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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 4-5 Plus Love's Impulse

Page 45

by L M Lacee

  Sage agreed saying. “It has been days since he slept.”

  June groaned. “A way to make me feel even guiltier.”

  Sage looked at her with rounded eyes as she said. “Oh, sorry really didn’t mean too!”

  “Such a bad liar.” June sniffed in disbelief as Sage shrugged. “Well okay, you sort of deserve it you know?”

  “I know.”

  “Well, it is justified you gave us a fright. I worried and that means Reighn worried and then he roared at Fin. Which made Fin roar, which was not pleasant, just so you know.”

  June scowled at her. “Got it!’

  “I was just saying.”

  “Sage is there a reason you want to make me roar?”

  Sage watched June cover Fin gently with a blanket. As June’s eyes lifted to hers, she raised her eyebrows. “No not really just wanted to make my point.”

  “Consider it made sister!” June growled. Then before she could snap at Sage again. Sage grabbed June in a hug hard enough to crack a rib and whispered. “Wolf crazy? Seriously June I thought you had got past all that?”

  June returned the hug although gentler. “Me too, I think what I considered rejection made me revert back to that time in my life when I was just crazy. I am very sorry, I swear it will not happen again I have you, our family and Fin as well as the girls now. My wolf and I realize that we have more to lose. Maybe it took this lesson for my wolf and I to understand.”

  “Maybe!” Sage agreed, she honestly hoped so.

  They looked into the bassinets at the two pink haired babies. “Like cotton candy!” Sage murmured.

  June smiled. “I know, we could call one cotton and the other one candy?”

  “No. Elijah wanted me to ask if you knew who their mother and father were.”

  “Oh yeah, I told Fin but …”They looked at the comatose male who snored softly and smiled. June gave her the same information she had given Fin. Sage grinned. “Thanks hon now go take your shower. See that little alcove there?” Sage pointed to a small room that looked like it could be used for a small sitting room. “We have set up a nursery in there, changing table, cupboards with clothes etc… Until they are older. I knew you would not want them away from you, there is a baby monitor as well. So shower come down to the kitchen we will hear them when they wake.”

  “Thank you Sage, for everything” She indicated the baby room knowing it was her idea. Sage shrugged as she said. “Who loves yah baby?”

  June chortled as she walked towards her bathroom. “You do, you big sucker!” Then laughed as she closed the bathroom door behind her. Sage watched her go then when the door closed she took a breath and let the tears fall as she pushed each bassinet into the newly made baby room. June was alright her and Fin would bond, all they had to do was find out who wanted the babies and if they had a right to them. Olinda and Keeper were pouring over all the information they could find about Pixie Law. Elijah was helping a much as he could, unfortunately, each Luminia was autonomous. So what he knew about his Luminia may not apply to the girls birth mothers.

  She had not told June or Fin, that they already had a demand for the babies to be returned to their birth fathers Grove. Sage feared they may not be able to stop the Pixie Luminary from taking them either.

  She slipped the paper from the back pack into her pocket. She would give this to Reighn and Elijah and hope she was wrong. She had a bad feeling about all this.


  D eciding to meet June in the kitchen, Sage closed the door from the bedroom and walked down the lovely wide staircase of June’s home.

  Her hand glided over the chunky polished wood of the banister as the stairs curved down to the foyer. It was one of the most beautiful and large entry ways Sage had ever seen in a home, the castle did not count.

  She hurried to the foyer table and placed the paper inside the waiting envelope, sealed it and then whispered a few words and the envelope vanished. Reighn would receive it immediately. She loved being a witch.

  She stared at the full length stained glass panels beside the huge wooden front doors that a dragon could enter through. The colored glass had a design of a dragon on each panel. It was well done and unless studied would be missed, she wondered if June knew they were dragons.

  The home had hardwood floors throughout which would be good for crawling girls although she maybe thought the priceless beautiful rose patterned rug in the entry way may have to go. Shame, it was lovely. Maybe June could put it in her home office.

  Rene had told June when he gifted the house and fifty acres to her that his mother had always dreamed of a cabin in the woods.

  This five bedroom log home was the closest his father could come to a cabin, for a dragon it was considered small and a cabin.

  Rene’ had said his mother had loved it. Probably because his father had built it for her, even though it was a far cry from her simple little cabin she had talked of. Sadly after his parents death he and Andre’ had allowed the cabin to fall into disrepair partly through youth and other concerns. Partly because it was painful for them, memories of their parents haunted the home. They very seldom came to the cabin even now.

  When June had arrived at Dragon’s Gap, Reighn had asked his father and Uncle Andre’ if they would allow it to be gifted to June.

  They had immediately agreed, thankful someone would live in it and love the house again and the weight of not looking after it was removed from their hearts.

