Book Read Free

Dear Dawn

Page 38

by Aileen Wuornos

  And then check this out as its been said: Lucifer was a meteorite. Its that—- there’s an Astroid a mile long thats on a collision course with earth, that should hit by 2019. And if it does—the impact should be equivalent to what wiped out the dinosaurs way back when.

  So purhaps there’s only 17 years of earth left. Unless World War III starts, and everything gets killed through it. Whatever!. I see the end of all things—coming soon . . .




  Dear Dawn.,

  . . . “I advised the prison” “In writ” that only “CNN and Nick” could interview me. No – group jazz ever. They’d re-arrange every word said for self sensationalism. And because Nick was so careful, and caring about ever doing that, I’m leaving the honors to him then, to any “last words” I’ve got to say . . . Let Nick know he can, besides CNN. OK.

  And so they’ll be CNN (if their up to even doing so before I go) for present situation jazz going on, While Nick will be for future stuff to add on to his already, ready, film, about to be aired.211 And me long gone then., having dished it out “as best I could” about the dam cops (having known who I was – “Way before” – my arrest ever came to be). pleeeeese don’t (expect me to) [write daily] – cause I’m sorry love, I haven’t it. I’m trying to relax . . . Our visit will sum up alot in goodbye’s . . . many things I want to thank you for., and only pray your blessed beyond your means someday for it all too . . . It was “SO GOOD OF YOU” just dam good of ya buddy., and feel definetly it was “HEAVEN SENT” . . . Even with “Nick” . . . So thanks be to Nick, it got out.., and our lord was watching over it all – to tell the Wicked souls on the planet something “AND LEARN” of their own craziness in corruption . . . Having left me (completely) “RAVAGED” all over “AGAIN” through “NO OTHER THEN LAW ENFORCEMENT” [NEXT] . . . to what “SOCIETY” put their hand all over me [in] “ALREADY” So – to say the least – I was really FKD/ over by the “HUMAN RACE ON THIS PLANET”—and

  “ALL” was “COVERED UP” . . . in just how I was FKD/ over [in] everything!. So thats how “I feel about that!” And therefore need I tell you how “GRATEFUL” I Am – “thanking the Lord over and over for having sent [YOU TWO] . . . as I turn around in the clouds with my 2 white shepards fully trained, and waiving bye until we see each other in the next and aboard a space carrier with my best friends to greet ya and welcome ya in (to) “this beautiful beyond.” Ahhhhhh. . . . so, I’ll see ya then, and when I do buddy.

  “EXPECT A PARTY” because ō god is there gonna be one. OK!

  Say ... by the way . . . did Starke tell ya you could bring Civilian Cloths for me to wear . . . Being that of: “Motorcycle like boots” – with a small square toe to, “black, 7½. “a black harley davison T-shirt with it black in front the eagle on back” “a black military belt with a gold buckle, and a pair of jeans.!” guys straight leg, size 14 or 33-34 waist to wear in the chamber I can hear ya now. Why the shirt!? only 2 say—A—haven’t I earned my wings by now!?. So what other way to “EXPRESS IT” . . .

  Say – I need to tell ya, that ya sent to many stamps to me. So I’m gonna go ahead and send a bunch back to ya. OK.

  And sadly – I’ll only be able to get out around 5 or 6 more Kites your way. But remember this!. In every waking minute you were loved by me, even if I could’nt reach ya to let ya know it enough. I’ll “ALWAYS” look at you – as if you “WERE THAT VERY SIS I NEVER HAD. . . . but in a different way, I was given one, regardless as to how it turned out to be . . .

  Well – let me go ahead and close up here. I’ll start on another one just as soon as I’m through doing a few other things . . .

  Until Next Time

  to the “Cooley”

  See ya then...,


  P.S. Sent a Mannilla Envelope with 50 pages in it full of court room stuff. Let me know when it arrives. OK. Court room stuff to Judge Backman.


