Before Tomorrow- Epigenesis and Rationality
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Foucault, Michel, “Nietzsche, Genealogy, History,” in Paul Rabinow, ed., The Foucault Reader, New York: Pantheon Books, 1984, pp. 76–100.
Frege, Gottlob, The Foundations of Arithmetic: A Logico-Mathematical Inquiry into the Concept of Number, trans. J.L. Austin, second revised edition, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1980.
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Grondin, Jean, L’Horizon herméneutique de la pensée contemporaine, Paris: Vrin, 1993.
Harrison, Ross, “Transcendental Arguments and Idealism,” in Godfrey Vesey, ed., Idealism Past and Present, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982, pp. 211–24.
Heidegger, Martin, The Basic Problems of Phenomenology, trans. Albert Hofstadter, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982.
Heidegger, Martin, Being and Time, trans. Joan Stambaugh, revised and with a foreword by Dennis J. Schmidt, Albany: SUNY Press, 2010.
Heidegger, Martin, Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event), trans. Richard Rojcewicz and Daniela Vallega-Neu, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2012.
Heidegger, Martin, The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics: World, Finitude, Solitude, trans. William McNeill and Nicholas Walker, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995.
Heidegger, Martin, Off the Beaten Track, trans. Julian Young and Kenneth Haynes, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Heidegger, Martin, On Time and Being, trans. Joan Stambaugh, New York: Harper and Row, 1972.
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Marion, Jean-Luc, Being Given: Toward a Phenomenology of Givenness, trans. Jeffrey L. Kosky, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2002.
Meillassoux, Quentin, After Finitude: An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency,trans. Ray Brassier, London: Continuum, 2008.
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Musil, Robert, Diaries 1899–1941, trans. Philip Payne, New York: Basic Books, 1976.
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Peirce, Charles Sanders, Principles of Philosophy, in Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, eds Charles Hawthorne and Paul Weiss, Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1965.
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Ricœur, Paul, The Conflict of Interpretations: Essays in Hermeneutics, ed. Don Idhe, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1974.
Ricœur, Paul, Freud and Philosophy: An Essay on Interpretation, trans. Denise Savage, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1970.
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Sluga, Hans D., Gottlob Frege, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980.
a priori and condition of possibility
formal and historical
and the transcendental
acquisition, original and derived
adaptation see also evolution; “neo-skeptical” thesis
aesthetic judgment
alterity and critique of property
analogy, problem of
anthropological variety
Atlan, Henri
Baudelaire, Charles
Baumgarten, Alexander
Blumenbach, Johann
Boltzmann, Ludwig
Bourgeois, Bernard
Boutroux, Émile
Bouveresse, Jacques
Boyer, Alain
Brague, Rémi
brain see neurobiology/brain and reason
Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc
Canguilhem, Georges
categories and experience
origin of
causality difference in
and “purposiveness”
chance and contingency
changeability/mutability of the transcendental
Changeux, J.-P.
cognitive structures see neurobiology/brain and reason
condition of possibility
contingency/radical contingency and alterity
and chance
Critique of Pure Reason
of laws of nature
and necessity
correlation/correlationism and articulation
and “connection”
and temporality
Crusius, Christian August
dating and mathematics
de Vleeschauwer, Herman Jan
Derrida, Jacques
disappropriation/dis-propriation, philosophy as
Duchesneau, François
Edelman, Gerald
embryonic development as unpredictable
empiricism and innatism
and the transcendental
environment “epistemological environment”
importance of
epigenesis: “system of the epigenesis of pure reason”
epigenetic paradigm of rationality difference in causality
genesis, epigenesis, hermeneutics
intrication of the transcendental and biological
life and factual rationality
order of nature and systematic order
other contingency and other necessity
reason for new paradigm
structure and evolution
third and first Critique
epigenetics defining
and genetics, difference between
human genome sequencing and “genetic paradigm”
importance of environment
“epistemological environment”
equivocal generation
evolution neural/mental Darwinism
and structure
variability of laws of nature
see also “neo-skeptical” thesis
experience and categories
opportunity of
experimental philosophy
fabricated/acquired vs innate transcendental
factual rationality
“formation without preformation”
formative drive limits of
“forms of the materials” and “epistemological environment”
Foucault, Michel
Frege, Gottlob
generative production
genesis and epigenesis, difference between
“genetic paradigm”
Genova, A.C.
