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Betrayed: Book Five of the State Series

Page 19

by M. J. Kaestli

  “Your partner?”

  She nodded.

  “Was this a personal matter? Or is he affiliated with the rebellion?”

  Chastity shook her head rapidly. “No, definitely not the rebellion. It was personal.” Her voice cracked on the word personal, tears threatening to overtake her.

  “Does this have anything to do with how much you’ve been working? Or were you struggling before?”

  She nodded. “Because I’ve been here so much, he thinks we’re having an affair.” She laughed as she said the word affair; the concept was ridiculous.

  Victor nodded. “It is time for you to get some rest. I want you to relax, I’ll put in an emergency call to our lead psychologist.”

  Chastity flinched, fighting back her tears. “No, Victor, I don’t want you to make a fuss over me. I’m sure I can figure—”

  “Chastity, I have told you before, I can’t perform my duty without you. Your safety is a matter of national security. I will immediately have our top psychologist investigate this matter. You’re not going home again until I know that you can do so safely.”

  Victor held her gaze until she looked up at him, acknowledging she had no other option. He slipped out of the room without another word.

  She put no more thought into Lance or her safety as the medication silenced her mind. She fell asleep only moments after she rested her head on her pillow.

  Chapter 29


  She dreamed her hair was caught in her comb, tugging at an endless pile of tangles. No matter her efforts, the tangles continued. Her scalp was tender from her exertion, yet she continued to tug with her brush repeatedly.

  She turned her head back and forth as though she needed assistance to escape from her own hands tugging at her hair. The thrashing broke through the fog in her mind and her dreams melted away. She became aware that there was no comb in her hand, which confused her.

  Why does my scalp hurt?

  She opened her eyes, blinking to test her lucidity and blew out a heavy breath, alerting her to the pain radiating from her split lip.

  Chastity moaned, burying her face into her pillow. There were far too many reasons for her to stay tucked into the comfort of her bed.

  Here, she didn’t have to face Lance or what happened last night. More importantly, she didn’t have to face Victor.

  Why did I come here? I should have stayed home.

  She pulled her pillow over her face as the consequences of her choice to run to the State House set in.

  Now that Victor is involved in my personal life. What will he think of me? Will he want to replace me with an assistant who can manage her home life appropriately? And what about Lance? Have I not just added to his suspicions by spending the night here? Was it really necessary to leave or did I just over react?

  Even though her head was fuzzy from whatever was in the juice box, fear of being replaced drove her to sit upright. She planted her feet firmly on the ground and pushed off the sofa.

  If Victor replaces me, I’ll be sent out to the mountain. I would rather stay here with Lance than be sent out there. I must prove to Victor and the Council that I can handle this. I’m certain I am not the first Council member to have a fight with their partner.

  She peeked out into the hall and saw a fresh uniform laying neatly folded in front of her door. She quickly snatched the uniform and shut the door.

  There was a bathroom connected to her temporary apartment, and she quickly slipped into the shower. She struggled to wash around the small bandages closing the gash on her fat lip. Once dressed, she pulled her dripping wet hair into a low ponytail and stepped into her uniform.

  She kept her head low while walking down the hall, as though it were enough to hide small bandages and dark hues spreading around the gash on her lip.

  She retrieved her tablet and checked the time, the pit dropping out of her stomach as she realized she was over an hour late reporting into her duty.

  Why wasn’t an alarm set for me?

  Her entire body flushed with heat, a mist of perspiration glistening on her brow.

  Has Victor found a replacement for me already?

  Her eyes filled with tears.

  Does he keep an administrator on reserve, just in case I mess up? Would it be difficult to replace me?

  She looked back to her tablet, searching for any evidence to show she still held her position. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw a message sent from Victor to all the State House workers, her name displayed in the subject line.

  Dear State House Staff,

  I regret to inform you, Chastity had an accident last night. Her injuries are minor, and you need not concern yourself with the bruising you may see.

  Please, I ask you to respect her privacy as she recovers.

  This incident was not a politically motivated attack against the State. Do not fear for your safety.

  The matter is being thoroughly investigated to prevent any further harm.


  The State

  Chastity took a deep breath, working to push away the emotions welling inside of her. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing until she felt in control of herself once again.

  Victor told everyone not to inquire into my injury, this is a good thing. He’s launched an investigation. This will keep Lance from lashing out at me again. I am sure Victor will give me another chance to prove my capabilities in both my civil, and Council duties.

  With her tablet tucked under her arm, she took a deep breath, squared her shoulders and left the safe little nook she was hiding in. She was so focused on portraying a confident posture, she didn’t peer into Victor’s office before stepping inside.

