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My Best Friend’s Ex: Make Her Mine-Book 4

Page 4

by Winter, Alexis

  One thing is for certain: I can’t tell Nick. He’ll never forgive Levi for what happened, and I won’t be the reason their friendship ends. It wasn’t even his fault. He’s clearly been drinking. I can still taste the whiskey on my tongue. Levi has an excuse, but what’s mine?

  Sure, Levi is hot and sexy and sweet. He’s everything Nick’s not. Don’t get me wrong. Nick is good-looking with his short blond hair and green eyes. But Levi, Levi is undeniable. His dark hair and blue eyes are something women everywhere lust for. And he’s a good guy. He’s never bounced from one woman to the next. He’s always been a good friend to me. He’s gone out of his way to make sure I always have someone there to talk with or vent to.

  Then it hits me.

  The reason Levi has been acting so strange since the engagement. The reason he came out onto the balcony that night. The reason he kissed me. Levi likes me. He doesn’t want to see me hurt because he has a thing for me. And it’s clear he can’t do anything about it because Nick is his best friend.

  I let out a sigh. How have I not seen this before?

  I go straight home and place the tickets on the counter, so they don’t get misplaced, then I head for a shower. I need to rinse this day off of me. I have to forget it. I refuse to tell Nick about it, and I can’t let my guard down around Levi again. I need this all to go away.

  I spend the rest of the day in the house, trying to distract myself from the mistake I made today. It’s pushing ten o’clock when an idea hits me. Nick and I obviously can’t go out this late, but I could run out and get some things for when he gets home. I pull on some clothes, grab my purse, and leave the apartment.

  I walk down the street and get us some Chinese takeout, then hit the grocery store and grab all the fixings we’ll need to make ice cream sundaes. I smile as I pick up the whipped cream. This is something we could have fun with. I pay for the items and start my walk back to the building.

  Traffic starts to lighten up as I walk home, but the sidewalks are still crowded with walkers, joggers, and bike riders. When I get to the building, I see a black town car parked out front with blacked-out windows. It’s quickly rocking back and forth. I laugh, thinking someone in there must be having a good time, but then I see the back bumper. It has New York plates—something you don’t see a lot of around here.

  My stomach sinks and my heart starts to pound. Something tells me that if I open the car door, I know what I’ll see. Slowly, I walk up to it, hand reaching for the handle. I wrap my fingers around it and pull.

  I scream when I see Nick, pants around his knees while he drives into another woman. She screams, and he quickly looks up to find me standing in the open door. Tears flood my eyes as my hand drops the bags.

  “Danielle,” he says, pulling away from the girl and trying to get his pants back up in the small space. He stumbles out and reaches for me, but I pull away.

  “How could you?” I yell.

  “I’m sorry, baby. It’s not what it looks like.” His eyes have doubled in size, and his brows are arched high.

  “It’s not what it looks like?” I yell. “Then what the fuck is it, Nick? Because it looks like you’re fucking her a week after asking me to marry you! In front of our apartment!”

  “Let’s just go upstairs. Let’s talk this through, Danielle. I love you.” The words quickly leave his mouth.

  “You love me?” I spit out. “You love me?” I yell even louder as I rush forward, pushing him backward. “Everyone was right about you.” I pull the ring off my finger and throw it as hard as I can.

  He jumps to catch it, but he drops it, and it begins bouncing down the sidewalk, leaving him to chase after it.

  While he’s busy trying not to lose the ring, I turn and stomp away.



  I can’t fucking believe I kissed her. God, I’m such a fucking dumbass. She probably ran home and told Nick. He’s probably on his way over here right now to kick my ass. How in the hell could I fuck up like this?

  I grab my bottle of whiskey and take a long drink as I fall back onto the couch, completely pissed off at myself. How can I fix this? I guess I could tell her I’d been drinking and was just trying to prove my point. Tell her that I was wrong in kissing her and didn’t mean anything by it.

  I guess that’s all I can do. It’s not like I can confess my actual feelings for her and expect her to understand. Hell, she probably won’t even talk to me after that.

