My Best Friend’s Ex: Make Her Mine-Book 4

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My Best Friend’s Ex: Make Her Mine-Book 4 Page 2

by Winter, Alexis

  Annoyance pumps through my chest at an alarming rate, and I can no longer stomach any food. I get up, toss the salad in the trash, and head for my room to throw on some clothes. I’m going to this party, and I’m going to talk to Danielle. I’m going to talk to Nick too and find out what in the hell is going on with him lately. I wouldn’t be surprised if he kicks my ass for putting my nose where it doesn’t belong, and I can’t say I’d blame him if he does. Maybe it’s what I need to get this shit off my mind.

  I pull up to Nick and Danielle’s apartment building twenty minutes later. I pay to park in the garage, so I don’t have to worry about my car being out on the street. I get in the elevator and hit the floor their penthouse is on. When the elevator opens, the party hits me full force; smoke, loud music, and the smell of alcohol all flood my senses and make me regret coming.



  When I leave work, I go straight home to find Nick playing a game of pool and drinking with a few of his buddies. I slam the door closed behind me—announcing my presence—and drop all my things onto the entryway table. I walk through the foyer and lean against the doorjamb to the game room.

  Nick is bent over the pool table, taking a shot. When he makes it, he stands and looks in my direction.

  “Hey, babe,” he says around a smile as he walks over to me. He leans in and brushes my lips with his. This isn’t the kind of kiss I’d expect from being apart for three weeks. This kiss is like a grandma kissing her beloved grandchild. “Are you ready for a party?”

  I cross my arms over my chest when he turns and walks away, back to the pool table. “No, I was hoping we could go out for a quiet dinner alone. You know, like we used to.”

  He laughs. “A quiet dinner?” His face scrunches, but even that isn’t enough to stop him from playing his precious pool game. I see at least two hundred bucks on the edge of the table. I don’t know why I’m surprised that they’re gambling on this game. I know Nick and money, and he’s not going to let anything keep him from winning, even if it is such a small amount in his eyes. “A party sounds like much more fun, don’t it, guys?” he asks, lining up his next shot.

  “Hell yeah, it does,” one guy says while the others cheer him on.

  I shake my head and walk away without another word. There’s no talking to him in this situation. In front of his friends, he’s always right. When there is money involved, it always comes before me, and when he’s drinking, there’s no point. Just give up because he never backs down.

  I go directly to the kitchen and pour a glass of wine. I don’t usually drink after work—I usually save my glass of wine for dinner—but I figure, in this case, I might as well get a buzz going in order to save myself a headache later when I’m sober and having to deal with everyone drunk and trashing my house, which I’ve spent so much time and money decorating.

  I take my glass of wine to the bedroom and close the door behind me. I set it on the dresser while I start pulling off my work clothes. I’m completely bare when the bedroom door opens and Nick walks in. His eyes double in size when he sees me standing completely naked.

  “There you are,” he says, pulling me against him, his lips landing on mine as he walks me backward.

  My eyes flutter closed, finally happy to get the attention I’ve been craving. His strong hands feel their way around my body, but all too soon, I hear him lowering the zipper on his pants. Our kiss is broken, and the next thing I know, I’m being flipped around and bent over in front of him. Without a word or a soft touch, he slides into me from behind.

  I suck in a huge breath when he pumps into me. Behind me, all I hear is his grunts and heavy breathing. It’s only minutes before he’s finishing with a loud groan. Apparently, he didn’t notice that I didn’t come.

  “Thanks, babe,” he says, smacking me on the ass when he pulls out and readjusts himself into his pants. “I’ve missed you.” He offers me a quick kiss, then he pulls away and leaves the room.

  Tears burn my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. I guess this is nobody’s fault but my own. I’m the one who allowed him to treat me this way. And for the life of me, I can’t figure out why. It wasn’t always this way, though. He’s gotten lost over the years and turned into someone I don’t even know anymore. I think it’s time we had a serious talk about our relationship to find out where we’re going and how to treat me right.

