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Unconditional Love

Page 11

by Kelly Elliott

  I loved to two-step and it also meant Lark would have to hold me close to him. I nodded my head and smiled. Lark reached for my hand and led me out to the dance floor. When he pulled me into his warm body I melted. I loved being in his arms. I felt safe. I felt like I was whole when he held me.

  We danced in silence through most of the song. Lark kept pulling me closer and closer to him. Like he couldn’t get me close enough and I felt the same way. I was ready to crawl into his body and lose myself to him.

  He placed his finger on my chin and pulled my face up so that he was looking me in the eyes. I smiled and he returned the smile, but then it faded. “I’m sorry,” he said.

  I tilted my head and asked, “For what?”

  “For letting you dance with Jason. Did he say anything to upset you?”

  I shook my head and looked away. He pulled my chin back and the look in his eyes changed. “You’re lying to me, Azurdee.”

  I swallowed hard. “It’s nothing. Lark, I’m not feeling very well. Do you think we could leave?”

  He nodded his head and grabbed my hand and led me to the door. The second we walked outside I took in a deep breath. I was beginning to feel like I couldn’t breathe in there.

  I hate clubs. I never got into the whole bar and club scene. Even in college I couldn’t stand going to clubs.

  Lark led me away from the entrance to the club as he pulled out his cell phone and hit a number.

  “We’re ready to leave,” he said and then just hung up.

  Not even a minute later the car from earlier pulled up and Lark was opening the car door for me. I slid inside and dropped my head back against the seat as thoughts began running through my mind.

  This is my friend Azurdee.

  Are you fucking him?

  Is that all this was? Was that all I would ever be to Lark—his friend?

  Lark took my hand in his and his thumb began moving back and forth across my hand, leaving a path of fire behind each movement. His touch did amazing things to my body and I was sure I would never get used to it.

  “Are you ready to go back to the condo?” Lark asked. I lifted my head and looked at him and smiled.

  “I’m sorry. I just got really tired and I’ve never been much of a club scene kind of girl.”

  He smiled and said, “Don’t apologize. I’m ready to get you home and give you some of that dirty talk you like.”

  I felt my lower stomach clench and my eyes widened with anticipation. Lark let out a chuckle as he looked into my eyes. His smile faded and he whispered, “Mi amor, you bring out so many emotions in me. You have me so confused.”

  “Is that a bad thing or a good thing?” I whispered back.

  He gently put his hand on the side of my face and pulled my lips to his as he kissed me so sweetly. He ran his tongue along my top lip and I opened my mouth to him. He let out a soft low moan as our kiss turned more passionate. Before I knew it, I was sitting in his lap and utterly lost in our kiss.

  I heard the driver clear his throat and say, “Mr. Williams, we’re back at the condos.”

  Lark pulled away and winked at me as I moved off his lap and adjusted my skirt. “Thank you so much,” Lark said as he handed the driver money, opened the door, and practically pulled me out of the car.

  “Good evening, Mr. Williams,” the valet attendant said as he looked my body up and down and smiled at me.

  I rolled my eyes and decided I was throwing this shirt away as I soon as I could.

  We walked through the lobby and the young girl sitting behind the desk smiled and said, “Good evening, Mr. Williams, Ms. Emerson.”

  I smiled and said, “Good evening.” As we kept walking, it dawned on me she knew my name.

  “Wait. How did she know my name?” I asked as I looked back at the desk. Lark was now pulling me, causing me to walk faster. He let out a chuckle and said, “I told them you would be visiting me often and for them to make you a key card for the elevator. I don’t have guests very often, so she probably just remembered your name.”

  I looked at him and the only thing I could say was, “Oh.”

  We stepped into the elevator and as soon as the door closed and Lark hit the button for his floor, he pushed me against the wall.

  “God I want to fuck you so bad I can hardly think straight,” he whispered as he moved his hand up my skirt and pushed his hand into my panties.

