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Unleashed Desires 0f A Noble Lady (Steamy Historical Regency)

Page 17

by Scarlett Osborne

  “Her family?” He was growing more puzzled. “I understand that I am marrying lower, but she is still a highborn lady, I thought it would be acceptable to you and Fath—”

  “No, you don’t understand, Donald, dear. It isn’t a secret, at least not to me, that Lord Westfolk is in a deep amount of debt,” his mother practically hissed between her teeth.

  “Oh, you know about that,” Donald said, calmer now but cautious.

  “Of course I do. Few things happen in the world of finance that your father and I don’t know about. That’s necessary when you manage as much as your father does. It would be good for you to understand that before you inherit the estate.”

  “You are right about that, Mother. Still, I don’t see what any of Lord Westfolk’s business has to do with my engagement.” Donald was fibbing now. He knew exactly what his mother’s concerns were and could even understand sharing them.

  The topic, however, was still a fresh wound for Donald and he wanted the discussion to be over as soon as possible.

  “The issue is that once our families are joined, his debt becomes all of our debt. You will inherit all he leaves behind. For good or ill. And while we could easily deal with something like that, it begs the question should we allow ourselves to be put into a position where we can be taken advantage of?”

  “Emma’s father has been a good friend to our family for years. I trust him, Mother, and you should too. I simply can’t see him trying to use the marriage of his only daughter for finances.” Donald’s voice was tired, making it clear to his mother that he wasn’t keen on the conversation. She didn’t seem to take the hint.

  “Donald, my dear son. You have grown into a fine and educated gentleman and I am so proud of you. But something I know you will have to learn before you become a Duke, is that everyone is envious of the wealthy and everyone will be doing what they can to get that wealth from you.”

  Donald sat in silence for a moment, almost aghast at what his mother was saying and even more so at what she was implying. “Mother I—”

  “I know it’s hard to accept, dear. I’m not saying this because I want to be right, this is simply the hardest lesson we must learn about responsibility and one I think you ought to before you officially inherit your father’s title. It’s an important lesson.”

  At this Donald stood up suddenly, practically shoving his chair back from the table. “Mother, I have had enough. You may think you are looking out for my best interests, but right now you are speaking about the marriage to the lady I love. I will not stand aside while you besmirch the good name of my betrothed. I will not listen to another word.”

  His mother opened her mouth a few times as if she were about to say more, but Donald didn’t wait around to hear it. He excused himself, for proprieties sake, and marched out of the flower house, toward the main estate.

  * * *

  Donald sat in his room, his chair faced toward the open window. Thankfully he was facing out from the side that couldn’t see the flower house. He took several deep breaths, enjoying the air and view as best he could.

  He didn’t like being angry with his mother. His mother was always his bastion in the estate. His father was strict, controlling, and cool at the best of times, his mother would often offer the care and guidance that his sensitive disposition needed. Here she was being oddly cold and suspicious herself.

  Was he seeing a different side of her that he had never seen before? Or was there more to this?

  He considered going to see Emma, but thought better of it. She was particularly good at discerning when he wasn’t feeling all that good. She would care and want to know what was wrong. He couldn’t lie to her. But he didn’t want her to suffer through this all over again, especially since none of it was her fault.

  Best to avoid her, as much as it pains me.

  Resigned, Donald leaned back in his chair to try and find a relaxing position, wanting to let his muscles loosen.

  Just as he began to feel himself drift away from the anger that had been built up inside him, he heard a knock at the door. “Yes?” Donald called out, not sure who he expected or who he would even want to see right now.

  “It’s Helt, My Lord. I request an audience.” He spoke through the door and Donald quirked his brow.

  “Come in, Helt. Why are you requesting an audience? If there is something you need you can just ask.” Donald was confused at his valet’s formal request.

  “It’s not that I need something, My Lord, but rather I have something of dire importance that I must speak to you about,” the old valet said as he entered the room. He looked quite worried now that he was standing in front of Donald.

  Donald sighed. “Who doesn’t have dire news for me? Well, on with it.”

  Helt seemed a bit put off by Donald’s seeming apathy, but frankly Donald was done with emergencies by now and just wanted Helt to spit it out.

  “Well, My Lord, there is a rather unflattering rumor going around the staff right now. I wanted to inform you of it before another member of the family heard. Give you the chance to assess it before it comes out,” Helt said.

  “I appreciate that very much, Helt. I would appreciate it far more if you could tell me what the rumor is.”

  “Ah, well, you see some of the staff saw Lord Thetmont and Lady Emma talking in the garden alone, late last night,” Helt said it, almost meekly, as if trying to deaden the blow. “None of the servants heard enough to be sure. But it is clear that they were discussing in urgent whispers. They were certainly behaving strangely.”

