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Bad Princess: A Mafia Romance

Page 11

by N. E. Henderson

  And if I can’t have that then I don’t want a slice of the pie at all. I’m an all or nothing kind of girl. I won’t bend or change my ways, not even for Matteo De Salvo, the hottest man to ever grace my fantasies.

  Fantasies I’ve been having far longer than is likely considered normal.

  “No, thank you. I’ll pass.”

  “Fine. Stay the scared, weak little bitch I always knew you were deep down.” I mentally shout, fuck it. To hell with the material of this dress. If it rips to shreds right here in front of a club full of people, so be it. It’ll be worth all the eyes and cameras that no doubt will snap candid shots. Kneeing Krishna in the balls so hard he pukes will be all the satisfaction I need.

  I go to do just that, but apparently my facial expression must give me away. He’s ready for the move, and the next thing I feel is the palm of his hand on my bare knee before he shoves my leg back to the ground.

  “If you don’t want to play with De Salvo, whatever, but at least go up there and see for yourself what your boy’s real agenda is. You may be a scared little girl at times, but you’re no dumb bitch.”

  “I saw what you wanted. You made that point. Satisfied?” I ask, my voice coming out like a hiss. How I didn’t realize Vin was still interested in me that way, I don’t know. He never touches me inappropriately. There are never any lingering looks that I can recall, but it’s not like I really paid any attention either, so could I have missed it? Then again, this isn’t my problem. So what if Vin likes me more than just a friend? I don’t share the same interest in him, so it’s never going to happen, and if he remains interested, then that’s on him.

  Krishna sighs, shaking his head as if everything he’s attempted to show me in the last ten minutes has been for nothing.

  “What do you—” I start to demand, but I’m cut off at the sound of Domenico’s seething tone.

  “You need to go the fuck home, Sienna.”

  I whip my head around, finding my brother’s impressive frame standing in front of both Krishna and me, his arms crossed over his powerful chest. His eyes roam from mine to Krishna’s and then settle back on me, his dark eyes blazing.

  “Last I checked, I don’t call you Dad, so fuck off, Dom. I don’t have to do what you say.”

  “I can call him if you’d like. I’m sure he’d be thrilled to know his daughter had her tongue down the enemy’s throat. You’re what, daughter of the fucking year with that?”

  “Jealous much?” I spit daggers back in my brother’s direction.

  “Careful, little sister. I’ll make every inch of you match the color of that fucking dress if you keep running that mouth. Red is your color, after all,” he sneers down at me, anger coating his face.

  “Would you two stop getting my dick hard before I have to find some random cunt to unload my shit into? Jesus fucking Christ.” Krishna turns his back to us, facing the bar. Lifting his right arm, he signals the bartender for another drink.

  “You’re gross,” I tell him to the side of his face.

  “I’m a lot of things, Sienna.” A slow smile drags up his face. “You’re welcome to jump on my train and find out just what things I can be.”

  “Enough!” Dom breathes, forcing a hard exhale out of his mouth as he combs his fingers through his black hair.

  “I’ll pass on that too.” I wrinkle my nose at Krishna before twisting to face my brother. “I’ll get out of your hair, but don’t order me around again, Dom.”

  Before I step around him, he reaches up, snagging my upper arm in a vice-like grip, his hard eyes pulling my attention to his. “If Vin has any ill intent toward you or our family, I’ll shove my Glock so far down his throat he’ll choke to death before the bullet kills him. Are we clear?”

  Dom’s eyes bore into mine and I know he means every word. “If that’s the case, I’ll do it for you,” I reply, my voice calm for someone who’s never taken a life or contemplated taking one before. But I know, without a doubt, if I had to for my family, I would do just that.

  “Never.” He shakes his head, and his fingers loosen from around my bicep, his eyes warming. “That’s my job. My duty. My responsibility.” Then Dom’s eyes harden once again when he flicks his gaze to Krishna. “Just like ripping apart anyone that touches my sister without my approval.”