  “Oh God,” I whimpered. The elevators opened and he quickly turned me and walked us out of the elevator. He backed me right up against a table that was in the corridor. He pushed the vase off of it and I jumped when it crashed to the floor.

  He lifted my skirt and quickly stripped me of my panties as he whispered, “I’m going to take you here, Azurdee, and I want to hear how good it feels for you.”

  My heart was slamming in my chest as he lifted me up and set my ass on the edge of the table. He quickly unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans.

  My breathing became erratic as his erection sprung free.

  He pulled me closer to him as he slammed his dick inside of me. I let out a small scream. It burned like a son of a bitch and Lark usually asked if I was okay but the way he relentlessly began moving in and out of me was like he couldn’t fuck me fast and hard enough. I threw my head back and said, “Oh God.”

  “Does that feel good, baby?” Lark asked as he gripped my hips harder. “You like me fucking you hard and fast, sweetheart?”

  “Oh God yes.”

  Then he stopped moving and quickly pulled out of me. I snapped my head up and looked at him. His eyes were filled with a look I’d never seen before. “What’s wrong?” I asked as he took a few steps back and away from me. I had to shake my head to clear my vision. Were his eyes filling with…tears?


  “I um…I need a minute.” He pulled his pants up and then walked away from me. I quickly jumped off the table and just stood there. What just happened? Did I do or say something to him?

  I heard his bedroom door shut and I instantly felt like I wanted to cry. He walked away from me. He just left me here alone not knowing what in the world I just did. I reached down for my panties and quickly put them back on. I picked up my purse I must have dropped to the floor when we walked in and walked into the living room and looked around. I turned and looked down the hallway.

  Should I go to his bedroom and ask him what was wrong? I decided to head over to the library. I walked in and made my way over to the sofa. I sat down and stared out at the lights. It was an amazing view and one that should have me looking at it in amazement, but all I could do was wonder what in the hell I did wrong.

  I feel so tired all of a sudden. I wanted to get up and leave but I couldn’t move.

  I felt the tear move down my cheek as I reached up and wiped it away. There was a blanket lying on the ottoman. I reached for it and pulled it over me as I curled up on the cold leather sectional and cried myself to sleep.

  The second I realized I had called Azurdee sweetheart, I panicked. Walking away from her like that was the biggest dick move I’d ever done in my life.

  I sat there on my bed and just stared out over the night sky of Austin. I couldn’t believe I let all of the emotions build up like I did and then just let it go like that.

  “Fuck,” I whispered. I was almost positive I had to have hurt her with the way I just started fucking the shit out of her.

  With running into Sherry and then Jason at the club, I was so wound up it was unreal. If Azurdee ever found out about Sherry and what I did, I knew she would leave me.

  I can’t lose her. I won’t lose her. Not now. Not when I finally feel like a part of me is coming back to life.

  I wasn’t sure how long I sat there thinking before I glanced over at the clock. It was two in the morning.


  I jumped up and went to the first guest room. I opened the door and it was empty. I opened up the door to the game room only to find it empty. The other guest bedroom was empty as well. I walked
past the library and looked through the door that was open. The library was also empty. I headed into the living room only to find it empty and silent.

  Where in the fuck was she? I began to have a feeling take over my body that hadn’t been there since the day Nikki died.


  She left. She left me. I sat there and placed my head into my hands and tried to calm my breathing down.

  Well, what in the hell did you expect, you dick? You pulled out of her and walked away with out so much as an explanation.

  I looked to my right and saw her purse sitting on the top of the sofa. I jumped up. She wouldn’t have left without her purse. I quickly made my way back to the only room that had a door open. The library. I walked in and immediately could hear the sound of her breathing. I quickly made my way around the sofa and saw her curled up under a blanket sleeping. I about dropped to my knees when I saw her. She had a tissue clutched in her hand and I knew she had been crying.

