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In The Eye of the Beholder

Page 11

by Beverly Cialone

  I simply nodded as I continued to gaze up into his handsome face, and I could only hope that he was telling me the truth. I didn’t think I could stand any more rejection and heartache from the opposite sex, and I decided right then and there that if things didn’t work out between Adam and me, that there would be no other men in my life. This was it. He would either marry me or he wouldn’t, and if he didn’t, then I was prepared to spend the rest of my life alone. Adam pulled me close again and simply held me, and I released a weary sigh as I rested my head against his chest and closed my eyes. I loved it when he hugged me, he was always so gentle and warm, his body so strong and solid, and as I breathed him in he gently rubbed my back and murmured, “Come on, let’s go inside.”

  I reluctantly raised my head from his chest and allowed him to lead me through the foyer and up the stairs to his bedroom. I hesitated at the door as my mind conjured up images of Adam and Danielle making love in this room, and Adam frowned at my unusual reluctance to step over the threshold into his room. “Is something wrong, sweetheart?”

  “No,” I lied as I bit my lip and dug my fingers into the soft wood of the doorjamb. Adam’s frown deepened at my odd demeanor, and his voice was full of concern as he repeated, “Sophie, honey, what’s the matter?”

  I desperately shook my head as I replied, “Nothing. It’s just that…I just…did you make love to her in here?”


  “Danielle. Did you two ever…you know…in here…”

  Adam sighed as he came to stand in front of me, and his voice was gentle as he said, “Sophie, honey, we were married a long, long time ago, and a lot has changed since then. The room is the same, but it’s a different bed.”

  “I see.”

  “Sophie, sweetheart, when I’m with you, I’m not thinking of anyone or anything else.”

  I nodded and gazed searchingly at his handsome face, then decided that he was telling me the truth as I smiled and stepped into the room. He smiled back and slowly shut the door, then led me over to the bed and said, “Lie down and relax.”

  “I don’t like the sound of that.”

  He laughed and said, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “Then what ARE you going to do?”

  “You’ll see. Now lie down.”

  I stretched out on the bed and sighed as my head sank into the soft, fluffy pillow, but before I could close my eyes Adam sat down on the side of the bed and inquired, “Comfortable?”



  I spotted the bottle of eye drops he was holding, and I struggled to sit up as I said, “That really isn’t necessary, Adam.”

  “Shh. Lie back and relax.” He gently pushed me back against the pillow and added, “I’m not going to hurt you, sweetheart. Trust me.”

  “But Adam--”

  “Shh.” He leaned over me, effectively pinning me against the mattress, then dropped a gentle kiss on my lips before he added, “I’d never do anything to hurt you, sweetheart. Hopefully you know that by now.”


  Adam placed his finger against my lips and told me to relax just before he held my left eye open, and my entire body stiffened as I desperately tried to shut my eyes. I flinched when he squeezed two drops into my left eye, but true to his word, it didn’t hurt, and I relaxed a little as the cool liquid soothed my burning, irritated eyes. He squeezed two drops into my right eye and placed a cold, wet washcloth over my eyes and cheeks, then murmured, “Better?”


  “Good.” He leaned down and added, “I told you it wasn’t going to hurt.”

  “Yes, you did.”

  He simply laughed and got to his feet, and moments later he returned and gently undressed me before he stretched out beside me on the bed. I was almost asleep when he pulled me close and gently kissed the top of my head, and moments later I drifted off to sleep, safe and content in Adam’s gentle embrace.

  A burning pain in my belly woke me shortly after midnight, and when I attempted to sit up I couldn’t stop the soft gasp of agony that escaped my lips. Tears stung my eyes as the pain increased in its intensity, and as I gripped the edge of the mattress Adam stirred and inquired, “Sophie? You OK, sweetheart?”


  “What’s the matter?”

  “I don’t know.” Another fiery pain ripped through my belly then, and I moaned and doubled over as tears of pain and fright spilled down my feverish cheeks. Adam suddenly appeared in front of me and gently said, “Sophie, sweetheart, what’s the matter? Are you in pain?”