  He was seated at his desk with a mature, unfamiliar woman standing off to the side of him. He lifted his head and nearly flinched when we saw her standing there.

  “Chastity, what are you doing here?”

  She looked around the room cautiously, feeling as though she was dreaming.

  “You were not expected to report to duty today.”

  Her jaw fell open; her stomach churned. “I’m sorry I am late,” she said, hardly comprehending his words. “The medication made me sleep late.”

  Victor looked at her sideways momentarily before shaking his head.

  Her stomach dropped as she looked at the mature woman standing in her place.

  Has he already replaced me? Does he think so little of my abilities?

  “Chastity, we have contingencies in place if you require a personal day.” He shook his head again, a soft smile curled on his lips. “I assumed you knew that, but that was obviously my mistake as you have reported for duty every day since you started here. I apologize. I should have sent you a message.”

  Chastity looked at the pair of them again, trying to force her mind to be as sharp as it normally was.

  “Victor, I’m fine. I overslept. There is no need for me to take an entire day of rest. The medication is almost out of my system.”

  Victor folded his hands on his desk. “Chastity, last night I requested a military administrator fill in for you. This isn’t simply because you overslept.”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine. I appreciate your concern, but this isn’t necessary.” Her desperation hung in the air between them.

  Victor pursed his lips. “Actually Chastity, it is. Take your tablet and go back to the apartment over the military underground access. Wait for a message. You will be summoned to the military underground. The investigation into last night’s incident is ongoing, and we hope to deal with it today. Taking today to deal with the situation means you will return tomorrow with full focus on your duty.”

  Chastity looked away, realizing she had no choice, and exited his office as silently as she had entered.

  She turned back to her temporary apartment and sat on the sofa, staring down at her tablet. Upon opening her inbox, she realized her normal messages were being redirected to the temporary administrator. All the messages she had
received since arriving at the State House the previous night were nothing more than a carbon copy sent from her replacement, showing what work she had completed and what would need further attention at a later date.

  The screen blurred. It took her a moment to realize tears were streaming down her cheeks.

  I’m replaceable. Victor made it sound like I’m indispensable, but clearly, I’m not. Maybe Lenora only had to train me because of my age when I started. This worker with decades of military experience can replace me within a moment’s notice.

  I’m not special, or valuable. I’m an administrator, just like any other. Just as Lance said I am.


  Chastity jolted upright as a schedule update chimed on her tablet, waking her from her half-sleep.

  She was to meet with a psychologist in twenty minutes. Attached she found a map directing her to a room in the military underground. It appeared she needed to leave shortly, so she cleaned herself up and opened the hatch.

  She passed by the firing range, wishing more than anything her reasons for entering the underground could be as simple as her Council training. Everything made sense when she worked at her civil duty or fired off a round at the shooting range. It was only her coupling, her mother, her life outside of the State House which didn’t compute.

  She didn’t know what to expect from this meeting before her. Would they look for information to build a case against Lance? Was her coupling being dissolved? Did the State even dissolve partnerships?

  She remembered Victor saying her safety is a matter of national security.

  Surely, they must separate us. My schedule won’t get lighter. If Lance is already disgruntled with our partnership, I don’t foresee any improvement over time.

  She slowed her pace, mulling over her thoughts as she walked.

  Would it be such a bad thing if they separate us? Maybe I could move into the State House. It would allow me more time and energy to focus on my duty and the Council. The Head of State never has a partner to ensure they remain focused on their duty. Maybe the State could allow the same provision for me. I’m not as important as the Head of State, but I would rather devote my life to the State than waste time in an unsuccessful coupling.

  She arrived at her destination, giving a soft knock at the door. A woman answered, who couldn’t be a day older than Chastity.

  “Welcome, Chastity.”

  Chastity stepped inside, underwhelmed by the confined space. She didn’t know what she had expected from a meeting with a psychologist—maybe something more clinical or brighter. The room contained one table with two chairs. It looked like a place she would expect to be interrogated rather than helped.

  “I’m Dr. Rhetta, a psychologist with the military.” She gestured to the table. “Please, take a seat.”

  Chastity flinched but recovered quickly. Of course you are a military psychologist, she thought, we are in the military underground.

  Chastity took a seat and looked across the table, studying this woman in front of her. She had square features and small beady eyes, not someone who she would turn to for emotional support.

  “I understand this is your first time speaking directly with a psychologist.”

  Chastity nodded, growing more uncomfortable with this woman with each passing second.

