Straddling States: A Contemporary Ranch Cowboy Romance (Western Valley Love Book 1)
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“Yeah, a long of time wasted on bullshit,” Amber muttered in response with a roll of her eyes. “I think I need to get away. My apartment has too many memories in it.”
“Go on vacation,” Jessica suggested. “I’m sure Laura would be happy to give you extra time off if you explained your situation.”
“Yeah, I guess…” Amber pondered the idea for a moment before shaking her head. “Anyway, the fall meeting is today, right?”
“Any idea what Laura’s plans are for this season?”
“No clue,” Jessica admitted with a shrug of her shoulders that caused her shoulder-length dark hair to jostle a little. “She’s kept everything hush-hush apparently. No one but her knows what drastic changes we’re going to be making.”
“Great,” Amber lamented and turned her head to look over at the coffee machine. “Do you want anything to drink? I need another coffee.”
“I’m good,” Jessica replied with a tight smile. “Take care of yourself, Amber. You know I’m always here if you need anything.” She reached out and clasped her hand in the other woman’s, squeezing tightly and offering her a sympathetic look.
Amber nodded. “I know.”
After grabbing a lackluster latte from the vending machine, Amber threw herself down on her chair at her desk and checked the time. The big meeting about research for the fall fashion line was happening in a few minutes, so Amber withdrew her compact and checked her appearance.
Despite the thick layers of concealer and foundation she’d applied, her under-eyes still looked gray and heavy with bags. She poked and prodded at them a little before finally giving up, downing her drink, and heading for the meeting room.
Everyone in the department was already filtering through, clutching their notepads and laptops close while whispering to one another. Normally, Amber would have been acting exactly like them. The turn of the season was the most exciting time in the fashion industry, and she loved the idea of being able to contribute in some way to how the company made a statement to the public. Every other meeting like this, Amber had taken copious notes, and was scouring over them for days, trying to come up with the perfect design to wow her boss, and to finally get one of her designs made into reality.
Today, however, Amber hadn’t even brought a pen. I really am a mess, she thought as she brushed her ginger hair behind her ears and took the seat furthest away from where Laura would be addressing the room. She didn’t want her boss to get a good look at how distracted and frazzled she was.
“Good morning, everyone!” Laura greeted as she entered the room with a click of her designer shoes. “I hope you are all ready to get started, because we have a lot of work to do if we want to make up for the failings of the summer line.”
With tired eyes, Amber looked over to the projection of Laura’s slideshow, and tried her hardest to pay attention, but her thoughts kept drifting elsewhere. She wondered what Mike would be doing right now, and where he was living. He had plenty of friends in the city, so it was likely he was staying with them, but… What if he’s with her?
Memories Amber had of walking in on Mike and his lover in bed came to her, and she visibly cringed. It took all of her willpower not to barf at the image again. She was seriously beginning to wonder if she’d ever get over it. Images of her and Mike’s future together that she had been planning for such a long time shattered before her, and she felt that heavy, sinking weight of grief overwhelm her once more.
“And that’s why we are looking for a volunteer to take an extended, all-expenses-paid trip for three months!” Sarah exclaimed, breaking Amber’s reverie, and forcing the redhead to look up.
Three months away on a business trip? The thought appealed to her, and as she glanced around at her colleagues, Amber noticed that there were no takers yet. It was bizarre, since going away for fashion research was one of the most coveted opportunities in the company. They were rare, and often led to great connections with other designers, and even a promotion, if your work was good enough!
Amber had already been sold just on the time away alone. As long as she could take Jellybean, she’d be happy to go anywhere!
“I’ll do it,” Amber called out as she raised her hand.
Laura grinned wide and clasped her hands together. “Oh, Amber, you have just been such a star lately! Thank you for coming forward. We can discuss all the details of your visit after the meeting, okay?”
