Deceitful Hearts

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Deceitful Hearts Page 22

by A'zayler

  “Nark ass bitch.” He stood from his spot on the bench as the guard released him from the table and shackled him back to his feet. “You a pussy. Getting your black ass fucked by the system every day.”

  Bear was taken from the room as Francisco handed Ollie the handkerchief from his pocket. Though that gesture was nasty and disrespectful, he wasn’t surprised. When working undercover you become accustomed to things like that. Furthermore, Ollie was glad it was Bear’s spit and not his fists. He was almost certain things would have been a lot worse had he not been cuffed.

  Francisco and Ollie were getting settled in Ollie’s car when he finally spoke. “You’re going to give them that deal for real?”

  Francisco nodded. “At the spot we’re at right now, something is better than nothing. The stuff we have from you and every other agent isn’t strong enough to stand in court. I’d rather get something than nothing. Because at the rate we’re going, they’re all going to get off if we take this shit to trial. You see we couldn’t even hold the girl longer than a few months.”

  “That’s different though.”

  Francisco looked at Ollie. “Tell me one solid thing we have that will hold up in court against the other young kid, Zino. The only info we have that’s strong enough to stand trial was on that Tone, and it ain’t shit we can do with that.”

  Ollie nodded. Francisco was right. Everything they’d found would get Tone the death penalty, Tek and Bear at least forty years, but that was it. Zino and Phoenix’s records were almost clean. Tone and Bear had done a good job at protecting them. Even in death Tone, was able to protect them.

  Pulling from the parking lot, Ollie’s thoughts went back to Phoenix and where she could be. He didn’t think she was weak enough to allow herself to be harmed, but he didn’t know. The Zoo Crew had so many enemies, he wouldn’t be surprised if someone had done something to her. Hurt, but not surprised.


  “Here, Jay, taste this.” Phoenix held the spoon full of red spaghetti sauce out toward Jamison.

  He leaned forward and sucked it all off of the spoon and closed his mouth. “Damn, this good, Phoenix.”

  She smiled up at him brightly. “I knew it would be. I told you.”

  She had been in the house cooking since she’d woken up that morning. It had been two months and she still hadn’t left Jamison’s house. He was truly a God send. Like he promised he would, he had been there with her every step of the way, making sure she was good. He stayed up with her some nights while she cried, he listened to her tell him of the pain she felt from her parents. When reminded of anything regarding Tone and the Zoo Crew, he made sure to be extra attentive to her.

  Phoenix often wondered what her life would be like had she not gotten in the car with him that night. Her life wasn’t what it used to be, and it surely wasn’t all the way back to what she wanted it to be, but it was most definitely better than what she’d been dealing with.

  “You almost done? I have to work the night shift again tonight.”

  “Aww, man. I don’t want to stay here by myself.” She pouted.

  Jamison walked past her and pushed her bottom lip in playfully as he headed to the laundry room.

  “Hush, girl. You do this all the time.”

  “I know but I don’t want to. I like I it better when you’re here with me.”

  True enough she did stay home alone a lot, but that didn’t mean she liked to. With Jamison working the night shift four days out of the week, she had no real choice. He would always call and check on her, sometimes even talked to her until she fell asleep, but it still never got easier.

  At night was when her missing her family hurt her the most. Maybe it was the darkness or maybe it was the fact that she was now sleeping alone again that made her feel desolate.

  “Just take me to work with you. I’ll sleep in a cell.”

  Jamison laughed at her and shook his head no. “Girl, just fix me some food to take to work and stop your shit.”

  Phoenix laughed at him while leaning under the cabinet to get a plastic bowl with a top to it for his lunch. Once she fixed his lunch, she put it in the black lunch bag he carried along with an apple and a bottle of water and set it on the counter. It was going on five in the evening, so he would be leaving in a little while.

  His shift started at eleven. Ever since he’d told her that his twin sister Jamie used to pack his lunches for him, she’d started trying to do it as well. He was helping her tremendously and she wanted to do the same in return. Not once had he pressured her about leaving, nor had he bothered her about bills, her wearing his sister’s clothing, or anything more than friendship and she appreciated that more than anything.

  Not once had he tried to do anything sexual with her. A forehead kiss, a hug, or a simple cuddle at night was as far as it went, and it seemed more brotherly than anything. Jamison was a very handsome man, and the way he treated her just made things even better. She was even a little sure that she’d caught him looking at her a couple of seconds too long a few times, but they both ignored it.

  “Come sit down. Let’s eat now.” Phoenix placed two plates on the table before taking a seat behind one of them.

  Shortly after she sat, Jamison came in behind her. He sat behind the other plate and grabbed her hand to say grace. That was another thing about Jamison, he was very spiritual. He prayed with her a lot, and she was almost certain that outside of him, that was what got her through most nights. They made small talk about while they ate their dinner. When they were finished, Phoenix stood to clean the table and their dishes.

  “We should go out to get dessert or to see a movie, Phoenix,” Jamison sat at the table looking stuffed.

