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Dead Wrong

Page 9

by H L Goodnight

  He moved closer to me. Not touching, but if I shifted my weight on the stool, we would be.

  "Hello," my voice was slightly higher pitched than normal because I felt guilty for staring at his chest. Being raised Lutheran was all the religion and half the guilt.

  "You've never come here before." It wasn't a question. He stated it as fact.

  This close it was hard to ignore the scents coming off of him. It reminded me of the forest after a storm.

  "I just found out about this place," I said. It seemed odd to be sitting next to the most beautiful person I'd seen outside of the movies or television.

  His face was almost perfect. The imperfection of a slightly too long nose, and almost feminine jaw-line making it seem more so. The smoothness and glow to his skin radiated health.

  He stopped grinning. "Well, I don't know what you need. But I could fulfill whatever need it is."

  This close, it was easy to see the gold in his eyes. His high cheekbones, full arched eyebrows, and generous lips made me think he might be a model. Was he was a local celebrity? He licked his lips while not breaking his gaze from mine. His tongue was slow and deliberate.

  My heart felt like it was loud and fast enough to be heard. "Oh." My mind went blank while I stared at his generous mouth. My eyelids lowered. Thoughts of his lips on mine had me parting mine in anticipation.

  I moved my gaze away. I had to focus. Whisper had a vision about this place. Perhaps, the creature was outside while I was drooling over this man.

  "Maybe something to take the edge off." He leaned over so that his firm body pressed into the stool and parts of me. "I have many things to help," his voice thick with possibilities.

  My smile faltered.

  Everywhere our bodies touched felt hot, even with the clothes on. Doubt and suspicion filled me. I was pretty, like the girl-next-door pretty and decent all dressed up. But this was the kind of guy who could score with anyone, and I mean anyone, he wanted. Why target me?

  "Who are you?"

  His eyes continued to hold mine. "I am the man of your dreams." He leaned slightly down to put his face close to mine, and whispered, "Kian."

  His breath smelled like fresh fruit, but the musky scent from his body was like a garden after a spring shower. Earthy. And wet.

  "I'm Dianna," I said.

  Something about him was so familiar. Those eyes were so like Max's. But I was positive we'd never met.

  "What do you do?"

  "Lots of things that could help you."

  He hadn't moved away, and his breath warmed my face.

  I tried to relax but just being near him made me long for his touch.

  Where his shirt was open, his chest was touching my bare arm and part of my breast. My breath changed, coming faster.

  Maybe I was ready to move on and have sex and Dominick wasn't special.

  "No, no." His hand reached out and caressed my cheek, leaving a heated trail. "Don't think of another man while with me." His long fingers had callouses, but manicured fingernails.

  "How did you know?" Perhaps this was a chance to move on and heal, with the sexiest man ever.

  "Only a lover's quarrel could cause such frowns." His finger touched between my eyebrows. The digit felt too hot as if he had a fever.

  A nagging thought scratched at the surface of my thoughts. Kian’s arm went around my shoulders, and coherent thoughts vanished. Instead, I wanted to stay in his embrace. He put his arm around my waist and lifted me off the barstool with ease.

  "Perhaps we should continue this conversation in my private office. The music makes it hard to hear."

  I nodded.

  He moved away, and immediately I wanted to press against him and feel his warmth. I followed him and tried to keep up with his long stride. His back shoulders were wide for someone so slim. I wanted to touch him, to feel his muscles under my hands. The smell of him remained where he had pressed against me. Rationale kicked in. What was I doing?

  Following him? Because my body had a biological response? That wasn’t me. But there was a chance that this would be an experience to wipe out the pain from before, and the hurt from Dominick's silent rejection. A way to move past Roth.

  My chest tightened at the thought. We stopped walking.

  We had reached a door across from the bar. Semi-concealed by curtains and columns. Kian inserted a card key and typed the code for the security panel. The door clicked open.

  He held the thick metal door open. I debated but went in. Inside was an office done in a lush style. Black velvet curtains were pulled back from the large plate glass window overlooking the river. Black micro-suede couches, and chairs. And a large dark stained wooden desk with a large black leather chair.

