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My Best Friend’s Ex: Make Her Mine-Book 4

Page 7

by Winter, Alexis

  I lean back in my seat and let his words sink in. I know he’s right. Nick fucked me over. He doesn’t get a say in what I do or who I’m with. But if that’s the case, why do I feel so guilty? I realize I probably shouldn’t have jumped into the sack with Levi so quickly. I mean, it was perfect and something I hope we do time and time again. But it has complicated my thoughts. I should have allowed myself time to heal before starting something with him. I don’t regret it; I just wish I would’ve waited and gone into this with a clear head.

  Neither of us talks during the rest of the drive. I’m too lost in my overthinking, and Levi seems content, just driving. Maybe he’s working through his thoughts too. I can’t do anything but watch him from the corner of my eye. The way the sun hits his dark hair, it lights up all the caramel and red stands. His angular jaw is flexed, and his blue eyes focus intently on the road. He keeps one hand on the top of the steering wheel, and the other rests on his lap. Every now and then, he’ll run his palm down the front of his shorts, like he’s trying to wipe off the sweat. Levi is always so cool, calm, and collected. I wonder if being here with me is making him nervous or anxious. I want to laugh at that thought. I’m pretty sure any anxiousness was released less than an hour ago. There shouldn’t be more awkward encounters between us now that we’ve seen everything the other has to offer.

  Thinking back to our romp, my stomach tightens again. I can’t get it off my mind. I turn my head to look out the passenger window and feel my face heat up as I picture his hard, toned muscles when they flex with his every move. I can smell his deep rich scent. I can still taste his lips and feel how soft they were against mine. I don’t know how, but those soft lips can also feel hard and strong. He’s so different from what I’m used to. Everything about him is a mystery and a turn on all at the same time.

  And that confuses me more since I’ve known him for years. Have I always had these feelings for him, or is this something new? I’ve definitely always been attracted to him. In fact, back in college, I was smitten with Nick…and then, he introduced me to Levi. I remember telling myself I wasn’t the kind of girl who went out with one guy and then bounced over to his best friend. But if I hadn’t told myself, that’s exactly what I wanted to do. It’s now clear to see that I made the wrong choice. It’s funny how trying to be good ended up so bad, and now being bad feels so good.

  I shake my head at myself. There’s clearly something wrong with me.

  I don’t know how long we’ve driven when he pulls into a parking lot that’s surrounded by trees. He shuts off the car.

  “We’re here.” He pulls off his seatbelt and opens his door.

  I climb out, looking around us. “We’re where exactly?”

  He laughs and starts stretching. “My favorite place. Come on. Don’t forget your water. You’re going to need it.” He starts heading toward a small dirt trail that’s surrounded by green trees.

  I follow along behind him, a little nervous. The trail is narrow for what feels like forever. There’s only enough room to walk in a single file. Finally, the trail begins to widen out, and I don’t feel so cramped. Birds fly around overhead, and the bright sunlight shines between the tree branches.

  There are big rock formations, fallen trees, and wildlife. I see bunnies, birds, and squirrels. There’s even a slight breeze that feels heavenly to my overheated skin. My legs burn from the uneven terrain, and my lungs are working double time, trying to get in enough oxygen. But Levi, he looks happy and content. He keeps going, wiping the sweat off his brow now and then, but he never complains of being hot, tired, or sore. He’s a machine that never seems to stop. I can think of a few more ways in which he never stops, but I quickly put an end to that kind of thinking when I feel desire wash over me.

  Watching him is mystifying. The way his muscles tense and move, the way his jaw flexes and his eyes squint against the sun, the way his sweat beads up and rolls down every ripple of his muscles, it all causes a tingle to form in the pit of my stomach. My face grows hot, and I find myself breathless.

  I have no choice but to lean my shoulder against a tree and take a long drink of water, hoping to cool my overheating body. Levi soon realizes I’m not next to him, and he turns around with a grin. His eyes focus on mine. My feelings must be written on my face because he clearly reads me. He reaches down and yanks his shirt from his body, dropping it onto the forest floor as he walks closer.



  When I notice she isn’t beside me, I turn around and find her breathless against a tree. She takes a big gulp of water, causing her lips to look red and swollen. They glisten as they part with her heavy breathing. Her chocolatey eyes darken and sparkle with the sun shining against them. She’s so fucking breathtaking. I can’t keep my eyes off her chest that’s rising and falling quickly from her heavy breathing.

  I yank off my shirt and toss it on the ground as I make my way toward her. I know we’re not a couple, we’re not together, but I don’t care. I need to kiss her, touch her, and taste her. Her eyes take me in, and she grins in approval. Before I can close the distance between us, her fingers are wrapping around the hem of her shirt as she yanks it off, leaving her in a gray sports bra that’s drenched with sweat.

  I step up to her, her eyes locked with mine. For a moment, neither of us move as we gaze into each other's eyes. Something is being exchanged: friendship, trust, passion. We don’t have to tell the other what it is we both want because we already know.

  I move in for a kiss, and she wraps her arms around my neck in the same instant, pulling me closer. She jumps into my arms, and I press her back against a tree as she wraps her thighs around my hips.

