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Drowning Studies (Artemis University Book 2)

Page 23

by Erin R Flynn

  I smiled at him like I didn’t hear anything off. “You can use my study space if you don’t tell people. I like having a hiding spot as I’m used to being alone more.”

  “Yeah, me too. It gets tough when you’re more a loner,” he agreed, sounding like normal Mason again. “I might eat your snacks.”

  “Meh, I’ll get more.” I held up the bags of empties and wrappers. “I was eating my feelings after my geometry test and arguing with myself about my midterm debate.”

  “I’m so glad we only have one semester of that,” he groaned as he saw I had some left. “Are you sharing?”

  “Sure.” I handed him over one of the Taco Bell bags still with food in them as we headed out.

  “Oh, fuck, I love chalupas from there, such greasy heaven,” he groaned.

  “Right? Good even hours later,” I chuckled. I let out a breath when we were walking out of the student union like the worry had passed. “Have a good night, Mason.”

  “I’ll walk you to your dorm,” he said firmly, shaking his head when I glanced at him. “It’s why I came back after I saw you go down there.”

  “Oh, yeah, I didn’t even ask about that. Are you stalking me again?” I demanded.

  “No, I swear,” he answered, his cheeks heating a bit. “I saw you go down as I was heading out to the cafeteria and when you didn’t come, I figured that was your hiding place, in the basement.” He waved me off when I went to say something. “The dragons are having issues, something’s going on. Shit broke out after someone shifted and was tearing up their area. I realized you might not know and—”

  “Thanks, yeah, that would have freaked me out, I guess.”

  He snorted. “It freaked me out. We could hear the roaring in the cafeteria and someone was seriously losing their shit. I know your friend is a dragon but even us who have been around them a lot about piss ourselves when one loses its shit, and you just found out about all of this.”

  “Thanks.” I glanced around. “I’m glad it’s quiet now.” I worried my lower lip. It couldn’t be Hudson, right? Would he be that upset over what happened?

  I shook my head. I was just sex to him. He made that really clear when he was upset how long he wouldn’t get any from me.

  “Night, Mason,” I muttered when we got to my dorm.

  “Be safe, Tams,” he replied, giving me a quick wave before heading off.

  Yeah, be safe. Funny concept to the last fairy.


  I did a pretty good job keeping to myself and working even though I knew people wanted to ask me questions I wouldn’t want to answer. But I wouldn’t ditch classes, so I wasn’t shocked that it made me a sitting duck for Mel to find… Only that she was involved.

  “Good morning,” Professor White greeted us at the student union instead of our normal classroom. “Welcome to ‘Review Week,’ which you have twice a semester, once for midterms and once for finals.

  “This class mirrors the intro history class you also take and this first quarter was all witches and next quarter vampires. I’m not a cruel woman to go over new material right before the final test of this section.

  “I am, however, a nice woman, and here is the list of those students doing well enough in the class that they will have an open book test on this section. I warned you—as I know Professor Campbell did—but some of you didn’t believe. I hope you now do as you have one week to try and impress me and change my mind.”

  She handed out the paper and I mentally pumped my fist when I saw I was on the list. Nice. I’d been working my butt off and all of my papers so far had been A’s with Darby’s editing.

  “So, for a break we are taking a field trip and if there are any sections you would like to discuss with me, I’m available or we can set office hours. If you don’t need me for review, you’re not required to attend class Wednesday and Friday. Someone asked at the beginning of the semester where one would purchase the books on my list of recommended you all read.

  “That is our field trip today. We are going to the larger branch of Pagine Vitali, which are the largest bookstores in our world. It’s Italian for ‘vital pages,’ and the family that owns the stores firmly believes all knowledge is vital. Meaning don’t embarrass the school or yourselves while there and insult them as just boring books instead of social media or something droll.”

  Mel intercepted me when the class got moving. “Want to tell me why Hudson’s dragon flipped shits? I got a call from my father that you two were arguing as you went through the portal. And then his dragon laid waste to a huge section of the dragon area of campus and you’re hermiting. Time to explain.”

