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My Forever Plus-One

Page 18

by Shannyn Schroeder

  “To seal his fate? I need to figure out who’s running with the story. If it’s someone with an ax to grind, they’ll go back. I know I would.”

  “Anything I can do to help?”

  “No. I just need to check into this more.”

  “I guess Donald wasn’t forthcoming, huh?”

  “He admitted he didn’t vet his host. But the guy and his phony background were accepted by others in the business. That’s what’s making me worry about who is doing this.”

  “So you need to find who Donald pissed off.” He chuckled. “That’ll be a long list.”

  She poked him in his side. “Believe it or not, most people generally like Donald.”

  “I don’t believe it.”

  He twisted to face her, pushing her back against the opposite side of the couch. “You’re spending too much time thinking about this.” He lowered his mouth to hers. “Your job is secure. Donald is out of the picture. If the shit hits the fan, it has nothing to do with you.”

  “But—” Her words were lost when his tongue made contact with the side of her neck.

  He took his time nibbling and sucking and driving her mad with his mouth. She dropped her phone, and it thumped on the floor.

  She held Owen close, luxuriating in the safety and security he offered.


  Evelyn woke with a start, her phone buzzing crazily on the bedside table. Brushing her hair off her face, she picked it up and looked at the screen. A slew of texts from various people she knew in TV, some of whom were currently on her crew. Something had broken overnight in regard to Donald. She looked over her shoulder. Owen was already up.

  She heard the shower running, so she went to the kitchen. He always started the coffee before heading to the shower. It was one of the many things she could count on with him. With a huge steaming cup in front of her, she focused on the messages. Most were in the vein of Did you see about Donald? I can’t believe it! When she scrolled through, she found what she’d been looking for: links. She opened one after another.

  It was far worse than Donald had led her to believe. They not only had a fraud for a host, but the stories he’d said were fabricated weren’t actually made-up. They just belonged to someone else. They’d interviewed people who had amazing stories, then had decided to embellish them and brought in other people who’d acted as though the stories were theirs.

  Owen came into the kitchen. “What’s up?”

  “Shit hit the fan overnight.”

  He picked up her cup and drank. “Everything still okay for you?”

  “I think so.” She rose, kissed his cheek, and said, “I’m going into the studio now to make sure. See you tomorrow?”

  He put the cup back on the table and grabbed her hips. “As soon as I’m off shift. I’ll wake you up.” He kissed her, showing a hint of what he’d do to wake her.

  “I have to go. Have a good day at work.”

  “You, too.”

  As she drove to the studio, Evelyn considered how lucky she was to have Owen. She’d thought his weird work schedule would bother her, but it worked well for them. He didn’t nag her about the time she spent at work, and she didn’t get mopey when she didn’t see him for more than twenty-four hours. She really liked that he had nothing to do with TV.

  When she had started dating Donald and for their entire marriage, there was no break or escape. They’d had so much in common, they’d understood the struggles and disappointments. But because they’d worked together, she’d never had someone to vent to or share stories with. She believed that was part of the downfall of their marriage. When she’d needed to vent about work, Donald had told her how to play it, what to do, instead of just listening. He’d acted as if she couldn’t handle her own problems.

  Owen, on the other hand, assumed she could manage anything. She could vent and he didn’t offer unsolicited advice, especially about things he didn’t understand. She’d definitely traded up.

  She pulled into the lot and saw a few cameras out front. Hopefully, no one knew who she was and they’d just come looking for Donald. She left her car and walked quickly to a back entrance. When she neared her office, everyone was buzzing. She hadn’t heard from Marcus, and she didn’t know if that was a positive sign. Donald was in Chicago, possibly in this building. She sat at her desk and tried to bury her nose in work, but it was useless.

  As soon as she had her computer booted up, she began to track the story on Donald’s mess. She’d barely gotten through the first story when there was a knock on her door. She looked up to see Donald standing there.

  “Hey, Evie.”


  “I have a favor to ask.”

  Damn. She really couldn’t afford to get involved in this.

  He came into the office and closed the door. “I need to stay at your place for a few days.”


  “I already had people showing up at my home before I left New York. That was before things went crazy. Now, in case you haven’t noticed, they’re outside.”

  “I noticed. I was praying they don’t know who I am.”

  He smiled that I’m-so-charming grin that worked on everyone. “Come on. It’s not that bad being my ex.”

  She snorted. “Right now, it’s the worst position to be in.”

  He dropped the smile and sighed. “They’ll follow me to my hotel. I just need to lie low for a couple days. They’ll forget all about me when the news cycle shifts.”

  She crossed her arms. “I don’t know. This is pretty big.”

  “Evie, I’m sure Marcus told you that he’s cut my involvement here. Isn’t that enough punishment? You get to go on and have this amazing new show, and I have to find something to salvage my career.”

  She had a feeling that he’d be just fine. But guilt still tugged at her. He made valid points. This deal might not exist with Marcus if Donald hadn’t made the introductions. He always had her back and did what he could to advance her career. She bit her lip. What was a few days? She’d just stay with Owen.