  Sage remembered the day Reighn brought her and June to the cabin. It was run down, the yard surrounding it was an overgrown bush land and there was no driveway like there was now, or wrought iron gates. The place was an unloved wasteland of broken dreams. Panes of glass had been broken or just removed from the windows. The wooden logs that the house was made from were lack lustre due to the weather beating on them. The roof needed repair and the stone fireplace was missing stones and yet with one look at the large log cabin. June had fallen in love.

  Since then under her tender loving care the home had a complete renovation. The outside was tidied and a driveway added as well as walls and gates. The roof was renewed and the logs refurbished. Inside saw updated plumbing and electricity as well as modern bathrooms added and the wooden floors and walls all refinished.

  The stone fireplace in the great hall or lounge was renewed and missing stones found and replaced. The room had cathedral style ceilings with old-fashioned chandeliers which were cleaned and electric lighting installed. The lounge floors were re-polished, and the fireplace and chimney were cleaned. Curtains and rugs were added throughout to make the house a cozy home.

  Sage was positive the country kitchen was what June had fallen in love with and sealed the deal she loved to cook and bake. Once Rene’ became aware of that he had made sure the kitchen was upgraded for a chef with an Aga and a six burner stove and large appliances. Granite counters and wooden cupboards with a butler’s pantry were added.

  A large kitchen table sat before the sun drenched glass doors leading out to an outside patio which lead down and around to a swimming pool and tennis court. There were stables out back that lay empty now, although Sage had heard June allowed unicorns to graze here. As she looked around, she had no idea June had been furnishing her home but everywhere she looked she could see June’s fingerprints all over the house. She could see it was done with love and care. She just knew Rene` and Andre` would love how she had restored the home. And be pleased at the love and attention she had showered on the home their father had built for their mother.


  S age entered the kitchen and was met with a divine aroma. Grace was cooking. “Hello Grace. I had no idea you were here?”

  “Where else would I be with my girl hurt.”

  “Ahh! Here of course!” She agreed and sat beside Molly who was drawing. Ava was in a high chair chewing on a hard cookie Grace had made for her, she was teething. Verity came from the pantry. “How is she dear?”

  “Dressing she will be down
shortly. Fin passed out so she decided to get up.”

  “Well, good and the hatchlings?”

  “Asleep still?”

  Molly looked at her mother and asked. “Me see Auntee June and babbies?”

  “Of course you can. Aunty June will be here soon and the babies are still sleeping.”

  “Kay mama.”

  They all smiled as Grace said. “Did you tell them?”

  “No, I decided to wait, Reighn and the others are looking into it, when they know something we will know. Until then let’s not borrow trouble.” At Grace’s disapproving look she sighed. “I will if it becomes necessary before we have a solution or have no choice. I thought dinner here, what do you think?”

  Grace accepted the change of subject as Sage said nothing could be done by not having enough information so she said. “Excellent, we have just about everything ready the roasts will be done about seven.”

  “Verity will Rene’ come here?” Sage asked.

  “Of course June has changed the house to a home it will hold new memories for him.”

  “Good, maybe we will tell them after dinner if we know anything or Reighn says we need too.”

  “Tell who what?” June asked as she entered. “Oh my goodness what is that divine smell?”

  Grace hugged her as she asked. “Hello dear are you better?”

  “Still a little weak but on my feet.”

  “Well, good I have something for you to eat and drink.”

  Verity hugged her as well. “I am so very glad you are well. You gave us quite a fright!”

  June hugged her back saying. “I am sorry.”

  “Never mind, just do not let it happen again.” Admonished Verity.

  Grace cautioned her. “You have more to think about now, other than yourself. Fin as well as those precious girls. You cannot afford to be reckless anymore.”

  Remorseful June told them both. “I know, and I will not allow it to happen again. I am truly sorry I worried you both.”

  June kissed Molly then Ava. “Hello, my girls, did you miss me?”

  “Yes.” Molly said. “Isa missed you da most.”

  “I bet you did sweet Molly.”


  F in and June sat huddled together after the meal, the house was full of family, Ella held one of the twins and Scarlett the other. “So have you chosen names yet?” Grace asked. “I refuse to keep calling my grandchildren, twin or baby.”

  “Yes ma’am we have.” June answered, she nudged Fin who smiled. “We have decided, Ella is holding Mirren Everly Slorah.” Everyone smiled or in the case of the females said. “Aww!”

  Fin squeezed June’s hand as he said. “Queen Scarlett you are holding, Breena Dawn Slorah.”

  Again all the females said. “Aww!” There were plenty of smiles.

  “Where are the names from?” Verity asked.

  Fin smiled as he told her. “Mirren was my mother’s name.”