  “Yes.” I stiffened when Adam gently touched my shoulders and attempted to ease me onto my back, and his voice was full of concern as he said, “Just lie back and relax, sweetheart. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “Can’t,” I gasped as I tightened my grip on the edge of the mattress and finally raised my head to meet his concerned gaze. He gently brushed my tears away and inquired, “Why not?”

  “Hurts too much,” I gasped as I struggled to remain upright. I wanted to do nothing more than lean forward again and stay that way until the pain subsided, but that wasn’t to be. Adam managed to coax me onto my back, and his frown deepened when I immediately curled myself into a protective ball and simply lay there breathing hard and whimpering. Adam sat down beside me on the bed and gently felt my forehead, then calmly informed me, “Sophie, sweetheart, you’re burning up.”

  I simply whimpered and bit my lip as another pain ripped through my belly, and I was taken by surprise when Adam gently rolled me onto my back and inquired, “Where does it hurt, sweetheart?”

  “Here,” I weakly replied as I pointed to my belly. He frowned and gently placed his hand over the spot I’d indicated, and I gave a strangled cry of pain when he gently pressed in with his hand. By now his frown was even deeper, and his voice was full of worry and concern as he said, “Sophie, sweetheart, I think you have appendicitis.”

  My only response was another soft whimper as I curled myself into the fetal position again, but I knew that Adam wouldn’t let me remain in my feverish cocoon of misery for long. I desperately wanted to drift back into the safe haven of sleep, but that was impossible due to the raging pain in my belly that felt like a thousand knives stabbing me from the inside. Moments later Adam managed to get my jeans and shirt on, and I gave a soft gasp of surprise and pain when he easily lifted me and cradled me against his chest as he carried me downstairs. I tightened my grip on his neck and weakly raised my head from his chest as I inquired, “Where are we going?”

  “To the hospital, sweetheart. I’m afraid the only cure for appendicitis is surgery.”

  “Please tell me you aren’t serious.”

  “I am.”

  “But Adam--”

  “Shh. If it makes you feel any better, I’ll be doing the surgery myself.”

  All I could do was give a weak nod and let my head fall against his chest again as he quickly strode outside and gently settled me in the front seat of his car. Moments later we were speeding towards the hospital.

  An hour later I found myself blinking up at the bright lights of the operating room, and even though I knew what was about to happen, the sedative Adam had given me was effectively preventing me from being consumed with terror. He suddenly appeared in my line of vision and gently laced his fingers through mine, then inquired, “Sophie? How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

  “Wanna go h-home.”

  “You can go home later. Right now you’re going to take a little nap, OK?”

  “No. Don’t want to. Wanna go home, Adam.” I knew I was being petulant, but arguing was better than obsessing about what he was getting ready to do to me. The pain in my belly had subsided somewhat, thanks to the drugs he’d given me, and I mistakenly assumed that I was somehow, miraculously getting better. When I said as much to him he simply shook his head and replied, “No, sweetheart, you’re still extremely sick. I wish I could let you go home, but I have to make you
all better first. OK?”


  “Shh.” He leaned down and dropped a gentle kiss to my feverish forehead, then straightened and gave a slight nod to the anesthesiologist. Moments later I winced when I felt an unusual burning sensation in my hand, and Adam was watching me with those piercing blue eyes of his as the anesthesiologist injected me with the drug that would render me unconscious and helpless for the next hour or more while Adam sliced my belly open to remove my offending appendix. The thought made me shiver in absolute horror, but there was nothing I could do as my thoughts began to grow jumbled and then fade. I blinked up at Adam and tried to say something, and his voice sounded gentle yet far away as he said, “Close your eyes and go to sleep, sweetheart. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. This will all be over before you know it, and you’ll be in a nice, warm, comfortable bed when you wake up.”

  “Promise?” I weakly inquired as I continued to struggle to stay awake. Adam gave my hand a reassuring squeeze as he replied, “I promise.”

