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Page 16

by Laurann Dohner

  Some of his anger dissipated. “Why would you take that risk? Just tell me that, Kat.”

  “I don’t agree with some things, okay? I feel protective of the NSO.”

  “Were you supposed to look for this male?”

  She should have seen that question coming. “I just plan to teach some classes. That’s all.”

  “But you were asked to do more?”

  She barely nodded. “Not that I’d do it.”

  “A human? Just look into my eyes.”

  She stared into his dark gaze and shrugged. “I don’t know why he’d be here but I got the impression he wouldn’t hang around if he had a choice. That’s all I can say.”

  “A prisoner?” He studied her eyes. “A prisoner. Your eyes widened and you sucked in a sharp breath.”

  She closed her eyes. “That’s my assumption. It’s not as if the NSO lets anyone else know what is going on or why they’d keep someone here. I’m done now. I can’t say anything else.”

  Darkness leaned forward and ran his nose along her throat, growling softly. “Don’t shut down on me.”

  “Don’t push me so far there’s no way back. I did you a solid today, Darkness. Can’t that be enough?”

  His lips brushed her ear. “No.”

  She wiggled beneath him and opened her hands on his chest. His firm, warm skin felt wonderful. She loved his body and all the memories that came with the last time he’d had her naked under him.

  “Damn you, Darkness.”

  “The same to you, my little pretend-cat.”

  She smiled. “You’re such a dick.”

  He adjusted his legs and shoved hers open, pressing the solid, thick length of his cock against her thigh. “What about it?”

  “I took a risk today. Can’t you just say thank you for the heads-up? That was even after you made me angry in the climbing room. As if I’d go to bed with Jinx. I could punch you for that. I just happen to like you for some reason that escapes me at this moment.”

  “Look at me.”

  She refused to open her eyes. “Why? So you can hit me up with more questions and guess the answers because my guard is down when you’re this close? It’s not fair.”

  “I never said I would be.”

  “I never said I’d be easy.”

  He chuckled. “Look at me, Kat.”

  She opened her eyes when he lifted his head away from her face, betting she would regret it. All the anger was gone from his features and he actually smiled.

  “Thank you.”

  That surprised her. “You’re welcome.”

  “How much trouble would you really be in if anyone found out about that phone call?”

  That killed the moment. “Shitloads.”

  “Why take the risk then?”

  “You wanted trust. I gave it to you. I hope it works both ways.”

  He peered deeply into her eyes. “What can you tell me? It stays here.”

  “You won’t have to repeat it to anyone?”


  She hesitated. She wanted to trust Darkness so much that her chest ached from the longing but her career was at stake. “Theoretically, there might be someone here that my boss wants pretty bad. It’s personal to him.”


  “I don’t know. It’s driving me nuts. How does he know this person and why would he go to all this trouble to um, ask someone to help him leave?”

  Darkness’ expression hardened. “You were asked to help someone escape?”

  “I just plan to teach classes. How many times do I have to say it?”

  “Blink twice if you were asked though.”

  She hesitated and then blinked twice.

  He cursed and rolled off her to lie on his back next to her. She turned onto her side to watch him. He glared up at the ceiling and his hands were fisted above his head. That had killed the mood. He didn’t look interested in sex anymore.

  “You have to give me the name.”

  “I can’t outright cross the line. My future is pure shit if I do that. Don’t you understand? There’s no way for you to link this guy to my boss otherwise.”

  He turned his head. “This is important.”

  “They can’t get to whoever it is here, if he’s here. I don’t know that for sure. Nor does my boss. He suspects.”

  Darkness sat up and left the bed. Kat watched him with a heavy heart. He was angry again and she knew whatever relationship they had would probably end the moment he walked out the door. He might even have her tossed out of Homeland. She’d risked her career by telling him about those agents. He’d hang her out to dry with the NSO. They’d open a full investigation and eventually it would lead back to Mason. Her boss would know where to pin the blame.

  He bent to get his pants. “I’m sorry.”

  It was just as she suspected. He was calling it quits between them. “Me too.”

  He straightened, plastic zip-tie cuffs in his hands. He glanced at them then her. “Just tell me the male’s name, Kat. Don’t make me do this.”

  He wasn’t getting dressed. “Do what? Are you going to arrest me?”

  “Worse.” He bent and grabbed her ankle, jerking her down the bed.

  “What are you doing?”

  He flipped her and she struggled, too late though. He was faster and stronger, pinning her with his knee on her ass. She gasped as he pressed her against the bed, securing her wrists behind her back. He let go the second she was cuffed. She rolled onto her side, staring up at him.

  “Darkness? You’re arresting me?”

  He put on his pants.

  “At least let me get dressed.” She struggled to sit upright.

  He shook his head.

  “You’re going to take me in naked? This better just be a threat.”

  He fastened his pants and then reached out, knocking her back onto her side. He grabbed the corner of the bedding and wrapped it around her.

  “Let me get dressed first. This is beyond fucked-up, Darkness.”

  He lifted her and she ended over his shoulder again. The blanket fell over her face, blinding her.