  I pick up my glass of wine and take it with me when I go into the bathroom to shower. I take more time than usual to shower, shave, fix my hair, and do my makeup. Hours later, I step out of the bedroom dressed in a tight party dress, makeup, and perfect hair. The apartment is already beginning to fill up, and Nick finds me.

  “There she is. Come over here and meet some of the friends I work with,” he says around a smile as he holds his arm out for me.

  I walk to his side, and he places his hand on my hip. “Danielle, this is Jordan, James, Peter, and Will. They work on Wall Street with me.” He says it with a smile as if nobody here knows he works on Wall Street, and it’s something that needs to be common knowledge at this point. The way his hand is resting on my hip is possessive, almost like he’s marking his territory.

  “It’s nice to meet you all,” I say, offering up a polite smile.

  They all jump to shake my hand, offer a friendly word, or downright check out my body. I turn to look back at Nick, and he’s smiling proudly. The whole situation makes me sick.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get myself a drink.” I slide between two of the men, walking away.

  I hear them start talking about me, laughing, and telling Nick how hot I am. I shake my head as I feel my skin crawl. What a bunch of jerks. They think they’re some kind of big shots. Like they can reach out and take whatever tickles their fancy—people included. Now it’s easy to see why Nick has changed so much and why I don’t like the person he’s transforming into.

  I walk into the kitchen and pour myself another glass of wine. The music starts blasting from the speakers, and when I walk back out into the living room, I see even more guests filing in. People are smoking cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. They’re passing around flasks, full of God knows what, and I catch a glimpse of a tiny baggie that holds two white pills.

  I roll my eyes and head out onto the patio. I place my glass on the concrete divider and lean against it as I look out over the darkening city. The sun is going down and causing the sky to become a mixture of blue, purple, orange, and yellow. Birds are flying high in the sky, and a slight breeze picks up, cooling my skin that’s burning with anger.

  Deep in my heart, I know I will never be truly happy until I leave Nick, but that’s such a big step. I wouldn’t even know what to say to him. And where would I go? This is his place. I’d end up having to find my own apartment, which isn’t bad, but I don’t have a ton of money stashed away either. I have some, but not enough to last long if I have to pay a deposit, first month’s rent, and basically start my life over again. Nothing in this apartment is mine other than my clothes. I admit, I picked out all the furniture and decorative items, but everything was bought with Nick’s money. He’s always insisted on spoiling me.

  If I were a different kind of woman, it’d be easy for me to stay and deal with his bullshit just for the money and insurance alone. But I’m not that woman. I won’t sacrifice my overall happiness for material things. I want to be in love, and I want the person I love to love me back. Why is that so much to ask for?

  I hear the door open behind me, the loud party filtering out for only a second before the door is pulled closed again.

  “There you are,” Nick says, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

  I look down, and in his hand is one of those small baggies with two pills in it.

  “Want to have some fun with me?” he asks.

  I spin around and look up at him with anger and confusion written all over my face. I’ve never been one to dabble in drugs, and last I knew, neither was he.

gotten into you, Nick?”

  He seems taken aback. “What do you mean?” he asks, his face pinched. He’s clearly offended.

  “When did this become you?” I motion toward him, the drugs, and the party.

  “I work my ass off, Danielle. I’m just trying to have a good time,” he spits out.

  I shake my head as I wrap my arms around myself. “No, you’ve been changing for a year now, and to be honest, I don’t like the person you’re becoming. I mean, before, you actually seemed to care for me. We’d go out on dates. We’d kiss, laugh, and make love.”

  “We still do those things?” he argues, holding his arms out at his sides. One hand is holding the drugs; the other is holding a scotch glass.

  “No, we don’t. We haven’t gone on a date in ages. And you bending me over and fucking me until you come is not making love. And when did you start using drugs?” I feel my eyes double in size and blaze with anger.

