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Page 14

by Tima Maria Lacoba

  Terens’s lips thinned, and he gave a curt nod.

  Marcus’s words prompted a memory: lamiae were sensitive to the light. That’s why it had knocked out all the street lights.

  Not willing to take my gaze from Kari, nor Alec, who still clung tenaciously to the lamia’s neck, I searched my pockets, found my phone, flicked on the torch and aimed it at the creature’s eyes.


  Temporarily blinded, it shrieked, dropped Jake and shielded its eyes.

  ‘Deus! Clever girl.’ Marcus grinned. ‘Keep doing that.’

  ‘Try and stop me.’

  Terens gave me a wink. Then he and Marcus raised the net and ran toward the lamia.

  Alec dropped from the lamia’s back and crouched beside Jake, who lay still and pale on the ground, blood oozing from his throat. One of the creature’s talons must have pierced his jugular. Alec ripped off his dark blue shirt and pressed it against Jake’s neck. ‘He’s bleeding out! I need to stitch the wound.’

  Kari screamed, the sound of it piercing my heart. She remained trapped beneath the lamia’s powerful foot, her sword arm held out from her body, immobile. Unable to help him, she looked on helplessly as the man she loved bled out.

  Regardless of Alec’s assurances, if not for me, Jake wouldn’t have gone after her to confront the creature on his own.

  Blinking away tears, I struggled to keep my hands from shaking as I continued to aim the torch at the lamia’s eyes.

  If Jake survived this, would he ever forgive me? Would Kari? Sam stabbed at the lamia’s wing countless times as Cal attempted to drag her out.

  ‘Oh, no, no, no!’ To my horror, the light from the torch began to fade. I’d forgotten to recharge the battery.

  Terens swore. He and Marcus threw the net over the lamia, the metal links glinting in the faint torchlight before it finally gave out.

  ‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry.’ Shaking the phone did nothing.

  Darkness restored, the lamia roared and tore at the netting holding it captive.

  ‘Catch this!’ Alec threw me his phone and looked from me to Jake.

  Save him, Alec. I’ll be okay. Marcus is here.

  He swallowed hard, gave me a nod. Keep your dagger out, and don’t do anything reckless. Alec quickly dragged Jake’s unconscious body onto the porch, reached down for Adeline, kicked in the door and carried them both inside.

  All the house lights came on same time as I flicked on his phone torch, increased it to full capacity and shone it directly into the monster’s eyes.

  It shrieked, cringed and turned this way and that to avoid the blinding lights.

  As Terens and Marcus attempted to secure it with ropes, it swung around and ripped through the net. With one wing shielding its eyes, it continually swiped at Sam and Cal with its claws, sending the men crashing into the hedge. I cried out when it grabbed Kari, stood to full height and held her in front of its vulnerable belly.

  With a piercing screech, it unfolded its wings, bounded off the ground and flew into the air, the net dropping from it like a discarded skin.

  My legs trembled, and the phone dropped from my hand. I stood helplessly as the monstrous creature disappeared into the distance, Kari in its claws.

  The men swore and tried chasing after it before giving up.

  Only Marcus remained, staring after the creature, alone in his thoughts.

  ‘It can’t go far, can it? The ward won’t let it escape.’ I had to believe that.

  Alec had extended the ward to ensure we were within its protection. But it meant he’d had to remove it from another part of the estate so as not to be weakened. Marcus shook his head and turned from staring into the blackness to me. ‘Alec didn’t extend the ward this far.’

  A hard lump lodged in my throat that for a moment I couldn’t speak, and strained to follow the winged form as it disappeared into the night sky.


  Hot tears spilled down my face.

  Chapter 16 - Venom


  Stay safe, Laura, stay safe, I repeated over and over in my head even as I set Adeline down and lay Jake on the floor in her front hall. His blood soaked my shirt. He should’ve stopped bleeding by now. He should be healing. Why wasn’t that happening?

  ‘Needle and thread. Adeline, I need needle and thread.’

  She gazed at me through glazed eyes, chest rising and falling rapidly in the early stages of hyperventilation. Outside, the lamia shrieked. Adeline’s eyes slowly turned in its direction, mouth opening in a silent scream.

  I had no time for this.