germs and predispositions
gradual harmonization
Harvey, William
Hegel, George Wilhelm Friedrich
Heidegger, Martin and Meillassoux
Helmholtz, Herman von
Herder, Johann Godfried
history archeology/genealogy
as field of interpretation
historical and formal a priori
new state of
problem of
human/anthropological variety
human genome sequencing
Hume, David
Huneman, Philippe
hyper-normative and hypo-normative transcendental
innate/innatism a priori
analysis of
and empiricism
and “evolutionary paradox”
vs fabricated/acquired transcendental
“intellectual” epigenesis
invariance/immutability of mathematics
and reorganization
see also variability/variety
Jacob, François
Jenuwein, Thomas
Kant, Immanuel see epigenesis: “system of the epigenesis of pure reason”
laws of nature
Lebrun, Gérard
life see nature/life
localization and surface
Locke, John
mathematics dating and
immutability of
mental objects and representation
Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis Moreau de
“maximal” preformationism
Meillassoux, Quentin and Heidegger
mental Darwinism see neural/mental Darwinism
mental objects and representation
metaphysical knowledge and deduction
methodological principles and details
“minimal preformationism” metaphysical knowledge
metaphysical and transcendental deduction
objective genitive hypothesis
preformed epigenesis
“pure” readings
reductive division of source
rejecting “empiricist” readings
Morgan, Thomas
“nativism”, critique of
“natural laws of reason”
nature/life and factual rationality
intrication of the transcendental and
laws of
systematic order and order of
necessity and contingency
“neo-skeptical” thesis analysis of innatism
another version of sources
critique of “nativism”
eclipse of transcendental idealism
pre-established and gradual harmony
role reversal
neural/mental Darwinism see also “neo-skeptical” thesis
neurobiology/brain and reason critiques of
mental objects and representation
neural Darwinism
synaptic selection and stabilization
systems of recognition theory
new paradigm, reason for
Nietzsche, Friedrich
objective genitive hypothesis
objectivity and schematism
objects and representation
opportunity of experience
original and derived acquisition
other alterity
other contingency and other necessity
Peirce, Charles Sanders
philosophy as disappropriation and dis-propriation
need for
possible non-world
Pradeu, Thomas
pre-established harmony and gradual harmonization
predispositions germs and
preformation difference in causality
and equivocal generation
“formation without preformation”
see also “minimal preformationism”
property, critique of
“psychological” epigenesis
“pure” readings
radical contingency see contingency/radical contingency
relinquishing the transcendental invariance and reorganization
neurobiology and reason
possible non-world
primordial temporality and leveled-down time
problem of analogy
reorganization and invariance
residuum, the transcendental as
resistance to neuroscience
Ricœur, Paul
Schlosser, J.G.
skeptical readings and contradictions
embryonic development as unpredictable
“formation without preformation”
methodological details
“speculative realism”
subject, elaboration of
subjectivity, transcendental and empirical
surface and localization
synaptic selection and stabilization
systematic order and order of nature
systems of recognition theory
teleology “purposiveness”
“theory of neuronal group selection” (TNGS)
time/temporality and correlationism
dating and mathematics
epigenesis analogy
primordial and leveleddown/“vulgar”
schematism and objectivity
of thought
and the transcendental
transcendental and a priori
between censure and license
changeability/mutability of
and empiricism
hyper-normative and hypo-normative view
innate vs acquired/fabricated
intrication of biological and
manifold forms
origins of concepts
relinquishing see relinquishing the transcendental
as residuum
as surface structure
vector role
transcendental deduction impotence of
metaphysical and
“problem of Hume”
transcendental epigenesis, defining
truth, access to
variability/variety anthropological
of laws of nature
see also invariance/immutability
vector role of the transcendental
“vital force”, concept of
Waddington, Conrad
Weil, Eric
West-Eberhard, Mary-Jane
“wholly other world”
Wolff, Caspar Friedrich
Wubnig, Judy
Zammito, John
Zöller, Günter
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