Naughty or Nice: A Friends to Lovers Christmas Romance

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Naughty or Nice: A Friends to Lovers Christmas Romance Page 6

by Alexis Winter

  The corners of her mouth turn up into a smile as we stand there looking at one another, lost in our own world. I want to lean in and kiss her, to drive the point home. I don’t want her to stop. I never want her to stop. But then some kid skates into my back and knocks my feet out from under me. I fall, pulling her down with me. We hit the ice hard. It knocks the air out of my lungs, but she can’t do anything but laugh.

  “Fuck, this hurts a lot more than it used to,” I say, just lying down on the ice, not attempting to get up yet. That only makes her giggle more.

  She climbs to her feet and holds out her hands. “Come on, old man. Let’s go get some hot chocolate and warm up.”

  I take her hands and she helps me to my feet. Slowly, we skate to the exit and have a seat on the bench to remove our ice skates. We put our shoes back on and turn our skates in before heading to the hot chocolate stand.

  “You know that day we got into that fight here,” I say, leaning in.

  “Mm-hmm,” she says, nodding.

  “Well, I couldn’t keep my eyes off you that day. Just…the way you were dressed, your hair and makeup made you look so much older. You were happy and smiling; your eyes were practically glowing. In fact, my girlfriend at the time caught me checking you out several times that day.”

  She giggles. “Is that why you broke up?”

  “Yep, pretty much. I tried to convince her that I wasn’t checking you out. I was just keeping an eye on you, but she didn’t buy it. She said I was always skipping out on her to do nothing with you.”

  “Well, she was a bitch anyway.”

  I laugh and nod. “Yeah, but she was right. I think that’s why all of my relationships fail. None of them even compare to you.”

  She opens her mouth to say something but gets cut off by the guy who runs the hot chocolate stand. “Next!” he yells and I pull my eyes from hers. I step up to the window and order two spiked cups. She hangs out around one of the fire barrels that are set up to get warm by.

  I get the cups and pay the man before taking a cup over to her. She takes it and says, “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  She takes a sip and looks at me. “Is there alcohol in this?”

  I laugh. “Yep.”

  “I didn’t know they did that here.”

  “So, what do you say to a carriage ride?”

  She smiles. “I’d love one.”

  I lead her over to the payment booth and pay the twenty-four dollars for the ride. We’re taken over to the carriage and she climbs up ahead of me. I climb up next to her and pull the thick fuzzy blanket up over both our laps. The horses start moving and a slight wind blows. I see her raise her cup to her lips as she holds it in both hands for the warmth. She shivers and I put my arm across the back of the seat.

  “Come here,” I say. “Get warm.”

  She smiles but scoots up to my side and I hold her close. Already, it’s warmer.

  “We never did this before,” she says, looking up at me.

  “Yeah, it always seemed like a couple thing back then.”

  “I remember the day that we were here, I wanted to ask you to go on a ride with me so bad. I was looking around for you, and that’s when I saw you climbing into a carriage with Christina.”

  “I didn’t know you saw that.”

  She nods. “I did, and I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I cried and called my mom to pick me up early.”

  “That’s why she came early?” I ask, looking down at her.

  She nods.

  “I didn’t know that.” She doesn’t reply, so I pull her closer. “I would have much rather rode with you that day,” I tell her and her eyes move up to mine.

  “You would?”

  I nod, then lean in, pressing my mouth to hers. This kiss is different from all our other kisses. Before, we always came together in desperation and need for one another or just drunken stupidity. Now, we’re coming together in love. I love Felicity more than anything else in the world. She’s always been top priority to me, even before I knew it myself. Our friendship turned into a crush, and that crush turned into love. All this time, I thought the love I had for her was based on our friendship, but that isn’t the case and I see that now. I am in love with my best friend. Only question is, what am I going to do about it?

  When our ride ends, we get off and head over to the hot tent where food is sold. She opts for some loaded nachos and I stick with a BBQ sandwich and onion rings. We also grab a couple of beers to wash down our food.

  We’re sitting alone at our pop-up picnic table when Greg walks over. “Hey, fancy seeing you two here…together.”