  I slammed the door shut and grabbed her shoulders. ‘Look at me, Adeline.’ Her eyes connected with mine. ‘Calm down. You’re safe now. But Jake needs help. Get me some needle and thread.’

  The panic receded from her expression. She bobbed her head, ‘Of course, milord,’ and turned to find the items.

  Jake moaned, looked about and tried to rise. ‘Where’s Kari?’

  ‘Take it easy.’ I eased him back down. ‘The others are out there trying to get to her.’

  He collapsed. ‘Blame ... myself ... split second eye ... contact...’

  ‘Don’t talk.’ The pressure I applied to the wound wasn’t stopping the bleeding. Why? Blood pooled on the floor by his head. His pallor grew by the second, his heartbeat slowing down to a mere vibration. ‘Why aren’t you healing?’

  ‘Lamia venom ... it’s claw.’ His voice was barely above a whisper. ‘Anti-vampire ... coagulant. Easier to ... suck us ... dry.’

  ‘Son of a bitch!’ Why hadn’t I been told about this?

  We’d encountered these creatures before and risked being clawed or scratched. Was this another piece of information Luc had neglected to tell me? Had I known, I would’ve prepared an antivenin. Stitching the wound would be useless if I couldn’t remove the venom from his system.

  ‘Damn Luc. Why hadn’t he told me?’ I lifted Jake’s T-shirt to look for any signs of internal hemorrhaging while keeping the pressure on the wound with my other hand.

  Faint purple-blue blotches marred his chest and abdomen.

  ‘Jake, where’s the antivenin?’ There had to be one if Luc had known about the lamia venom.

  His head rolled to the side.

  My chest tightened, locking my breath within me. Although faint, I detected a pulse.

  Adeline returned with a small box in her hands, her eyes straying to the pool of blood on the floor. She trembled, and the box fell from her grip, spilling its contents. She slapped over her mouth, turned and fled.

  The door flew open. Cal stood there, gazing down at Jake, nostrils flared, breathing hard. ‘Fucking lamia!’

  ‘The antivenin. Where is it? I don’t know how much time he has left.’

  Cal dropped to his knees beside his friend. ‘Ingenii blood. Only thing that works. He’s had his blood vial hasn’t he?’

  ‘About twelve hours ago.’

  ‘Then he should be healing. Fuck! What’s going on?’

  ‘You tell me?’

  Terens and Sam ploughed in. Both swore on seeing Jake.

  ‘Shit! He needs—’

  ‘He’s already had some!’ My mind raced through all the possible reasons why the Ingenii blood wasn’t doing the job. Had the lamia venom mutated over time? ‘Does all Ingenii blood destroy it or just First Blood?’

  ‘First Blood’s best. Works quickest,’ Cal said.

  I had no idea which blood vial Jake had taken. But from the looks of things, it hadn’t been First Blood. ‘We need more. Got any on you?’

  ‘Back in the house.’ Terens jerked his head in the direction of the chateau.


  Being outside the ward, my voice wouldn’t reach anyone inside. Iphone! I could ring Dom. He knew where I kept mine. I reached into the back pocket of my jeans but then I remembered I’d tossed the phone to Laura.

  Hell! ‘Where’s Laura?’

  Terens laid his hand on my shoulder. ‘She’s okay, bro. She’s with Marcus.�

  Jake groaned. Beads of perspiration trickled down his temples and brow. He turned ashen.

  My throat constricted, and I had to swallow hard to keep my voice even. ‘C’mon. Hold on, Jake. Fight it.’

  ‘Fuck! I’m not gonna sit here and watch him die. It’ll be faster if I run back and get some.’ Cal dashed off.

  ‘You’re going to be okay,’ I lied, as Jake’s pulse weakened to a flutter. ‘Why wasn’t I told about the lamia venom?!’ I glared up at my friends.

  Sam and Terens exchanged glances. ‘Something you oughta know first,’ Terens said. My scalp prickled. ‘Smelly bastard’s escaped. It’s got Kari.’

  It took a moment for that to sink in. I glanced down at Jake, thankful he didn’t know.

  I bowed my head.

  Outside, Laura wept.

  A rush of adrenaline surged through me. ‘If Jake and Kari die, it’ll be on your heads! If I’d been told about the venom, I would’ve brought several vials with me, and Jake wouldn’t be dying in front of me right now.’

