Book Read Free

Content Design

Page 7

by Sarah Richards

  of the story. At 14 words, they could comprehend more than 90% of the information. But move up to 43-word sentences and comprehension dropped below 10 percent.’

  There’s a stack of different research out there, but the main point is that long sentences aren’t as easy to understand as shorter ones.


  One person’s specialist language is another person’s jargon.

  There are times when you need to introduce an audience to a new term or phrase. There are other times when you assume everyone knows what you are talking about. However, the magic word there is _assume_.

  If you are teaching, you will want to introduce new terms. If you are sharing your knowledge, thoughts or feelings, you might want to introduce new vocabulary.

  If you want to really share with the world, rather than show off, introduce the term but explain it the first time

  Writing content 149

  on the page. It won’t hurt. It will definitely help.

  There are many reasons not to use jargon (at least without explaining it the first time you use it on the page). Here are some of the main arguments I hear that jargon-busting content designers might have to contend with.

  ‘ This is for specialists. Everyone will know what I am talking about.’

  That just can’t be true. It would suggest that there are never newcomers to that specialism – ever. It would also suggest that there’s no one who is just curious about your field of expertise and might want to expand their horizons into your world.

  ‘ You are dumbing it down’

  This is the sentence I struggle with most. It says the author thinks they are cleverer than the audience they are talking to.

  People who are well read (aka not dumb) read a lot.

  They don’t have time to wade through jargon. They want the information quickly and easily – just like everyone else. Wanting to understand quickly has little to do with intelligence. It has a lot to do with time and respect.

  Filling web pages with turgid prose doesn’t make anyone look clever; it makes them look arrogant and disrespectful. They don’t care what people think of the writing or how long it takes the audience to get through it.


  Sarah Richards

  ‘ 9-year-olds won’t want to read this. Why are you writing in that language?’

  This argument comes from organisations trying to push a certain reading age.

  The average reading age in the UK is about 9 years.

  The average 9-year-old has over 30,000 terms in their vocabulary. If you cover up 30% of words on a page, a 9-year-old will still be able to accurately guess the content.

  Writing for an age range isn’t the same as writing to that age. Most 9-year-olds will not be interested in insurance. But someone who is 49 with little time, or dyslexia, or a small phone screen, or a life to live, will benefit from you getting to the point quickly and with little jargon.

  As I said before: it’s not dumbing down, it’s opening up.

  Respecting the audience

  If we write clearly with good structure, short sentences and plain language we are helping people read. In the UK alone, this means we may be helping:

  ● 1.5 million people who have a learning disability

  ● 7 million (conservative estimate) people who have dyslexia

  ● 2 million people with a visual impairment

  ● lots of people using a poor internet connection

  Writing content 151

  ● most people who don’t want to read and reread something just to understand it Plain language

  Plain language isn’t just about not using jargon, it’s about using language that is clear to your audience.

  Take these examples:

  It is a simple fact that continuing to keep regular checks and constantly watching cold water rising in temperature until it arrives at the boiling point of 100

  degrees centigrade, will not, in fact, make it come to that perfect temperature any faster than, say, staring at the nearest wallpaper.

  Watching water boil won’t make it boil any faster.

  See what I mean?

  A 9-year-old can read that first example (I know, I tested it on several of them). It’s just turgid and not to the point. It uses simple, plain language – but it’s not clear. It’s not easy to digest the information.

  Plain language doesn’t mean short and terse, or that the writing will lack atmosphere or feeling either. Try this:

  We listened to the snow fall. You’d think it would be silent but it’s not. Not if you really, really listen.

  There’s the gentle thud of each tiny flake falling on its brother or sister, each nestling down for the winter.


  Sarah Richards

  That’s plain English, written briefly. But it’s full of atmosphere and emotion.

  Being clear in your language is the fastest route to making someone else understand what you are trying to communicate. Nothing else.


  The first point to remember is that most people in the UK don’t know how to use little-used punctuation (square brackets, semicolons, etc). Lots of people can read it correctly, but they can’t use it correctly or confidently in adult life. Stick to using familiar punctuation like commas and full stops.

  If you have a site that is meant to be easy to understand, make it easy to understand.

  Ask yourself what sort of audience you have and what punctuation you should use. I’ve never seen anyone abandon a page because of a semicolon. But consider the speed your audience is reading at and how you can help them speed up or slow down. You can usually do that really effectively with familiar punctuation.

