Our Forever

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Our Forever Page 11

by Elena Matthews


  I laugh. “Well, you have a lot of work on your hands,” I say humorously. “Shouldn’t you get moving if you want to make it here for the better part of this afternoon?”

  “Yes, I’m going. I’ll see you in a few. God, I’ve missed you, Blondie. I can’t wait to see that face of yours in the flesh.”

  “Call me when you’re almost here.”

  “Will do! Now, where did I put those hooker shoes and leather hot pants?”

  Those are the last words I hear her say before she disconnects the call with a laugh.

  Ha, she’s hilarious. Not.

  Kaelyn got into Austin a little later than expected, what with the bad traffic, and then completely missed the exit. It wasn’t until she saw the sign for San Marcos that she realized she’d gone too far. It took her almost six hours to get here, but eventually, she made it. She looked a little wiped after the long car journey, but it was amazing to see a familiar face.

  Once I lost the ability to breathe from the death grip of her embrace, she soon made herself busy, and for the past two hours, I’ve been her primping doll. I’m now shaved bare—everywhere—my nails have been painted with a simple black nail polish, and my hair has been flawlessly styled with a hair dryer alone.

  Kaelyn positions me in front of the full-length mirror, and I blink with surprise as I start from the bottom and work my way up. I’m wearing a tight pair of faded skinny jeans and a black open-shoulder top that sexily displays the tops of my arms and the perfect amount of cleavage.

  My makeup is flawless, keeping with the natural look—light on the eye shadow with minimal pink blush and a touch of clear lip gloss over my lips. Finally, I take in the loose blonde waves of hair falling down below my shoulders, and when I’m convinced it’s not me, I have to force myself to do a double take.

  A confident smile touches my lips when, a few seconds later, I accept that the girl standing in front of me is, in fact, me. It’s been a long time since I’ve taken a hard look at myself in the mirror, and for the first time in what seems like forever, I feel sexy.

  “You are going to blow that boy’s mind when he sees you,” comes Kaelyn’s complimentary response from behind me as she’s standing in only a robe, yet to get ready for tonight.

  “You think?” I ask with a bite of my lip, my insides clenching at the prospect of his burning stare.

  “Hell yes, and don’t forget about these killer heels.” She hands me a pair of peep-toe stiletto ankle boots that have a zip detail on the instep, giving them a sexy rock edge.

  I warily eye the stilettos. The minute I put my Converse-preferred feet in those boots, I’m convinced that I’ll fall flat on my face. She must sense my reluctance, and with a roll of the eyes, she gets down on her knees and physically starts placing the shoes on my feet.

  I chuckle under my breath as she slides the second boot on my foot. “You’re a little too female to be my Prince Charming.”

  When she stands, I uneasily wobble a little on my feet at the sudden six-inch difference in height.

  She gives me a dazzling smile. “You’d be lucky to have me as your Prince Charming. I’m a tender lover.”

  I almost choke at her use of tender. I was her roommate for four years during college, and the noises that used to emanate from her room were anything but tender. I give her a stare that says, Bullshit, and she laughs as she steps toward my dressing table and takes ahold of the hair straightener.

  “Okay, so maybe tender isn’t the right word. Still, I would rock your world, and if I were a guy, I’d be a whopping nine-incher for sure.”

  She makes an L shape with her thumb and index finger and winks. She does have pretty large hands. I compare my size with hers and burst out laughing when I come up short with my petite hand.

  “It’s okay, Jo,” she soothes mockingly as she begins to style a chunk of her hair. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Just be glad you have a pussy and not a three-inch dick.”

  My laughter erupts again, and I shake my head with disbelief at the audacity of her words. She has no filter.

  “God, there is just no controlling what you say. I’m almost afraid of what shit you’ll say to Drew. I should have warned him.”

  “You love my filthy mouth.”

  I take a seat on the ottoman, crossing my legs with a bemused grin. “Well, can that filthy mouth multitask, so we can make it in time for Drew’s set?”

  “This filthy mouth can most certainly multitask,” she says with a glint in her eyes.