  ‘It’s not their fault, Alec.’ Laura strode in, Marcus by her side. Her eyes were red and swollen.

  She rushed to me, wrapped her arms around my upper arm and buried her head in my shoulder. ‘It’s my fault. Blame me if you have to. I’m the one who sent Kari beyond the ward. I’m so, so sorry.’

  Her eyes tore at my heart. ‘No, darling. You were trying to protect Adeline. She wouldn’t’ve stayed at the chateau, and she never felt comfortable with any of the men. Sending Kari made sense. You’re not to blame, so get that out of your head. It’s this clan’s damn secrets that are, and I’ve had enough of it!’

  Just then, the decision was made. After our child’s birth, I was going to step down from the princiship. Marcus could have it.

  I glanced down at Jake, his pulse now barely detectable.

  Marcus sighed, crouched by Jake’s head and placed his hands alongside mine. ‘Let me. I’ve tended many wounded.’

  Sad eyes met mine, and in those mournful depths were reflected the pain of many lifetimes, of untold regrets, of friends and loved ones lost, and now, just before the end, it seemed as if he would lose another.

  My anger dissipated.

  ‘Press hard.’ I rose and cradled Laura as Marcus replaced me by Jake’s side. The bleeding hadn’t abated, and the discoloured blotches on his abdomen had spread.

  What was taking Cal so long?

  Sam bit into his wrist, coaxed the blood out and pressed it to Jake’s lips. ‘Take it.’

  Jake remained unresponsive.

  Marcus touched Sam’s arm and shook his head. It was too late for that.

  Sam slid to the floor, stretched his arms out over his bent knees and bowed his head.

  Laura left my arms, knelt next to Jake and took his hand. ‘If only I could, I’d give you my blood.’

  ‘Where the fuck’s Cal? Would’ve been quicker if I’d carried him back!’ Terens bellowed and strode to the door, tearing it off what was left of it from its hinges and throwing it down the front steps. ‘Shit!’ He turned to look at Marcus. ‘Why isn’t the Ingenii blood working? He’s dying. Look at him!’

  ‘The lamia sunk its claw too deep into him ... held him too long ... too much venom even for the Ingenii blood.’ Marcus’s gaze connected with mine. ‘Luc should’ve told you ... I thought he had.’

  I huffed and leaned back against the wall in that narrow hallway, watching my friend’s life ebb away, and there wasn’t a thing I could do about it. I was powerless, helpless. Like Terens, I had the urge to rip something apart.

  But it wouldn’t help Jake.

  I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths as the silence between the beats of Jake’s heart lengthened. Where would I have been without his mentoring after Luc had transformed me? Jake had been a physician himself, posted to Marcus’s cavalry unit several months before the fateful day that changed his life forever. From what he’d told me, he shouldn’t have been out that day, but he’d persuaded Marcus to let him tag along. It was supposed to have been only a routine patrol.

  Over the centuries, he’d kept pace with modern medical advances, gaining degrees from many prominent universities, although he’d never maintained his own practice. He’d taught me how to use my enhanced hearing to identify the slightest murmur or odd rhythm in the beat of a human heart, how to pinpoint problematic valves or vessels in the body without the use of electronic monitors.

  My newly heightened sense of smell, he’d trained until I could detect almost any disease in the human body without having to wait for biopsy results. Over the years, I’d used that skill to save more than one life. When asked, I always put it down to gut instinct. The eventual lab results simply acted as my confirmation.

  Jake had done the same with my other senses.

  How much did I owe him? Words could never encompass.

  Cal tore into the room, Dominik on his heels carrying my medical bag.

  Bless that boy!

  ‘Get these down his throat.’ Cal threw me and Marcus several vials.

  Just as we unstoppered the lids, Jake’s heart stopped beating.

  Chapter 17 - Blood Trail


  I looked down. Gorges, rocky cliffs, dry land. I knew where we were. Those cliffs had caves where a nasty old lamia could hide out during the day.

  Don’t want to go into those.

  Calm. Keep calm. Deep breaths. In, out, in out.

  Jake! He had to be okay. Couldn’t cry. Not now. Please, let the Ingenii blood work. Let him not be dead. Shitty, shitty lamia! And even shittier venom!