  Just to make this point really, really clear: I am not saying don’t use anything but commas and full stops. I use all the punctuation I can get away with, all the time.

  I love it. But when working on some websites, I know my audience want short sentences they can understand

  Writing content 153

  quickly; they don’t want to marvel at how well I can wrangle the English language.

  Remember, this is not about perceived intelligence – it’s about speed of reading and comprehension. Nothing else.

  You can also use punctuation to add rhythm to your work. You can emphasise a point by writing in short sentences. Maybe repeat certain words. Or you can add some length to your sentence (remembering the amount of words can influence understanding) and take your audience on a journey.

  See what I did in those paragraphs? ;) Images

  A picture paints a thousand words. Well, only if you can see it.

  As content designers, we know that sometimes a graphic or icon is a good idea. You are not treading on a designer’s toes here (although they may feel that way). This is where you are a content designer and not a writer. If your audience will better understand what you are trying to say with a picture, use one.

  For example, if you are telling people to look for a certain logo as a mark of quality, you should show that


  Sarah Richards

  logo. However, make sure it is accessible. Make sure you have an alternative.

  Ask yourself if there’s a better way of doing it. If someone is on a train with a poor phone signal, are they going to completely miss the point of your content piece if they can’t see all of it? What alternative can you offer? What alt text (alternative text for assistive technologies) will you include?

  This is often a good opportunity to work collaboratively with a designer. Together, you can create an image that works for your users and for both of you.

  Writing content 155

  Talking of


  sometimes, writing

  on your own

  doesn’t work.

  You need input

  from someone else.

  That’s when

  you should try

  pair writing.


  Pair wr


  Sarah Richards

  Writing content

  alongside someone

  else (both of you,

  at the same time,

  in front of the same

  computer or piece

  of paper) is called

  pair writing.

  Your pair can be anyone: they could be another content designer, a service designer, a subject expert, your lawyer, the recep-tionist – anyone really.

  Pair writing 159

  The point of pair

  writing is that it gives

  you double the brain

  power. It’s like getting

  through both the first

  and the second draft


  The results are

  powerful, but the

  experience can be

  both challenging

  and productive.

  Sometimes fun,

  but not always.


  Sarah Richards

  Pair writing is

  useful because:

  1. you get more work

  done, faster

  2. you can get the

  content signed off

  faster (if your pair-

  writing companion

  is the person

  who’s responsible

  for sign-off)

  Pair writing 161

  3. your whole


  works more


  which results in

  more trust and

  better working


  all round


  Sarah Richards

  It’s hard for one

  person to write

  content that’s both

  accurate and easy

  to read. That’s one

  reason why pair

  writing is such a

  good idea. There are

  always experts in

  every organisation

  who know every

  single detail about

  how each particular

  Pair writing 163

  thing works. They can

  write accurately. But

  they’re not always

  good at explaining it

  clearly — precisely

  because they know

  too much about it.

  Their minds are too

  focused on the detail.

  Pair writing helps

  you get the best out

  of both brains.


  Sarah Richards

  Writing content

  about fracking

  Let’s imagine a Nice Green Energy job story that looks like this:

  When I find out fracking

  might happen near me

  I want to find out exactly where So I can decide what I am going to do Your team decided this need could be best met using a postcode look-up tool, but it needs some additional content to end with. There’s no point leaving your users with a pin on a map and no supporting information.

  Remember those Nice Green Energy colleagues we introduced in chapter 5? One of them was Sam, an expert on fracking. She can tell you how far the new fracking site will extend, what effect it will have, what the noise level will be, the lot. She’s going to be an ideal pair writing companion. (You already have analytics data that tells you what people are looking for, so you can anticipate the kind of answers they’d want from someone like Sam.) Case study

  Pair writing 165

  With Sam’s help, you realise that the content needs to address finer-grained user stories, like this:

  When I find out fracking

  might happen near me

  I want to find out if that proximity will mean my house will collapse

  So I can decide what I am going to do Sam can tell you exactly what will happen. She wants to explain how deep the fracking goes, why it will or won’t cause subsidence and give reassuring advice. Your tone and style says the content should be friendly and reassuring. So how can you do all that and keep to the story?

