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Deceitful Hearts

Page 8

by A'zayler

  Phoenix scanned around her room quickly to make sure she wasn’t forgetting anything before leaving and going back down the stairs. When she got into the family room, it was empty. She almost let her mind wander to where those fools could have gone, but stopped when she saw them outside. It looked to her like they were washing their cars. This don’t make no damn sense. Phoenix shook her head as she walked through the dirty living room. There were shoes, clothes, and old food everywhere. Living in a house full of men had its perks occasionally, but days like today she hated it.

  “Hell you think you going?” Ollie asked as she walked down the sidewalk.


  “Out, where?” Tone pushed the driver door to her truck that she’d just opened back closed.

  Phoenix rolled her eyes and tried to open it again.

  “You ain’t going nowhere until I know where you’re going,” Tone said as the other four of them stood around watching her. Clearly they were waiting for an answer too.

  Phoenix sucked her teeth and pulled her purse back on her shoulder. “To the mall, dang.”

  “Damn, twin, why you didn’t ask me did I want to go?” Zino said.

  “Did you tell them niggas to stop fucking with me earlier? Nope, you didn’t, so bye.”

  They all snickered a little.

  “Somebody’s a little salty,” Zino said, being sarcastic.

  “Fuck you. Goodbye.” Phoenix reached for her door again. This time, Tone moved before placing a sloppy wet kiss on her cheek.

  Phoenix shrieked backward. “Eww, nigga don’t kiss me with your nasty mouth.”

  She mushed his head and hopped into her truck, but not before Zino hopped in the passenger side. Phoenix was about to make him get out, but changed her mind. Dealing with Zino for an hour or two at the mall wouldn’t be all bad. The more she thought about it, it probably wouldn’t be bad at all. Since she wasn’t mad at them for real, she dropped her fake attitude.

  They laughed and joked about various things as she drove to the mall. When they got there the parking lot was packed. Phoenix wasn’t a fan of crowds, so she made up her mind before she even entered the door that she would be in and out. They crossed the busy street and proceeded through the sliding glass doors of the entrance. It was wall to wall people when they got in. The left and right side were full.

  “These muthafuckas got it packed out. They must be giving away some free shit,” Zino’s face was frowned up as his eyes quickly surveyed the crowd.

  “I know, right. Let’s just hurry up. I’ma go to Bonnie’s Boutique real quick to get me another sparkle bra for work tonight, then I’ll meet you at Foot Locker,”

  Zino shook his head. “Nope, twin. I’ll go with you where you need to go, then you’ll go with me.”

  Phoenix started to protest, but she had already known before she said they would split up that, it wasn’t happening. Zino had better be glad he was good company or she would have ditched his ass. The whole ride up the escalator the two girls standing in front of them kept looking over their shoulder. Phoenix had tried to keep calm and not say anything to them, but they had gotten on her last nerve.

  “Damn, y’all bitches looking hard as fuck.”

  Both girls snickered a little before rolling their eyes and turning around.

  Phoenix looked at Zino and sucked her teeth. “See, this that shit. I told your ass to go your way, and I would go mine. You got these little maggots eye fucking me and shit.”

  “Twin, chill out. Please, not today.”

  “They started it, but whatever.”

  Phoenix crossed her arms over her chest just as they made it to the top. She looked down and watched her feet to make sure she didn’t trip. When she looked up the same two girls were looking at her again.

  “Y’all must want me to slap y’all?”

  The darker one of the two stepped closer to Phoenix and looked her up and down. “Actually, I was about to tell you that you’re really pretty until you opened up your rude ass mouth. You should really learn to just shut the fuck up sometimes.” The girl didn’t even wait for an answer before she walked away.

  Phoenix almost felt played. Never in her entire life had she let anyone talk to her like that, especially some random stranger. She didn’t know whether to be mad and beat her ass, or to check her attitude for real. She stood there stuck for a moment, while other shoppers passed her.