Amber nodded and the meeting resumed as normal, though she couldn’t help but notice Jessica glancing her way every now and then with a strange look on her face. Maybe she was just feeling a little disgruntled that her best friend would be jetting off somewhere fabulous without her. But that didn’t sound quite right. After all, Jessica could have volunteered if she wanted to, and besides, the brunette had been the one to encourage Amber to take a vacation.
With conflicting thoughts swarming around her head, Amber zoned out for most of the remainder of the meeting, though she remembered to head toward Laura’s huge glass office before returning to her desk afterward. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves, hoping not to embarrass herself as she reached the door.
When she tapped lightly on the closed door, Amber heard a quiet voice call, “Come in!”
She pushed open the door, and Laura looked up at her with a bright smile and her wide, blue eyes before clapping her hands together. “Amber! I want to thank you so much again for coming forward for this wonderful opportunity. I was a little worried that no one would go voluntarily, but as always, you are such a wonderful surprise!”
Amber nodded, feeling a little sheepish and like she’d misunderstood what was going on. “Why wouldn’t anyone want to go?” She asked, feeling like she must have missed some vital information when she was daydreaming.
The blonde let out a sigh. “Well, it is hardly Paris or Milan, but it is important for our research, nonetheless, especially if we want to get a head start on the next season!”
“I just want to help the company in any way I can,” Amber replied instead of saying the words that were truly on her mind. Oh my God, where on Earth did I agree to go to?!
“That’s what I like most about you, Amber. I’m certain when you get back from Arkansas, we’ll be able to look into a raise or some kind of promotion for you. Provided, of course, we’re satisfied with your work out there!”
Amber’s whole body froze. Arkansas?!
Chapter Three
The flight from O’Hare International Airport in Chicago left without a hitch. Though the actual time in the air was less than two hours, Amber had been given a seat in business class, which she appreciated. She’d never traveled in such fancy surroundings before, and it made her feel slightly better about the whole situation. After being handed a warm towel and a glass of sparkling wine, Amber felt like she could relax and try to focus on the positives of the trip.
Since it wasn’t an international trip, she could bring Jellybean without much hassle, and Laura had happily paid the extra charges for the dog to travel alongside her. She’d muttered something to herself about pet wear when she’d booked the additional expense, and Amber had quirked an eyebrow in her boss’ direction. That would certainly be an interesting idea.
Another positive was the fact that Amber wouldn’t be living in her apartment for the next three months. The room she had shared with her boyfriend, Mike, wouldn’t be surrounding her anymore, and by the time she returned, Amber hoped she would have made some progress in getting over him. At least, she hoped that when she got back, being in that apartment would be a little less painful.
Lastly, Amber was going to get a lot out of this career-wise. Laura was going to adore her for taking on the trip that no one else had seemed to want to do, and it was always a good idea to get on your boss’ good side. There was already talk of a promotion, and Amber was determined that if she couldn’t get a ring on her finger this year, then she would damn well get the promotion she deserved.
; When they touched down at the Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport in Fayetteville, Amber was greeted by the sight of the vibrant sun surrounding her. Perhaps this trip won’t be half bad, she told herself as she donned her Ray Ban sunglasses and smoothed down the fabric of her Donna Karan day dress in subtle yellow and pink tones.
She collected her Louis Vuitton suitcase and Jellybean’s cage from the baggage reclaim area before heading out into the open air, and enjoying the feel of the sun’s rays on her pale skin. She glanced around the street for the car Laura had promised would be waiting for her, and true to form, there it was — a sleek, black Chrysler was waiting for her, with a driver who stood outside of it, holding a sign with the word ‘O’HARA’ depicted on it.
After taking a deep, steadying breath, Amber strutted over to the man. “Hiya, I’m Amber O’Hara. I believe this is my ride?”
“Nice to meet you, Ma’am,” the driver replied before opening the car door for Amber and allowing her to slide inside.