  She smiles up at him. “Hi, Greg.”

  He smiles down at her. “Hi, sugar.”

  She laughs and rolls her eyes.

  “You guys mind if I sit with you?”

  I shrug and he sits anyway. “So, what’s been going on with you two since I last saw you. Did you two finally seal the deal?”

  “Greg,” I warn.

  Felicity holds up her middle finger.

  “So, that’s a no,” he says. “You know, Felicity, I’ll take you back to my place and show you how a real man handles a woman. I know you’ve been thirsty for it since high school.”

  She snorts. “There’s only one person I’ve been thirsty for since high school and it isn’t you, Greg.”

  He laughs, not bothered at all by her words. “Oh, come on. You know you wanted it back then. I remember you begging me to take that virginity of yours.”

  I look at her and her face flushes. She’s embarrassed and I can tell she doesn’t know how to reply to that. “If she asked you to take her virginity, it’s only because I wasn’t around. You realize that, right?” I ask him.

  He looks at me, then back at her. “So, who was the lucky guy anyway? Someone who didn’t know this guy for sure, right?” he says, nudging me.

  Felicity rolls her eyes. “I met him in college. He is a nice guy who I still enjoy talking to today, the furthest from you I could get.”

  “Ohhh,” he says. “You didn’t seem to have a problem talking to me at the bowling alley.”

  “That was before I was reminded of how much of an ass you are.”

  “Alright, Greg. I think it’s time for you to leave. We’re clearly not enjoying your company,” I say, turning to face him. I give him my death glare and he stands up.

  “Alright, alright. I can take the hint, but just know, Felicity, that I’m here any time you wanna get freaky and this one won’t give it away.” He turns and walks off quickly.

  I shake my head. “I can’t believe you asked him to take your virginity. What did you do, ask everyone but me?”

  She rolls her eyes. “You weren’t around. You wouldn’t have anyway and you know it.”

  She’s probably right. But damn, it’s nice to think about. “So, when you came to visit me at college, you were a virgin then?”

  She nods. “Yep, you didn’t know?”

  I shake my head. “No, I guessed you were, but I didn’t know for sure. That was one of the things I was worried about when we started kissing. I was ready to fuck you against that lamppost. But the thought of taking your virginity like that seemed wrong.”

  “You were really considering it?”

  “For a moment, yeah. I was dead set. I figured you were eighteen. You knew what you wanted and you kissed me.”

  “Why’d you stop? I mean, why not take me back to your place to continue?”

  I shrug. “Because you deserve better than me, and I didn’t want to take anything from you.”

  “I wish I would’ve lost it to you. I’m sure you would’ve treated me better afterward.”

  “What do you mean? You just said he was a nice guy?”

  She snorts and rolls her eyes. “I lied to shut Greg up. He was a total asshole. He came over, got straight to business, no foreplay, nothing. And then when it was over, he said thanks and got up and left. I haven’t talked to him since.”
  I can feel the anger swelling in my chest and as usual, I blame myself. If I had just given her what she wanted then, she would have a better memory of her first time than that. I feel like I’ve done everything wrong with her. And all this time, I’ve been trying to do everything right. That’s when I know, she’s right. Always. And I’ve always been wrong.

  We end up leaving the winter festival and I drive us home in silence. I pull the car next to the curb in front of my mom’s house and kill the engine. That’s when I look over at her.

  “I think you’re right,” I finally confess.

  “About what?”

  “About us. I think our relationship can handle a night of fun between two friends,” I tell her, knowing damn well one night will never be enough. But for now, I’ll stick with one night to see how things go and progress between us.

  Her eyes are wide with surprise and her mouth is hanging open. I expect her to say something, but instead, she just gets out and closes the door. I climb out quickly, wondering what in the hell she’s doing, but then I see her walk into her mother’s house and close the door behind her.

  Well, fuck.