  Krishna’s eyes do a slow sweep from Domenico’s face, down and back up again, a chuckle tumbling out of his throat when their eyes meet. “I’ve already been turned down by one pussy tonight.” Krishna’s eyes flick to mine and then back to my brother’s. “Not looking for more . . . pussy that is.”

  “You boys have fun.” I pat my brother on the shoulder as I slide my arm from his grasp. “That’s my que to leave.”

  Slipping around them, I glance back up to the second level of the club. Matteo and Vin are still sitting across from each other, but both are looking straight at me. Their facial expressions damn near mirroring one another’s, though there’s one thing that Krishna said that rings true—I’m not dumb. I may not have noticed Vin’s interest, but now that it’s on my radar, I’m planning on finding out if he deserves the second chance he was gifted, or if I need to dirty my manicured hands.

  With that thought, I head toward the stairs.

  Chapter 16


  Rage isn’t an emotion I feel often. I like to think I’m a fairly easygoing guy. If I thought about it, I bet I could count on one hand how many times I’ve been so mad that I could feel my body heating from the inside out. As a boxer, no opponent, referee, or commentator, not even a fan has ever gotten under my skin like that did. I talk shit like most athletes in my profession, but I don’t let anyone get to me. I may change into a beast for the duration of a match, but rage is the furthest thing from my mind when I step into the ring, or even when I’m getting my face and body pounded by another boxer.

  But that’s exactly what I felt when Sienna and I locked eyes as I watched Krishna Nikolayev shove his slithering tongue down her delicate throat. It’s dumb as fuck to feel this way. I know this, yet I want to wring her goddamn neck for allowing that shit to happen. Krishna, on the other hand, I want to knock the fuck out for touching her. Watching him paw at her only moments ago has me feeling ways I don’t want to feel.

  She isn’t mine. Sure, I want to fuck her, but I don’t want her as my girlfriend. I have two ladies in my life—my daughter and mother—and they are plenty. I’ve never had the desire for a big family. I was an only child. I turned out fine, and Brooklyn will too.

  So why do I feel this pull toward Sienna all of a sudden?

  Could it be something lingering from when I’d catch her watching me all through school? Or perhaps she just piques my interest now that she doesn’t come across as a scared little mouse. Whatever it is, it isn’t going to get out of my system until I stick my dick in her and fuck it out.

  It’s a solid plan; though it still doesn’t explain the shitty mood that settled deep inside me when I couldn’t peel my eyes away from her. Them. I wonder if that Russian prick knows she had her eyes on me the entire time they were swapping spit?

  That thought has the corner of my lips tipping up the slightest bit. I didn’t know she was here when I walked in. I’d seen her brothers, but it never crossed my mind that she might be here too. Hell, it’s been less than a week since I found out she was related to one of the most feared families on the East coast. Funny how the Nikolayev’s are right up there with the Caputo’s in reputation.

  If I didn’t know the Caputo’s and the Nikolayev’s were sworn enemies from at least three generations ago, I’d question if Sienna and Krishna were together. There was nothing about their interaction that was smooth. They aren’t lovers; that I’d bet money on. I’d bet my next fucking fight on that shit.

  When I spotted Vin lounging on the second level of Club Rouge, I made my way up here thinking he’d give me some insight on exactly what went down at Raymond’s last Friday. He’s the reason I spotted Sienna in the first place. After I
sat down, I didn’t beat around the bush. I asked him where the Caputo brothers took him and about his brother-in-law’s current whereabouts, but he never got around to answering me. I doubt he even heard the question.

  Wondering what had his attention and why he’d gone from relaxed to seething in zero point three seconds, I turned my head and glanced over the balcony, my eyes locking with Sienna’s instantaneously.

  So, in other news, I’m also not the only man that’s hard up for the little mafia princess. Vin’s got it bad for her too, and that’s a realization that pissed me off even more. Two realizations actually. One, he wants to fuck her, and the other I’m actually bothered that he wants in her pants. There’s possession in his eyes, and something about that ticks me off. Sienna doesn’t strike me as a woman to be owned. She’s her own person. She’s rough and tough, and I like that about her.