  Phoenix’s body stilled as she stood at the sink washing dishes. She hadn’t left Jamison’s house while it was light outside since she’d gotten there. Anything she needed, he would get it for her. She would ride places with him at night with no problem, but never in the daylight. She wasn’t ready for anyone to see her yet. Without her brothers, she didn’t feel as strong as she once had. Even on their nightly rides she never got out of his car.

  “Why you want to do that?”

  “I think it’s time. You can’t stay cooped up in the house like this forever.”

  Phoenix sighed. “I know, but a few more months would suffice.”

  He chuckled while crossing his arms across his chest. “Not happening.”

  Phoenix turned around so she could look at him. “I don’t really want to be around people right now, Jamison. I don’t think you understand how my life used to be and how it is now. I really don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “Phoenix, do you feel safe with me?”

  She nodded.

  “Well then. Let’s get out of the house for a little while. If you want, we can go to a park or something. We don’t have to go anywhere crowded.”

  “A park?”

  “A park, Fe.”

  Phoenix smiled at him. A smile bigger than one he’d seen since she’d been there.

  “What?” He looked at her confused.

  “Nothing.” She could feel the tears rising so she hurried from the kitchen and back to Jamie’s room, which she’d claimed as her own.

  She was standing near the dresser looking down at the picture of Jamie trying to hold in her tears. Just after she’d sniffed to keep herself from crumbling, Jamison stepped into the room. His large muscular frame took up the entire door. He stood there for only a second looking at her before walking all the way in and standing behind her.

  He wrapped both of his arms around her neck from behind and rested them on her shoulders.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You called me Fe.” She wiped her eyes. “My brothers used to call me that. Hearing you say it just brought back old memories.”

  “I’m sorry. I won’t say it again.”

  Phoenix turned around so that she was facing him. Her arms circled his waist. “No, please do. It sounded so right. Like old times

  Jamison smiled down at her and nodded his head in understanding. “It’s going to be all right soon, Fe. Trust me.”

  She lay her head on his chest and inhaled his scent. “I think I’d like the park.”

  He kissed the top of her head and squeezed her tighter into his embrace before releasing her. He told her he would wait for her in the living room. After he left, Phoenix wiped her face, grabbed a pair of blue jean shorts out of the drawer, a short sleeve red V-neck shirt and some sandals from the closet.

  Once she got dressed, she took the bonnet off her head and combed her hair down. Jamison had stayed up with her for hours the night before while she straightened it. They used that time to tell one another about their past love lives. She was shocked to find out that he hadn’t been in a committed relationship in years. The last one being with the nurse that had stitched her up at the infirmary.

  His face was beyond priceless when he found out that Ollie had been the police. He literally sat speechless for almost five minutes. When she told him about Jamar, he listened and gave his input when necessary. They talked effortlessly until she had finished her hair and eventually they both fell asleep.

  Instead of sleeping in Jamie’s room, Phoenix had chosen to sleep with him in his bed, which wasn’t uncommon. They alternated between rooms all the time. With earrings and a few bracelets completing her simple outfit, Phoenix grabbed the large sunglasses from Jamie’s drawer and put them on her face.

  Jamison was standing at the screen door looking out when she entered the living room. She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. With her head pressed against his back, she squeezed his midsection tighter.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He rubbed her hands that were resting across his abs. “You’re welcome, sweetheart. Now let’s go.”

  Phoenix released him and they left his house. The sun felt good on her skin, but combined with the way her heart was beating she was sure she would combust at any minute. For some reason she felt extra nervous about being out of the house and someone possibly seeing her. A large hand on her exposed thigh calmed her down.

  “It’s going to be okay, Phoenix.”

  “Oh, I know.” She tried to remain calm.

  When Jamison finally pulled his car into the parking lot of the playground and killed the engine he got out to help Phoenix from the car. He grabbed her hand and helped her from the car. She relaxed some when she realized there weren’t that many people at the park. There were a few parents here and there and only a handful of children.

  She and Jamison occupied one of the blue benches along the side of the swings and sat back. They were a safe distance apart, both chilling and watching the children play.

  “Is it as bad as you thought?” he asked her.

  “Nah, not for real.”

  “Told you.”

  She smiled. “That you did.” She got quiet for a minute before looking at him. Something had been on her mind for a few days now and she needed to get it off of her chest. “Jamison, I know me living with you isn’t permanent or anything, but how long do I have before you make me leave?”

  He looked over at her. “You can stay as long as you like. I wouldn’t put you out.”

  “You’re going to get tired of me eventually. Especially if you get a girlfriend.”

  He shook his head. “I enjoy you being there, honestly. If I get a girlfriend, she’ll just have to make friends with you first.” He smiled and his white teeth sparkled.

  Phoenix pushed his hand. “You play too much, Jay.”

  “I’m serious, Phoenix. We’ve bonded and I wouldn’t break that shit for nothing in the world. You’re cool people. I mean, I know I started out helping you, but you’ve helped me too. I used to think about Jamie every day, but now that you’re there I don’t. It’s not that I’m forgetting her or anything like that, it’s just easier.”

