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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 4-5 Plus Love's Impulse

Page 12

by L M Lacee

  Ash grunted as he said. “Foolish! She would not have.”

  “No they did not know her at all.” Ark agreed.

  “Did they tell you why they wanted her so much?”

  “No!” Axl told him. “At the beginning it was just because they thought she was a shifter but then something changed and someone ordered them to find her. Capture her, they paid them a fortune to do so.”

  Ark took up the tale. “It was fairly obvious, they were frightened of the one who ordered them to hunt her.”

  “Do you know who it was?”

  They both shook their heads Axl said. “No but we have their computers and phones, our specialists are combing through them to find out.”

  Ash said. “Okay, thank you brothers she will be happy she has them back. They are important to her.”

  Ark said. “Memories! We all need good ones. I am glad it was worth doing.”

  “They needed culling.” Axl told him.

  Ash asked. “Did you find all of them?”

  Nodding Ark said. “All but the one we wanted.”

  Axl placed a flash drive beside the albums.

  This will show her everything she needs to know.”

  Ash grimaced. “Well okay brothers. I am glad you are home. I feel the Battle brothers will be aligning against, of all things, Unicorns!”

  Axl asked Ash. “Are you going to tell them?”

  “Only if it is confirmed that she and the little one are Unicorn.”

  “Storm will not be happy you have kept this from them.” Ark reminded him.

  “I know but until we know for sure. I would rather wait. We do not need to go to war with them.”

  Axl nodded. “Remember we have felt your shadows displeasure brother?” He said as he rubbed his shoulder where Olinda had shot him.

  Ash winced. “I understand.”

  Ark grumbled. “It is not Olinda, it is Sage I am worried about. She will really not be happy if it turns out they are Unicorns and then finds out, you and by extension us, have kept this from her. She! In case you all forgot has magic!”

  Ash said. “Well there is that.”

  Axl warned. “I think brother you should have given this a little more thought than you have.”


  S torm held Cara as she sobbed into his shirt. They were sitting at the bay window of the family room overlooking the meadow below.

  Usually Cara loved looking at the grass as it moved with the wind and at the dragons that occasionally appeared. Today she did not. Sobbing she looked up at him and said. “Sista sad dada.”

  Storm never lied to his young. Edee had said they would know, so he said now.

  “She is!”

  “Me make her sad?” She asked on a sob.

  “No baby girl you did not. How could you do that, a sweet little thing like you?”

  “Dada me unicon, sista unicon.”

  “That does not make Olinda sad, it is wonderful. So you are a Unicorn?”

  “Yep!” she nodded. “Me is!”

  “Well I am happy to have a Unicorn in our family.” Storm told her.

  Cara’s sobs stopped and she looked at him, a smile on her face, not her usual big smile Storm saw but she was no longer crying. This was a relief to him and his dragon as she told him. “Me happy too.”

  Sharm arrived and said as he sat beside them. “Well little Cara how are you?”

  “Me not sad, me unicon, unca sarm.”

  “That is very good Cara. Now sweet girl uncle Sharm needs to prick your finger with this?” And he showed her a small needle and to Storm he said. “We need to test her DNA.”

  Storm grunted as Cara said. “No hurt?”

  Sharm smiled and caressed her small cheek with his finger. “Oh no. I do not want to hurt you.”

  Cara nodded and said. “Kay.”

  “But sweetheart, uncle Sharm needs some of Cara’s blood.”

  She looked at him and then her father. “No hurt dada?”

  Storm shook his head. “No baby girl, now you know uncle Sharm, he would not want to do this if it was not really important!”

  Sharm said. “This is for Olinda.”

  Cara frowned, they could see her thinking hard, then she obviously came to a decision and nodded her head. “Kay.”

  She stuck her little hand out. Sharm smiled and kissed the little palm and then before she knew it he had pricked her finger and a bead of blood appeared. He dabbed it with the cloth, folded it and slipped it into a little bag. He then took her finger in his hand and placed a pink bandage over the wound.

  “All done. What a brave girl you are!”

  Cara looked at her finger with the bandage and showed Storm. “All done dada, me brave.”

  Storm kissed the finger. “So I see and you were a very brave girl.”

  “Kay.” She wiggled down and ran to her mother when she saw her, they could hear her telling Charlie about the bandage.

  “So sisters?” Storm growled. He was not sure how he felt about that and the fact his baby girl may be a Unicorn. Something he had no knowledge of.

  Sharm shrugged. “Possibly? I do not know and before you ask I have no test to prove they are Unicorn nor where we can find out. Keeper is looking through his library now. I thought Cara had seen Papa again?”

  “She did. He has removed all her memories of her life before she came here but she knows pain and remembers it. He cannot find where to remove those memories from. She has that stored somewhere he cannot see.”

  “Maybe it is because she is Unicorn, if she is Olinda maybe able to help?”

  Storm grunted. “Maybe!”

  “Anyway for the moment this test is all we can do.” Sharm told him.

  Storm nodded at the cloth. “How long until you know?”

  “We should have an idea by dinner time.” Sharm stood as he told him. “I will go and deliver this and Olinda’s sample.”