  “Goddamn you!” She was furious. “Do you think I’ll run? Give me a break. I’ve seen your security measures. I’d never make it off Homeland unless someone allows me out the gates. Put me down and let me get dressed.”

  “Shut up, Kat. I’m not taking you to a holding cell.”

  “Then where are we going?”

  “My house.”

  That didn’t bode well but it beat being arrested. “Why?”

  “I have my tools there.”

  A chill ran down her spine. “What does that mean?”

  “You’re going to talk to me, one way or another.”

  He paused and the glass door slid open. Her bare feet felt the breeze though she couldn’t see anything.

  “Don’t do this.”

  “You’re leaving me no choice.”

  “Take me back.”

  “No.” His strong arm across the back of her thighs kept her in place when he stepped over the short divider wall between their houses. Seconds later he entered his house and closed the slider.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Darkness, what are you going to do?” Kat hated the way her voice quivered.

  “Make you talk.”

  “You’re going to hurt me?” It was shocking. They didn’t exactly have a solid relationship but there were feelings. Could he torture her? Maim her? Her mind instantly went to Darwin Havings and what he and his thugs had done to Darkness. He’d learned from the worst of humanity but he wasn’t a monster. She’d seen that. Darkness was tormented by his past. A man without remorse wouldn’t have regrets. Darkness was a good man with plenty of them.

  He dropped her on something soft but rolled her before she could try to evaluate where she was. She tossed her head, freeing it of the blanket, to find herself on a bed. She twisted enough to stare up at Darkness. He grimly regarded her.

  “Tell me the human’s name. Let�
��s not do this, Kat.”

  “Damn it, Darkness, I already said too much. How many prisoners do you have here? Look into all of them. At least that way it will look random and won’t pin a target on my back if you come up with something.”

  “I appreciate it. Now understand this. I’m going to make you tell me everything. No more games or half-truths. No more dropping hints. You’re going to start at the beginning and tell me everything. Otherwise…” His voice trailed off.

  It pissed her off. “I’m sorry I tried to help you. I thought we were friends.”

  He shook his head. “Never.”

  The stabbing pain that one word created really hurt. She raised her chin. “Fine. My name is Kathryn Decker and I work for the Bakersfield crime lab. You can take your rules and shove them up your ass.”


  He crossed the room to his closet, yanked open the door and disappeared inside. She fought tears. She’d slept with him and started to care about him. He’d obviously felt nothing for her in return. She glanced at the window. Patrols went by often but it would be dangerous to throw herself through the glass, even tempered glass, and hope an officer heard the noise and came to her rescue. She would likely end up in their medical facility. Darkness would still get his hands on her. They’d just turn her over to their number-one interrogator.

  He exited the closet with a bag and dropped it on the floor. She stared at it and then watched him stomp out of the room. Her attention returned to the bag. Those were his tools. What did he plan to do to her? The possibilities were horrible and limitless. He could break bones, yank out teeth or carve her up with a knife. She shivered, feeling exposed.

  He might be bluffing. She hoped so. He returned, carrying an office chair. She frowned when he slammed it down on the floor and straightened. He stormed over to her and bent, grabbing her around her waist. She gasped as he lifted her and dropped her into the chair.

  “What are you going to do?”

  He dropped to his knees next to her, reached out, hooked the bag and dragged it closer. “Stay still.”

  She shot up, trying to flee. Her hands might be behind her back but that didn’t mean she was helpless. He moved faster than she would have thought possible. One arm hooked around her waist and she gasped as she was thrown back into the chair. He snarled at her, fury flashing in his look.

  “I said sit.”

  “Fuck you. I’m not playing this game. I told you what I could.”

  He withdrew elastic ties and, though she struggled, secured her at the elbows to the arms of the chair, at the back. He easily subdued her. He rose and went to the bed, grabbed a pillow and returned. He got behind her and she gasped when he shoved the pillow between her lower back and the chair. He straightened, came around and dropped to his knees in front of her. He got more elastic ties from the bag.

  “Don’t make me bruise you.”

  That was a good indication that he didn’t want to inflict pain.

  “Spread your legs a little. Heels against the chair.”

  He was going to make certain she didn’t get out of the chair. She hesitated but did it. Her fear level had dropped considerably. “You’re frustrated. I get that. Why don’t we both just calm down a bit and rethink this?”

  He secured her ankles to the chair legs so she couldn’t lift them. He reached around her and hooked her waist, yanking her ass to the edge. He adjusted the pillow then let go and shoved her thighs wide apart, exposing her pussy. She tried to wiggle back but the pillow wouldn’t allow it.

  “Is this going to be sexual torture? As opposed to just seducing it out of me, like last time? Okay, new approach. This is starting to look a bit kinky.” She tried to use humor.

  He arched one eyebrow.

  “I’d prefer that over real torture. The whole bleeding-and-in-pain thing would suck.” She allowed her feelings to show. “I’d never forgive you.”

  “Nor would I,” he muttered.

  “I’m glad we agree.”

  His mouth twisted and he frowned. “Do you think I’d really hurt you? That I could?”

  “I hope not.”

  His features hardened and all emotion was wiped away. “I could but I wouldn’t. Don’t ever forget that.”