  Her hand moves up, threading her fingers into my hair as she gently pulls it. Our mouths are in a rush to give, to take what we both need. She moans against my mouth, and I break our kiss.

  “Tell me what you need, Dani.” I move my mouth to her jaw, peppering it with kisses.

  “I need you, Levi,” she pleads.

  “Come on,” I say, setting her on her feet as I take her hand and pull her behind me.

  “Where are we going?” she asks, still out of breath from our kiss.

  “Off the trail,” I reply, stomping through dried leaves and sticks.

  I turn and look over my shoulder in all directions, making sure we’re deep enough in the woods so we won’t be seen. When I find a big tree to lean against, I pull her to my chest, lips landing on hers. I back her up as I work her yoga pants down her hips. When I have them low enough, I pull away and spin her around. Her hands fly up to land on the tree in front of her. I hastily free myself from my shorts and slide deep inside her. The moment our bodies join together, she lets out a deep sigh, and her head rolls back.

  I keep my hands on her hips, pulling her into my thrusts as I pound into her. Her breathing is quickening, her moans and whimpers are growing louder, and her muscles are beginning to twitch around my dick. I feel the ripples of her release wash over her just as she lets her head dip back with her mouth open.

  Taking one hand, I place it on her jaw and turn her head for a kiss while I push myself over the edge. My release rises and bubbles over the surface, making my head spin. When I’ve been drained of every last drop, I lean against her to catch my breath. I press a kiss to the back of her shoulder as I pull out of her.

  We both fix our clothing, and she spins around to face me. Her cheeks are flushed, her lips are parted, and her eyes are shining.

  I laugh and kiss her again. “I don’t know why I can’t control myself around you,” I mumble against her lips as I rest my forehead against hers.

  “I don’t know either, but I’m glad,” she says, pressing one last quick kiss to my mouth.

  On our drive home, we pass through a little town where we decide to stop in to grab some dinner. Neither of us wants the chance of running into Nick back home, and we don’t want to feel like we’re hiding by staying indoors either. I park the car and climb out to pull my shirt back on. I le
ad her inside the little diner, and we sit in the back booth. Moments later, a waitress comes over and places two menus in front of us.

  “Good evening. Do you know what you’d like to drink?” she asks, smiling at me.

  “I’ll just take a glass of water with lemon,” I order.

  “I’d like unsweetened tea, no lemon,” Dani orders.

  The waitress walks away, giving us time to look over the menu.

  “I’ve never gone hiking before,” Dani says, pulling my attention back to her.

  “Really?” I ask, tearing my eyes from the menu and looking up at her.

  She nods. “And I’ve never had sex in the woods before either,” she says around a smile.

  I laugh. “Well, I hope it was memorable.”

  Her cheeks redden. “I don’t think I’ll forget it any time soon.”

  “You know, we should go camping. Sleep in a tent, cook over a fire, take a naked swim at midnight.”

  She giggles. “That’s something else I’ve never done. I was raised in the city, and Nick was too. We never really did anything outdoors.”

  I scoff. “You haven’t lived until you’ve slept under the stars.”

  She smiles, and it makes my heart race. “Okay, let’s do it sometime.”

  “You two ready to order?” the waitress asks when she places our drinks down.

  “I think I’ll just take a salad and the vegetable soup,” I order. “There’s no meat in the soup, correct?”

  The waitress nods. “That’s right.” She looks at Dani. “And for you?”

  Dani’s eyes flash up to me and back to her menu. “Um, I think I’ll take an order of fries and a grilled cheese.”

  The waitress nods, picks up our menus, and leaves us alone.

  “Are you a vegetarian?” she asks, pulling her brows together.

  I nod. “Yeah, for several years now.”

  “How did I not know that?” Her mouth is hanging open, causing me to laugh.

  “It’s not something I ever really talk about. I tried vegan for a while, but it turns out I really love cheese.”

  “Don’t they have vegan cheese, though?”

  “Have you ever tried cheese that isn’t cheese?” I ask, quirking an eyebrow.

  She laughs and shakes her head.

  “It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t the same. I need the real thing.”

  “I’m afraid I’d fall over if I didn’t get protein.” She picks up her glass and takes a swig of her tea.

  “You get used to it. It really helps me to stay lean. About a year ago, I thought I wanted a steak. So I ate this huge steak, and it was delicious. However, it wasn’t great puking it up an hour later. My body just felt so heavy and gross. I haven’t eaten meat since.”

  “Hmmm, maybe I should try it sometime.”

  Moments later, our food is placed in front of us, and we both focus on eating so we can hit the road again.

  We make it back home, and we’re laughing and talking on our way up to the apartment. When we step off the elevator, the sound of knocking fills our ears.

  “Damnit, Danielle. Open the door,” someone says, and it sounds like Nick.

  Dani freezes and looks at me with wide eyes. She shakes her head. “I don’t want to see him,” she whispers.

  I nod. “Go hide in the stairwell. I’ll come to get you when I get rid of him.”

  She nods and runs down the hall in the opposite direction of the apartment. With a deep breath, I push myself forward, rounding the corner and coming to a sudden stop when I run into him.