  “Twin, she straight read your mean ass.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Z.”

  “Nah, don’t be trying to snap on me. You didn’t snap on that bitch that just chumped your ass.”

  Phoenix walked away from Zino and headed for Victoria Secret. He was still standing there laughing, and she didn’t have time for that shit. Once she got into the store and actually begun to look around, she felt her a sense of relief. Shopping was one of the only things that relaxed her. She moved around the store picking up various pairs of panties, sweatpants, bras and lotion. Every so often she would catch of whiff of Zino’s cologne, which reminded her that she was not alone. As long as she knew he was watching her back, she was free to let her guard down. It was hard trying to shop and peep your surroundings every five minutes.

  Phoenix had just come out of the dressing room when her phone rang. Her hands were full, so she answered without looking at the screen.


  “You’re looking good as hell today, baby.”

  “What? Who is this?”

  “Damn, you forgot my voice already?”

  Phoenix pushed her phone closer to her as if that would help her recognize the voice.

  “Shit, you look even better with your face scrunched up like that.”

  Phoenix looked around the store, trying to see if she could spot anybody. Her eyes locked with Zino’s momentarily before she moved them around in search of her mystery caller. She didn’t know why she was playing this game with whoever it was on the phone, because all she had to do was hang up. Just then, a thought hit her. She pulled her phone from her ear to check the Caller ID. She smiled.

  “Look over here by the fountain, pretty lady.”

  “Jamar, you play too much.” She smiled harder when she finally located him.

  “Come holla at me for a minute.”

  Phoenix told him she would before paying for her things and exiting the store. Jamar was dressed casually in a pair of dress slacks and a light blue button down polo shirt. He was making her reconsider dating light skinned men. That beard and fresh haircut were on point. This nigga here. He was smiling just as hard as she was while his eyes roamed over her body.

  “What you smiling so hard for? I must look cute or something?”

  “Hell yeah you look cute. I like this little dress. Pink looks good on you.” Jamar pulled on the side of her dress.

  “Thank you. What you doing in here?”

  “Looking around. I ain’t have nothing else to do. If somebody would have hit me up today, maybe I wouldn’t be so lonely.”

  Phoenix smiled and shook her head lightly as she blushed. “See, this is why I can’t deal with you. You have me all off.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?”

  “Not for a girl like me.”

  “What you mean a girl like you? You don’t want a man that’s going to give you butterflies and shit?”

  Phoenix laughed at him before switching her bag from one hand to the other.

  “Butterflies and shit? What a beautiful way to put it.”

  Jamar smiled and ran his hand down the side of her face. She was about to lean into his hand, but it was gone. When she looked into his face, it was serious. His eyes were hard and he was staring behind her. Phoenix turned around to find Zino standing there. The look on his face was no lighter than the one on Jamar’s.

  “Z, this is my friend, Jamar. Jamar, this is my twin, Z.” Phoenix made sure to only call him Z. The Zoo Crew didn’t do names. Neither of them said anything for a minute, but Jamar broke the silence.

at’s good?” He nodded his head.

  “Twin, you ready to go?” Zino totally ignored Jamar.

  “Yeah. Just give me one minute.”

  Phoenix could still feel Zino’s presence behind her, so she knew he hadn’t walked completely away, and she would bet her last dollar that he wasn’t about to. It was good that he was still a safe distance away, that way he couldn’t hear them talk.

  “So, that’s your brother?”

  “Yeah. One of them.”

  “He looks more like your nigga than your brother.”

  “You jealous?”

  Jamar shook his head and looked off down the mall. He couldn’t believe he was feeling some type of way about this chick already, and she wasn’t even his. When he turned back around, she was still looking at him. More like gawking. Her eyes were narrowed and her mouth was slightly balled up. Lil sexy ass. He ran his hand down the side of her face again.

  “My bad. That’s your people, so I’m cool.”

  “You damn right you are. That’s family, and I don’t play about them.” The look in her eyes assured him that she meant every word she’d just spoken.