  Dear Dawn,

  Hi Buddy – Well ran into another problem, and so, now I need you to contact this Attorney thats been assigned to my case and tell him that now their drumming up D.R.s/. So its obvious their definetly pushing my ass way over the edge before an X. And that he needs to come see me “A.S.A.P.” . . . I also need you to contact the “Florida Supreme Court” . . . And that from either the Judge nor thee Attorney have I heard a thing about court since July 12th that was postponed until August 19th, as August 19th came and went, with no Attorney showing up, nor, “letters on” to even advise me whats up!. . . . Which is “Wrong!” . . . and illegal. So I’m pissed and really need some attention on all of this ...


  Love Aileen,


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I haven’t heard anything on the D.R. since it was issued Wens. August 21st. And to think on an Active Warrent———“Evil!”

  And then———guess who gave it. A Sargeant who claims to everyone she this holy rollin christian . . . If they’d look at “the Word” more in a “Star Trek (sense)” . . ., then they’d get more outta it . . . I think if they had any smarts on this one———they’d throw this out . . . “its falsified” [and] I’m “in court” for this kinda stuff . . .

  Then I also need to tell ya, that the prison had a near riot “August 13th” – Protesting over “Abuse.” So its not going well here, and its not just Death Row – but “All Over” florida and the “Compounds.”

  As July 12th biz – just put a little bit of “coverage on.” All of which pissed Bush off so bad with his Administration that they cant wait for oral Arguements to be over with . . . so my warrent can be “signed next.”

  And all I can say to all this is – I’ve just got to laugh———So I turned out a battlefield after all!. And to think had they never – – – – – – – “Sabotaged” my cases, how I would of came out sluggin on them!.

  Anyway – one thing is clear – they need to shape up and cut the bull – follow “laws” in “humanity” with prisoners – instead of this “sadistic sinister crap going on” . . .

  . . . In the meantime, I hope you were able to find out whats going on . . . Man – let the “Women” breath a bit before she takes her last breath. Man. Geeez . . .

  I’m outta here. Let me kick my harley in gear . . .

  Until then



  P.S. Good title for a book “Dirty but Clean”


  Dear Dawn,

  Well – the moment we’ve been waiting for!.

  “The Warrents been signed”

  Its set for October 9th 9:30 A.M.

  And now are ya about to have a heart attack! Well “DON’T!.” REMEMBER . . . , I’ve been waiting for this for SO LONG and FOUGHT FOR IT., and am glad that its finnally arrived. So if you would with me, BE GLAD that its “FINNALLY HERE.” I was so FD/ over, I’ll be WAY BETTER OFF. And so ITS TIME TO FLY . . . and you’ve got till October 9th to get YOURSELVES READY for it. OK.

  Now – do I sound “HARD” – going!?. Well – sorry babe but I’m gonna BE A MAN “LEAViNG.” Not some broken down mess they were hoping for. And so “ROCKY’S” ready. – and I hope you get just as tough, and keep it together. OK!? . . .

  And since I’ve got to hurry and get this out to ya “quick” then I’m going to have to make it short. Butttt then I’m gonna sit back down and do a real Rapper of one for ya. Okee doke. Courts over!. Everythings over. So now I can sweetheart, And Will . . .

  So – Until then

  Count to 10 and TRY TO





  Aileen ..

  Warrents been signed – [date unintelligible]

  OCTOBER 9TH 9:30 A.M.

  Dear Dawn.,

  By now., surely you Recieved the quick kite on the Warrent signed and do hope you got it in time . . .

  And so———“Its happening!” . . . Get it all outta
ya now . . . and then, lets show em “CLASS IN BRASS BABE” OK!? . . . I’ll be OK, and I sure hope you’ll be as well.

  And so———“here comes, the Enterprize” to pick me up! And on my way I go. Away from all the corruption they ran over my ass and.., cases . . .

  As for the.., last meal. Havent any intentions in eating anything. I’ll just be asking . . . for “A GLASS OF WATER.” And if they’ll give it to me, “to eat,” sent on a plate “a page from Deuteronomy”, chapter 22:26-27212. . . And they can send that “ALL OVER THE WORLD” that it was the last thing “I ate.” Now get the “MESSAGE DUMB ASS’S!.”

  Then as far as in the “CHAMBER” in having anything to say before I go. Will just be “GOODBYE TO YOU” and thats it. As Jesus last words and thoughts were “IT IS FINNISHED” So be it, it will be too, with this “FINN” . . .