  “I don’t have a clue why his dragon freaked out,” I admitted, having heard it was him. But I wasn’t tapped into the rumors and I also heard it was a battle royal between a couple breaking up. “He… What has he said?”

  “He betrayed you and you rightfully called him on it and his dragon is pissed he betrayed his friend.”

  I blinked at her. “He said that to you?”

  “Tams, he said that publicly, which is sort of a really big deal. Dragons are fiercely loyal and to admit you betrayed someone—especially you who are under his parents’ protection—is a big fuck-up.”


  “He didn’t have to tell people,” I muttered, hurrying after the class and to the portal. I shook my head when she opened her mouth. “We can’t talk about it now.”

  “Well, we should have already talked about it,” she snapped.

  I swallowed loudly, not able to look at her. She was doing what I’d worried about, which was the reason I hadn’t wanted to talk to her about it.

  “It will blow over. I just need to focus on my tests.” I gave her a hurt look without meaning to and stepped through the portal.

  She came through too and grabbed my arm. “Hey, I’m not taking his side here. I’m not putting the Vogels first. Have more faith in me than that.” She winced when I looked at her. “Okay, I did kinda just sound like I was, but I’m miffed you’ve been ducking me and I don’t deserve that.”

  “No, you don’t, but you also don’t always give me the chance to put shit on hold when I need to, Mel,” I grumbled, yanking my arm back.

  “Because it festers and snowballs.”

  “Well, that’s not my fault, okay? He’s the one who did it and then apparently let the world know. I get to be upset and say this all has to hold the fuck on while I try to make sure I pass my fucking midterms!”

  I stormed off and was annoyed this was leaking into the trip to the place I’d asked to go.

  And what turned out to be the largest and coolest and craziest bookstore I’d ever seen. I blocked out all the crap and focused on the list I still had in my binder with all my notes and syllabuses in case I ever needed them. But first I just wanted to browse and simply soak up the place.

  So I did. It was four floors of completely filled shelves and just more books than some of the biggest libraries for sure. The building itself was cool, huge dome ceiling with glass art and more.

  It almost looked like a sick opera house in Europe out of a movie or something with all the staircases and balconies with more shelves.

  I had a moment to wonder if it had been one. Maybe that was the cover for it just like Calloway’s store in New York?

  I didn’t go right for the fairy section like I wanted to, being more careful after Mason busted me hanging out at the portal. I could have spent hours there searching through it all but honestly, I was so wiped from everything, I decided to find my first choices from the list to read over break and just head back.

  I had a ton more studying to do still, as even if my college classes were mostly papers and two open book tests besides geometry, those weren’t the only classes I was taking. And high school geometry was kicking my ass.

  Better to get more done before my college classes got harder and I was going to be working all breaks on them, but I was wiped.

  I could also come back.

  Mel snagge
d the list from my hand and brought it to the counter. “Hi, could you pull the fifteen highlighted books for her? She’s going to have a browse and come pay.”

  “Yes, of course,” the employee agreed.

  Mel took my hand and led me out of the store—which wasn’t browsing—and down the block. “There’s a Turkish coffee and chocolate shop on the next block and you’re going to need the sugar for studying and chocolate for the heartache.”

  I squeezed her hand. “Thanks, Mel.”

  “Do I need to beat him up?”

  “No, and I’m probably making this a bigger thing than it is. But when people find out what I am and then he led me into a meeting by my nose, making me look an easily tricked fool, we both know all fuck is going to break loose.”

  “Shit, okay, I’m getting a fuller picture,” she groaned. “So that meeting Father couldn’t talk about was hush hush and you didn’t know about it.”

