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Magic Gambit (Hidden World Academy Book 3)

Page 3

by Sadie Moss

  Kasian opens his mouth as if to say something, then closes it, and the four of us all just stare at each other.

  I get why. I have a feeling we’re all thinking the same thing.

  It feels like we need to talk about what’s happening, and not in a “let’s plan to take down the bad guys” kind of way, but in a “what does this mean for us” kind of way. But how the hell do you talk about something like this? I haven’t even processed half of what we learned last night.

  It doesn’t help that all three guys are watching me like hawks, as if they think I’ll vanish any second. Even though we have both Discs of Eile now and it’s unlikely that the cult could get another one… it’s still a possibility. And there’s nothing that the men would be able to do about it, no way they could stop the swap from happening.

  Yeah, it’s a scary thought for me too.

  I sit down on the edge of my bed. Kasian does the same thing while Theo resumes his pacing and Cross leans against my desk.

  “So we just have to act like everything is normal?” I ask quietly.

  Kasian holds his arm out, and I lean into his side, resting my head on his shoulder. “For now. We have to find a time to visit the fae and get the word to Anzac about the discs. Or any other invention of theirs that might help the Cult of Singularity. Who knows what else the cult might try to get from them.”

  Theo finishes pacing and sits down on my other side, leaning against me as well so that now I’m in a kind of sandwich. “We have to find some way to contact Roxie,” he murmurs. “We can’t keep doing this without being able to communicate with her—it’s ridiculous. We’re trying to help her, but we can’t send her any kind of message? It makes everything so much harder.”

  “What about… us?” I ask, finally voicing the question that’s been tugging at my heart. “What about us?”

  None of the men seem to know how to answer that question.

  Cross walks over and drops to his knees in front of me, taking my hands in his. He kisses my knuckles, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look so quiet and humble. I didn’t think he was really capable of being this quiet and humble. I feel almost like a queen with a knight pledging his favor.

  “I don’t know yet,” he admits, his face drawn as he tilts his head to look up at me. “I don’t think any of us do. But we’re gonna figure it out, cupcake. I promise. We’ll figure it out.”

  I nod and pull him up to me so that I can kiss him properly, soft and slow. And once I kiss him, I just have to kiss the other two, because for now, I can. Maybe not tomorrow or the day after, but for now, today? Yes, I can.

  Maybe this isn’t the best idea. We need to be focused, not distracted by sex or romance. But I don’t want to lose out on a second with them, and if there’s a countdown timer on this whole thing, on my time with these men…

  I don’t want to waste a second of it.

  Chapter 4

  I reach for Cross again, pulling him in for another kiss. He’s right in front of me, with my other two men encasing me on either side, and we’re all still dressed in the outfits we wore to the club last night.

  It feels like a million years ago now, but I remember when we all gathered to head out to Night Elements, I thought they looked so damn good I wanted to drag them back into my bedroom and tear their clothes off.

  As Cross and I break apart, I glance around me at the three of them.

  We’re all a bit worse for wear now. We’re bruised and battered, our clothes are ripped and stained, and every minute of the night we’ve had shows on the guys’ faces, just like I’m sure it does on mine. But they’re still so beautiful, so unbelievably handsome, that my greedy eyes can’t stop staring.

  Keeping my gaze on all of them, I reach for the hem of my dress. It’s a stretchy material that hugs my body, and I lift my ass off the bed just enough to allow me to peel it up and off, tugging it over my head. All I’m left in is my bra and panties, and I can see all three men respond to the sight of me. Cross’s sea-green eyes darken, and Kasian pulls his full bottom lip between his teeth. Theo makes a low noise deep in his throat, but when I reach for him to pull him in for another kiss, he catches my wrist, turning my hand over to kiss my palm.

  “You’re dead on your feet, love,” he says softly, looking up at me through the long sweep of his lashes. “You need rest.”

  He’s not wrong. My body feels a little like it got put through a meat grinder, then run over by a steamroller, then pieced back together by someone with their eyes closed. It feels like parts of me are missing and other parts are in the entirely wrong place.