  Donald, as of this moment, was of two minds. On one hand he couldn’t and wouldn’t believe it. So much had been said and done to try and bring this marriage to an end, how could he be sure of this? On the other hand, let’s say it did happen, then this was simply another misunderstanding, and one he should clear up with Emma as soon as possible.

  Nowhere in Donald’s mind was it possible that Emma could be doing something so unbecoming. She simply would not. What he had told his mother was true, he trusted Emma and believed she would never betray him. That counted in both matters of money as well as matters of the heart.

  “And this is a rumor you heard? You didn’t witness this yourself?” Donald asked Helt with surprising calmness.

  “That’s true. I didn’t see it myself, My Lord. But I didn’t come here without looking into the matter as much as I thought it would be wise. I spoke to three separate members of the staff, two who saw the Lord walking through the dark house and the third who saw him talking to her before they exited to talk alone in the garden. Their voices were hushed and secretive, or so I was told.”

  “I see,” Donald was still unconvinced. He had never known his mother to be conniving but if she didn’t want this wedding to come to fruition, then would there be no limits to the means she would use? “Do you know where Lady Emma is now?”

  “I believe she is with the Dowager Countess, Lady Westfolk, and Lady Henrietta in the upstairs sunning room.”

  Donald stood and moved to leave. Helt nodded wordlessly and stepped out of the way to allow his Lord to exit his room.

  Chapter 25

  Emma had a thought she wasn’t necessarily proud of, while enjoying the late morning sun with her mother, her grandmother and Henrietta. She thought that she would eventually love living here at Derbourg when Donald inherited the title.

  Emma didn't like to think that she was marrying Donald for his money and his status, especially considering the most recent accusation. But she couldn’t deny that marrying Donald came with its benefits. And living at the Derbourg Estate would eventually be one of them.

  The manor had a unique charm, not just in its history but in the way it felt to walk around it. It didn’t have the intensity of a London manor, but a mysterious air, like something was just waiting to happen or be discovered. It made Emma feel a sense of excitement no matter what she was doing in the manor.

  The ladies were enjoying idle conversation, speculating on what the weat
her might be like for the wedding or even the honeymoon, although bringing up the subject tended to make Emma blush too much to be very talkative.

  She often found herself swept up in the fantasy of what she would do with Donald on their honeymoon, rather than where they were going. How he would hold her and kiss her. How he would touch her anywhere she asked and wouldn’t stop until she was satisfied.

  I am looking forward to the honeymoon more than the wedding itself.

  Her mother stopped talking though and a second later Emma heard, “My Ladies.” And her heart skipped a beat as she turned to excitedly look for her betrothed. She enjoyed having him so close very much.

  She was given pause, however, as Donald didn’t look good at all. His muscles were clenched and his face was drawn. “Donald?” Emma asked, forgetting herself in her worry. “Are you all right?”

  “Ah, I was hoping I would be able to pass my difficulties below your notice, my love,” Donald smiled weakly. “I should have known I can sneak nothing past you. Would you mind speaking to me in private?” Donald turned to the ladies. “I will not steal her away for too long though, not to worry.”

  “Better not. You are going to be taking her away from us soon, we need to make the best of the time we have left with her,” the Dowager Countess cracked and Donald’s smile became a little stronger. This was a relief to Emma.

  Emma stood and let Donald take her arm to lead her. He knew this manor, and would know a proper place to talk in privacy.

  Emma and Donald, followed discreetly by Josephine as not to interfere with their important conversation, ended up in a nearby, and surprisingly cramped, study. It smelled vaguely of brandy.

  “Now Donald, please, I know you don’t like to upset me but you must tell me who has you so distressed,” Emma begged, her hands going to his cheeks as she held his worried face.

  Donald seemed to consider something for a moment. “I’ll start with the thing that is most pressing. Helt told me about a rumor moving through the house staff. You were seen with Matthew speaking in the garden last night. Apparently the subject matter that was overheard was improper,” he said while clearing his throat awkwardly.

  “Oh Donald,” Emma gasped, turning away from him. She couldn’t bear to look at him. Couldn’t bear the idea that he would think less of her, or worse, think that she would lower herself in his eyes in that fashion.

  “Is it true?”

  “Would you still marry me if it is?” Emma asked, not evading the question but not wanting to answer it.

  “Of course I would. I don’t suspect you of anything Emma,” Donald assured her. “I am through with suspicion. I love you and I trust you. I just want to know the truth of what happened. And to make sure you are safe.”

  “I’m well,” Emma told him. And it was mostly the truth, but what had transpired the night before made her feel rather ill. Emma was sure she couldn’t tell Donald about it, but she couldn’t lie to him, either. No, she refused to build her marriage upon lies. If there was one person in the whole world she could be completely honest with, it was Donald.