  My eyes close as a deep breath leaves my lungs. I didn’t mean to kiss her. I just couldn’t help myself. She was standing in front of me, looking stunningly beautiful. Her eyes kept taking me in, and her pink lips were parted like they were begging to be kissed. Just thinking about the kiss makes my body come to life. My mind remembers the kiss and takes it even further. What if I hadn’t pulled her hand away from my chest? Would she have removed my towel? If she would’ve, would she be here with me right now?

  A knock at the door breaks me away from my thoughts, and my heart starts to pound.

  “Yeah?” I yell, almost expecting to hear Nick on the other side.

  “It’s me,” Dani says quietly.

  I jump up and race to the door to find her standing on the other side, arms wrapped around herself, tears pooling in her eyes.

  “What happened? What’s wrong?” I take her hand and pull her inside.

  I close and lock the door behind us, then lead her over to the couch. She sits down, and I take the seat next to her. She reaches out and picks up my bottle of whiskey. She brings it to her lips and takes a long drink.

  “I caught Nick with another woman tonight,” she confesses.

  “What? Who?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t know who she was. He called me earlier and said he was held up at work and he wouldn’t be home until late. So I thought I’d run out and get dinner for us for when he made it home. When I walked back, there was a car out front with New York plates, and it was rocking from side to side. He always flies home, so it was weird to see NY plates, but deep in my gut, I just knew it was him inside. So I braced myself for the worst and opened the door. And there he was, pants pulled down, buried deep in a redhead.”

  I let out a breath. “Fuck, I’m so sorry, Dani.” I place my hand on her back and rub it up and down to soothe her.

  She tips the bottle back again. “I guess this is what I get. I mean, you were right. I should never have believed him. I shouldn’t have trusted him. Why would a ring change anything?” She inhales loudly. “Do you think he’s been cheating on me this whole time? All those nights alone in New York? All the times I called and it went to his voicemail? God, what about the party he threw at the house? Is it possible that while I was outside freezing my butt off, he was fucking another woman right under my nose?” Tears flood her eyes and spill over, flowing freely down her face.

  My mouth opens, but I can’t deny it. I won’t lie to her. Instead of saying anything, I just pull her in for a hug. She clings to me for dear life as she cries into my shirt.

  We sit this way for a good hour until she has nothing left to cry. When she pulls away, she runs her hand down the front of my wet shirt.

  “I’m so sorry. Look at your shirt. It’s covered in makeup and tears.” She laughs as she dries her eyes.

  “It’s alright,” I say, reaching down and pulling the shirt off as I toss it onto the floor. “See, all better,” I joke, causing her to giggle.

  She tips the bottle back and takes another swig and then hands it to me. I do the same. The room falls quiet, neither of us knowing what to say or do.

  “I just,” she starts, shaking her head clear. “I just don’t know what to do now. Where am I going to go?”

  “I told you. I have a spare room you can stay in for now.”

  She looks up at me from beneath her eyelids. “Will you come with me tomorrow to get my things? I’m scared he won’t let me leave.”

  I feel my face pinch. “Why would you think that?”

  “Tonight, he g
rabbed ahold of my wrist. He wanted me to go upstairs to talk, but I pulled away and then threw the engagement ring at him. He had no choice but to go chasing after it, so I took the opportunity and ran off.”

  I let out a deep breath. “I’ll go with you. Maybe he’ll feel better if he knows I’m watching over you.”

  “Thank you, Levi,” she says, throwing herself into my arms for a hug. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  I inhale the scent of her hair deeply. It washes over me, hot and heavy. It relaxes me but also stirs my emotions. I want her so fucking bad. Our kiss earlier was fucking magical. It made me feel things I haven’t felt in years.

  She pulls back, but not away. She looks into my eyes while her arms are still wrapped around my neck. She doesn’t say anything, though. Instead, she wets her lips as her face gets closer and closer to mine. I know I should stop this, but I’m weak. I can’t stop her or push her away. All I can do is stay still. Stay completely frozen, and wait.