  Oh God. I hurt her. The only person in this entire world I didn’t want to hurt and I’d hurt her.

  I got down on my knees and pushed her hair away from her face and gently kissed the corner of her lips. She slowly opened her eyes and gave me a weak smile. I tried to smile back but my heart was hurting so bad I could hardly breathe.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. I pulled back some and looked at her.

  “For what?”

  She slowly sat up and pulled her legs in. “I’m not sure what I did wrong, but whatever it was, I’m sorry.”

  I sat back and felt the tears trying to build in my eyes. She thinks it was her?

  I slowly shook my head and pulled her down onto the floor with me. I ran my hands down the sides of her face and placed my right hand behind her neck and pulled her lips to mine. I kissed her like I was never going to kiss her again.

  I pulled back slightly as she whispered, “Lark.”

  I stood up and helped her up. I picked her up and carried her back to my room. As I gently laid her down onto my bed, I looked into her eyes.

  “Azurdee, I’ve never felt like this before. The feelings that I have for you are so powerful and they confuse the hell out of me. The last thing I’d ever want to do is hurt you.”

  She swallowed hard and said, “I don’t ever want to hurt you either, Lark.”

  I closed my eyes and opened them again as I looked into her beautiful eyes. “I called you sweetheart. I always call girls sweetheart because using their names always made it too personal. I don’t ever want you to think I’m just fucking you like some random girl I’ve picked up. You…you mean too much to me. You’re not some random girl, Azurdee…I…”

  I almost told her I loved her but I stopped myself. I knew I was quickly falling for her but I was not ready to admit that I loved her.

  Her eyes moved all over my face, like she was trying to read me. “Is that why you call me mi amor?”

  I nodded my head. “Yes,” I whispered.

  She got up on her knees and placed her hands on the sides of my face. She looked directly into my eyes. “I know you don’t think of me like that. I see it in your eyes and I feel it in your touch. Please talk to me, Lark. I can’t read what your mind is thinking. This is all new to me too, these feelings. They excite me and scare me at the same time too. I’ve never had anyone effect me like you do. I’m totally falling for you but I would never want to push you. Ever. Please promise me you will always talk to me about things.”

  I nodded my head, but for some reason Sherry popped into my head and I felt like I needed to tell her about everything.

  “I promise you I’ll always talk to you,” I barely said. I looked down at her lips and then back into her eyes. “I feel like I’ve been given a second chance and I don’t want to fuck this up.”

  She smiled slightly. “We’re both a blank canvas.”

  My heart began beating harder in my chest as I realized I was fighting something I couldn’t control anymore.

  “I feel like the only way my heart can beat normally is if we’re one,” I said as I placed my hands on the side of her face.

  She dropped her right hand to my chest and said, “Mi corazón.”

  I brushed my lips against hers as she let out the most beautiful moan I’d ever heard. I whispered against her lips, “Mi corazón.”

  I could no longer fight it. I was in love with her.

  She slowly began lying back as I followed her. All I wanted to do was crawl inside her body and stay there forever. “Lark, please make love to me.”

  My heart slammed in my chest and I buried my face in her neck so she couldn’t see the tears in my eyes I was trying to control. I pushed my dick into her and listened to how she moaned.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  I sat up and pulled my shirt up and over my head as she did the same. I moved and quickly took off my pants and tossed them to the side.

  Azurdee was only in her bra and panties and I grabbed her hands and held them still. I took her wrists in one hand and pushed them over her head as I used my other hand and placed my finger lightly on her chin as I started to slowly move it down her neck, to her chest and across her breasts as she sucked in a breath of air. I was happy to see she was wearing a bra that opened in the front. One quick movement and her breasts sprung free. I pulled one nipple into my mouth and sucked it hard. She was squirming under my touch and I knew by pinning her hands above her head it would drive her crazy insane with desire.

  “I need to touch you,” she panted out.

  I smiled as I continued to suck on her nipple. When I lightly bit down on it her hips jumped off the bed.