  And then to think if I’m right about “Star trek” “the theory” and all the “What if’s” to 2ND chances on the fallen angels. etc Sure wish I could send ya a kite and let ya know, sweet heart.

  Anyway——as I leave, I do hope Lyon Gear’s settlement winds up taken care of you guys but good. Ill always be wishing you the best on.

  Then – if you would – please let the rest of the family know that I’ll be wishing them the best in rearing them kids up. May the good lord bless em all!. Turning everything out for the future of the good . . .

  Anyway, I’m sorry to hear your Mom’s hurting so much., and can only wish her the best in death to the Lord . . . And – if you would – please tell her once more, why I could’nt write. There was just to much going on with the Waive off’s and then court. So – I’m really sorry” . . .

  And – With that – I’ll wrap er up here full of hugs. sis.

  Thank You for “ANYTHING” you ever done for me . . . Will Love ya forever for sticking with me the way ya did.” And so, until the next one, I’ll see ya then.

  Take Good Care, and I

  hope you always Keep

  Your head together. OK



  P.S. Another good Book Title: “Last Breath”


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . And so, now I’m in phase I waiting for phase II which then will be just a few days “before death” . . . Called then: “Death Watch”. When this comes, then theres Sargeants at the door 24-7. and very little in the cell then allowed. But right now, I’ve got writting paper, a pen, pants, sweatshirt, bed stuff, sink stuff, then the T.V. and headphones as I just hang out trying to relax and prepare for any of this soon to goose bump things up a bit. Then – to the chamber, and off I go – to the Wiz. While the witch on the broom – needs to fly acrost the world and spell out

  “TELL THE TRUTH – “COPS!.” “YOU DIRTY BASTARDS.” . . . along with the rest of the “SYSTEM Too!” . . .

  But I’m not going to go off in, anymore of this, knowing I just blow like a nuke . . . Yet – one thing is certain., there should of been 44 mill “spent on” an investigation against these cops . . . surely it would of proved “FACTUAL”. That I all along KNEW WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT. And all along, did have it on the head of the nail. I bet . . .

  Lastly to state on the subject, that to, “TERRORISE” human life that defends itself, no matter, how, what, or why, has really sent an insane message . . .

  So whose leaving “SANE” and [with] “THE BRAINS” [Me] . . .man. Fully “AWARE” to all of everythings thats gone on here . . .

  And thats how I feel about it and will certainly believe it all “PERIOD!.”

  [last page of letter missing]


  Dear Dawn,

  . . . And see here Linda Would like to be at Starke. While all I can say is – by all means, if she can afford it – then “GOOD!.” “WHY NOT!?.” We both know you could use support in this. So if she’s up to it “financially and emotionally” – then by all means . . .

  Then – after my death – I hope you guys party like crazy because I’ll be up there, for sure, sweetheart. “JUST HAVING A BALL” so – please – after the tears – have a blast – will ya . . .

  THANKS . . .

  Now – should we go back to the pits!. Smoke a dobbie. And swig up some Boone’s Farm before we head out racing around in a Barracuda, then jump off the rope for a swim.

  Which pit ya wanna meet at – the 1st or the 2nd one. (I believe the last one was still under construction back then).

  Today – I cant stand pot. . . . . buttttt to go back in time with ya, I’ve got a 5 finger bag and 3 bottles of wine. If ya need anymore to get off on – theres some cool dudes I know off of Rochester that might turn us on to something!. Or maybe I could cop out at the park. Feel like thumbin with me over there!?. It’ll be fun – even if there’s nothing out there. Dawn, come on – whatchya – say!?.

  So – off we traipse, as the music runs off car radio’s with the “Who” “Hendrix” “Joplin” “Zeplin” “Moody Blues” and others to the “story of “our” eyes.”

  ō what fun we had . . .

  Know to that I’ll be shootin pool (all over again) once I get up there!. And can you imagine the “concerts” I’ll be seeing – all those “hip artist” who died.

  Yeah – its gonna be “Awesome” up there, indeed. “NO DOUBT.” And boy I tell ya, lately I’ve been feeling a “REAL SENSE OF PEACE.” I mean, “BIG TIME” . . . like hundreds of invisible angels are present around me. Its a real Cooool feeling. Man. Love it.”