It was a comfortable journey from the airport to the small town of Valley Springs, which was hidden deep in the wilderness of Arkansas’ landscape. Amber watched out the car window as tree after tree blurred past them and fields illuminated in the summer sun shone bright yellow with the corn they produced. The clouds were sparse and bright white as they drifted across the blanket of light blue sky behind them. Amber could see the horizon changing shape as they drove, taking on the shape of fields, trees, and hills as they traveled further into the countryside and away from civilization.
She couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable. It was so drastically different from her usual life, where she was surrounded by gray skyscrapers and bustling streets lined with cars and people. Now, she was careening down dirt roads and she was able to see for miles and miles in the distance over the top of the rice and corn fields. Amber couldn’t help but worry that she wouldn’t fit in here, and she gnawed at her bottom lip as she imagined the kind of people who would fit in here.
“Here we are, Miss,” the driver announced as he pulled up outside a rather large wooden farmhouse that was seemingly in the middle of nowhere.
Amber tipped her sunglasses down her nose and peered over them at the sight. Everything around her looked ancient and in desperate need of painting, but she shrugged her shoulders. There were definitely worse places she could be in the world. Besides, she could handle this for two months, right?
“Thank you,” she told the driver as she climbed out of the comfortable car and gathered her suitcase from the trunk.
“You’re welcome,” the driver replied with a tip of his hat before returning to his seat in the car and heading off in the same direction they had just come in. As the wheels kicked up dust behind him, Amber felt the last shred of her normal life fade away behind her.
With a quick glance at her surroundings, Amber entered the big building before her and immediately crinkled her nose at the old, musty smell of the entryway. As she looked around, she noticed that most of the furniture around was wooden and looked well-worn. The chairs were covered in handmade fabrics of warm oranges and browns. It wasn’t exactly what Amber would like for herself, but she made a mental note to write down the different colors she saw around to give her ideas for designs.
“You must be Miss Amber!” a hearty voice called out from somewhere to her left, and an older gentleman approached her. He was a little round in the middle but tall, and he looked strong. His eyes were a kind blue, and his hair was thinning and graying a little underneath the wide-brimmed hat he was wearing.
“Yes, I am, and you are?” she replied with a tentative smile.
“The name’s Billy — Billy Harding. This, here, is my ranch and I’m happy we could be of help to you. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss.” He held out his hand and Amber shook it happily.
“You have a lovely place here,” Amber told him in a polite voice. “How did Laura come to find this?”
“Oh, well, Laura is my niece. Clearly, she didn’t tell you that part!” He chuckled. “I usually rent out the third floor to travelers and the like, but we don’t often get them around these parts, so when Laura asked about sending someone from her fancy, big city job to come and stay, well, me and the missus were overjoyed! We’d do anything to help out little Laura when we can.”
As if on cue, a similarly older woman came out from the other room with a big smile on her face and a plate of cookies in her hands. Her hair was tied behind her head in a messy ponytail, and her skin wrinkled as she smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Amber, my name is Noreen. If you ever need any help sewing or any food cooking, you just come let me know, okay? You’re welcome to come eat with us for dinner any night, too.”
“Thank you.” Amber smiled fondly over at the older woman before turning back to Billy. “Do you mind showing me where I can put my things down? It’s been a long journey.”
“Of course, darlin’,” Billy agreed with a nod. “Why don’t ya give me your suitcase, and you can take care of your little fella.” He leaned over to grip the handle of her luggage and smiled down at the tiny dog in its cage. “Why, he’s no more than a rat!” he exclaimed with a laugh.
Amber bristled a little. She really didn’t like it when people made comments about Jellybean. She knew that she was only a small dog, but that didn’t make her any less important than any other furry friend. “She’s a girl and a very intelligent dog, aren’t you, Jellybean?” she replied and turned to her tiny, fluffy dog. “I’ve taught her all sorts of tricks.”
Billy laughed again. “I’m sure you have, Miss. I meant no harm; it’s just we don’t get dogs this tiny around here. They aren’t much use rounding up sheep, are they?” He nudged Noreen in the arm and the two of them shared a sweet laugh.