  But my heart is right where it should be, and it’s telling me exactly what it wants. What it needs.

  I cup Theo’s cheek, smiling softly at him to let him know I appreciate how much he cares. Then I shake my head. “It’s not what I need most right now.”

  “Gabs, are you sure?” Kasian asks, and I can hear the two warring impulses in his voice. He wants to take care of me, but he also just wants me.

  I nod, a spark of heat building in my chest. “Yes. Please.”

  Turns out, even in a land of magic, that’s the magic word.

  Whatever resolve or worry was holding the guys back, it seems to snap. They all reach for their shirts, pulling them off and revealing three toned, muscular chests. Kasian is broad and solid, his muscles firm and chiseled beneath his rich mocha skin. Cross is a powerhouse, with a light dusting of hair across his chest, and biceps so thick I can’t even wrap my hands all the way around them. Theo is leaner than the other two, strong the way a dancer or martial artist is strong—every muscle there for a purpose, not bulky but so well defined that he radiates grace and power.

  I’m staring at them, my tongue darting out to moisten my lips as Kasian and Theo rise and the three of them kick off their pants. They’re all hard already, their need for me just as evident as the desire I can feel raging through my veins.

  Not wanting to be left behind, I reach back quickly and unclasp my bra, catching the Disc of Eile before it can fall and sticking it to my chest using the spell Kasian created weeks ago. It keeps the disc attached to me so that I never have to be without it.

  All three men’s gazes follow the movement of my hand, sliding over the disc and down to my bared breasts as they tug off their boxer briefs. My skin flushes from the attention, and I drag my fingers down over the swell of my breasts, brushing over my nipples. The sensitive buds tighten into hard peaks as an electric current of sensation flows through me, making my stomach flutter and my core clench.

  The men move at the same time, converging on the bed, lifting me and settling me back on the middle of the mattress. Theo hooks my panties with his fingers, drawing them down my legs as the other two attack me with their mouths and hands, licking, sucking, biting, groping. As soon as the tall Englishman tugs my panties past my feet and tosses the flimsy garment away, he moves to join the other two, working his way back up my legs with a hungry mouth and possessive hands.

  For a while, the four of us just roll around on the bed, a pile of undulating bodies, shifting and moving as they try to get closer to me and I try to get closer to them. Hands and lips are everywhere on me, and I lose track of what belongs to who, letting myself get swept away by the torrent of sensations.

  The guys don’t grope each other, but none of them are shy or awkward about being naked around the other two anymore, and I love that they trust each other this much. That they don’t just tolerate having each other here when they fuck me but feed off of each other’s energy. That they share me willingly now, something I would’ve once sworn would never happen.

  Cross bites at my nipple, tugging it between his teeth as he flicks it with his tongue, and I arch off the bed. Kasian, who’s lying on my other side, takes advantage of the movement and slides an arm under my back, holding me up as he kisses my stomach. His mouth moves over the curve of my waist and the sensitive skin of my ribs, and I squirm in their grasp because it tickles and turns me on at the s
ame time.

  Theo, who’s already between my legs, gives a low hum and buries his face between my thighs, licking at me as if my arousal is the most delicious meal he’s ever tasted. My hands flail, searching for something to hold on to as my hips gyrate against Theo’s face. I grab a fistful of his hair with one hand and latch on to Kasian’s strong shoulder with the other, and all three of them keep touching me, keep working my body as a slow moving orgasm rolls through me.

  My breath hitches as my body shudders, and I whimper helplessly until the aftershocks finally subside.

  I could sleep now. I can feel tension draining from my body like I’m a bag of sand with a hole in it, and as the tension leaves my muscles, I realize anew how exhausted I am.

  But I’m not done. One of my favorite things in the world is feeling my men come, watching them fall apart, knowing the looks on their faces are because of me.