  He scoffs. “It’s just some Molly. It’s no big deal.”

  “Look, you go back inside and enjoy your party, but tomorrow, we’re sitting down and having a long talk about what it is we’re doing. I refuse to live my life with a stranger.” I turn my back to him, casting my eyes to the beautiful sunset.

  “Danielle,” he breathes out, but I don’t turn around. Eventually, I hear the door open and close, leaving me in silence once again.

  It takes me about an hour before I’m ready to head back into the house, but I can’t avoid it any longer. I have to use the bathroom, and if I’m going to be stuck on this patio any longer, I’m going to need a bottle of wine and a book.

  I slip into the apartment and head straight for my bedroom door. I twist the knob, but it’s locked, not allowing me inside. Nick must have locked it so nobody could go into our room. God forbid someone find his locked safe full of cash. I turn on my heels and go to the smaller bathroom down the hall. When I walk out, I get a fresh bottle of wine from the kitchen and my book that’s been knocked to the floor before retreating to the patio. The sun has fully gone down now, and there’s a chill in the air. I feel myself shiver but decide to curl myself up into a ball on the lounge chair. No way am I going back in there any time soon.

  I pour myself another glass of wine and open my book, reading from the light that shines out of the apartment window. I don’t know how long I’ve been reading, but I’m halfway through my book when the door slides open. I let out a deep sigh, thinking Nick is back to bother me some more. When I look up, I’m surprised to find Levi. His dark hair is styled to perfection in a respectable gentleman’s cut—short on the sides and back and longer on the top. He has a dark five o’clock shadow growing on his angular jaw that makes him look dark and sexy.

  He offers up a small smile before closing the door and sitting in the empty chair next to me.

  “I didn’t think you were coming,” I say, closing my book and taking a sip of wine.

  “I wasn’t planning on it.” He rests his elbows on his knees.

  “Then, why did you?”

  He nods toward the apartment. “Nick called. He said you two got into a fight. Thought I’d come by and check on you. You been out here long?”

  I nod. “Since the party started.” I rub my hand up and down my arm, hoping to warm it up so that the goosebumps go away. At this point, my whole body is numb.

  “Here, take my coat. You’re looking a little cold.” He shrugs out of his jacket and hands it to me.

  I take it without argument. “Thank you.” I pull the jacket on and zip it up, pulling my legs up under it as well. “I’m freezing, but I didn’t want to go back in there.

  He nods, his cool blue eyes focusing on mine. “It’s probably for the best. Things are getting a little crazy in there.”

  “What’s that mean?” I ask, starting to worry.

  “Oh, you know. Typical party stuff. What are you reading?” He stretches his neck like he’s trying to see the cover of the book.

  I turn it over so he can read it for himself.

  “Any good?”

  I shrug. “It’s an escape. I’d rather be anywhere but here.”

  “So, are you going to tell me what the fight was about, or do we need to have more idle chitchat?”

  I laugh at his bluntness. “It was about everything,” I breathe out. “About the person he’s turning into and how I don’t like it. He offered me drugs, Levi.”

  He nods. “That doesn’t surprise me. He’s changing, that’s for sure.”

  “I don’t know what else to do. I told him to enjoy his party tonight, but tomorrow, we’re having a serious talk about the future of this relationship. Maybe if I put myself out there, he’ll see he’s about to lose me. I’m hoping things will go back to the way they used to be.”



  She wants things to go back to how they used to be? Does she not know that Nick has always been a douche bag? He’s always cheated on her, but I guess she doesn’t know about that, and I can’t be the one to tell her.

  “Do you really think he’ll change, though? It seems to me like he’s having the time of his life.”

  She bites her lower lip. “That’s what I’m afraid of. I mean, what if he picks this new life over me?”

  “Would it really be that bad?” I ask, feeling like I’m crossing a line.