  “I can respect that. Like I said, my apologies.”

  “You good. Now what were you saying about taking me out to eat?”

  Jamar crinkled his brows, unsure of what she was talking about for a minute until she started smiling.

  “Is that your way of saying you want to go on a date?”

  “Yes, and you’re going to take me. I’ll meet you at the beach where we met last time.” Phoenix looked at the watch on her wrist. “In about an hour… cool?”

  Jamar smirked before pinching her cheek. “Aight. Bet.”

  Phoenix stood back watching him walk away before turning around to face Zino. He was seated on the white bench in the center of the mall with his eyes on her. He was on the phone, probably with one of his many women when she walked over to join him. He surprised her when he didn’t end his call, but instead held up his finger motioning for her to give him a minute. I wonder what bitch got him acting all funny now? While she waited for him, she looked around, observing shoppers.

  “Aye, twin, you need to go somewhere else? I got somewhere to go real quick.”

  “Nah, we can head out. I’ll just wear my other shirt to work tonight.”

  Zino grabbed her Victoria Secret bag from her and they headed to her car. He hadn’t told her where he was going yet but she figured it was to some woman’s house. Where ever it was, he was in a hurry because as soon as she pulled into their driveway, he was out of the car and walking to his.

  It looked like no one was home except for Ollie. Everybody else’s car was gone. She yelled to Zino that she’d see him later and entered her house. It looked the same way as it did when she left, and she wasn’t surprised. Only thing missing was the house full of dirty niggas that occupied the majority of her furniture.

  Taking two stairs at a time, she made her way to the top and walked briskly toward Ollie’s room. His door was closed, which wasn’t unusual, but when she turned the knob it was locked. Her face frowned in confusion as she began to knock. He didn’t open right away, so she kept banging. When he finally came to the door, he was in nothing but a towel and his chest was wet. He looked her up and down as he ran a hand over his damp face to rid it of the of water speckles. Phoenix wanted to say something, but her words were caught in her throat.

  “What’s up?”

  “Nothing, I was just trying to see what you were doing. Why your door locked?” She wanted to ask did he have company but changed her mind because she knew that wasn’t happening. No one outside of the crew knew their address.

  “I was in the shower. I ain’t know it was locked.”

  “Um huh, that’s what your mouth say.”

  “I ain’t got to lie to you, girl. What you need?”

  “Nothing now, since you have to ask so many questions.” Phoenix went back down the stairs and over to her side of the house. She needed to get ready for her date, and she needed to do it before the rest of her brothers got home. She did not need them in her business. Phoenix changed clothes, fixed her hair, and was back in her truck within thirty minutes. With her music pumping, she sped down the highway in route to the beach.

  Chapter 7

  Jamar’s head was banging as he sat in his car waiting for Phoenix. She’d text him letting him know she was on her way, but still hadn’t got there yet. He was starting to get a little irritated, but was trying to remain calm. Maybe had he not been getting friction from everybody in his circle that day, he wouldn’t have been in such a horrible mood. Not to mention the killer migraine he had. It was hurting so bad it felt like his eyeballs were going to pop out. It was a good thing it was starting to get dark outside because even the stop lights had made it worse as he drove over.

  He made sure to park in the darkest section of the parking lot to wait for her. With his head lying back on the seat he closed his eyes and tried to ignore the constant buzzing of his cell phone. It was in the cup holder, and he had no plans of answering it. It couldn’t be anybody worth talking to at the moment. When Phoenix got there she should see his car. It was the only black on black Matte Audi in the parking lot.

  “The fuck?” Jamar said out loud as he sat up in his seat.

  When he looked out of the window, he noticed the constant tapping on his window had been Phoenix. She stepped back when she saw him moving around to get out of the car.

  “You sleepy this early?”

  “Nah, I got a migraine. This shit is fucking me up too.”