  Why does everything that comes out of her mouth sound like it’s an innuendo?

  “Get ready!” I shout with humor, tempted to throw a cushion at her head.

  “Okay, okay, I’m getting ready.”

  As I sit and wait for Kaelyn to finish getting ready, I have to fight against the strange exhilaration I feel bustling inside my stomach at the thought of seeing Drew.

  When twenty more minutes pass and Kaelyn still isn’t ready, I head into the living room to call Drew’s sister, Rachel, and check on how Junior is doing at his first sleepover. I dropped him off earlier this afternoon, and to say he was excited would be an understatement. She tells me he’s being the perfect little houseguest, and he and Mason are having a Harry Potter marathon, currently watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

  Satisfied that my boy is in great hands, I say my good-byes, and just as I end the call, Kaelyn finally strolls in, looking all kinds of beautiful. Her makeup is on point with perfectly contoured cheekbones, smoky dark eyes, and luscious red lips. She’s dressed in tight-fitted jeans, an embellished gold cami top, and black gladiator-style heeled sandals.

  “I love you, and you look gorgeous, as usual, but Jesus, I forgot how long it takes you to get ready. I just hope the man you marry has a hobby; that’s all I’m going to say.”

  “Grouchy much?” she questions with a sly smile, her hand resting on her hip.

  “Are you ready?” I demand, ignoring her previous comment.

  “Yes, let’s go meet the infamous Drew, whom you’re madly in love with.”

  She winks, and with an infuriated shove, I all but push her ass out the door.

  We enter Molly’s, and while Kaelyn takes in her surroundings of the club—which upon first glance has a Tric from One Tree Hill kind of vibe with the brick interior walls and slick bar design—my eyes immediately begin to seek out Drew through the sensual purple lighting in the room.

  He told me he’d be heading onstage around half past nine, and since it’s only just turned nine, I assume he’s still in the bar area. It sounds ridiculous, but I can feel his energy nearby, humming along with the music. However, it takes several swipes of my eyes among the jam-packed club before I finally spot him standing at the bar, laughing with a few other guys.

  All my senses become heightened, and instead of walking toward him, I find myself glued to the spot, unable to take my eyes off of him. He’s breathtakingly beautiful. My eyes take in his glimmering blue eyes that are crinkled with happiness as he continues to laugh, the striking godlike bone structure, and the hint of stubble that sexily enhances his features. I lower my gaze and greedily take in the shape of his broad shoulders and the defined outline of his hard chest through his navy T-shirt before intently following every line, curve, and pattern of his tattooed-covered arms.

  Once I’ve taken in every ounce of him, including the ass-hugging jeans that hang low on his hips, my eyes follow the bottle of beer in his hand as he lifts it to his mouth. He takes a sip, and his throat sexily constricts when he swallows. He leisurely turns in my direction, and the bottle pauses against his lips the instant his eyes fall on me. The bottle falls from his mouth, and my insides tremble at the intensity of his stare as he looks me up and down with appreciation.

  I feel the brush of Kaelyn’s arm against mine as she inches closer to me.

  “Holy shit, please tell me that guy who looks like he’s about ready to eat you up is Drew?” she asks with a shameless to
ne to her voice.

  With my eyes solely on him, I give out a jittery breath as I answer her, “Yeah, that’s Drew.”

  Another, “Holy shit,” leaves her mouth, and I can’t keep the breath of laughter from my lips at her reaction.

  “How the hell have you resisted kissing him for this long? I would have jumped his bones at hello.”

  I quickly glance in her direction with a sheepish smile, and she’s on to me immediately.

  “When?” she questioningly shrieks down my ear.

  “Does it matter?” I hiss as I notice Drew making his way toward us.

  His eyes never once break the connection from mine, and every step closer he gets, my heart picks up speed.

  “Yes, it matters,” she hisses back. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “It kind of just happened.” I shrug, as if it’s not a big deal, but the adrenaline burning through my body at the sheer memory of his kiss—both times—tells me otherwise.

  Unfortunately for me, Kaelyn sees right through me.