  “Fine. I expect you to keep my place clean and replace anything you eat.” She rolled her chair over to the corner where she dropped her bag. Pulling out her keys, she separated the ones for Owen’s house and tossed the rest to Donald. “My car is in the back lot. Fill the tank.”

  “You’re not coming with me?”

  “Why would I? I still have a job, remember?” she said with a smirk.

  “That was a cheap shot. You trust me in your house alone? Imagine the trouble I can get into.”

  She waved a hand. “Whatever. Stay out of my personal stuff. Sleep in the guest room.”

  He tossed the keys in the air and caught them. “You’re taking away the little bit of fun I should be able to have.”

  “Do not include me in the fun you think you should have.” It was bad enough that he’d made these egregious mistakes—assuming they were actually mistakes, because with Donald she never knew—and would probably get away with barely a mark against him. She tried not to be bitter about what men could get away with. If she’d done half of what Donald had done or at least allowed others to do, she’d never work in TV again.

  Donald winked. “We always had fun.”

  “Had. Past tense.”

  He sighed again. “Yeah, I know. You’re with Owen. I still don’t quite understand the compatibility there.”

  I have a man who doesn’t put work before our relationship. Someone who gives me comfort and stability, who balances my life. A man who doesn’t manipulate every aspect of our lives to further his wants. A man who treats me like I’m a goddess.

  “Good thing you don’t need to understand. Now get out. I have work to do.”

  “Okay. See you later.” He turned to leave and then spun around. “Thank you.”

  “No problem. It’s only a couple days, right?”

  “Absolutely. Maybe you can invite Owen over, and we can all have dinner together.”

  She laughed again. “I s
incerely doubt that’s a good idea. In case you haven’t noticed, he doesn’t like you.”

  “I don’t know why. I’m a fascinating person.”

  She pursed her lips and pointed at the door again. This time when he turned, he continued walking.

  With Donald out of the picture and the reassurance that her job was safe, she focused on prepping for their first episode. They planned on having a run-through in a few days. Marcus was pushing because the network had an open slot and he wanted them to fill it. The excitement for her project returned full force. She was determined to make this a hit.


  Owen left the firehouse and drove home on autopilot. When he didn’t see Evelyn’s car, he tried to remember if she’d said she was staying at her place and he should come there. His only thought had been crawling into bed with her and making love until she had to leave for work. He drove to her place and parked.

  On his way upstairs, he began to imagine the different ways he could subtly wake her. He briefly wondered if he could get his face between her legs to lick her pussy. He unlocked the door and tossed his keys on the counter.

  As he reached for the hem of his T-shirt to pull it over his head, he heard a noise and stopped. From around the corner, Donald strode into the room wearing nothing but a towel.

  “What the fuck!”

  Donald froze, eyes wide.

  A lifetime passed with the two of them staring at each other. Water dripped down Donald’s chest, and Owen saw red. Images flashed in his mind of Evelyn naked in bed with this asshole, running her tongue over his chest, doing all the things she should only be doing with him. He stormed forward.

  Donald gripped the knot in his towel with one hand and raised the other. “It’s not what you think.”

  “Right.” His fist snapped back before he considered what he was doing, and then he connected with Donald’s jaw. The man slipped in his bare feet and lost the hold he had on his towel. Owen sniffed as he stepped over Donald. “Evelyn!”

  He didn’t know why he was calling her. Did he want to see the evidence of what she’d been doing with her ex?

  Flinging the towel back in place, Donald pushed off the floor. “She’s not here. That’s what I tried to tell you.”

  “I didn’t ask you,” Owen growled. He turned, and Donald flinched as he walked past.

  Disgust filled Owen’s gut. He knew. As soon as Donald swooped back into her life, he knew the man couldn’t be trusted. He would do whatever he could to keep a toehold in Evelyn’s life. Donald continued to stammer something, but Owen was deaf. His blood thundered in his ears, and he stormed out of the condo.

  This time when he drove home, it wasn’t just on autopilot. He was in a blind rage. It wasn’t the wisest choice, but there was no way he could sit in his car outside Evelyn’s and think about Donald’s naked ass.

  He parked in front of his house and had no recollection of how he’d gotten there. Inside, he absently patted Probie’s head. In the kitchen, he found a note from Evelyn. It simply said Sorry I missed you. Call when you wake up.

  As if he had any chance of sleeping now. His heart was still pounding. He wanted to hit something. Preferably Donald. He changed into running clothes and grabbed Probie’s leash. His dog danced around his legs the way he always did.

  They ran hard. Owen didn’t even track how far they’d gone. It hadn’t been a relaxing, stay-fit kind of run. He just kept running, driving pictures from his imagination. Images of a naked Donald standing in Evelyn’s living room. By the time he rounded the corner near his house, poor Probie was panting and slowing down. That was how he knew they’d gone farther than ever. His dog never tired.

  He opened the door and went straight to the kitchen to get fresh cold water. While Probie lapped at his bowl, Owen gulped from a glass. His body radiated heat from the run and his anger, which hadn’t waned at all. He looked at his phone and saw missed calls from Evelyn. He turned the phone off.