  “Hey, man. What’s up?”

  He turns toward me, anger painting his face. “She won’t let me in.”

  “That’s cuz she’s not here. What’s going on?” I put the key into the lock and open the door.

  He follows me in. “Where’s she at?” he asks.

  I shrug as I toss my keys down on the table. “How am I supposed to know? I don’t babysit her. She’s free to come and go as she pleases.”

  He collapses onto the couch. “You mind if I sit here and wait for her to come home? I need to talk to her.”

  “Actually, I was going to get a shower and head out. I have a few things to do.”

  “So? You know I’m not going to steal your shit,” he spits out.

  I stand up. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not going to let her walk in to you being here. She doesn’t want to see you, especially after the other day.”

  “That was an accident.” He stands and holds his arms out at his sides.

  “It was an accident to choke her?”

  “Man, fuck you. You don’t understand. You didn’t hear what she said to me.”

  I walk to the door and open it. “It doesn’t matter what she said. That doesn’t give you an excuse to touch her like that.” I shake my head. “I don’t even know who you are anymore.” I nod toward the door.

  He puffs his chest out but walks toward me and the door. “You don’t know who I am?” He scoffs. “I don’t know who you are. You’re supposed to be on my side. You’re my friend, remember?”

  “You’re making it really hard to be your friend, Nick.” Without another word, I shut the door in his face.

  I lean in and look out the peephole, watching as he hangs his head and walks toward the elevator. I hear it ding, and I open my door, walking down the hallway and peeking around the corner to see the doors close with him inside. I run down the hallway and open the door to the stairwell.

  “Is he gone?” Dani asks.

  I nod and hold the door open for her. “He’s gone. Come on. Let’s go relax.”

  I follow her back to the apartment and lock the door behind us.

  She collapses onto the couch, and I do the same, pulling her feet into my lap. I take off her shoes and then her socks, massaging her feet while she covers her eyes with her forearm.

  “My bathroom has a jacuzzi tub. Want a bath?” I ask.

  She lifts her arm and peeks at me from beneath it. “That sounds amazing.”

  “Come on,” I say, sliding out from under her feet and holding my hand out.

  I take her into my bathroom, and while I fill the tub with hot water and essential oils, she strips out of her clothes. While the tub finishes filling up, I rip off my shirt and move up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist as she looks at herself in the mirror.

  “You’re beautiful,” I whisper, kissing her neck gently.

  She cracks a smile. “I just wish I understood him.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, releasing her so I can remove the rest of my clothes.

  She turns to face me as she leans against the countertop. “I mean, why is he even bothering with me? He clearly has girls at his disposal. Why does he want me?”

  I shrug one shoulder as I take her hand and pull her to the tub. We both sink into the hot water—facing one another. I push the button, and the jets start.

  “I think he’s just having trouble letting go. I mean, he’s had control over you for years, and now, suddenly, that control is gone.”

  “He doesn’t love me.” She shakes her head.

  “No,” I agree. “But he loved knowing you were at home, being faithful, and waiting on him. I think he was only willing to marry you to trap you into that life forever.”

  She takes a deep breath and turns around so she can lean her back against my chest. I wrap my arms around her.

  “Do you think he’ll ever give up?”

  “Eventually,” I whisper into her hair.

  The bath does exactly what I hoped it would. It eases our sore, tired muscles. It helps us to relax and relieves all our stress and anxiety. When we climb out, I pick her up against me and carry her to my bed. We curl up together and drift off to sleep, holding one another.



  I walk into Levi’s apartment and drop my things onto the couch. When I walk into the kitchen, music is softly playing. The table is set with two burning candles and wine glasses. I can’t hold back m
y smile when I see it.

  “Do you like it?” Levi says from behind me.

  I spin around and find him dressed in a nice suit. I rush up to him, pulling him against me. “I love it,” I say, leaning in and kissing him.

  Like so many of our kisses do, it leads to him pushing up my skirt and sliding between my parted thighs. I’m leaning back on the counter while he stands on the floor, pumping into me.

  “I knew I couldn’t trust you with her,” someone says, breaking the moment between us.

  I look up and find Nick standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

  Fuck. I forgot to lock the door when I came in.

  Levi pulls out of me, and I quickly fix my skirt as I hop down.

  “You’re supposed to be my best friend!” Nick yells, walking toward Levi. “And now you’re fucking my fiancée?”

  “She’s not your fiancée,” Levi points out. “You fucked that up, remember?”

  Nick jumps toward Levi, taking him down to the hard tiled floor. I hear the air leave his lungs from the hard hit.

  “Nick, stop!” I yell, rushing toward them, but he throws his arm behind him, pushing me down. I stumble and fall to the floor.

  Levi’s eyes land on mine and they’re full of pain and anger from seeing me fall. He uses that anger to fight back against Nick. He shoves his hand against his chest hard, knocking him off of him. Levi gets to his feet and rushes toward me, helping me up. But Nick isn’t giving up.

  “How could you two do this to me?” he asks, pushing his greasy blond hair out of his face.


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