  When Phoenix’s face frowned in concern he almost felt happy. Happy that she was concerned.

  “I got some Tylenol in my purse. You think that’ll help?”

  “I’m good. I already took something for it.”

  “Oh okay… well good. I guess we can hang out some other time.”

  Jamar shook his head no. “You mind chilling at my spot for a little while?”

  Phoenix darted her eyes to the side a few times before rolling them to the sky. She was thinking.

  “I guess that’ll be okay. Only for a little while. I have to work tonight.”

  “Cool. Go get in your whip and follow me.”

  Once she was in her car and had it cranked up, he got into his and pulled out of the parking lot. Thank God the drive to his house wasn’t a long one. He could barely keep his eyes open. The pain in the side of his head was almost unbearable. On any other day he probably wouldn’t have brought her to his home, but today was different. His head needed to come in contact with a pillow ASAP. Hopefully she would be down to spend the night. He knew she said she had to work, but being the man that he was, he could probably convince her to cancel that shit. He needed time to redeem himself from his little attitude in the mall earlier anyway.

  “I thought you might have needed help getting out of the car for a minute there. It took you forever to get out.”

  “My head feels like it’s about to split open and roll on the fucking ground. I hate this shit.”

  “You get headaches like this all the time?”

  “Only when I’m stressed.”

  Jamar stood to the side so she could walk in before him. He followed her as she walked slowly down the short hallway. She paused to look at the pictures he had on the table before moving on. While she familiarized herself with his home, he went into the kitchen to grab some water. He came back with a bottle in each hand. One for her, one for him. He sat down first leaning slightly over on the sofa, and she followed. He could tell she was a little uncomfortable, and he wished he could appease it, but he couldn’t really do shit at the moment.

  “You straight?”

  She looked at him quickly over her shoulder. “Yeah, I’m good. Why you ask that?”

  “You look tense. You not even sitting all the way back on the couch.”

  His dick got hard when she looked down and laughed. Her pretty smile and laugh had him open. When she scooted backward, she bumped
into his arm, which only made things worse. Touching her was worse than just looking at her.

  “Nigga, sit up. Don’t be trying to fake a headache so you’ll have a reason to be all up on me,”

  “I don’t have to fake. If I wanted to be all over you, I would. I was just trying to lay down and rest my head for a minute.”

  “That’s what your mouth say.” Phoenix placed her hand on the side of his head and pulled it down until he was lying in her lap. Since the remote was on the table, she grabbed it and turned the TV on. After kicking her shoes off, she set them under his coffee table and flicked through channels. She stopped at Snapped and turned the volume up some so that she could hear.

  Jamar was quiet, so she looked down to check on him. His eyes were closed, but he didn’t look like he was asleep. Phoenix rubbed the waves in his head continuously, trying to provide some comfort.

  “You okay, Jamar?”

  “Yeah, baby, I’m good. Just keep rubbing my head like that.”

  His body was now sprawled out on his sofa. He was lying on his side with his feet kicked up on the end of the sofa. Both of his arms were wrapped tightly around her waist. What Phoenix was feeling right now was unfamiliar feeling. Never in her life had she felt so needed. She scooted closer to him, and in return, he tightened his grip around her waist. After observing his features for a few more minutes Phoenix looked back at the TV.

  She watched at least three episodes of Snapped before she realized it was getting late. The clock on his cable box read eight thirty. It was definitely time for her to go. She had to be at work by ten. Jamar had long ago fell asleep and was snoring lightly in her lap. Although she didn’t want to wake him, she needed to leave.

  Instead of just hopping up, she leaned over and kissed his temple. She didn’t stop there, she kissed his forehead, his cheek, and the side of his mouth before he stirred lightly. Without even opening his eyes, Jamar turned so that he was on his back and grabbed the back of her head. He pulled her mouth to his and kissed her. She pulled back a little at first, but he bit down on her bottom lip. Not hard enough to cause any pain, but firm enough to keep her in place.


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