  There was nothing to say. It didn’t matter what was going on at her place. Donald should never have been there, comfortable enough to strip down and take a shower. He didn’t care how many times Evelyn said they were friends. He knew exactly how that played out. Evelyn had told him that for months after their separation and divorce, she’d hopped into bed with Donald. Then, of course, there was Stacy and her special friend.

  His thoughts sat like acid in his brain. It was still morning, but he really wanted to open a beer. However, drinking wouldn’t solve anything. He considered calling his brother or maybe Trevor, but he didn’t want advice. He took a quick shower and lay down to sleep. Anything to erase the betrayal he saw in his mind.

  Chapter Eleven

  Evelyn couldn’t focus on a damn thing after she received the call from Donald. She knew what Owen thought, especially after finding Donald at her house, taking a shower. Part of her was pissed that he would even think she would cheat on him. But mostly, she was worried. Owen would be a mess.

  She’d called his phone so many times, she was getting desperate. She wanted to leave work, but since they were getting ready to shoot their first episode, she couldn’t afford to take off in the middle of the day. There was still too much to do.

  Between trying to fill audience seats for an unknown show to fielding ridiculous questions about Donald, she was barely keeping her head above water. And Owen’s actions were pulling her under. She left him a message, but knowing him, he wouldn’t even listen to it. If, by chance, he did listen, it still probably wouldn’t do much good. He was a stubborn man.

  She put her head down and got to work, even though she constantly checked her phone on the off chance that he might call.

  Later that night—always later than she thought she’d be leaving work—she called him again. Straight to voicemail. So after grabbing a ride to her place to pick up her car, she drove to his house to make him listen to reason.

  The house was dark, but his car was out front, so he was home. She pulled out her keys and considered walking in, but then decided to knock. He was mad. He wouldn’t want her barging in.

  No answer. She knocked harder. Probie barked, and she heard the dog scrambling on the other side of the door. Maybe he’d gone out?

  Then she heard the curse. The door yanked open and he stood in the entryway. His face was indifferent at seeing her. It shouldn’t have hurt, but it did.

  Shoring up her defense, she said, “Can I come in?”

  “Why bother?”

  Then she noticed how he swayed. He’d been drinking.

  “Are you drunk?”

  “Not nearly enough. Couldn’t sleep. What do you want? To tell me that it’s not what I think? That Donald’s naked ass wasn’t strolling through your condo?”

  “Yes. No.” She closed her eyes and took a breath. “Yes, Donald was at my place. I was not. I spent the night here. How could you think I would ever cheat on you, much less with Donald?”

  “There are other ways to cheat besides letting some guy put his dick in you.”


  “Go home, Evelyn.” He moved to close the door.

  She slapped her palm against it. “No. You don’t get to say shit and then brush me off like I don’t matter.”

  “You don’t. You made your choice. And it wasn’t me.”

  His first words more than stung. A stabbing pain thrust through her. Then the rest of his statement registered. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “He’s staying at your place, Evelyn. He doesn’t fucking belong there.”

  “His life is imploding. His career is in question, he just lost the job with my show, reporters are all over his place. I’m helping a friend.”

  He growled.

  “That’s all he is, Owen.”

  He shook his head and gave her a look of disgust. “You choose him. All. The. Time. Phone rings. It’s Donald. Let me take this. Donald shows up in town. I’m going out to dinner with Donald. Donald fucked up his life. Let me help.” With each phrase his volu
me increased and his arms waved for emphasis. It was the most non-Owen-like she’d ever seen him.

  She took another deep breath. “Can I come in so we can talk?”

  “There’s nothing to talk about. Your priorities are clear. And I’m not one.”

  For fuck’s sake. “You’re drunk. Call me when you’re ready to have a conversation.” She turned and left. The problem was, she didn’t know where she was supposed to go. Donald was still at her place, and he was the last person she wanted to see right now. As she drove through the city, anger bit at her. Men were so stupid.

  She called Nina.

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Are you at home?” she asked.


  “Can I come over? I need a place to stay tonight.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’ll explain when I get there. Have the wine ready.”

  When Evelyn arrived at Nina’s apartment, which was bigger than Evelyn’s condo, Nina already had wine poured for both of them.

  “Tell me,” Nina said.

  “This is all your fault.” She accepted the glass, settled on the couch, and then told her friend what happened.

  “How is any of that my fault?”

  “You and your stupid challenge for us to find someone to be with. Specifically calling out me and Owen for our relationship. That was all you. We were fine.”

  “Were you?”

  Nina’s question was full of innuendo.

  They had been fine. Their lives had been good. Admittedly, they were better now. At least until today. It was all jumbled up.

  “So Owen thinks you slept with Donald?”

  Evelyn shrugged. “I have no clue what Owen thinks. He’s mad. He’s drunk. He thinks I chose Donald over him.” She glugged more wine.

  “As if.”

  “Right? How could he think I would ever do anything like that?”

  Waving her glass at Evelyn, Nina said, “He did find a naked Donald in your living room.”

  “First, he wasn’t really naked. He had a towel on because he’d just gotten out of the shower. Second, he was only in the living room because he heard Owen come in. Owen jumped to all kinds of conclusions.”


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