Dear Dawn

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Dear Dawn Page 37

by Aileen Wuornos

  Well———let me go ahead an wrap this one up . . . “HAPPY 46th!.” And since you love hearing my ol’ stories of the road, for your birthday I’ll start written some to ya. “But.. keep them to yourself.” No one hears anything I give ya on paper until I go. OK! . . .




  Dear Dawn,

  Well———even though the Florida Supreme Court OKD/ April 1st my decision to fire CCR and move on to an X———its still going to have to wait until the United Supreme Court finalizing their decision with Ring Vs Arizona (on – the judge and jury biz)———and then executions will be back in full swing. So its going to be another 6 months———to a year before I’m outta the ball park. So expect to see my kites at least that much longer your way. 6 months to a year. OK.

  And Whats this . . . . . .Tyroid problems!. Hummmmm. Well———I’ll tell ya, I aint never heard of such symptoms with tyroid., since my Mom had it

  and never shared any of those symptoms with us. So it just makes me wonder if ya got the right diagnosis or not. Anyway., I’m glad to hear ya got some med for your head and bod. Hope you started feeling tons better soon . . .

  Love Aileen,


  Dear Dawn,

  Helllooooo!. And how ya doing now! Things still bugging ya!?. . . . heres another story for ya, so I can at least “thrill ya”. Ha. Ha. Ha. OK. OK. I’ll quit. It’s when I was 17 out in Indiana.

  “Year of 73”

  And as the days went on wandering on to nowhere, winter rolled in, and I was now 17 somewhere off a highway just outside of Louiville Kentucy when up pulled a van for me having a guy and gal in it. And as we cruised on with so many things said———I was offered another chance to get off the road for a while, and this time hopefully find a job. Carrying always that “Motto” to try anything once, so at least I could say I’ve been there and done that!. Weather a lesson been made to gain the Wisdom (or) a sour note struck, for a grudge, remained to be seen, as I’d give it another try.

  So I stayed with her and her Mom for a time, while we both looked for work. And not finding anything in Louiville., went then acrost the bridge that boardered with Indiana, heading over to Jeffersonville, leading then two topless waitress ones.

  How to be one was’nt much. Just had to put brown tape over your nipples ———then wear bikini bottoms———“and presto” you were in the biz. And if ya could entice the customers to buy the most expensive stuff you were tipped then by the boss himself!.

  And as we started to get the hang of it, I could see that clients were more interested in us then the drinks, always asking us out while I really didnt think much of it!. Man———I just figured the guy was lonely———and just looking for a good time, like I was and looking for. So when asked out———I excepted.

  Now this guy who asked me out seemed to of had an interesting background, running it quickly on me then (as a) 7th grade school teacher who was as well a 3rd degree Karate instructor [or so he said]. And with that I was pretty much impressed and convinced that he was just one good joe looking for a fun loving gal like me to have a good time with. So off I was then with this guy in a pair of jeans – T-shirt – and boots with – spurrs . . . we hit one nightclub after another way on into the wee hours of the night right on through to Morn, until the money ran out, and him bent on getting more from home. Yet to do that would take us a good 50 miles outta town . . .

  Arriving, I could see two other houses sitting right beside his, in the errie dark———off a dirt road he was on miles from the main And throughout the silence in the dead of the night—had me pretty scared as I felt a bit uneasy now, as he opened his garage (push buttoned) then closed it back up—- once parked.

  Then said———“Come on———I’ll make you a drink while I get the money!” Well—I just didnt feel right about it, with the way the house was, so far off the road. So told him———“No thanks . . . and that if he didnt mind I’d just rather wait in the car, while he went for it.” Well—that didnt go well with him at all—When he then grabbed my arm and said———“Your coming in Wheather you want to or not!”. And with all of that said and done – shocking the shit out of me – knew I was in big trouble and needed outta the car – “Fast!” Struggling under the grip I tried to break free from it and hopefully open the door. But as I did———thats when he slapped me in the face “REAL HARD.” Only for me then to try and hit him back———when things only went to worse with him on top of me now slapping at least a dozen times more.

  I tell ya——I dont know how I broke free from this son of a bitch., but did., stumbling then outta the car——looking desperately for an exit out—When I noticed a side door and . . . took off running.

  Boy- was I booking it too.., slipping everywhere off the Wet grass., only to quickly get back up and run like mad till I ran into a—maple. [One huge ass maple tree.] . . . he was right behind my butt and about to throw a kick to the chest. And in all the lightening speed about to happen “SOMETHING I COULD FEEL “LIKE SPiRiTUAL” TELLING ME!”———to block the kick with cupped hands, and throw his legs up just as high and hard as you can. So in that second., “did!”, and could’nt believe I did it., working well., as he then (on the wet grass) fell flat on his back————only for me to then quickly run up to him and start kicking him everywhere in the face. Kicking away, with even my spurrs . . . until I felt he was down enough to then run to one of his neighbors for help.