  What I don’t like is this motherfucker right here thinking she’s up for grabs or Nikolayev thinking he can lock lips with her anytime he wants to. I’m on the verge of telling Vin he doesn’t have a shot in hell with Sienna Caputo when a tingling sensation runs down the length of my spine. She’s behind me. Vin confirms it when his eyes look over my shoulder, his jaw locked.

  Well-manicured hands with nails that match the tight red dress she’s wearing land palms down on top of the table—between Vin and I—so hard our drinks slide. Not acknowledging my presence, her brown eyes collide with the man across from me. Anger rolls off her body in waves that I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of Sienna’s murderous stare.

  “Care to explain?” She doesn’t elaborate, only cocks an eyebrow. When Vin doesn’t open his mouth, she continues. “Let’s start with why you haven’t bothered to call with an explanation, Vin?”

  His eyes cut to the lower level of the club before he finally speaks. I wonder if he was looking for her brothers. “This isn’t the time nor the place for that conversation, Si.”

  “Not even a thank you for saving your ass?”

  “Like I said,” he grits through clenched teeth, his brows lifted.

  Her lips purse before she straightens her posture and then takes a step back. She looks down at where I’m seated. “Aren’t you going to offer a lady a seat?”

  “If by seat, you’re referring to the one I’m occupying, and by lady you’re referring to yourself, then by all means”—I slide my chair backward without standing—“have a seat, baby,” I offer, a smile that I’m certain comes off cocky spreads across my face, but from the gleam she’s trying to mask, I know I haven’t offended her.

  “Such a gentleman you are,” she coos.

  I’m really not, but I don’t tell her that. The only time I attempt being anything that resembles gentlemanly is when I’m in the presence of my mother and that’s because she has no qualms about taking a wooden spoon to any limb on my body or chewing me out if I give her a reason to.

  I think Sienna is turning around to continue her conversation with Vin when she surprises me and plants her plump ass on my lap. I’m so caught off guard that I sit frozen when she twists around to face Vin.

  “So, you were saying?”

  “I wasn’t saying anything. But since you want to hear something, how about this. There are plenty of vacant chairs at other tables. You don’t have to sit on top of Matteo. Especially since you were just sucking face with that Russian scumbag,” he seethes.

  “To be Russian you have to be born in Russia. I would have thought you knew that, Vin. I bet even Matteo knows that.” She turns her head, looking over her shoulder, and fuck me, she is even hotter at this angle. Makes me think of . . . “You knew that, right?”

  “Of course,” I agree, having forgotten what she said at the thought of fucking her from behind clouding my mind. If I’m not careful I’m going to get hard with her on my lap. Then again, maybe that’s not such a bad thing. She’s felt it before, and why beat around the bush? I might as well lay all my cards on the table, letting her know exactly what I want to do with her.

  “See.” She faces away from me again but leans back until her back is only inches from my chest. My right hand moves up, cupping her hip and I lean forward meeting her the rest of the way and grab my drink with my free hand. “Besides, I can suck whatever I want with whomever I damn well please. It’s no business of yours. Even Matteo here if I want to.”

  “You can suck anything on me you want, baby,” I inform her. Mainly because I want Vin to understand that she isn’t his and won’t ever be. “In fact, you can even suck my drink down if you want.”

  “Aw, that’s sweet.” There is sarcasm in her tone. “But I’m not a big drinker.”

  My brows furrow, remembering the bartender from Raymond’s bringing her a drink last week. “Funny. I clearly recall you downing at least two shots worth of whiskey only a few nights ago.”

  “True. I can’t argue with you there, but I was stressed . . . and pissed.” I feel her chest expand, pulling in a deep breath. “Someone that was supposed to be my friend had betrayed my family and I thought he was going to be fish food.”

  “I didn’t betray no-goddamn-body.”

  Sienna shoots forward, but I don’t release my hold from her hip bone. “Keep your voice down,” she bites out.