  It reaffirmed her faith in him and the feelings she’d started to have for him. He bent a little and reached into the bag once more. He straightened and held out a ball gag. She’d seen them in sex films. “No way.”

  “Open your mouth.”

  “I thought you wanted me to talk.”

  “I don’t want anyone to hear you scream. Species have excellent hearing.”

  “Then it’s a ‘hell no’.” She clenched her teeth and showed him that she had by parting her lips.

  He grinned. “Really?”

  She nodded.

  He dropped the gag and reached into his bag again, pulled out duct tape. “This hurts coming off. Your lips are sensitive, Kat. One way or another, I’m going to have to muffle you.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  One eyebrow arched.

  “Why are you doing this? We both know there are limits on what we can say to each other. That’s been an understanding between us.”

  “Give me the name. It will end here.”

  “Cut me a break.”

  His chin lowered and he closed his eyes. She relaxed. Her instincts had been right. Darkness hadn’t hurt her when she’d been a stranger. They’d shared intimate moments since then. He’d opened up to her and they’d become a lot closer. She understood his frustration, feeling it too.

  He jerked his head up and snarled, snapping close to her face with his fangs. She gasped and pulled back, not expecting it. He shoved the rubber between her teeth. She tried to use her tongue to shove it out and twist her head at the same time. Darkness fisted her hair at the nape of her neck until it actually hurt, holding her still while his other hand kept the rubber in place. He pushed it in more and then grabbed her jaw, holding it closed around the ball. He snagged the rounded loop over her head and secured it.

  He let go and she tried to curse. It came out muffled. She leaned back, trying to rub her hair against the chair back to wiggle the strap up. Darkness yanked her forward and shook his head. He kept her there while he pulled out a clip from his bag and stood, leaning over her. It dug into her hair, securing the thing in place. She seethed, glaring at him.

  He bent and shook his head. “Surprise always works. It’s a natural reaction for someone to scream or gasp when frightened. That opens the mouth right up. Did you really think I’d remove your nose? It’s too cute.”

  She stared at him until he broke eye contact. A deep sigh came from him. He looked up, regret twisting his lips a little, then leaned in and gently removed the clip and strap, allowing her to spit out the ball gag.

  “Fine. Keep it down. I can’t stand you looking at me that way.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Just keep it down, Kat. I mean it. Otherwise we’re going to have company and I’d rather no one else see you tied to that chair.”

  “I wouldn’t like that either.” She glanced down her body and muttered how wrong it would be.

  He chuckled. “What? I didn’t understand you. Were you calling me a name?”

  She glared at him rather than speak. He was being a controlling bastard but not as much of one as he had been. He sat back on his legs and looked down, unfastening his pants. He left them on but the front gaped open, revealing a line of tan skin and evidence that he hadn’t taken the time to put on briefs.

  Kat tested the ties holding her in place but couldn’t get free. She wasn’t exactly uncomfortable in the plush chair and the restraints weren’t too tight. He gripped her inner thighs and shoved them apart then rose to his knees to put his hips between them so she couldn’t close them again.

  She stared into his eyes and wondered what he’d do to her. Some of his evident amusement fled.

  “Don’t look at me that way.”

  Is he k
idding? “How am I supposed to look? You have me tied to a chair.”

  “I’m not going to enter you. I just didn’t want my pants digging into my dick because I know I’m going to react to you. You have a way of making a male pretty uncomfortable.”

  He reached into the bag she had begun to hate. She turned her head, worried about what he’d pull out next. He hesitated until she looked back at him.

  “I thought it might come to this at some point. I did a little shopping with you in mind. Overnight delivery is a great option you humans have. I like to be prepared.” He paused. “Things have changed between us now. I know you better and I put a lot of time into considering how to go about doing this.”

  He lifted his arm and her eyes widened. He held a tube of lubricant. He even turned it so she could read the label. It was warming gel. She looked back at him. He placed the cold tube on the top of her thigh and reached into the bag again.

  Part of Kat was flattered. She had a suspicion that the bag held sex toys. No man had ever done that for her before and it was exciting.

  The second item he withdrew made her swallow. She stared at the large vibrator. It had a rounded rubber head and a long handle. Darkness allowed her to stare at it for a few seconds before he picked up the lube, uncapped it and doused the tip of the vibrator with the clear gel.

  “I’m going to make you orgasm again and again.” His voice deepened. “You ready, my little pretend-cat?”

  “That’s why you wanted me gagged?”


  She’d had fantasies about a man doing that to her but he was about to make it a reality. She nodded. “Do your worst.” She licked her lips. “Or your best.”

  He dropped the gel to the floor and brushed his fingertips across her nipple. It hardened at his touch. He used his thumb to circle the tip and she responded instantly.

  “Let’s see if you purr.”

  He turned the vibrator on. The sound was loud in the room and she guessed he had new batteries for that sucker since it seemed at full power. She tensed when he lowered it and held it inches from her pussy. She looked down and then at him. Her heart rate increased and excitement had her almost panting before he’d even started.

  One arm wrapped around her waist and he pulled her to the very edge of the seat. “I’ve got you. Just feel. Are you going to tell me the name?”


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