“No, I suppose not,” Amber agreed before following Billy up the stairs and to the apartment she’d be inhabiting for the next three months.
It wasn’t anything fancy, and definitely wasn’t the type of place Amber was used to. The apartment comprised of a small living room with a cozy, worn-out brown sofa, decorated with throw pillows and a yellow blanket with tassels. In front of it sat a small coffee table, but no television that she could spot. That didn’t matter so much. Amber could always keep up-to-date on her shows using Netflix and Hulu anyway. Nearby was an open-plan kitchen, which contained just the bare essentials.
Then Billy led her through to the bedroom, pushing the old, creaky door open. “I’m real sorry, but there ain’t much in here,” he confessed as he showed her the small, dimly lit room. There was just a small single divan bed, an end table used as a nightstand, and a thin chest of drawers propped up against the far wall.
“The light in here has been causing me some fierce trouble, but don’t worry, Noreen will sort you out a nice lamp or somethin’,” Billy told her with a smile. “And just off the bedroom is a toilet and a bath. There’s a plastic shower you can attach to the faucet if you need it. We keep that under the sink.”
Amber nodded, but she didn’t say much else. At this point, she simply wanted to be left alone and get started unpacking and sorting out her laptop. “This is all really nice of you, Billy, thank you.”
“It’s our pleasure, sweetheart,” he replied with a genuine smile. “Don’t forget Noreen will have dinner on the table by five thirty every night, so feel free to stop by!”
“I will do,” Amber promised. She was happy when Billy finally gave her a key to the front door and to the converted apartment on the third floor that she’d be living in. At least she’d have some kind of privacy. Though she doubted Billy and Noreen were the types of people to just barrel in without knocking, a lock still eased her worries.
“Thank you very much, Billy,” she said as she released Jellybean from her cage and let her wander around the room, sniffing wherever she went. “Do you have the Wi-Fi password on you?”
“Ahh, Laura said you’d be asking me about that internet and what-not!” Billy replied and rubbed at his forehead. “I did get
it installed especially for you, like little Laura wanted, but I haven’t got a clue how to work it. My neighbor Jesse should be coming over this evening, and I’m sure he’ll be happy to help you get it all set up!”
“Great,” Amber said with a weak smile. It’s okay, I’ll use my data for the time being. “I need to take Jellybean out for a walk and get myself acquainted with the neighborhood. I’ll be back soon.”
With that, Billy nodded and said, “I’ll leave you to it then.” He disappeared down the stairs and Amber blew out a long, slow breath. I just need to find somewhere to get Jellybean’s food and some beauty products and then I’ll be all set, she told herself. That can’t be hard, right?
However, Amber soon discovered it wasn’t as easy as she had hoped.
After grabbing her pale blue Michael Kors handbag and exiting the farmhouse, she found that walking with Jellybean along the uneven dirt paths was difficult in her Christian Louboutin red heels. She stumbled a little from one side to the other while she held her phone out in front of her, frantically tapping the email icon, and hoping that she could get a decent network connection somewhere.
“Come on, come on,” she urged quietly as she lifted her sunglasses onto the top of her head and squinted down at the screen of her phone. “Just one tiny bar — that’s all I need. Pretty please.”
Jellybean happily skipped along at her side, yapping and sniffing the surroundings, when all of a sudden, Amber found herself tripping over a stray rock and plummeting head first to the floor. Jellybean’s leash fell from her hands, but the dog remained by her side as she found herself landing in a smooth, strange liquid.
“Oh my God, what the hell!” she cried in frustration as she pushed up to realize she had fallen into a large, wet puddle of mud. “Why is this mud wet? It’s sunny!” she exclaimed as she pushed herself to her feet and tried to brush the mud away from her pretty dress that was now smothered in the stuff. There was even mud in a strand of hair near her face. She fell to one side and looked down to see that the left heel on her expensive shoes was snapped, too.