  1. how deep fracking goes is interesting to a whole bunch of audiences, not just people directly affected by it. That’s a story in and of itself. You need to decide whether to link to it or feature it.

  2. the story doesn’t say people want to know why something happens. They just want to know if it will happen to them. While those 2 things can be directly linked, do they need to be on the same page?

  3. how do you reassure someone who is affected? Will they believe you?

  Happily, the answer to the original question Case study


  Sarah Richards

  (‘Does fracking mean my house will collapse?’) is no. There’s no risk of subsidence. Well, there’s no evidence of it – which can be a different thing when people don’t trust you.

  When writing, you will start with a page that follows the 80/20 rule (80% of people just want to know if their house will sink, nothing else).

  The content should be something like this: Subsidence risk from fracking Residents are often worried there’s a risk of subsidence from fracking. The answer is no – there is no risk.

  The reasons why are:

  [You and Sam write three paragraphs of good content linking off to deep, technical content.]

  Sam is happy with that, because it’s accurate.

  You’re happy with it, because it’s easy to read.

  Two brains, working together.

  All the way through your pair-writing session you have:

  ● explained why you are suggesting edits: Sam is learning about how users consume information as much as you are learning about fracking

  Case study

  Pair writing 167

  ● listened to Sam’s fears closely and questioned her: Sam may want another 50 words on the page and you don’t. But when you dig a little deeper, you find it is because she is always asked about that point when talking about this scenario

  ● learnt about any other needs you may have missed

  Case study


  Sarah Richards

  Writing with

  other people

  Successful pair writing depends on your relationship with your partner and their willingness to do things in a user-centred way. Sometimes, it can take time (perhaps several actual pair-writing sessions) for the 2 of you to build that relationship.

  Some pair-writing partners are keen to jump in and really try to help. Others can get argumentative. When that happens, try to understand why. I have often found that it’s because no one has explained to my partner how reading behaviour has changed. Or no one has talked to them about their view of language and how online behaviour works. Those people are not trying to be obstructive or difficult, it’s just that no one has explained these things to them.

  Sometimes, you might encounter people who have antiquated opinions (‘Well, that’s not what I learned in school’) and they don’t want to change them. All you can do is be professional and be the voice of the user.

  Make your case using the research you did earlier in the process, and the insights that came from it.

  Other times, the relationship can be tested because your expert partner keeps suggesting things, and you keep saying no because you don’t think they’re clear enough. It can sour the atmosphere. Try to avoid this

  Pair writing 169

  by staying positive from the start. Rather than actually saying no, try typing your own suggestions. Keep your tone encouraging and lively. Say: ‘Could we put it like this? How about we say that with simpler words like these? We could simplify that in this way.’ And so on.

  Top tips for

  pair writing

  ● find a quiet space for the 2 of you to work together

  ● write the user story out on paper, and keep it close by so that it’s uppermost in yo
ur minds throughout

  ● get a big monitor and bump up the text size, so you can both clearly read every word

  ● constant experimentation is OK; type something, and ask ‘Does this work?’

  ● try not to work together for more than 2 hours at a time (more than that, and both brains start to lose focus)

  OK. You’ve written some content. Now it’s time for a crit.




  Sarah Richards


  is a short


  for content




  A crit is an

  opportunity for

  other people to

  comment on a

  piece of content

  that’s been drafted

  by an individual,

  or by 2 people

  doing pair writing.

  Usually, it means getting a team of people to sit round a big screen that displays the content. Everyone joins in with their thoughts. One person takes notes.


  Sarah Richards

  Crits can be hard

  to deal with.

  It’s not easy to

  let other people

  tear your hard

  work to shreds.

  It’s not easy to listen

  to them telling you

  what’s wrong with it.



  Many people, quite

  naturally, fear

  it turning into a

  slanging match.

  That’s why crits

  have rules, so

  that they become

  safe environments

  for meaningful



  Sarah Richards

  The rules are:

  • be respectful:

  everyone did the

  best job possible

  with the knowledge

  they had at the time

  • only discuss

  the content, not

  the person who

  created it



  • only give


  criticism: ‘That’s

  crap’ is unhelpful

  and unacceptable

  • no one has to

  defend a decision

  Making the environment safe is the most important part of making a crit work. No one likes getting heaps of criticism.


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