  “Yeah, and members of different councils there to talk about the Edelmans. He told me it was a fun meeting and I’d get donuts. I looked like a jackass to be tricked so easily. He might have meant it innocently but—”

  “But who the fuck is he to decide that for you?” she sighed. “Idiot. Fuck, Hudson, think for yourself sometimes, mate. He grew up in such turmoil because of all the groups overthrowing that he didn’t get the normal training on how image and perspective is everything. He’s rather dense at times.”

  I could see that. He’d said it more than once that it was easier to keep his mouth shut instead of saying the wrong thing. I had a right to be upset but I was extra punishing him for stuff that he didn’t know and the implications because I’m a fairy.

  But he shouldn’t have ignored what he didn’t know because he didn’t know.

  “My head hurts when I go round and round,” I muttered. “Which was why I told him I’d see him after the break and he bitched that was over three weeks away.”

  “Oh, ouch. I’m sure he didn’t mean it cut into his sex life, but ouch, sounds like it.”

  “Yeah, it does,” I grumbled.

  We got a bunch of stuff to take back but not completely over the top this time. Mostly for studying and apology to Izzy for being such bitch. The books were ready for me when we got back to the store so I checked out and we headed for the portal.

  I did make sure to get a business card as they did have a website. While they didn’t keep their inventory there, I could fill out a form and just order titles I knew I wanted.


  Our midterm was already starting in physical training as it was a huge sparring tournament and the guards were helping again to grade us. The class was way too blow-off and it annoyed me when we should have taken it more seriously. I had one fight and it was over in seconds as I tossed another freshman and she tapped out.

  And I doubted she would get a bad grade as her parents would bitch. But she wasn’t being taught anything either as Coach Khan dismissed the women and was obvious about it.

  What didn’t go unnoticed was Hudson missing. Crap.

  After our rounds we were free to go, so I did, annoyed I had to take the time to go across campus and change, just to toss someone. Now I had to change again, head back across campus, and get some actual work done.

  Whatever, right? I could have a long lunch.

  Or not.

  “I need a moment, love,” Craftsman said as he intercepted me coming out of the sports center. “I talked to Campbell and you’re on her list as well to have an open book midterm. The class was just going to be for questions.”

  “Okay, am I ditching that I need to know this?”

  “Yes,” he sighed, handing me a huge paper shopping bag as he led me towards the woods. “Hudson has been in his dragon form since yesterday. I’m not saying forgive him for whatever dolt thing he did, but you wanted things kept on the DL and it won’t be much longer so I suggest you have a talk with his dragon.”

  “Oh, sure, that makes sense,” I drawled.

  “His dragon—like a shifter’s animal—is them but not. They have their own thoughts and—it’s like two people living in one body at times. Think of your evil devil on your shoulder demanding debts and pounds of flesh but more with its own personality. Yeah, you agree, but not always and—”

  “Yeah, I get it. So dragon Hudson is driving and threw the fit? How do we know it’s not pissed at me?”

  “Because dragons are loyal and whatever Hudson man did, Hudson dragon isn’t having any of it because he liked you too.”

  “Right, so the bag?”

  “Food for you both, because the dragon also isn’t letting anyone near him.”

  “I’m not getting blamed for this,” I grumbled.

  “Of course not, but we all know people won’t see it that way and won’t blame the prince.” He leaned in and kissed my hair when we were out of sight, pointing where I needed to go. “Go kick that dragon’s arse into behaving just like you do mine. You got this, love.”

  “And my reward?” I teased, shivering when he leaned in and gave me a list of what I would get over break if I would help out the faculty before this became a huge deal.

  I was suddenly very grateful he was staying with me. I blew out a harsh breath and headed for the dragon throwing a fit.

  Yup, that was really my life.

  And on top of it, the damn thing was lying in a clearing looking like it was pouting… If dragons could pout.

  He definitely looked put out. His head lifted when I came into view and he watched me intently as I made my way to him. Then he growled and I froze but then realized he was annoyed I wasn’t listening to him.

  “You are as fucking demanding as your human, which is who I’m pissed at so don’t get on my bad side too,” I snapped, nodding when he did. I flipped the switch on my telepathy so I could hear him.