  Reaching down, I grab Theo’s head with both hands and pull him up toward me. He willingly complies, crawling up my body until he’s draped over me as the other two men lean back. I push on his shoulder, and he rolls over onto his back, bringing me with him so now I’m draped over him, straddling his stomach. I can feel his hard abs flexing beneath me, and I can’t stop myself from grinding against him a little, rubbing my pussy against his stomach and making my clit throb harder.

  Cross and Kasian scooted out of the way to make room for us when we rolled, and now I look at both of them.

  “Come here,” I murmur. “Lie back.”

  Warmth and arousal burn in their eyes as they do as I ask, moving up to lie beside Theo and me. Their cocks jut toward the ceiling, and I bite my lip as I gaze at each man.

  Rising up on my knees, I scoot backward just enough to bring myself over Theo’s hips, and then I fist his hard cock, stroking it twice as my gaze flicks from Cross to Kasian. They’re still watching me, and even though Theo is the one poised at my entrance, they all seem to be hanging in suspense, their muscles tight and ready.

  I run the head of Theo’s cock through my folds, and Cross lets out a sound almost like a growl, wrapping his hand around his own thick length and gliding his fist up and down.


  The fierce possessiveness of the thought takes me by surprise, and I sink down onto Theo, impaling myself on his shaft. Squeezing my inner walls around him, I lick my palms and then reach for Kasian and Cross. Small beads of precum have gathered at the slit on Kasian’s smooth tip, and I smear the clear liquid over the velvety skin of his cock as I glide my fist up and down his length.

  Cross’s jaw clenches, and he releases himself long enough to let me wrap my fingers around him. His eyelids droop as his hand closes over mine, and together, we jerk him off, my smaller hand covered by his larger one. I let him dictate the pace and tempo as I rock against Theo, feeling pleasure build low and steady in my belly.

  “Fuck, cupcake,” Cross groans, moving my hand faster. It looks like he’s having a hard time keeping his eyes open at all, but he doesn’t seem to want to close them. His gaze is locked on me as I ride Theo, the look in his eyes so intense that I swear it could light me on fire.

  Kasian lets out a soft grunt, his hips thrusting up into my touch, and Theo’s hands settle onto my waist, keeping me steady and helping me rock up and down as my hands keep moving.

  This is what I want. All of them. All of us, together.

  It’s not a hard and dirty fuck. We’re all too exhausted for that.

  It’s a reunion. A reminder that we still have each other.

  A celebration of that fact.

  My body hums with exhaustion even as pleasure surges through me in soft waves. I find my tempo with the three of them, riding Theo’s cock while I stroke the other two men, my fingers sliding over the velvety heat of their shafts. I want to keep watching them, but my eyes drift closed anyway, and my head falls back slightly as I just feel.

  “Gorgeous. So fucking gorgeous,” Cross mutters, and I feel him pulse in my grip, his movements growing harder.

  “You’re beautiful, Gabbi,” Kasian murmurs, his voice strained.

  “You’re perfect.”

  Theo’s words are barely more than a harsh breath, and as he finishes speaking, his hands tighten on my hips. He grinds his pelvis against mine as his cock throbs inside me, and my pussy walls clench around him, squeezing him as he fills me up.

  My clit is throbbing, and I keep convulsing around him as the pleasure inside me finally peaks, a second orgasm stealing my breath as it hits me hard. I can hear him breathing hard, and I pry my sleepy eyes open to find all three men watching me as I stroke Kasian and Cross hard and fast.

  “Fuck. Oh, fuck,” Cross grunts, gripping my hand hard as ropes of cum spill from him, coating our joined hands.

  Kasian follows a moment later, thrusting up into my fist as a ragged cry pours from his lips. His cum spurts over his stomach and my hand, and I keep stroking him until every last drop is spent.

  We’re all breathing hard, and I slowly unwrap my hands from Kasian’s and Cross’s dicks. My fingers are wet and sticky, and I bring one and then the other to my mouth, licking them clean.