  Kian shut the door and sat on the longer sofa. He patted a spot next to him.

  I sat down near him but slightly away. "So, is this your place then?"

  Kian smiled, "Yes."

  He moved closer and put his hands on my waist. His arms and hands warmed me once again. The heat from his touches through my dress made my body crave the feel of his hands on my bare flesh. A moan escaped my lips, and I bit it to stop.

  He smiled, "Oh, Dianna, don't try to stop those sexy noises. You can make as many as you want in here.” Hands at my waist gave me a squeeze. “It's soundproof."

  His lips were pink and full. He brought me closer to him until I sat on his lap. His right hand moved and my dress unzipped. As it fell, revealing my bra and stomach Kian brought his head down and kissed me.

  As his mouth took mine, it demanded a response. His hands left trails of heat, while his lips made my flesh burn.

  My hands were inside his shirt, touching his chest. Feeling the hair and hardness of his muscles. Energy pulsed from him through my hands and into my body. I cried out again under his lips. He lifted up and licked my mouth.

  Moaning, he pushed me down on the sofa. His head came down and bit my neck. It hurt. My hands had been on his chest. But the bite hurt enough to make me start.

  What was I doing?

  Kian raised his head and slammed his mouth on mine again. His tongue invaded my mouth, pushing and stirring an aching inside me. My body arched against his. While kissing me, his hands cupped my breasts. I pressed against them.

  He stopped kissing and bit down again. There was no pain in my neck. I grabbed his shirt as his hand went lower.

  Kian pulled down the dress to reveal the lacey bra underneath. His hands cupped them again. I arched into them and cried out.

  He licked them through the soft fabric. My hands grabbed his shirt. Looking up at me, Kian said, “Moan for me.”

  His mouth descended on a nipple; sucking at it through the lace. The friction made me squirm under him. Pressing against him, I felt his obvious desire.

  “Kian,” I said.

  His hips pushed hard against into mine.

  I lost myself. I continued to writhe against Kian, my mouth desperate to feel him. My hands tugged at his shirt.

  He moved back up, eyes half-closed as his lips came down.

  My hands went in his silken hair. His shirt was opened, and the feel of him against my partially bared skin made me tremble.

  His hands tightened, squeezing me just shy of pain.

  Suddenly, he stopped what he was doing and sat up.

  Craving more of his touch I reached out. My body felt barren without him.

  The color of Kian’s blue-green eyes seemed lighter. The gold blazed inside them. His breath came out hard. He unbuttoned the top of his pants.

  Satisfaction lit his face. Licking his lips, he said, "Beg me for it."

  "What," I asked.

  "Beg. Plead for my touch." His breath came fast. "Tell me how much you need me," he said.

  Standing only a foot away with his shirt open his muscles rippled. He waited like a jaguar waiting for his prey to make that last fatal error.

  Reality slammed into me. My dress was bunched around my waist. My bra and underwear exposed. Muscles tightened a
nd clenched as I yearned for Kian.

  But he wanted me to beg? What a sadistic bastard!

  "Screw you!" I said sitting up. The throbbing and aching hurt. I closed my eyes tightly, fighting off the ache.

  "Is that your best begging, Dianna?" he mocked and licked his lips. Not moving much, he slightly bent his knees. "Just say, 'Please Kian.'"

  "Not happening," I growled.

  But part of me, the baser part, wanted to say anything he asked. But if he wanted me to beg, I couldn't do it.

  I straightened my crumpled dress with shaking hands. Tears of embarrassment and frustration threatened to spill out as I pulled it over my exposed lingerie.

  "Dianna, all you have to do is say please." His accent got thicker. It made the all sound more like owl. "I won't have accusations hurled at me later."

  I stayed quiet and smoothed out my hair with my fingers.

  Tension eased as he turned away and went to his desk. He took out a silver cigarette case from a drawer. He faced me and lit a cigarette while never averting his gaze.