  The first house I ran to was straight acrost the street from his———with all the lights on—and it seeming as if someone was up and around. Yet———no answer . . . ran over to the other house with only a porch light on. And as I banged away on their door———an elderly women came to answer it———only to then tell me she’d be right back and closed it up again. Man————I was blown away—“BiG TiME!” . . . because of the mere fact that when she did ———the guy was right there, where he could just get up and pick up where he left off. And then back she was————with her husband this time., only for him to realize what was going on———next to quickly usher me in then and call the cops.

  When the cops finally came———the first thing one said to me was—Man. . . . I cant tell if your male or female.... this guy must of really laid into ya!. I can hardly discribe your face its so swollen – look! . . . handing him then my I.d. . . . I found out I was some 50 miles outta town . . . I’d also find out the guy had been wanted for murder of two teenage lovebirds who were both raped and killed, then put in a bathtub filled with cement and buried then in the back of another place he once lived in. Then to also find out———he’d been likewise wanted for the beating rape of a fellow officers daughter., who wound up – “so beat up” – by the guy., that her face could’nt even be reconstructed with plastic surgery., he crushed her face in so bad . . .

  Then I could hear off in the distance – thugs with moans, as I then looked over to where he was up for arrest., and could see flashlight swinging, knowing clubs were too. When a cop then said to me——“Just ignore it!” Only for me to scream back “I dont give a dam if ya kill him!.” and started crying.

  Well needless to say———I lost my job and staying with the gal., only then to move in with a chick who ran the Outlaws.206 But when she realized I just was’nt going to be able to find a job for a while and help her with any rent ———out I was with my face———ALL BLACK AND BLUE . . . Leaving me then forced to head back out on the road in this condition. And as I was hitchhiking out to Louiville a couple pulled over for me———thinking I was a guy who had been in a bar fight. Then when they found out I was female and all that . . . offered I was then for a place to stay . . . a good 3 weeks before my face came back somewhat enough to hitchhike in, then back I was out all over the roads of America.

  And so ends this gig that

  occurred in Jeffersonville



  Dear Dawn,
/>   . . . And whats this————LISA207 HAD HER BABY!. Well—lets whip out the glasses for a toast!. “To a hopefully happy healthy baby, and may she grow to be intellectually strong!.” . . .

  By the way———I need to know if the stories of . . . Indiana made it to ya yet!?. . . .

  And ō god I can hear ya now. Why not on the Killings!?. As the answer is still – No. Everybody knows I did it and that they died, so why write ABOUT just HOW the bullet went in and they dropped dead. I’d think people would be more interested in truths covered up and reveal about that ... And then I’ll be dam if I’m going to get into anything that’ll get me depressed to, on my way out!. No Way. So thats another reason I’m sticking to the road stuff 16 up . . .

  Well—————let me go ahead an sign off here . . .

  Until next time




  Dear Dawn,

  Hellllooooo!. . . .

  So let me tell ya about this gal who contacted me from California.

  What it is, is that she’d like to do a movie on me . . . And even if its Jacky with another name she’s using under my nose I could careless. But what I do care about is if she could help you and I . . .

  . . So my friend – exspect a call from a gal———named Patty Jenkins.207 OK. Well let me close er up here. I just needed to do a quicky and tell ya some of this stuff. Alright....

  Catch ya in the next one then!.





  Dear Dawn,

  Helllloooo! Ready for another story. Good. Good. Good . . . and although its a sad one I’m still in memory of, thought to share it with you with the rest coming your way.

  O yeah – enclosed with this kite are the pic’s you sent. “Cute” and like I said I wish them all the very best with her. “Congradulations!.” . . .


  Fall was coming along now of “73” – With me just outside of Chicago – this time off an interstate called I-80, heading towards – Detroit. I came acrost a foul odor coming out from under the bridge, only to sit next a viaduct full of red. Now at first I thought it was paint – yet upon closer examination I could see it was more then just that, but blood., while my eye’s trailed up to where it was coming from, only to then see something bundled up in blankets, along a space that came between bridge and cement., as the traffic just whipped by without a care in the world to anything that was obviously – Very Visible.

  So with all of that———off I went to inspect. Looking around then for something to poke it with, and in finding a stick nearly———proceeded up this blood soaked slab of cement., as the stench only got thicker and thicker. So much so it started to burn up my eyes, nose, and throat. yet up I continued, until I reached its bloodied bundle – full of maggots and flys. And as I examined its shape wrapped up in what appeared to be a number of blankets, it seemed to me to be that of a female with her head, arms, and lower limbs missing.

  Well – I tell ya – throughout a combination of things – the smell – the horror – the fear – the flys and maggots – besides all the rest that came with it, I was’nt up to unraveling the blanket to find out anymore – of this sick scene. So on I headed down—now to look for a mile marker (or) the exit sign to give a trooper in (Number) for a location – if I could flag (a) trucker down to get them get on a C.B. to give it. Be that of Channel 9 – a station used by local troopers everywhere.