  “You’re one to fucking talk,” Vin says, his eyes going over her shoulder to me and then flash back. “You shouldn’t be saying shit in front of him.”

  “That’s my call, not yours. I want to know why Levi was photographed with Rico Romano. A rat, Vin. Was he planning something against my family, or anyone else’s? And lastly, I want to know if you knew that your sister’s husband—who lives in your house, let’s not forget that piece of information—was involved with him.”

  “The answer you’re so hard up for is, I don’t know a damn thing about Levi and Rico’s relationship or what they were up to, if anything. Levi wasn’t that bright, so I can’t see him being up to much.” Vin tosses the remainder of his drink back, and after placing the glass back on the table, he stands. “What I won’t do is sit here and watch you wiggle your ass on another man. I’ve seen all I can handle for one night. And just so you know, your father ordered me to stay away from you. That’s why I haven’t called or texted you.”

  With that, he leaves us remaining at the table, Sienna still in my lap, sans any wiggling. “He’s a buzzkill,” I remark.

  “Yeah, but he was right. I shouldn’t have said any of that in front of you.” She sighs. “But when I get mad, I run my mouth.”

  “Well,” I begin, lifting my hand up, cupping her cheek, and then I run my thumb across her bottom lip. Her skin is like velvet with no trace of lipstick or gloss. I don’t need to give that too much thought, not wanting to remember Krishna’s lips against them. “If you need help keeping it closed, I got something you can wrap these soft lips around.”

  “Do you now?” she asks, but I can tell it’s a rhetorical question. “Doubt that’s something you would have offered back in high school.”

  “Probably not, but since we aren’t in high school anymore it’s irrelevant, don’t you think? That’s long past us.”

  “Not really. You seem to think I’m a different person than I was back then.” She shakes her head. “I’m not. I’m still the same, just in different packaging.”

  “And it’s nice packaging.” I laugh as she rolls her eyes. “Real nice packaging, baby.”

  “Like I’ve told you before, I’m not your baby. I’m done here. Have a nice rest of the night, and do forget what you heard me say to Vin.”

  She goes to stand, but I wrap my arm around her waist, squeezing her to my front as I lean up, placing my lips to her ear. “Where are you running off to?”

  Her breath hitches and she licks her lips. “Not running,” she tells me, her voice masked with a calmness I know she doesn’t possess, though she is a good little actress, I’ll give her that. “I’m done, so I’m going to find someone to dance with. The only thing at a club to do is drink or dance, and since I don’
t drink when I’m at a club, I want to dance.”

  “Then you shall dance.” I smirk at her. “With me.”

  Tapping her hip, I signal for her to stand, which she does, but doesn’t step away to give me room to stand. Instead, she eyes me with a question I can’t quite decipher. I don’t want to analyze it, so I grab her hips and push her backward as I stand. Not letting go, I seal her front flush with mine. “Whatever you want tonight, take it from me.”

  Instead of waiting for a response, I release her hips and slide my hand into hers, leading her to the stairs. She’s wrong. She’s a completely different woman than the girl I knew during our school days.

  Unless, of course, the girl I thought I knew wasn’t who I assumed she was. If that’s the case, what did I miss? And how? Guess there is only one way to find out. Get to know the woman she is now. Which I intend to do—sooner rather than later is preferred.

  Chapter 17


  “Fuck,” I bark out in irritation.

  I don’t need this shit tonight. I wanted one night where I don’t have to be in charge. It’s Ren’s fucking fault for telling our sister where we were headed. She shows up and Krishna’s fucking ass decided to play his mind games. Granted, he made his point, and now my suspicion of Calvin Ross not being who Sienna thinks he is, is looking more and more on point. I’m rarely wrong about people, and from the day I met Vin I knew something was off with him. He definitely wants my sister. And yes, I’m an asshole of a big brother. I’m slightly overbearing when it comes to protecting my siblings, even though there is only one year between us in age. Still, they are mine, and when it comes to Sienna, I’m not going to allow just any fucker to touch her. Should someone worthy of her time step forward, I wouldn’t have a problem letting my strings loosen with her.


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