helllooo!. And was your trip good, and did ya have a bunch of fun in the sun!? How was the Airport!?. Wondering, since its so tight with security. And I hope ya tell me ya had a ball – without seeing me – at that! . . .

  Mrs. Reese came to my door to ask – just incase I changed my mind about seeing you, and of course I told her no . . . I hope ya went to Sea-World or Universal Studio’s and had a ball! ... And if ya did did ya head to my Roller Coaster?!. My favorite attraction. Sea World I think has “Lolita” a whale thats been there for like 30 years – while protesters try to free her. But I cant see it ever happening., they’ve been protesting 30 years and nothings happened yet!. And to think 30 years in that little pool (is) sick!. Definately inhumane. So I hope she dies soon like they say she will since she’s stuck in such a tiny habitat.

  . . . if ever I could hit an amusement park again, I’d go on [a roller coaster] over and over all over again!. Chuckle, I’d hit that baby seriel style. I can see and feel it like it was yesterday. Ahhhh. . . . so much fun. So I hope ya guys hit one and had a good time.

  Did ya head up north – near starke – and check things out for D-Day. Curious. Would have been a good opportunity . . .

  Well – I’m gonna close up here . . .

  4-now then,




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . all an all., I cant see why you complain so much . . . quit sqawkin!. What else on earth do you need!. You’ve got each other and the bills can be paid!. So I’d pull it back together and calm down . . .

  I don’t see why your whole family just doesn’t “Live together” like they did back in the “Commune day’s”——————since things are so tight everywhere . . . I know if I had a family as close as yours I’d do it – if they would. Things are to screwed up today, thanks to Bush and all the mafia . . . Did you know that in his inaugaral address he mentioned not only terrorist they’d hunt down – but prostitutes too.203 Yeah———for real.!.... Its obviously going to get worse with these lunies in power!. Therefore., thats why., I’d defiantly “Live together” until things get back to the way it use to be, which could TAKE YEARS!....

  Did ya get the letter with the Xerox’s of the Supreme Court in it!?204 . . . the decision could take months, and then there’s others up for X before me. Hopefully things will pick up speed, but now were going to have to think on the lines of slow———since the “Supreme Courts” reviewing this Arizona Case. They’ve said the decision would be made on by summer, but then the “Florida Supreme Court” will be ANOTHER DECISION to “Wait on” with my stuff on the “Waive off.” It should’nt take too long, since its only to “Review” the courts findings on “Compentency” to drop appeals., and on the “NORM” they usually stick with a “Circuit Courts Decision”. . . . all of which “favors” me to do so and move on to an X. . . . Man. I’ll sure be glad when this is over. They’ve sentenced me to die yet jet lag to get it done. Emm. Emm. Emm. . . .

  Well I’m gonna close up here. I hope somehow the rest of your days turn out as sweet as can be . . .

  Love Aileen.


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi buddy—————and how’d things go with your birthday ... Now tell me what’d ya get . . . . . any jeep cherokee?!. Well I got some CDs/ for it, if ya did. How about Saline Deon – my heart will go on, I’ll always love you – Whitney Houston Sophia B. Hawkins . . . Sound good?!.—————great——————now crank it up!.

  Wuornos—————what do ya mean CRANK IT UP! . . . . . . it aint even rock and roll!. Thats OK———figured you’d say that, so I went and got some other stuff too. Like how about—————Janis Joplin . . . and . . . Jimi Hendrix.

  Rockier then that—————Aileen.

  OK! Then how about just as hot as it gets! AC DC with Highway to Hell. Ha. Ha. Ha . . .

  Thats better, geeeeeeeeeeez.

  Hummm.—————should of took ya wi
th me then record shoppin —————and of-course to a game of pool too. chuckle. chuckle..... and then spend a night at your place for your birthday—————sleepin in that new jeep sounds real cool to me!. Drunk, listening to all that music. ō yeah —————that sounds real good. HA . . .

  I guess I’ll close here to because I do need to send this out to ya. And as I do, as I’ll catch ya in another kite REAL SOON—————again

  Happy 46th, I hope

  it turns out an excellent

  Birthday for ya.





  Dear Dawn,

  Ā—————so ya had a great time for your birthday. Well., . . . I’m glad to hear it. Good.... GREAT!.... And so ya had a pizza with the rest of your Birthday stuff Ā . . . sounds REAL GOOD!. I’m thinking about having something that good before the X!. Like from papa johns out here, a supreme or spin-nach with cheese, or somethin., or Domino’s . . . Now your saying ya probably did read my letters wrong. Well.... its about time you said that!. Thank you. . . . I knew you’d see it my way. Your just stressed out buddy., find somethin to relax yourself in and UNWIND.... Will ya!? Geeeeez . . . Like if ya had to., stick your bod in the tub and play with it. Ha. Ha. Ha . . .

  So Nicks wants to come to see me, and make the film look good of me. Well I’ll tell ya I’m not into the film looking good of me at all., but just rather concerned that the truth be told and move on to God with flying colors. And if I look evil telling it – tough – is all I can say!....

  Man. . . . . listen to this one.... theres this guy205 who lost a leg., got busted for murdering wound up on Death Row. Hired a lawyer to fight the state for an Artificial Limb., because., as he put it., he wanted to be able to walk like a Man to the execution chamber. Lost the fight, and is scheduled to die tomorrow . . . buttttt at least his X is on hold until the United States Supreme Court makes their decision with Ring vs. Arizona Jazz that should be———by June. Anyway..... the nerve of the guy. Ā.


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