  Ignoring Kian and my pounding heart I used the compact in my purse to fix my lipstick. The blush on my cheeks would fade along with my shame. What had I been thinking?

  Kian was difficult, but he could have had me any way he wanted. If he started kissing me again, he probably still could.

  Closing my eyes, I breathed deeply. I reminded myself, time to leave. Time to hunt a monster. I opened my eyes, meeting his.

  He blew out smoke. His shirt open, rumpled, and ripped was my handiwork. "Just say it." Leaning forward his voice grew husky, "Please Kian."

  Struggling with my desire to kiss his chest, I pushed away to the other end of the soft couch.

  Kian frowned slightly. "I didn't take you for a coward. Next time, try to be honest with your desires, and I will fulfill them all and more." He sighed, "Is your pride worth the cost of our pleasure?" He left the shirt unbuttoned. His navel was an innie. The hair around it trailed down to his tight black unbuttoned black pants.

  He noticed my gaze, and said in a low snarl, "Just say please, Dianna."

  I shook my head. Touching my hair, I said, "I can't."

  He sighed and said, "It is cruel of you." He smoked some more while his gaze looked me up and down.

  My skin burned under it, longing to feel his.

  "I will always be ready for you at any time, Dianna. Just say please, and everything you want is yours." He asked, "Anything else can I do for you?" His voice changed became businesslike as he put out the cigarette.

  I cleared my throat. I avoided his gaze. What a fool I was. Mad at myself, I met his eyes once more. I had questions.

  "Oh, Dianna." Kian walked towards me, just shy of touching. "Has your courage returned? Have you changed your mind?”

  His scent filled my senses and made me want to drop to my knees and beg.

  "What do you need?" His voice was silk.

  I shook my head. It was petty, but I couldn't do it. Maybe it was due to the rape, the heated on then off with Roth, or the recent attraction to Dominick. I didn’t know. But this all-consuming need for Kian scared me.

  I wouldn’t beg to fall back into it.

  Kian walked to a small bar and mixed two drinks. He brought one over and handed it to me.

  I sat it down on the side table. Clearing my throat again I asked, "What do you dream about?"

  Immediately, I felt like an idiot. But if he hadn't invaded my dream, it was better to sound stupid than crazy.

  He swallowed some of his drink. A small drop had escaped, to hit his chest. His nipple responded by hardening.

  I bit my lip as I imagined licking the drop.

  His face held surprise. "Hmm." He put down the drink and came over so that we almost touched. He said, "Dreams often pale compared to reality, don't you find?"

  His earthy scent called to me. He caressed my arm absently. It left trails of ardent awareness; I leaned into it. A small cry escaped me from just the sensation of his caress. Licking my lips, I looked at his mouth. It was smooth, full, and well defined in shape.

  It reminded me of male models. Male models, like Max.

  Reality shifted, and I was twenty again.

  Max gave me a beer in a red cup. "Here."

  Brad's house was loud with the sounds of our friends dancing and talking. Taking a large gulp to steel my will for a confession to Max made my throat burn. I wasn't much of a drinker. I took a second drink when Max chuckled at me and hit our cups together. He drank out of his cup. I drank from mine.

  In seconds the room seemed to shift, the fish-themed wallpaper blurring into a solid color. Breathing in deeply, I lost my balance. Max's strong arms caught me, and I looked up at his full lips. Like a male model. He smiled.

  He leaned down and kissed me.

  He put down his cup on a hallway table. His arm wrapped around my waist, and he led me upstairs, "Let's get somewhere private to talk."

  Max's eyes had been a dark blue-green, like something out of a fantasy. So dark from far away they looked black. His face had been beautiful without being girly. He was masculine perfection. Reality slapped me.

  My breath hissed out as I glared at the almost duplicate of Max's face. I backed away. Memories packed away played like films. "I had blocked it! Destroyed all the pictures."

  Kian stilled. His head tilted.

  I didn’t want this! The pain had my fists clenching. "Why do you look like Max," my throat tensed, and the words came high-pitched and weak.