  “Sorry. We’re sorry. Hudson stupid. I’m nice.”

  “Yeah, you are. I’m not mad at you. I’m going to eat lunch. Want to hang with me?”

  “Yes, we like Tamsin.”

  “I like you too. I get you’re not Hudson but you are. Actually, I’m giving you my own name. What name do you want?”

  “Yours. You call us yours.”

  “That’s not a name.”


  “You are as stubborn as Hudson,” I sighed in my head. “Do you want to be River or Valley? Both are Hudson names so, you get that.”

  “Why not call dragon, dragon?”

  “Because you’re not just any dragon. You’re special to me. You’re the first dragon I saw.”

  “Your favorite?”

  “No, sorry, my best friend is a dragon too.”

  “Favorite male?”

  “As long as human Hudson isn’t an asshole again, sure.”


  Oh sure, as soon as that was settled we were on the food. So like a guy. “Let’s see what we got, River.”

  “Hudson wants to know if you’re going to forgive him. We like the sound of your voice.”

  “I don’t know,” I admitted, plopping down and using the dragon’s front leg like a backrest. “He hurt me and I get he didn’t understand the full upset because he doesn’t know everything about me, but… That shouldn’t matter. I don’t make decisions for him or make him look like a fool. Plus, he was more worried he wouldn’t get laid for three weeks—”

  “Not what meant. Three weeks too long to hurt Tamsin. Too long without making right. Wanted to comfort you then.”

  “Well, that’s better than sounding annoyed I got upset and it screwed with his sex life.” I sighed as I started setting out containers, guessing the raw stuff was for the dragon.

  I sure as fuck wasn’t eating it.

  “I need more time and I need not to fuck up my midterms, River. Hudson needs to do well in school too. Can you take a time-out and throw a fit during break?”

  “Will you spend time with me again before break even if mad at Hudson?”

  “I can do that
for now, but I don’t know how we can be friends long term if Hudson and I are on the outs. I need more time. I’m not as clear on lines as you are.” I glanced over my shoulder at him. “Pushing me upsets me. I need time to settle with things so you’re kind of upsetting me by throwing a fit and getting attention to this.”

  “Sorry. River just wanted to help because we like Tamsin.”

  “Thanks, big guy.” I giggled as he blew his breath over my head and clearly wanted to see what I had for him. I got a lick as well, which almost felt sweet like I was precious somehow. I was grateful for whoever packed prep gloves so I wasn’t touching raw meat. I tossed the first steak up and frowned when he caught it. “Wait, I thought you guys only ate rocks?”

  “Hudson eats enough in human form to sustain both of us and when I come out. But when in this form for long, we need food. We can always eat as it could weaken us if we only ate in one form. We heal better as dragon.”

  “Got it, I think,” I muttered, blowing a raspberry. “Dude, I barely know what I am most days. I can’t keep everyone else straight.”

  I tossed him the rest of the food and then focused on my own as I read the book for English we would start after the break. It was oddly peaceful hanging with the huge dragon, like we were just having a picnic and no big deal.

  “Hudson really upset. Can he apologize again? No more fits. Calm sorries.”

  Before I could answer, the leg I’d been lying on disappeared and I fell back to the ground. I blinked up to see the last of River changing into Hudson, looking beat to shit.

  “I’m so sorry, Tamsin. I’m so fucking sorry. I didn’t get it at all. You’re right, we’re not kids and it wasn’t just teasing you that I could get you to stalk me for donuts or lure you home with treats but too many important people getting the wrong impression of both of us as they think we’re just classmates.”

  I hadn’t even thought of that, nodding he was right that it looked bad for both of us. “You don’t get to be the boss anymore. I’m the boss from now on.” I bit back a chuckle how fast he nodded, hope in his eyes. He came towards me but I shook my head. “You still get a time-out, Hudson. I can’t just shift gears like that.”


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