  “Holy fuck,” Cross groans, and when I glance at him, still sucking the fingers of my right hand, he’s wearing a hungry expression. “You tryin’ to kill us, cupcake?”

  In answer, I draw my fingers deeper into my mouth, and the other two men groan as well. I grin sinfully as I pull them out with a wet pop.

  I know the distinct tastes of my men by now, and I love it. But I think I love the look in Cross’s eyes even more.

  “If she is, I’m perfectly willing to die.” Theo’s large hands roam over my ass, giving a squeeze as he shoots me a lopsided smile. “Minx.”

  With a contented sigh, he helps me rise off of him and lowers me down to the mattress between him and Kasian. He scoots up to grab a few tissues from the nightstand, passing them to the others, and once we’re mostly cleaned up, we pull the covers back and crawl beneath them.

  We fall asleep in a tangle of limbs, for the first time since we were at Roxie’s family’s house. But this is even better, because there aren’t any people waiting around for a chance to find me out and interrogate me. There are no competitive siblings or asshole parents. It’s just the four of us, safe and together, and I fall asleep dreaming of nothing but feeling warm and loved.

  Chapter 5

  To say I sleep like the fucking dead would be an understatement. By the time we all wake up again, it’s late afternoon and time for damage control. Kasian was the only one with any kind of foresight last night; he texted Angelique and the other professors he assists and told them he had food poisoning and would be taking the morning off.

  Theo, Cross, and I now have to get our asses in gear to try to act normal for the rest of the day.

  At least I feel like an actual human being again, instead of like a zombie. Holy fuck, I was tired. I’ve never slept like that before. I didn’t even dream. But it’s definitely nice to wake up being held by the three people in this world who really love me, three men I care about and love in return.

  When I can’t delay the inevitable anymore, I get up and shower quickly. Then I throw on some clothes, trying to make myself look presentable and not like someone who got into a magical brawl last night and flip-flopped across dimensions several dozen times. Theo groans sleepily while Cross mutters that if this stupid cult messed up his perfect grade point average, he’s going to slaughter every single one of them.

  Right. We still have to pull our weight in classes.

  Things like grades seem so mundane and weird to me after the night we just had. Is this how people who work for places like the CIA feel? They’re doing all this important spy stuff one minute and then the next they’re just going about their normal day, ordering coffee, going to a movie with friends, and so on?

  At least spies get training before they’re thrown into the middle of all this bullshit. I didn’t even get a goddamn pamphlet.

  We hea
d outside, the three guys walking with me, and I find myself staring around in disbelief just like I did when I first arrived in this world and stepped onto the Radcliffe campus for the first time. Everything was so strange and scary and new that I couldn’t help but gape. Now, I’m staring because it’s just so… normal.

  People are going to class. They’re kissing, having conversations, having arguments. There’s a group of students studying together on a picnic blanket. A small group rushes by, late to something. There are a few art students sketching, and another group that seems to be practicing their spell work together.

  Everybody else is having a totally normal day. No different from any other, for them. To them their heartbreaks, their friendship drama, and their grades are the most important things. Meanwhile, I’m worried about the fate of an entire universe and I’m scared for my life.

  God, I envy them.

  The guys escort me all the way to the door of my afternoon class. I level a look at them. “You know you all can’t do this every single time.”

  “Maybe not, but we can this time,” Cross points out.

  He’s so fucking stubborn. But I kind of love it. And I do love that they want to try.

  “Off with you,” I say, suppressing a grin and shooing at them.

  Kasian kisses me softly on the cheek before going off to his office to catch up on some work, and Cross winks and salutes me before he hurries off to his own class on the other end of the building.

  Theo’s class is only two doors down from mine though, so he lingers.

  “What?” I ask, feeling hot and wrong-footed as he smiles at me with a strange, soft light in his eyes.

  It reminds me of when we first met and Theo used to hardcore flirt with me. I had to try to pretend that I wasn’t affected by his charm, because Roxie sure hadn’t been, but I’d been a blushing, fumbling mess.


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