  “That is a good thing.” Dr. Rhetta held her gaze then gestured around the room. “This is not a conventional location for a psychologist to meet their patients, but my role is unique to most psychologists.”

  Chastity forced her gaze straight forward, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.

  “I wanted to point this out to you, so you are aware that I have military clearance and I know that you are a newly recruited Council member. I know exactly where you are in your progress, and you are free to discuss the Council with me.”

  Chastity nodded. Her throat felt too dry to speak but recognized her need to acknowledge this woman.

  “I don’t stick to a particular office, as I travel where I am needed. I either meet with Council members or military personnel in the underground, or certain civilians in a formal clinical setting. I spent this morning in a clinic with your partner, Lance.”

  Chastity clenched her jaw. There was something about the way this woman spoke that rubbed her the wrong way.

  Dr. Rhetta observed her momentarily and began again. “I reviewed the video surveillance from your apartment last night and had a lengthy discussion with Lance. I understand that since your coupling, this is the first fight between the two of you. It appears this issue is rather simple and can be cleared up with some minor adjustments.”

  Chastity took a deep breath. As much as she took an immediate dislike to this woman, if Dr. Rhetta could reverse their coupling quickly, she could look past her quirks.

  “It wasn’t our first fight,” her face flushed merely from having to speak the words aloud, “it was the first time he struck me.” She took a deep breath, keeping her gaze off to the side. “I would like it very much if we could deal with this quickly. Between my civil duty and Council training, I have little time nor the energy for situations like this.”

  Dr. Rhetta smiled—if the expression she forced onto her face could be referred to as a smile. It seemed to be more mechanical in nature than a naturally occurring display of emotion.

  “I am happy to hear that you recognize the problem in your coupling. You have lost your equilibrium. You need to learn to balance both your duties and your personal life.”

  Chastity blinked rapidly, trying to process her words. “I’m uncertain I understand your meaning.”

  Dr. Rhetta pursed her lips. “Yes, that is why you are here. You need to learn to develop a balance between your life at the State House and the one you have with your partner at home.”

  Chastity’s jaw fell open. “I-I don’t know how I’m expected to do so. My civil duty is more challenging than most, and now I have the Council on top of that.”

  Without lowering her piercing gaze, Dr. Rhetta gave a nod so slight it could have easily been passed off as a twitch. “Yes, I am aware of your schedule. There are many people with demanding schedules—most adults actually. That’s what it takes to keep our society running, to keep us all fed and clothed. Your mother had a demanding schedule. I’m not certain why you thought your life would be any different.”

  “I know a lot of people are busy,” she spat, “it’s just that, working at the State House…” She struggled to finish her thought as fire burned in her chest.

  “Yes, Lance shared with me he feels that your civil duty has inflated your ego.”

  Chastity took in a sharp breath. Was she really siding with Lance?

  “No, it hasn’t. It’s just that I have less free time than he does, and he doesn’t understand that.”

  Dr. Rhetta looked down and cleared her throat. “I assure you, he understands perfectly well that your schedule is demanding. But the challenge in your relationship isn’t due to your schedule, but the way you manage your time.”

  Chastity balled her hands into fists under the table. “Then what do you recommend? How is it I should manage my time?”

  Dr. Rhetta’s eyes lit up. “Well, for example, you flew through your Council training at an accelerated rate. You could have taken a slower pace to prioritize time with Lance.”

  Nausea swam around in Chastity’s stomach. “I thought it was a priority to finish.”

  “Why did you think that? No one instructed you on a deadline. You were told to fit the training in when you could, to work around your schedule. It was your choice to spend all your free time on your training, instead of nurturing a loving relationship with your partner. Happy coupling isn’t about how much time you have in a day with each other, but how you choose to spend the time you have.”

  Chastity’s face turned ghostly white. She couldn’t endure much more of this; she needed to set this woman straight. “So, what if I poorly managed my time? That doesn’t give him the right to hit me! I think my time wo
uld be better served in the State House. If the State could just end our coupling, I could devote my time to the Council and to the State, and he could be coupled with someone else who would be better suited to him.”

  Dr. Rhetta tucked her chin, peering up at her. “Is that what you want? You think the proper course of action is to uncouple you. Where would you live? What would this plan of yours look like?”

  “I don’t know. There are lots of apartments in the State House. I could take one of those or live in independent living.” Chastity shrugged. “Victor isn’t coupled, and he lives in the State House because his life is devoted to the State. Would that not be a better place for me than living with a partner who feels threatened by my civil duty?”


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