  “Ah!” she cried out as she tried to bring her hands down but I held them firm. I slowly moved my finger down her stomach and ran it across the top of her panties.

  They were a delicate lace fabric and all I wanted to do was rip them off of her, but I didn’t want this to be rushed. I began slipping them off as she lifted her hips. She quickly kicked them away as I moved my body over hers. I kept her hands pinned above her head as I slowly began making my way into her body. With each movement I pushed further into her…and gave her more of my heart.

  I closed my eyes and let out a moan as I felt her squeezing around my dick and pulling me in further.

  I opened my eyes and her eyes locked with mine as I made love to her. No words were even needed. We spoke to each other from our hearts as I let myself fall more and more in love with her.

  “Lark, I’m so close.”

  I let go of her hands and the moment she wrapped her arms around me she began calling out my name softly as she came.

  I pushed further into her and whispered, “Azurdee…I’m forever yours.”

  I opened my eyes and looked at the beautiful sunrise and smiled. I had felt Lark get up earlier. He had whispered in my ear he was going for a run and I mumbled okay back to him.

  I stretched and smiled as I thought back to earlier this morning, when Lark had made love to me. I brought my fingertips up and gently ran them across my kiss-swollen lips.

  The look in his eyes when he made love to me had my stomach going crazy. Then when he whispered he was mine forever as he came I knew I was head over heels in love with him. I put my hand up to my mouth and held back my sob.

  I closed my eyes and let it soak in. I was in love with him. I opened my eyes and sat up as I pulled the sheet around me. I stood up and walked to the window and watched the sun move further up. I’d never seen such a beautiful sunrise. I wasn’t sure if it was because I woke up more in love with Lark Williams than ever before, or if it was just a sign of what a beautiful day it was going to be.

  I could feel the heat from his body before he even touched me. When he kissed my shoulder my whole body reacted. His lips moved to my neck and he said, “I love how your body reacts to me, Azurdee. It’s like you were made for me.”

  I turned and looked up into his eyes. My eyes quickly moved down his body and I was pretty sure I let out a moan. He was wearing a dark n
avy T-shirt that was dampened by his sweat. His sweat pants hung off his hips in just the right way. The smell of his sweat mixed with my desire had me dropping the sheet and practically panting with need.

  “Baby, I’m soaked in sweat,” he said with his crooked smile that melted my heart.

  “That’s okay, because what I want to do will just make you sweat more,” I said with the sexiest voice I could muster up.

  He raised his eyebrow and tilted his head. “What’s that?”

  I put my right index finger in my mouth and then began running it along my lower lip.

  “Jesus, Azurdee, I want you so bad,” he said as he reached down and adjusted himself.

  I dropped my head back and trailed my finger down my neck and then slowly looked back into his eyes as I tried to decide if I could do this.

  The lust in his eyes told me I could. “I want you to finish what you started last night. I want to be fucked six ways to Sunday.”

  He got the same look in his eyes the first time he asked me if I was sure I wanted to be with him.

  “Are you prepared for what you’re asking for?” he asked as he lifted his T-shirt off and threw it to the side. I closed my eyes and nodded my head. I snapped them open and said, “The pool table first.”

  Lark reached down and picked me up and carried me out of the bedroom and to the game room. He pushed the door open and put me down and quickly pulled his sweats down. Then he turned me around and pushed me over the pool table.

  Oh God. He’s going to fuck me from behind.

  He used his leg to push my right leg open more.

  “I’m gonna make you scream out in nothing but pleasure, Azurdee.”

  I looked over my shoulder and said, “Yes…Lark.”

  He grabbed my hips and slammed his dick inside, causing me to call out. He waited for a second for me to get used to feeling him inside me like this.

  “God…it’s so deep like this,” I said as he pulled out and slammed back into me. I dropped my head and let out moan after moan as he kept pulling out and pounding back into me. I could feel my build up happening quickly.


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