  “Nothing happened that you should be worried about. Matthew simply wished to discuss a particularly dire matter in complete privacy and I obliged him.”

  “Dire matter? What matter could be dire for Matthew that I wouldn’t know about it?”

  “It was a most private matter. I don’t like keeping secrets from you, Donald, but I did tell Matthew I wouldn’t tell and he is a dear friend. Perhaps it would be best for you to talk to him on the matter. You are a kind friend, if you approach him, he might be willing to open up.”

  “You think he will? He didn’t approach me to begin with...” Donald said dejectedly.

  “Some things are hard for even best friends to discuss. But I am sure Matthew will be grateful that you are giving him the opportunity to speak up,” Emma encouraged. She didn’t know if she fully believed what she said, but she had to try. She couldn’t live with this anymore, would not be forced into the middle.

  “You are right. I trust both you and him, and I care about Matthew. If he needs help so much that he was willing to ask you in the middle of the night, then I want to be there for him as well.”

  “I believe he said he would be spending the day with your father. He had some financial theories he wanted to discuss, or something like that is what he mentioned earlier.”

  “Then I will seek him out. Thank you, Emma.” He pulled her close and she reveled in the warmth and safety she felt. While his strong arms encircling her usually made her feel that twinge of sexual excitement, this time it was overshadowed in the knowledge that his forgiveness and trust was always within reach. It made her feel truly loved and excited to spend her life with Donald. He was her destiny, she had no doubt.

  Emma felt him pull her even closer, practically lifted off the ground by Donald’s impressive strength as he held her close. His kisses traced from her forehead to her lips. Unlike before, these kisses didn’t linger on her lips though. They were heated and full of longing. Before she knew it, Donald’s lips were moving down her neck and to her chest. Emma’s heart hammered. She wanted nothing more than to run her fingers through his hair and encourage him, but once again she was painfully aware of Josephine’s presence and was forced to push him away.

  Donald left, and Emma and Josephine headed out into the hall to return to the ladies when she found herself face-to-face with the Duchess of Derbourg.

  Emma had always been intimidated by the Duchess. Though Donald had told her time and again that his mother was one of the kindest people he had known in his whole life, Emma could swear that there was something hard and cold in that gaze, hidden in the warmth and kindness she exuded.

  Emma didn’t think she was a bad person, far from it, she thought that the kindness Donald spoke of was quite genuine. But people had a habit of developing traits over time, thoughts and feelings they kept hidden from the larger world. Emma wondered if Her Grace had picked up some of the Duke’s rougher edges as a means to get by in the manor.

  Emma realized they had been standing and staring at one another for several minutes now. “Enjoying a walk around the estate?” the Duchess finally spoke. “I always thought it had a most mysterious beauty to it.”

  “I agree,” Emma spoke quietly and nodded. “You must take very good care of it.”

  “Oh, I do,” Her Grace professed. “I meticulously take good care of the things that are important to me. You understand that, don’t you? How important that is?”

  “I very much do, Your Grace,” Emma nodded again, slightly faster this time.

  “My son trusts you quite a bit, you know. I was always very protective of him, didn’t like him getting hurt. You would never do anything in regards to your proposal and marriage to get him hurt, would you?” The Duchess felt much closer to Emma now, her words carried a strangled air to them that worried Emma.

  “Your Grace, I don’t know what you have heard. As there appears to be many recent rumors flying around about the decency of our wedding. But I do know that I love your son more than anything in the world. I am going to do everything in my power to be the best possible wife I can be for him, I want you to have no doubt about that.”

  Emma stared into the hard eyes of Donald’s mother, unblinking and unwavering. They both stared into each other’s eyes for a long time not saying anything.

  Finally the Duchess broke the silence and said with a wide smile. “That’s very good to hear, dear. You know, I was always hopeful that you would be the one to end up with my Donald, honest and true. Even from an early age there was little doubt among those who knew you about what kind of Lady you would grow up to be.”

  Emma smiled, asking despite her flushed cheeks. “And what sort of lady is that?”

  “A wonderful one.” She paused before cocking her head to listen. “Is that your grandmother I hear in the sun room? Perhaps now would be a good time to start doing some wedding planning.” Donald’s mother smiled widely, all t
race of cold calculation gone from her eyes. She turned, allowing Emma to follow her, and Emma couldn’t help but shiver a little at the shift.

  I hope you are right about me, Your Grace. And I hope I won you over for good, this time.

  * * *

  They sat in the sun room once more, this time flanked by Lady Derbourg.

  “So Lord Stapleton told me you have been giving him difficulties about the flower choices for the wedding.” Emma’s mother asked.

  “He calls it difficulties, I call it good taste,” the Duchess teased.

  “You’re the one that Lord Stapleton gets his love of flowers from right?” Henrietta asked directly, fulfilling her role as the least subtle one in the conversation.


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