  Phoenix nodded because she could most definitely understand that. It was the same way with her. Having Jamison near her kept her sane. Occasionally she would think about her brother, but it wasn’t as bad as it had been when she’d first lost him. It was coming up on four months since everything had happened, and she still felt wounded when she thought about it.

  “I want to see Bear and Zino, Jay.”

  “Well, why don’t you go? I’ll go with you if you want.”

  Phoenix looked over at him in surprise. “You would?”

  He nodded.

  “I was scared to go. That’s one of the reasons I hadn’t gone yet. Plus, Tone told us to never visit one another in jail. The police can use it in their favor. He would always say that.”

  “He’s right, but I’m sure this time he would understand.”

  “Because of the circumstances, right?” Phoenix probed.

  Jamison nodded.

  Phoenix looked away and figured she’d give it a little more thought before making a decision.

  “Let’s go swing.” She got up and walked to the swings.

  Now comfortable with no one paying her any attention, she left Jamison sitting on the bench alone. She plopped on the swing and looked back at him.

  “Come push me, Jay.”

  Jamison smiled at her and got up to head in her direction. Once he was behind her, he tickled her until she fell backward into his waist and groin area. She laughed and begged him to stop until he finally did. When she sat up and looked to the side, there was a little girl sitting on the swing next to her. She was so pretty, but she looked so familiar. Her light skin and blue eyes had Phoenix feeling crazy because she knew she’d seen her before she just couldn’t figure out where.

  She smiled at Phoenix. “Can he push me too?” She pointed her little finger at Jamison.

  “Uh… yeah…” Phoenix stammered, trying to figure out where she’d seen the baby before.

  Before she could worry herself any further, Aaliyah walked up. She had a cell phone pressed to her ear and she was so busy yelling and talking that she hadn’t even looked in Phoenix’s direction. All she did was grab the swing and push the baby before walking away again. Phoenix wanted to leave, but decided to stay.

  She wasn’t scared of Aaliyah. She didn’t want to talk to her, but she most definitely wasn’t afraid of her. She pushed her legs out in front of her as Jamison pushed her on the swing. Every so often she would look over at the little girl because now things were even weirder. What was the baby doing with Aaliyah?

  “I don’t know why your auntie would leave you over here by yourself like that.”

  Phoenix could feel the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Ollie. She tried to look at him out of the corner of her eye so that he wouldn’t see her, but unlike Aaliyah, he stayed near the baby. Meaning, eventually he would recognize her.

  “She always talks on her phone. He was going to push me.”

  The baby pointed and Phoenix knew it was over then.

  The park seemed like it got quieter in that moment. Leaving Phoenix and Ollie in their own quiet world.

  “Phoenix?” he said.

  Jamison’s grip on the swing stopped her from moving. She looked over at Ollie but didn’t say anything.

  “I’ve been worried about you. Where’ve you been?” He walked over to her like they were friends.

  Before she knew it she had hauled off and punched him in the face. She followed up and did it two more times before Jamison could get a good hold on her.

  “Phoenix, calm down. What’s going on?” Jamison asked her as he stood in her face waiting for reasoning behind her outburst.

  “Apparently I’m still an old friend that she doesn’t care to see.”

  “You’re not a friend. You’re a punk ass snake that slithers around ruining other people’s lives.” Phoenix was breathing hard. “We were fine before we met you,” she yelled.

  A few people looked in their direction but it was no use, Phoenix wasn’t going to yell again. She didn’t need to.

  “If I had my gun I would p
ut two hot ones in your head before you could blink again. I won’t be down long though. Believe that and watch your back because you’re dead.” She looked him and up and down and walked away.

  Jamison followed her back to his car and they got in. She was so riled up she could hardly think straight. All she could think about was why she hadn’t just killed Ollie while she had the chance. She’d got a few good licks in on him but she wanted more. She wanted his life, and she would get it before it was all over with.

  “So I take it that was the murder mob that just came up out of you, huh?” Jamison asked her when they finally pulled back into his driveway.

  She nodded.

  “Who was that?”


  Jamison sucked wind between his teeth. She’d told him all about Ollie, so he should know now why she’d acted the way she did.

  “Damn, that’s tough.”

  Phoenix nodded and got out of the car. She walked to the door and waited for Jamison to allow her inside. He opened the door with his key and pushed the door open for her. She kicked her shoes off and went straight for the sofa. She lay flat down on her back and covered her face with her hands.

  Jamison stood over her, looking down at her. “You straight?”

  “Yeah, I just need a minute to calm down. That nigga had me ready to kill his ass just now.”

  “I saw.” He sat down and pulled her feet so that they were in his lap. “I ain’t never seen you act or talk like that.”

  Jamison sat near her, rubbing each one of her feet. His hand squeezed and rubbed in certain places. Applying pressure to certain spots drew moans from Phoenix. Her arms were still thrown loosely over her face as she allowed Jamison to help her relax. He held one of her feet in his hand while he used his other one to rub up the front of her leg.

  Another moan came when he did this. Phoenix didn’t know why his hands felt so good to her and she didn’t care, she just didn’t want him to stop. When she felt his lips press against the front of her foot she moved her arms from her face. Jamison looked at her as he placed kisses from her ankle up to her knee.


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