  “Hmm, whatever you say, you little minx,” she says with a suggestive smile. Just as Drew is a couple of steps away, she takes ahold of my arm in an almost death grip and whispers, “I want every single detail when we get back to the apartment.”

  She pulls away just as Drew finally steps in front of us, and his stare up close is even more mesmerizing.

  “Hi, sugar.”

  Those two simple husky-filled words make me want to combust on the spot.

  “Hi,” I say in a sweet, seductive voice, smiling.

  He steps even closer, and it feels as if someone has turned the thermostat up in the club as the increased temperature fills my body, my breathing unsteady. He lifts his hand, and the roughness of his thumb caresses the bare skin of my shoulder, thanks to the open-shoulder top I’m wearing. I erupt in overwhelming lust-filled chills, and I can’t prevent the gasp that leaves my lips at the impact of his touch.

  “You look beautiful, Jo.”

  My chest constricts as his eyes drop down to my cleavage, and my nipples pebble uncomfortably against my bra. He slowly returns his gaze back to mine, and I lose myself in his hypnotic stare as he seamlessly drags me in with the crystal-clear blue hue of his eyes.

  The sound of Kaelyn clearing her throat brings me out of my daze. I blush, taking a much-needed step back, and for the first time in a full minute, I’m able to take a comfortable breath.

  Drew finally acknowledges Kaelyn beside me, and he gives her a charming smile. “You must be Kaelyn. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  She eyes me with a subtle smirk before returning his smile. “And you must be the infamous Drew. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Infamous, huh?” Drew raises his brow, regarding me with humor.

  I respond with a tight smile, hating Kaelyn right now.

  “Infamous with a capital I. It seems you’ve turned my girl’s world upside down,” Kaelyn says with a shit-eating grin.

  I stare daggers at her, and I have the urge to slam my six-inch stiletto heel against the instep of her foot.

  Drew laughs as he pins his sultry gaze on me before returning his attention back to Kaelyn. “I like you already.”

  His eyes slide to me, and I have to refrain from rolling my eyes at the amusement I see flitting across his face. He chuckles under his breath before smoothing his face out.

  “Let me introduce you to some of my buddies.” He guides us toward the group of guys he was with.

  I’m breathless yet again the moment he slips his hand into mine. My skin tingles at the feel of his fingers entwined with mine, and I love the way they feel, strong and protective. I smile when we finally approach Drew’s friends, and I can’t miss the way his grip on my hand tightens, especially when four sets of eyes leer at me as if I’m fresh meat.

  I’m a little uncomfortable with the attention, but I breathe out a laugh as I hear Kaelyn beside me mutter, “Hot damn.”

  I’ve no idea who she’s caught her sights on, but knowing her, it’s probably all four. I glance up at Drew and notice the menacing stare he’s throwing at his friends, and I have to say, seeing this alpha male side to him is incredibly sexy. I’m almost panting when he looks down at me, and I’m positive he can see the flare in my eyes, the one look that shows him just how turned on I am right now.

  He gradually lets go of my hand, only to trail his thumb along the softness of my arm. “Jo, Kaelyn, meet the guys who I unfortunately call my friends.”

  They groan at his insult, but with the playfulness in their eyes, I know it’s good-natured.

  He goes from left to right, pointing at each friend. “This is Max, Logan, Teddy, and Austin.”

  “Hey, it’s nice to meet you guys,” I say with a smile.

  Kaelyn steps closer to the blond who spookily looks like Chad Michael Murray. “Is Teddy a nickname, or did your parents have an obsession with stuffed bears when you were born?” she asks him in a sultry voice.

  I now know exactly who she’s set her sights on.

  He gives her an almost panty-dropping smile before answering, “It’s short for Theodore, but I prefer Teddy.”

  Her brown eyes fill with indescribable lust, and in an instant, I know that I’ll be having a second houseguest later on tonight.

  “I kinda like Theodore. It’s sexy,” she says with a tilt of her head.

  She bats her eyes while I roll mine.

  She’s insatiable.