  My heart is racing a mile a minute. Carson just agreed. He wants to be with me. And what did I do? I panicked and ran off. But I’m not running. No, I’m preparing. I go to my room and lie on my bed, trying to wrap my mind around this. What does this mean? That he’s willing to sleep with me? Does it mean that he actually wants to be with me? That he’s finally letting his guard down? Or is he just giving in to my wishes since I don’t seem to be letting up? I thought I’d be happy when he gave in, but now, it doesn’t feel right. I feel like a child who threw a fit to get their way. All I know is that tonight, I’m going over there and I’m going to collect on years of fantasies.

  Hours pass and I finally have myself talked into taking what I want. I take a shower and shave nearly every inch of my body. I scrub every nook and cranny of my body, then climb out and slather myself in lotion that I know he loves. Then I add a little makeup and curl my hair the way he likes it. I search through my clothes and find a red and white bra and panty set. The underwear and cups of the bra are red satin but the top waistband of the panties have a white band around them just like the cups of the bra. It’s my Mrs. Clause set which is perfect for this moment cuz Santa is coming early this year and I hope he’s ready because I’m about to be really naughty.

  I pair the bra and panty set with some white stockings and a garter belt, then slide my feet into some bright-red high heels. I grab my longest coat that goes well past my knees and sneak out of my house. I’d hate for my mother to stop me right now, knowing that I’m about to go have mind-blowing sex with Carson freaking Wells. I walk across the yard and knock on the door. His mother answers and she doesn’t think anything considering it’s about twenty degrees out and I’m wearing a giant ass coat that covers me from my neck practically to my ankles.

  “Can I speak to Carson, please?” I ask.

  “Of course, dear. He’s in his room. Go ahead and go back.” She opens the door wider and allows me to walk through. I knock on his door and a moment later, he’s pulling the door open. He sees it’s me and his smile returns.

  “Hey, what are you doing here? What happened earlier; why’d you take off?”

  I walk past him and he closes the door, spinning around to face me.

  “Santa has come early this year and so will you,” I say, unfastening my coat and letting it fall around my feet.

  His eyes stretch wide and he smiles. “What’s this?”

  I walk up to him and place my hands on his shoulders. “You agreed, didn’t you?”

  “I did,” he says, nodding his head.

  “Well,” I say, motioning toward my body, “Get ready to open your present early this year.”

  “You walked past my mother like this?”

  “Well, no. I had my coat on,” I remind him.

  “You know,” he says as I start to push him back toward the bed. “I was hoping to do this right, you know? A date, nice dinner, wine and dine you.”

  I shake my head. “Carson, we’ve had like fifteen years of foreplay. I don’t need wined and dined.” I close the distance between us and move my mouth to his. It doesn’t take him long to warm up to me. His hands find my hips and he picks me up and holds me against him. My legs wrap around his hips as he carries me over to the bed. As he crawls up onto the bed, he lays me down gently until all of his weight is pressing against me. And oh my God, he feels amazing. His bed is soft and smells like him. His hands are strong and touring my body. His mouth is soft but forceful and he kisses me, taking what he wants while giving me what I need.

  His mouth falls from mine and makes its way down my jaw and neck. His hands find my breasts and he massages them, winding me up tighter. I can’t take going slow. I feel like I’m going to explode. So I grab ahold of his shirt and pull it up. He breaks away long enough to pull it off and send it flying across the room. He’s back on me in a second, stripping away my bra.

  “Fuck, Felicity,” he says, lowering his mouth to my hard nipples. He sucks one into his mouth and I let out a loud moan. His tongue flicks against it again and again, and it feels like I’m only a moment from my release already. He continues to kiss down my body, peppering my skin with soft kisses and teasing nips. I dig my fingernails into the skin on his back and that makes his back arch, causing his hardness to press against me.

  My hands move around to unfasten his jeans, but he pushes them away and works to remove my panties and garter belt with hose. He loses his patience and ends up ripping it all off me. I’m about to yell at him for ruining my clothing, but then he sucks my clit into his mouth and I see stars. My back arches up off the bed and my hands turn into fists that are tangled into the sheets. My eyes flutter closed as my lips part. His mouth is magical, knowing all the right places to touch and to tease. He licks, flicks, and sucks until I’m coming undone around him. My thighs tighten around his head as I ride out every last wave of my release. I feel like I’m being drowned. I can’t breathe. I can’t suck in the oxygen I need. All I can do is stay still and enjoy every last powerful wave of pleasure that he provides.