  Ugh! Why did the stupid thing have to take me? Holy moley! It stunk. Like a thousand dogs had pissed on the same lamp post.

  Up ahead was the old oak forest. I had a chance.

  A sound like dry twigs being rubbed together came from above me. Was Stinky laughing? ‘You think you can esssscape me? Your mind isss sssso open.’

  Hells bells. Brick wall ... brick wall, I repeated over and over in my head while keeping my eyes locked on the ground below.


  I concentrated harder. It was trying to break through, making my head hurt. I doubled the brick wall, adding concrete and barbed wire. Try and get through that!

  ‘Your mind wallsss will not keep me out for long, little one.’

  I knew that too. I had to keep it occupied—talking—so it’d stay out of my head. ‘What do you want with me? Why didn’t you just kill me?’

  ‘Can’t you guessss?’ It laughed again. I wanted to stab it.

  ‘I hate stupid games. Just tell me.’

  Stinky’s wings flapped. ‘Jussstiniussss! I ssssmell his blood in you.’

  Okaaaay. That probably wasn’t good. My heart squeezed into a tight knot. Jake! Justinius had been his old name. He only changed it a century or so ago to modernise it. He had to be alive. He just had to. No nasty stinky venom could kill my Jake. The Ingenii blood would save him. But Stinky had pumped so much venom into him. What if even Ingenii blood couldn’t help? Tears burned in my eyes. Princi would help him. Yeah, Princi was smart. He’d save my Jake.

  Horrid, horrid lamia!

  ‘My enemy’ssss child before me. Mine to take.’ It grabbed my chin and forced me to look at it. It licked its lips and slid its pointy tongue down one fang and then the other. ‘Long time ssssince I’ve had a female, and what better than my enemy’ssss.’

  No way.

  Eewww. Stomach turning. I wanted to vomit and cut the wretched lamia up into a million pieces all at the same time. I pointed with my thumb toward the road. ‘Zoo’s that way.’

  Stinky sneered. ‘Do not insssssult me any further, little one.’ It squeezed my cheeks together so hard I thought my face would cave in.

  I scratched and clawed at its hands, trying to pry them off. ‘Let go of me, you stinking piece of crap!’

  ‘What could be better. Take what belongssss to my enemy and make it mine. Take, defile and desssstroy.’ It released my
face to raise its slimy head and shriek into the sky.

  Oh crap! My stomach flipped. I had to get away. Now.

  I looked down. Treetops. Mountains up ahead. Where was Stinky taking me?

  Heat flushed through me. I gritted my teeth to stop my lips from trembling and coiled my hands into fists. It’s not going to win, it’s going to win, I repeated over and over. Stinky probably thinks he’s won. I’d show him!

  Good thing my arms were free. I sniffed. The wind was blowing in the direction I wanted. It was now or never. Slowly, so as not to alert Stinky, I lifted my arm and bit deeply into my wrist. Ouch! Now I knew how Laura felt. Please, Mister Wind, don’t change direction now. Didn’t want Big Stinky smelling my blood.

  I lowered my bitten wrist to my side. C’mon, flow down! I pumped my hand harder. One drop, two, three then four trickled down and plopped on rocks, grass and on the olive groves over which we flew. Unless an animal homed in on the scent and licked it up, it would be enough of a blood trail for the others to follow. And follow they would. I was sure of it.

  My stomach lurched again as Stinky swerved through some narrow gorges. ‘Fly more smoothly, will ya? I’m gonna be sick here.’ I yelled up at the big bozo.

  Why didn’t it fly higher, above the tree line?

  I wasn’t that heavy! Maybe it couldn’t.

  I craned my neck to check out its wings. Weren’t the bottom edges meant to be thicker? Instead, they were transparent. Hello! Stinky didn’t have enough power in them to lift us both higher, because those transparent bits hadn’t fully regenerated.

  I nearly clapped.

  The old oak forest was right below us. Forests were good—lots of lovely sharp twigs and branches that could damage those delicate wings.

  Time to take a dive, Stinky!

  Taking a deep breath, I felt for the tiny perfume bottle pendant around my neck. It had been a present from Jake, to celebrate the end of my juvenile stage. For just a moment, I saw his beautiful face and wanted to be with him so badly that my chest ached. I hugged the pendant.


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