  Her mouth finds mine, and it’s like an explosion goes off. A dam breaks inside of me, and I lose all control. I pull her closer as my tongue dances with hers. While my hands move up and down her back, she moves onto my lap, straddling me. Her weight pressing against my hard dick feels amazing, like something I’ve never felt before. It makes my entire body tingle and burn with anticipation.

  I move us so that she’s laying on her back across the couch, and her body is covered with mine. My hips have a mind of their own as they grind against her. Her nails scratch up my back as she silently begs me for more. Our mouths never stop moving as my hands find their way up to her chest. I gently squeeze, the action causing a current to shoot right to my dick, only pushing me to move faster before she can change her mind.

  Then it hits me. She’s hurt and drunk. Granted, I’m drunk too, but I know better. I need to stop this.

  I let my hand fall away as I slow our kiss. I savor the last few seconds before pulling away completely.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks, breathless.

  I shake my head. “I’m sorry, Dani, but we can’t do this.” I reach for the bottle and take another swig. “You’re drunk, and you’re hurting. I won’t take advantage of you.”

  Her mouth opens, and she sits back up at my side, taking the bottle from my hands, throwing back another gulp.

  “I’d argue with you, but I have a feeling there’d be no point, would there?”

  I laugh. “No.” I turn and look at her glassy eyes and reddened face. “You’re beautiful, and I’d love to be with you when the time is right. But that time isn’t right now. You need to process your feelings toward Nick, and you can’t do that drunk.” I snatch the bottle away from her again.

  She laughs. “Well, nobody said I had to process my feelings tonight, right?”

  I take a drink. “Right,” I say, handing it back to her.

  Hours go by, and we end up hanging out on the couch, passing the bottle back and forth, listening to music and talking.

  “Why haven’t you ever introduced Nick and me to any of the girls you date?” she asks.

  I turn my head and look at her. She’s breathtaking. She has her socks and shoes thrown onto the floor, her bare feet crossed at the ankles, and resting across my legs.

  I shrug. “I guess none of them ever felt like they were going to last. Figured, what’s the point of introducing them to my family and friends if I wasn’t even sure about them myself?”

  She presses her lips together. “Have there been a lot of them?”

  I laugh. “Not a lot, but several, I guess.”

  She doesn’t say anything, but already, I can tell she’s comparing me to Nick.

  “I’m not a player. I don’t find a girl, take her home, then kick her out and move on to the next. Actually, most of the women I date, I date for at least a month before I ever show her my place.”

  “Really?” she asks, all serious.

  Her confused expression makes me laugh. “Why is that hard to believe?”

  “In today’s world, a world where you can literally pick up your phone and find a hook-up with a few clicks, it’s rare to wait a month before having sex.”

  “I guess you’re right. But again, I’m not a player, and I’m not just looking for a hookup.”

  She pushes herself up, crossing her legs beneath her. “What are you looking for, Levi?”

  I take a deep breath as I think it over. “I guess what most people want: a person to love and marry, to start a family with. Someone who will always have my back. Someone who’s beautiful but not conceited. Someone who’s smart but not a know-it-all. Someone who works hard but can also cut loose and have fun. Just…someone to enjoy spending time with.”

  She offers up a small smile. “Why didn’t you ask me out in college?” She shakes her head as her smile starts to fade.

  “I was going to, but Nick beat me to it,” I confess.

  “Really?” her head pops up.

  “Yeah.” I nod, thinking about the day. “It was a cold winter night. There was a big basketball game and a party afterward. Nick and I went to the game, and while we were sitting in the crowd, I heard the most beautiful laugh. I turned to find the sound and saw you. You were sitting with another guy, and I don’t know what he was saying, but you found it downright hilarious. You threw your head back and laughed so loud that it made me laugh. You had these big tears rolling down your pink cheeks. Your hair was pulled into a high ponytail. I still remember what you had on. You were wearing your red, white, and blue Flames jersey, and you had little stars painted on your left cheek, right beside your eye. Nick, he saw me checking you out, and I could tell he was interested as well, but I was shy then. We went to the after-party, and we somehow got separated. When I went to find him, I found him talking to you.”