  I simply nodded and closed my eyes, and moments later I drifted into the black depths of oblivion.

  Adam’s voice pulled me back to reality two hours later, and as I slowly blinked up at him I was grateful for his warm fingers laced through mine as he gently said, “Hi, sweetheart. Everything went fine, and you’ll be in that nice, warm bed I promised you in just a few minutes. And I called your parents for you…they’re on their way. OK?”

  I simply nodded as I struggled to stay awake. Adam said something, but his words sounded jumbled as I once again drifted off to sleep. The next time I woke I was indeed in bed, and my throat felt like I’d swallowed razor blades. I weakly grasped his warm hand and whispered, “Thirsty…”

  Adam immediately put a straw to my lips and slid his hand beneath my neck so I could hold my head up and drink, but after a few sips he took the straw away and said, “That’s enough for now. Too much too soon will make you sick, and we don’t want that.”


  “Then go back to sleep. I’m not going anywhere.”

  I sighed and closed my eyes as Adam gently stroked my cheek, and moments later I was fast asleep.

  Chapter 9

  The next time I woke the sun was shining brightly, and I was surprised to find Adam sound asleep in the recliner next to my bed. He’d kept his word and remained by my side, and I knew at that moment that I was hopelessly hooked. I loved him so deeply it was frightening, and as I studied his sleeping form I couldn’t help the tender smile that played across my face. His mouth was open slightly and he was snoring softly, and one of his arms was flung above his head, resting on the leather cushion of the recliner. His tousled hair gave him the appearance of a little boy who had played so long and hard that he’d finally tuckered himself out, but there was no mistaking the fatigue etched on his grown-up face. There were soft, dark bruises of fatigue beneath his eyes, and his clothes were rumpled from where he’d slept in them. He was sleeping so peacefully that I didn’t want to disturb him, so I quietly and carefully pushed the blankets aside and sat up on the edge of the bed. I desperately needed to use the bathroom, but I wasn’t prepared for the wave of dizziness that slammed into me, nor was I prepared for the dull pain that had replaced the agonizing pain in my right side. I gripped the edge of the mattress and bit my lip as I waited for the dizziness and pain to subside, but after five minutes it didn’t seem to be going anywhere. But I was determined if nothing else, and I simply bit my lip even harder as I carefully set my feet on the floor and stood up. I gave a soft gasp and staggered backwards as another, more powerful wave of dizziness threatened to knock me to the floor, and my vision wavered momentarily as I struggled to get my bearings and remain upright. Tears of pain, fright, and frustration slid down my cheeks as I struggled to take a step towards the bathroom, and moments later Adam’s voice distracted me from my misery when he said, “Sophie, honey, where are you going? Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “I didn’t want to bother you, and I--I need to use the bathroom.”

  “You wouldn’t have bothered me.” He gently put his arm around my shoulders and added, “Better?”

  I nodded slightly and bit my lip as he gently brushed my tears away, and his voice was gentle as he reprimanded, “Next time you make sure you have someone to help you, OK?”

  “I’ll be fine, Adam.”

  “You weren’t fine a few minutes ago.”

  I waved his comment away and opened the door, and when I realized that Adam had every intention of following me inside I shook my head and said, “Please…I’ll be fine…just let me be alone for a few minutes, OK?”

  Adam studied my pale, tear-streaked face for several moments, then finally sighed and shoved his fingers through his hair before he relented and said, “Alright, but I’ll be right outside the door if you need me.”

  I nodded and shut the door, then chanced a look in the mirror and shuddered at my reflection. My hair was a tangled mess and my face was the color of chalk, and I wasted no time in making good use of the complimentary toiletries package the hospital provided. After I’d washed my face and brushed my teeth and hair I felt almost human again, and when I finally emerged from the bathroom there was no mistaking the look of relief on Adam’s face as he walked over to help me back to bed. “Feel a little better now?”

  “Yes, thanks.”