  When my body goes weak, he pulls himself away. He’s on his knees between my legs, looking down at me as he unfastens his jeans. “What’s the matter, sweetheart. Too much for you?”

  “Not even close,” I reply, watching as he pushes his jeans past his thick, long cock. It springs free and I lick my lips, wanting to touch him, to taste him. I reach for him, desperately wanting to wrap my hand around him, but he catches my hand and pins it above my head as he lowers his chest to mine. With a hand between us, he guides himself to my entrance.

  “Are you sure about this,” he asks, moving his tip between my folds. “There’s no going back from here,” he warns.

  “I don’t want to go back,” I tell him.

  His eyes fall closed and he almost looks pained as he leans down to kiss me. “Tell me to stop, Felicity. Please, don’t let me do this,” he begs, still moving himself against me but not entering me.

  “Please, don’t stop, Carson. Fuck me,” I whisper.

  His mouth crashes against mine. In the same instant, he thrusts forward, sliding into me hard and deep. We both let out a moan of pleasure.

  “Oh fuck,” he breathes out, holding on to my hips fiercely. “Fuck, you’re so tight. So fucking perfect, just like I knew you would be,” he says, pulling out and pushing back in. I hold on to him tight, like if I don’t, I might just fall right off the edge of the world.

  I can’t explain the emotions that are bubbling up inside of me right now. Being with Carson is better than I ever could have imagined possible. It’s like wanting something your whole life and finally getting it, only to discover it’s better than you could have imagined. I’m overwhelmed with happiness, love, excitement, pleasure. So much pleasure.

  His hips keep moving, pushing me closer
and closer to my breaking point, but he gives me so much more. While he moves inside of me, he never stops kissing me, touching me, loving me. Years of need, yearning, passion, desire, love, it all combines and boils over. It’s strong, overwhelming, intoxicating.

  It’s not long before I’m coming around him again and when I fall back down to earth, he rolls us both over, putting me on top. “Show me how badly you’ve wanted me, sweetheart,” he whispers as his hands cup my cheeks.

  That’s all it takes to get me going again. I begin lifting myself up before falling back down. When I’m against him, I rock forward, grinding my clit against him. He’s so large, larger than anyone I’ve ever been with, but it doesn’t hurt. Before I thought I was getting what I was supposed to, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s like Carson and I were made for one another. He’s the perfect size for me and I fit him like a glove.

  His eyes move from mine down to my bouncing breasts and back. He smirks, bites his lower lip, and then his lips part with his heavy breathing. His eyes flutter closed but pop back open like he doesn’t want to miss a moment of this. His hands come up to massage my breasts and he leans forward, capturing one in his mouth. He sucks on my nipple and flicks his tongue against it, only working me closer to that edge he likes to keep me on.

  “Come for me, Felicity. Let me watch you while you come on my dick.”

  I’ve never been much for dirty talk during sex, but when he does it, it doesn’t turn me off. In fact, it gives me even more pleasure to hear him, to listen to him demanding such dirty things of me. It’s been a fantasy for far too long. I grind against him one last time and that’s when he gets his wish. I throw my head back and let out a moan, enjoying the tingles that swim through my body, lighting every nerve ending on fire while my bones are overtaken with snow.

  His hands fall back to my hips, lifting me and pulling me down against him, harder and harder each time, only prolonging my release. My toes begin to curl and go numb as I lose all control of my body. I can’t do anything but ride this wave and pray that it never ends. When it does, as they always do, he lifts me up and flips me over onto my knees. He enters me from behind and he doesn’t take it easy. With each thrust, I fall forward. After a few times of this, he wraps my hair around his fist and keeps me in place. My legs are shaking beneath me, threatening to collapse, but he keeps a strong hold on me and he never lets me fall. He slides a finger into my mouth and it surprises me but I suck on it. He pulls it out and smacks me on the ass, making me call out. Moments later, he slides his finger into my ass and I lose all control.


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