  And to think – they say when ya die – your entire life passes before you. Well – if so – I’ll be sure to stop when we were together as teens. Kickin out the jams and having a hell of a good time – then. To go back in time there, will just be “heaven” all over again for me – sis. So if I can, I’ll relive it – during the ride out. Should it be true.

  . . . And heres were I’ll close up for now., because I’ve got to catch up on some sleep. Like I told ya my energies – gone. So, I’ll see ya in a few days. OK. In the meantime I hope your doing real good, and, stay tough.

  Until the next Time,




  Dear Dawn,

  . . . I’ve decided to make Oct. 1st the day I’ll stop any further kite flying . . . I think it’ll be far more wiser – if we just held off and started “Relaxing” to prepare for the 9th. Get our nerves and thoughts, ready and clear for it. Beside the fact that I’d like to spend the last of these 9 days in God. “Royal” . . .

  If you need to send a message., just do so in a short kite, or a phone call to the Supt. . . .

  Now if you feel up to it, by all means, go ahead, but don’t expect an answer because I wont lift the pen to “Anyone.” Bottom Line . . . So hope you’ve agreed. If not. ō well.

  I also remember in my last letter I said I’d probably get 4 or 5 more out to ya. Well – Wrong – since there’s only a week left before Oct 1st. Then 1 or 2 more., to exspect. OK.

  And that Patty chick wrote again. I’m going to enclose her letter here in this kite. While surely anyone can read between the lines of this bitches intentions, whose definetly just after the money – off these cases. I cant believe the nerve of her, to actually state in the kite that she’s gonna let the world know the truth. Ō yeah!. And how ya – gonna do that, when I “NEVER” told ya any of it!. She’s recieved nothing from me !. All her info’s coming then from books. etc.... Unbelievable Ā .

  Then of all things – trying to obtain “a vist” . . . in time enough together to write this scri pt.213 “Crazy!.” Isnt it something how people with money, how crazy they act behind it!....

  As to a short kite recieved, and Nicks request in songs. Well these ought to fit for the cause Dawn. As they are:

  Sophia B. Hawkins———Now I lay me down to sleep

  Flight for fighting———Superman

  Creed——————With arms wide open.

  Time——————Allen Parson Project.

  The Log—�
�————Robert Plant of Led Zeplin

  Saline Dion——————The Titanic Song

  Train—————————Drops of Jupiter

  Then ask a D.J. at some radio station if they could request a good train sounding song. “For Rail Roading”. Would be perfect then for the symbolic of a purpose.

  . . . Hope your doing fine still up there, and I’ll see ya, up at Starke, just before the X. ō yeah, and let Nick know I’m requesting an interview. So if he’s up to it. So am I. Until next time then.




  P.S. Thought of a few more songs for., Nick.

  Rod Stewart———Forever young

  Bob Seager———Turn the Page

  Josh Grogan———To Where you are.


  Dear Dawn,

  Well – I’ve pretty much caught up to all thats been needed to be said. And so – now to you and our friendship shared these 11 years. So “Deeply” Appreciated.

  What a buddy! Cant believe you even wanted to Rebuild it back after news hit of what happened in 91. So I was———“Awestruck” But then when ya decided to help me through it all as well, that really blew me away then, royal . . . So – Dawn———from the bottom of my heart.., “THANK YOU” I’ll cherish it forever. And cant wait to see you in the next – someday. Boy am I ever gonna show ya around, to treat you the best for it, and all you helped me through in this mess “they” put me in. As jacky Gleason would put it “YOU’RE THE GREATEST,” And – “YOU ARE” So – THANK YOU BUDDY” – “SO MUCH.”

  And those kid days:

  I can see it all now, as if it were yesterday. When our friendship began as teens. There in our hip-look—that back then people called.,“freaks” And our butttts – traisping around having just a good ol’ time looking like one. With the attic of Case’s, and the parties he had. As well as some of the “pit” gatherings! So Wild and fun. Besides the bars. Pool rooms! Rochester theather . . . and the bowling alley. Not to forget Big Boy’s restruant! We had such a blast.


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