  “I have nothing, Levi. I don’t have much money saved. I don’t have a place to stay. Hell, I don’t have anything but clothes. How can I start over with nothing?” she asks, and I can see that cool exterior of hers start to crack. She looks sad and broken. Just looking at her like this breaks my heart. She’s too good to be treated this way.

  I take a deep breath and slowly release it. “Dani, I know we’re not close, but I wouldn’t let you be homeless. I have a spare room you can use until you can get back on your feet. If you decide to, that is,” I add on. I don’t want to convince her to leave Nick, but I don’t want her to have an excuse to stay and be treated like shit either.

  I stand up. “I’m going to go tell Nick, goodbye, and head home.”

  “Wait, your jacket,” she says, about to take off my coat.

  I hold up my hand. “Keep it. I think you’ll need it more than me tonight.”

  I open the door and step back into the loud apartment. I walk through the living room, looking for Nick. Just as I decide to say fuck it, the bedroom door opens, and he comes out with a half-naked woman behind him. I grab his arm and pull him into the quiet office.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I ask him, shutting the door behind us.

  “Hey, man. I’m glad you showed up.” He’s smiling wide. His eyes are red and bloodshot. It’s easy to tell he’s three sheets to the wind.

  “You’re fucking other women now in the bed you share with Danielle while she’s home?” I hold my arms up at my sides.

  He waves his hand through the air, dismissing my thoughts. “What’s it matter? She’s not going anywhere. Where’s she going to go?” His mouth is hanging open, but the corners are lifted into a grin.

  I shake my head. “You’re seriously turning into an asshole, man.”

  I go to step past him, but he places his hand on my chest. “Look, I’m sorry. Okay? I’m just…my head is all fucked up right now.”

  “What’s going on?” I ask, sliding my hands into my pockets.

  He walks around me, over to the drink cart, and pours a drink. Mildly staggering, he moves to sit at his desk.

  As I’m walking over, he places a small velvet box on top.

  “What’s this?” I ask, picking it up and opening it to find a rather large, pricy engagement ring. “You plan on proposing?”

  He nods. “Yeah, and my head is a fucking mess. I mean, I never wanted marriage.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. “Then why are you doing it?”

  “I have to do something to keep her. She has one foot out the door already,” he points out. “I’m sure if she had a place to go, she’d be gone already.”

“If you’re fucking other women, why do you even care if she leaves?” I close the box and set it back onto the desk as I fall into the seat across from him.

  “Me and Danielle, we’ve been together since freshman year of college. I owe her this. She’s put in her time, she’s been supportive, and I always promised that if she waited it out with me until I got this job, I’d take care of her. I’m just trying to keep my word.” He shakes his head, causing his blond hair to fall out of place.

  I don’t even know what to say.

  “Plus, she’s safe. I won’t have to worry about her taking me for everything I’m worth. She’ll be the perfect trophy wife to roll out in front of the board members.” He laughs.

  “So, you don’t plan on changing?” I ask.

  He laughs again. “Hell no. I’m having too much fun. I mean, it’s perfect, isn’t it? She’s the cherry on top of my perfect life sundae. Meanwhile, I’ll be in New York doing whatever the hell I want.” He smiles wide like he has it all figured out.

  I stand while shaking my head. “You’re a real asshole, man.” Without another word, I throw open the door and leave the office. Leave the party altogether.

  When Monday morning rolls around, I shower, dress, and head into the office. I feel angry and pissed off on Danielle’s behalf. More than anything, I need to avoid her today. I can’t tell her the things I want to tell her, and being with her and holding things back is basically a lie. Lying makes me no better than Nick. God, I fucking hate him for putting me in this position.

  As I’m walking up to the doors at work, I catch a glimpse of Danielle out of the corner of my eye. She’s back at that fountain, drinking a cup of coffee while reading. I wonder if they’ve talked. I wonder if he proposed yet. I know I should avoid her, but I have to know.


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