  Storm stood as well. “Thank you Sharm where is Ash?”

  “With mama and papa.”


  A few minutes later, Storm watched the three Battle brothers as they arrived and went to his parents, his dragon asked. What do you wish to do?

  Beat the shit out of all three of them, but I will not.

  His dragon sighed. It has not been easy for him and his shadow!

  Storm growled. No excuse! He needs to tell us now?

  Will he be happy, we listened to his thoughts? Storm snorted. Should have better shields, Uncle Andre’ taught us all better than that!

  His dragon growled again. Yes he did, I remember the lessons well. We could not sit down for many days.

  Storm laughed his agreement as he remembered his uncles’ often harsh discipline.

  I have a good mind to call him and tell him of the Battle brother’s lapses.

  Now it was his dragons turn to laugh. Reighn looked over to Storm and raised an eyebrow. Then he turned back to Ash and his brothers. Storm’s dragon laughed. No need to say anything, brother knows!

  Storm grunted. We had better add mind shield classes back on to the training schedule if these three are slack the others will be worse.

  His dragon asked, so what do you think brother will do?

  I think we are about to find out, here comes Keeper he looks annoyed.

  His dragon chortled with amusement as they went to join the discussion that was going to become heated, his dragon asked.

  Will you say anything?

  What am I the Dragon Lord now?”


  O linda woke alone, she felt the bed and knew Ash had laid with her at some time.

  For the first time in months she felt safe and at peace. The hard lump she had carried in her chest since her mother had been diagnosed, was gone as was the armor she had shielded her emotions and heart with.

  It was all gone now, the last piece having dissolved with her crying she assumed.

  She looked at her emotions, saw she was balanced and found she was
not quite who she used to be. Olinda smiled as she thought.

  You girl are an updated version of the old Olinda Battle. Yeah that seemed right!

  She sensed for Ash and the babies and found them safe and she smiled to herself, a gift come to light apparently, it must be the new model of Olinda. I wonder what else I can do.

  Tentatively she sent her senses out again trying to locate Cara and found her with her parents. She seemed content. Olinda sighed and started to withdraw back into her mind or body or whatever she did. Instead of finding herself or at least her senses back in her body on her bed, she seemed to have landed on an island. She started to panic, fear of never returning to herself, attacked her fragile nerves.

  Suddenly a tall flame of golden light flared and spoke. Hush Olinda all is well. You are safe. Calm down and think!

  Olinda instantly obeyed, as she had for years and once she calmed she saw a thread that seemed to lead from her to…

  Oh look my body!

  Yes I am helping you see what happens when you send yourself out, you always remain attached. Olinda you will never be lost. And to answer your question. We are on an Island. Although it just has a different color as we are on a different plane of existence.

  Huh! So I am not really here?

  Well not physically. Your soul or essence of what makes you Olinda is!

  Okay I sort of get that!

  Think astral plane. I know you have heard the term.

  Well that makes all the difference then!

  Still sarcastic?

  Still annoying?

  Ahh! You know who I am?

  I do. Sun Goddess!

  You always have been incredibly quick to grasp a situation Olinda.

  Thank you. It made running easier. So what can I do for you now?

  You are still angry?

  You are still enigmatic?

  I have always been truthful.

  Why am I here?

  The Goddess sighed. I needed to talk to you and thought this was the right time!

  You are leaving me?

  Yes dear one, it is time. You are where you are meant to be. With the dragon who will care for you and the twins. You and they are all safe and a whole new world will be opened up to you now!

  Olinda felt the sadness creep over her as angry as she was, or thought she was with the Goddess, to know she would no longer be in her life made her heart ache.

  So can you tell me about Cara and I?

  What is to say, you are sisters!


  And what? The rest, is your journey to discover for yourself.

  So very annoying!

  Olinda could hear the smile in the Goddess’s voice as she said.

  Still so impatient to understand everything at once?

  Learning is my passion.

  Learning is your gift as is the gift of languages and there will be more to come, they will be invaluable to you as you travel the road that is before you.

  So no help about Cara and our parentage then?

  What help do you need? Her parents are here and your father’s father is alive!

  Meaning our father is dead?


  One word with a wealth of meaning behind it thought Olinda.

  So we should be thankful he is?

  When the Goddess made no comment. Olinda sighed and asked. Will his father claim us?

  No! He will desire to have you to produce a male heir for him only.

  And the disapproval the Goddess held for the male was evident in her voice.

  Olinda sniffed in disdain. Well that won’t be happening!

  I am sure it will not! He is a very stubborn male with very narrow ideas. He will in time realize his mistake but until then he will push you away. Take care dear one!

  I will!

  Goodbye my sweet girl!

  Goodbye my Goddess. I love you.

  As I love you.

  Thank you for my new family.

  Oh dear heart. It was always my pleasure. Raise my gifts well. They will be wonderful brothers for all their sisters.

  Shocked out of her sadness, Olinda squeaked. How many are we talking about?

  Laughter floated to her as she once more found herself in her body, in her bed. She kept her eyes closed as she let the disorientation to her senses settle.