  She nods slowly, like she remembers the night. “I remember that. But I don’t remember you being there. Did we meet that night?”

  I shake my head. “No. When I saw Nick talking to you, I knew I didn’t have a chance. I tossed my beer into the trash and left. We didn’t meet until weeks later, and by that point, you and Nick were already committed.”

  “I wish you would’ve come up to me at that party,” she whispers, eyes downcast.

  “Me too, Dani. I’ve wished that every day for six years now.”

  I look over at her, and she looks up at me. There’s a long, drawn-out pause, and it feels like we’re being pulled together. I tilt my head to the left, and she tilts to the right as we slowly close the space between us. Before our lips can touch, her phone rings, shattering the silence, and we both pull away.

  She looks at the screen on her phone, then back to me. “It’s Nick,” she whispers.

  I nod her on. “Go on, answer it.”

  “I don’t know if I’m ready to talk to him yet. All he’s going to say is that he’s sorry, and to let him explain.”

  I laugh. “I don’t even know how you could explain that one.” It’d be one thing if they were just kissing, but fucking? What could he possibly say? He tripped, and it went in? Just thinking of any excuse he could possibly try makes me want to laugh.

  I sit and wait, watching as she watches the screen of her phone. Finally, it stops ringing.

  She looks up at me with hopeful eyes. “He stopped,” she says around a smile.

  I open my mouth, but my phone ringing cuts me off.

  I take a deep breath and pull it from my pocket to see Nick’s name flashing on the screen. I show it to her, and she lets out a sigh.

  “Go ahead. I shouldn’t have come here. What was I thinking? You two are best friends. I shouldn’t have involved you.” She stands up and starts pacing.

  “Dani, if you remember correctly, me and Nick, we haven’t been friends in a long time. Okay?” I ask with a raise of my brow.

  She nods.

  “Hello?” I answer. My eyes follow her as she goes to the bathroom.

  “Levi, man…I fucked up. I fucked up bad,” Nick says into the pho

  “Ugh, yeah. I know.” I run my hand through my hair, nerves becoming too much to handle.

  “She’s there?” he asks. “Of course she’s there. Where else would she go? Let me talk to her,” he demands.

  “I can’t do that, man. Not right now. She’s locked herself in the bathroom.” It’s not exactly a lie. She is in the bathroom, and I’m sure she probably locked the door behind her. I mean, who doesn’t?

  He lets out a long, drawn-out breath. “Can I come over and see her?”

  “Look, Nick,” I start, standing and pacing the floor. “I don’t know how I got brought in on this shit, but I don’t want to get kicked out of my apartment because you two are fighting. Just let her cool down tonight. She can crash in the guest bedroom, and I’ll bring her home tomorrow. Sound good?”

  “Yeah, that’s fine. I guess we could both use the time to think. And if she’s with you, at least I know where she’s at and that she’s safe.”

  “Alright, man. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I hang up the phone without another word.

  I feel bad for needing to spin the truth the way I did, but I tell myself not to be. Nick brought this mess upon himself. I’m not the one cheating on my girlfriend. I do feel a little guilty about our kisses, though. He’s supposed to be my best friend. There’s a code we’re supposed to abide by, and I’m breaking it. Guys aren’t supposed to date their friends’ exes.

  I have a feeling that even if Nick accepts this break-up and moves on; if he found out about Dani and me down the road, he’d still be pissed. That’s just how Nick is. Once something is his, it’s always his, and nobody else can have it. I learned that lesson back in college when he got a new laptop and wouldn’t let me buy his old one. He put it in his desk and never touched it again, despite knowing I couldn’t afford a new one. It sat in his desk until the school year ended. When we packed up our dorm room, he tossed it into a box and ended up breaking it when he couldn’t get the box to fit into the trunk of his car.


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