  But – boy when the trucker pulled over for me, shit did he ever show a careless lack of concern. Telling me he had an overload that was way late, and so was’nt up to checking the bridge, to see if all that I was saying was ever to be true or not stuck there under that bridge to rest. And neither did the trooper, when I finally got a hold of one on the C.B.! Explaining everything to him seemed as if it were all a hoax as well. Leaving it then at that – her whereabouts and on down the road ever to wonder if he ever looked.

  And so ends this shorty having run into that bundled up mess that no one seemed to care about, but me, at 17.

  OK. I’ll see ya in the next

  flight in. For now.




  Dear Dawn,

  Hi———the interview208 went., Well let me put it like this – fkd. I was so dam mad and could’nt get through. Nick kept interrupting “focused” only on his questions and how he wanted this whole thing to turn out his way so planned before hand——While the same with me. So we butttt heads. Yet., at least I gave it my best shot . . . [We] discussed how I’m in need of a private attorney. One that knows about Death Row. Then said he’d get in touch with you on one. But to me – thats not good enough! I need persistance . . . So if you would———please get in contact with him . . . But if not . . . see what you can do. Call the Capital – if ya have to . . . A good connection would be———

  Death Row Activist Seeing that they eyeball us they must know attorney’s that could be contacted for . . .




  Dear Dawn,

  Sorry about Nick [during the interview], but I just wasn’t up to talking to him, and was getting pissed when he kept interrupting ... so needless to say I went off in all my depression. And then . . . wasn’t quite nice about “Anything!” Again———I’m sorry . . . but I just had enough of it all. I love you still – of-course —always will. Just had enough. Sick of everything and am grumpy....

  And man—I haven’t heard from ya in quite a while . . . You hiding away at your Mom’s place . . . or have ya been busy with court, or is it a 3rd good guess that your mad at me about Nick’s visit. Don’t tell me its the third one.

  . . . And dont worry about an attorney . . . It looks as if the Jenkins chick is gonna take care of it . . .

  Well———not much either going on here. Still in the Bible and just trying to pull it together for D-Day . . . hope all is beginning to look up for you.

  Until then., Take Care

  Love always



  Dear Dawn,

  Quick kite your way. I recieved yesterday transport orders to appear July 12th in Broward County Court Room for Prison abuse.209 Grant you – I was shocked myself!. Thanks to The Florida Supreme Court. They called up the judge to check on my status in complaints only to find out the Court never set up a hearing for! So ō ō and now I’m up to finally have my day in court . . . And so a private attorney in search of I guess can be put on hold . . . Ill be requesting for this court appointed to be appointed if he may to stick beside me all the way on up to my execution. I need the support and protection . . . While on the otherhand, I need to tell you that executions have been lifted. The United States Supreme Court said jurors could make the final call. Not judges.210 Because Judges could make a call just for political reasons. And with that, executions are back in full swing, exspecially with Volunteers. “all of which I’m now classified as.” And now that I’m Kicking my heels up to abuse before I go – I believe the warrent will just that much more be signed just that much sooner. So we should be mentally preparing for that. OK. Well. I’ll sign off here . . . Take Care . . .




  Dear Dawn,

  Hows everything going!?. I guess I can see by all these pics . . . your doing “good” and I’m glad to hear it. It all looks serene. I’m sure you and Dave walk

  around at night around the whole place under a blanket of stars, just to feel the peace . . . I’m really happy for ya.

  We had a garden back when I was a kid. Dad had it hoe’d out near the sewage line running through the back yard. Veggies came out so plump and juicy. Emm. I can taste them now.

  And so I’m back, and boy was court a trip!. Should of seen the Jail. “Pathedically nasty!.” . . . but at least I’ve got a private attorney now.210 He’s agreed to stick with me . . ., thank g
od. And then hopefully we can get things rectified before the X . . .

  And——so there we were, in court . . . then off we were to begin a debate that caused an investigation to kick in . . . I’m back now——“Logging” further matters down with nothing getting rectified – yet! . . . and the problems still around. So another hearings set for August 19th . . . While in the meantime Jeb Bush plans to sign me off next for an X to hopefully hush things up. Knowing I’m just sitting here a Volunteer whose got nothing to loose in running my mouth ...

  And so——that was court., while in the meantime., I cant wait until August 22s/ over with Thats when executions should resume . . .

  And I see here——your court biz up there is about to end too! Good I’m Just as happy as a lark that things are startin to look up for ya’s . . . As for me., my funs now in heading to court!. Chhhccchhh. Chuckle. Chuckle. Chuckle.





  Dear Dawn,

  . . . And its true—court was postponed for a month. The prison asked for time to investigate. All of which has caused things to only increase—pissing off the rest of the girls, so that were all taking them to court now . . . While Jeb Bush signs me up next. Surely because of the coverage all of this will generate. And all I’ve got to say to that is - good then—my strategy worked—bye . . .

  And so I’ll be back in court August 19th and will appear in any court room need be, until they’re fired . . .

  Anyway—I see a corrupt system sold out “to Satan” with “demonic lust” . . . I can only see the end near—because every thing today (is) evil.


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