  He raised an eyebrow, "Who?"

  I looked down and let my hair cover my face. The feel of Max hurting me over and over was in the past. He was gone. Whatever Kian was, he had entered my dreams before I met him. "Whatever you are, and whoever you are, stay away from me."

  Memories of Max and the images of him I'd blocked threaten to overwhelm me.

  Kian's hand reached out for my arm, but stepping to the side prevented contact.

  He frowned and turned away. He said, "Well, this is disappointing, Dianna. Ask your questions."

  He went to his desk and sat on the edge of it. His stiff back to me while he faced the large window.

  I hid my shaking hands behind me, even though he couldn’t see them. Even now, I still burned for Kian’s touch. He was dangerous. "Why do you look like him?"

  Saying nothing, he turned around. He took out another cigarette, lit it, and smoked. He blew out smoke rings. As the rings started to fade, he turned around. "Dianna, I like you. If you don't want to have sex, get the fuck out of my club."

  "You said to ask my questions!"

  He smiled. "I never said I'd answer them."

  He pushed off the desk in a swift movement. The grace of his motion making a lie of the human form he wore. He came until he within arm's reach. He said, "If you don't leave, I'll take that as a green light, and you won't have to beg after all.” He whispered, “At least not right away."

  His pupils dilated, and his breathing changed.

  Forcing myself to not take a step back, I breathed in. "If you aren't Max, it should be easy to tell me."

  Kian stepped closer, "Five."

  "Who are you?"

  "Four." He blew smoke to the side and kept looking at me.

  "What are you?"

  "Three." He reached behind him and put the cigarette out in an ashtray on his desk. He stepped forward.

  "Are you Max?"

  "Two." He paced closer almost touching me.

  My resolve failed, and I turned to escape.


  As I opened the large metal door and fled his office, I could hear his laughter stalk me.

  Even his laughter was sexy. Who the hell has sexy laughter?

  I left the club in a rush and hurried towards my car. My breath came fast. Tears of fear and anger threatened to spill out. I pressed my hands against my eyes.

  I grabbed my car keys out of my clutch was something flat and smooth. I took out a shiny black card with white text. It read Kian Maxwell,
with all contact information for AXAS Entertainment, and the title president under his name.

  He must have slipped it into my purse when we kissed.

  I sat and waited, searching for a monster near the club from inside my car. After an hour, I left. No point in lingering where answers weren't forthcoming.

  Only more questions.

  Chapter Thirteen

  After leaving The Baltic, I checked out other possible clubs for neon dancers thinking the neon dancers meant the people inside one of the clubs. But it had been a bust.

  It grew late. Most people had already headed home. The city allowed alcoholic drinks to be served twenty-four hours a day, except Sunday. Sunday liquor was sold after noon, and sales had to stop by midnight. Somehow that made it less sinful. Because of the laws, clubs stayed open from seven at night until almost dawn Monday through Saturday.

  As I gave up the search, a man tapped my shoulder. He looked a bit young. He asked, "Do you want a taste of heaven?"

  "What is it?"

  Smiling slyly, he said, "Labyrinth is better than sex." He showed me a small tube containing black glitter like powder.

  "How so," I asked.

  "It makes everything magical."

  Not much of a description. "So, like coke?"

  "Nah. This is all new. And the first taste is free if you party with me." He winked.

  I held my wrist behind my back. "Hmm. Maybe next time."

  "Your loss." The man went to another woman, giving her the same line.

  Sometimes I wondered if I was fighting the right monsters.

  So I had found out where to buy the new drug but not about a possible monster attack. Maybe I'd gotten Whisper's words wrong, and it wasn't a monster, but Kian I'd been sent after.

  With the threat of the Music Man, people were huddled at home, so the clubs held mostly regulars.

  I didn't see anyone with snake shirts, so I left before I got into another unfortunate altercation.

  Outside was cold. My car was one of only a handful on the street I'd parked on. The club, Indulgences, didn't have a lot of parking available because the nearest parking garage was next to a shopping area with a large movie theater.


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