  Allowing Kaelyn to get her flirt on, I step toward the bar to get us each a drink when a shiver runs down my spine at the feel of Drew stepping behind me. My fingers instinctively curl tighter around my clutch as he presses his chest up against my back.

  His hands rest firmly on my hips, a touch that burns through the denim of my jeans. “I’ll get these. What are you having?”

  I glance over my shoulder, smiling. “I’ll have a chardonnay, and Kaelyn will drink anything that’s fruity.”

  “Chardonnay and something fruity, coming right up.” He flags a bartender in a matter of seconds and orders our drinks.

  While we’re waiting for our drinks, every nerve in my body is shot to hell when Drew presses his lips to my ear and says, “You look breathtakingly hot tonight, sugar. I have a feeling I’ll be fighting the advances of every guy in this club.”

  It’s been a long time since I’ve felt irresistible, and his words do just that.

  “You have no idea of the images I have playing in my head right now. You’re highly distracting. I don’t know how I’m supposed to play a forty-five minute gig, knowing your sexy ass is in the audience.”

  The bartender places a chilled glass of wine in front of me, and I immediately pick it up and take a much-needed chug. As the alcohol begins its pursuit in my bloodstream, I turn to face him and gaze into his hungry eyes.

  A feeling of boldness overcomes me, and I find myself saying, “Would it help if you pictured me naked?”

  His already starving eyes grow wider, and his nostrils flare with the impact of my question.

  “That’s a technique used for nerves, not distraction, and hell no. I’m now picturing you naked, wearing only your heels.” He winks, instigating a throaty laugh to expel from my lips. “You’re a bad girl for corrupting my mind even more. If this were a date, I’d be spanking your ass.”

  I smile courageously at the question I feel on the tip of my lips. “What if I said this was a date?”

  His smile is filled with intrigue, his eyes dark with lust. He places his hands back on my hips and pulls me toward him. “Well…I’d smooth my hands over your ass, like this.”

  I tremble against his touch as he gently slides his hands over my ass. At this point, I’ve forgotten where we are because, right now, through the heat and the lust, it feels as if it’s just the two of us.

  “Then, I would spank you, like this.” He gives a light tap against my ass before giving me a second tap—this time, with a little force behind it.

  I gasp just as the barte
nder sets down a strawberry cosmopolitan along with a bottle of beer, breaking me out of my haze. Drew laughs as he hands the bartender a fifty-dollar bill, and I step out of his hold while he grabs the two other drinks.

  By the time we’ve joined Kaelyn and Drew’s friends, which is only a few steps away, I’m so wired with five years’ worth of sexual frustration that I’m already more than halfway through my wine. If he keeps touching me like that, there is a high possibility that this wine will turn into ten more.

  The instant Drew appears onstage, my eyes soak up every inch of him. He commands the stage like he owns it, capturing the attention of every single person in here. I find myself mesmerized the instant his fingers strum the guitar. Then, I become consumed by the very essence of him when he briefly closes his eyes, and the flawless words of “A Change Is Gonna Come” by Sam Cooke huskily rasps from his mouth. It’s as if singing is as natural to him as breathing, and I almost gasp at the impact his voice has on me as soothing goose bumps erupt along my skin.

  Everybody else ceases to exist to me as I lose myself in every heartfelt word sung, every guitar string beautifully plucked, every emotion sexily shadowed along the contours of his face. It’s not until he sings the last note of my new favorite song that I feel the wetness of tears gliding along my cheeks. I go to wipe them away when his eyes seek mine through the cheers and applause of the crowd, and I’m suddenly frozen in place, unable to move at the intensity of his stare.

  “This next song is one I’ve been working on since I lost one of the most important people in my life. I’ve never been able to finish it. Some kind of block was stopping me, but the moment a certain person walked into my life a month ago, the rest of the song seemed to fit into place.” Drew’s fingers caress along the strings as a gentle melody gradually begins.

  Instantly, I’m captivated.

  “This song is called ‘Breathe In, Breathe On.’”

  I inhale a breath as his eyes stay firmly on mine, and when he sings the first word, I’m lost in the emotions of the lyrics.


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