  “Good. The more you move around, the better.”

  I simply nodded and got back into bed, exhausted from my short trip to the bathroom. Adam insisted on taking my temperature and checking my vitals, and I was almost asleep when I felt his hands on my belly. My eyes popped open in anxiety as I sleepily inquired, “What are you doing?”

  “I’m just checking your bandage. Take it easy and go back to sleep.”

  “I wasn’t asleep yet.”

  “Relax, sweetheart. I’m not going to hurt you. You should know that by now.”

  I nodded slightly and closed my eyes as he carefully pulled one side of the bandage back so he could check his handiwork, and true to his word, he didn’t hurt me. His warm, gentle hands were making me even sleepier, and I finally had no choice but to give in and go back to sleep. The next time I woke it was lunchtime, but my appetite was still nonexistent, and I was actually feeling nauseous from the smell of the food as the attendant rolled a loaded cart down the hall. Adam was no longer in my room, and I sighed as I leaned back on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. I vaguely remembered Adam telling me that he’d called my parents for me, and I wondered where they were as I continued to stare up at the ceiling. Even though I was close to my parents, something as simple as appendicitis didn’t warrant a visit from them, simply because of the long drive they’d have to make. Four hours depending upon traffic and how many stops they made along the way, but since Adam had contacted them the night before; they should’ve been here by now. Maybe Adam had called them back and told them I was doing fine, and they’d decided not to come. I hoped that was the case as I turned my head and saw Adam walk into the room. Something about his expression brought me up short, and as I struggled to sit up I could tell something was horribly wrong from the tortured look on his face. He slowly approached the bed and lowered the safety rail, then sat down beside me and said, “Sophie, sweetheart, I--”

  “It’s my parents, isn’t it? Is something wrong? Why aren’t they here yet? Did you call them and tell them I was fine and that they didn’t have to come?”

  Adam slowly shook his head and swallowed hard before he said, “No, sweetheart, they’ve--they’ve been in an accident.”

  “Oh my God! Where are they? Are they alright? You have to release me so I can go see them--”


  The serious tone of his voice made me realize that something worse than an accident had taken place, and I could literally feel the blood drain from my face as I simply sat there staring into his brilliant blue eyes. Those eyes were currently full of anguish, and in a choked voice he informed me, “S
ophie, honey, your parents--the accident--I’m afraid they didn’t make it, sweetheart.”

  “What?” I wanted to scream at him, but the only thing I was capable of was a hoarse whisper as my mind immediately went into denial in a fruitless attempt to offer me some temporary protection from the harsh reality of what he was saying. I slowly shook my head and balled my hands into fists as anguish and anger warred within me, and somehow I managed to stammer, “No…no, that can’t be. My parents are excellent drivers, they’ve never been in an accident--no, there must be some mistake…that’s all. It’s just a case of mistaken identity on the police’s part. Where are they?”


  “Where are they, Adam? I’d like to see them.”

  “Sophie, sweetheart--”

  I quickly got out of bed and gasped softly as another wave of dizziness slammed into me, but somehow I managed to stay upright as I glanced wildly around the room for my clothes. I stumbled over to the small closet and flung the door open, then began pulling my jeans and shirt on, mindless of the fact that Adam was sitting there watching me. I sat back down on the bed and put my socks and shoes on, then got up again and went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my hair and teeth, and within five minutes I was ready to go. I walked over to Adam and said, “Why are you just sitting there? I’m leaving with or without you…Are you going to take me to my parents or not?”

  “Sophie--I don’t know if you can handle this in your condition…you just had surgery less than twelve hours ago…”

  “I’m fine, Adam…now please take me to my parents, or I’ll drive myself.”

  Adam sighed deeply and got to his feet, then put his arm around my shoulders and led me out of the room. There, at the nurse’s desk, stood a state trooper, and I suddenly noticed that no one was making a sound as he cleared his throat and shuffled some papers before he tipped his hat and said, “Ma’am…Doctor Hampton…”


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