  Minutes later Olinda rose, showered and then walked into the dining room where she saw the albums and box. She picked up the flash drive and heard the voice of the Goddess once more. Do not watch that, what is on there will add nothing to your life. Only add a burden for your soul. Go into this new life with a healthy heart and soul. Dear one, leave it in the past.

  Olinda held the drive in her hand as she decided to walk around her apartment. So far she had no idea if she liked it or not, having seen only three rooms.

  She grabbed a pad and pen from her back-pack that sat on a chair. Just in case she had ideas for remodeling, she looked around the room.

  It appeared to be the formal dining room with blue stone walls and floors which seemed to be everywhere she had walked. The table and chairs were made from old fashioned rosewood, they still had a faint scent that lingered and would seat at least twelve. The long side boards and tall hutch were in a similar wood.

  The whole room spoke of wealth and tender care, there was not one piece of furniture that did not look like it had survived many years of use. For that alone Olinda loved it.

  There was a large rug on the floor and she just stopped herself moving off it. Seriously she thought, it should be in a museum as should the chandelier that hung above the table. It was ornate iron that had obviously at some point been switched from candle power to electric it was stunning. Olinda wondered if they would ever actually use the room, still it was very lovely.

  She walked through to the kitchen which amazingly enough was a cooks dream and made her sigh in delight. All black steel counters and appliances it even had an old fashioned Aga stove.

  Again it had the old blue stone walls and floors. The cupboards were painted a light blue and there was good old fashioned kitchen table, scarred with age. Chairs that had to seat at least twelve surrounded it. Again Olinda mused, the designers obviously thought families were meant to be large.

  She ran her hand over the surface of the table and smiled it was as though it said. ‘Hey! The kitchen may be new but I am the past and I’m staying! Olinda loved it, a table with attitude.

  This was where her family would eat, argue, love and grow. She could see it all. The years of living with Ash and her boys and apparently girls, she eyed the size of the table. Better be big enough!

  She reluctantly left the kitchen and made her way down a hallway to the largest lounge.

  She already knew there were two smaller lounges. One she was going to turn into a play room for the boys, the other cried out to be an entertainment room for Ash and his brothers.

  The lounge she entered took her breath away, her eyes drifted upwards to the vaulted ceiling with its timber beams and three hanging chandeliers similar to the dining rooms.

  What made her gasp out loud was the mezzanine floor that suspiciously looked like a library and was reached by an old fashioned iron spiral staircase which sat in a corner of the room.

  She itched to get up there and discover how many shelves there were, and if there was a sitting area for reading but she held herself back, this was just a quick look. She had time to explore at her leisure, later.

  The lounge itself was beautiful with large wooden French style doors leading to a wide balcony with loungers and seats. She turned from the scene of the lake below her and her attention was immediately taken by the magnificent stone fireplace.

  “Now how did I miss you?” She murmured, now this was totally worthy of a castle. It was large open and glorious, she could imagine nights with Ash and the boys playing and loving in front of it.

  Smiling she cast her eyes over the floors, that in here, were of a warm wood instead of stone. Large leather chairs a
nd couches sat on rugs that were obviously priceless and very beautiful as were the green curtains in heavy brocade.

  Olinda knew this room was just not going to work as it was. She loved the lounge but priceless rugs and antiques scattered around did not mix with growing young. She sighed sadly, as beautiful as it all was, it had to go. She added it to her list to be changed.

  Next were the bedrooms, there were four with their own bathrooms, each had a bath tub and large shower, with loads of storage. Every bedroom had heavy wooden furniture with the same brocade curtains in varying shades of red or green. The floors and walls were the blue stone of the other rooms and all the rugs were like the ones in the lounge, priceless antiques!

  Olinda drew in a breath. “Oh my!” She whispered as she saw the lovely canopied beds. Each bed was more elaborate than the next, they were totally impractical. Children did not need large adult sized, or should she say, dragon sized beds, with beautiful canopies. She made notes to have them changed and hoped she did not hurt any ones feelings.

  Her and Ash’s room was her last stop as she stood inside the door she looked at it as a male would and snorted her disgust.

  Seriously this was such a female’s boudoir, there was nothing for a male in here. She wrote furiously for many minutes, then started to walk around.

  Olinda’s and Ash’s room was the only one to have such a massive bathroom, it was still luxurious and still gave her tingles. She so loved her bathroom.

  She dragged herself from the room and finally opened the other doors and found what she knew to be dressing rooms, apparently there were two.

  One was for the gentleman of the house it seemed with heavy dark furniture and shelves, it also had racks for ties. She spied several pairs of shoes and boots. Ash had placed several pairs of jeans, trousers and shirts in there. A uniform was hanging up in a dry cleaners cover.

  It looked impressive with all the ribbons and medals on the jacket. She wondered what it would take to get him to dress in it. Seriously, what female did not love a male in uniform?

  She wandered into the next room she assumed was meant to be hers and she was not the only one apparently.

  Parcels from her shopping expedition sat on the daybed and shelves. There was a small sitting area surrounded by mirrors, also shelves with a revolving shoe rack.


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