  “Breena was my choice.” June told them. “We decided we would name one each so I chose Breena because it is of faerie origins and I thought she suits it like Mirren suits her name.” Fin like the males could not see how the names suited the wrinkled pink haired babies but no one disputed June’s belief.

  “Their middle names are courtesy of their Aunt Frankie.” June grinned as she nodded to Frankie, who grinned as they all looked at her. “Well, I liked them. They go well with their first names and their last.”

  “They really do!” Sage said.

  “Why do you sound surprised?” Frankie asked her.

  “No reason. None at all!” Sage quickly assured her she had not forgotten Frankie’s display of temper in the medical unit.

  There was general laughter at Sage and Frankie, then talk turned to other matters as people wandered around the room. Several at one time or another holding a baby or child in their arms as they talked and looked out at the dark night. Relaxing in the warmth of a lovely home.

  “Rene` are you alright?” Charlie asked as she came to him with Justice on her shoulder who was making baby noises and staring around with lavender eyes that took in everything around him.

  “I am.” He smiled at the picture she made a Madonna with child, it was a beautiful memory he would store away. As he did with the many he had received since stepping through the front doors of his mother’s home earlier. “Did I tell you my Sire built this cabin for my mother with his own hands?”

  “Really, I did not know that, has it always looked like this?”

  “More or less of course we had no indoor plumbing or electricity when I was a boy, it was a holiday home for my mother. We loved being here my brother and me.”

  Charlie looked around at the beautiful lounge with its stone fireplace and wooden floors. “You gave it to June?”

  Rene` smiled. “Yes.” He looked at the happy female and Fin who held her hand like he would never let it go. “Yes I did, she deserves it, and she loves every bit of this home. Sadly my brother and I had allowed it to fall into disrepair. We could not face being here and it weighed heavily on our hearts.

  It was untouched and unloved, until June came and gave it back its heart. She has breathed life back into the very walls and floors, she has made it a home for her and her family. Restored it to its glory and beyond. It is beautiful what she has done here. There is no better legacy my mother and father could have left. They both would be very happy with who was living here now.”

  Charlie hugged him. “I believe that. This is a home filled with happiness you can see how in the future we are going to love coming here.”

  “Yes, I can.” He hugged her back. Verity had been right, the memories of the past were still haunting the house but they were happy memories of a loving family. He thought about all the wonderful times he, Andre` and his parents had spent here and thought of the memories to come. He felt the band around his heart loosen as he looked around him, this felt right. This would make Andre` as happy as it has made him.

  Reighn finally sat beside June and Finlay on the old brown leather couch he looked at it and ran his hand over the slightly worn patch. “Was this in my old conference room?”

  “Yes, do you want it back?” June asked with an edge to her voice. He could see it in his office it would be good for afternoon naps but at her look and tone of voice he hurriedly disabused her of that notion. He said a silent fond farewell to the couch, maybe his Dam could find one for him like this he thought. He turned slightly and quietly said to them both. “There is something that has come up!”

  June nodded. “Someone has made a claim for the girls.”

  He sighed as he hugged her. “Yes our June there is.”

  Fin asked. “Pixies?”

  “No.” Reighn said. “Faeries!”

  “What…Why… Who?” A confused June asked, like Fin she had assumed the claim would come from the Pixies. Fin asked. “The paper with details on it will that help?

  Elijah sat opposite them. “Maybe I have sent it to Keeper and Olinda as well as to my parents, they are researching the Luminia now.”

  “So why are the faeries claiming them, they do not normally? If they breed true, they will be Pixie it seems weird.” June said.

  “It does,” Elijah agreed, “the claim was placed from a Grove on the other side of the world. No relation to the Sire.”

  “Can they do that?” Frankie asked as she and Sage came and joined the other couple. “It would seem so.” Scarlett said as she sat on the arm of Elijah’s chair.

  “It is not common.” Elijah pondered out loud. “The fact is they have done so, and we need to figure out why?”

  Reighn said. “Someone has decided to start a war!”

  “Whoa! Big jump there!” June almost shouted.

  “Hey, how did we get there so fast?” Charlie like June seemed determined to bring them back to the here and now, not leap into war.

  “Who and with whom?” Frankie asked fear shook her voice she was not very happy about her safe world coming to
an end. Fin told her calmly. “With the dragons against the faeries.”

  “That seems extreme. Are you sure?” Sage asked quietly her eyes on Reighn who nodded and said. “Simply put yes. Several poisonings laid at the direct door of the faeries, one attempt to kill or capture the shadow of another. Now the claiming of two hatchlings which have nothing to do with the Grove claiming them. Harper’s near death experience at the hands of faeries.”

  June bowed her head and thought hard. “Is this an ongoing campaign or is it a result of something else?” The people in the room stopped talking. It was as though the very air itself waited. Sage swallowed and asked. “What are you thinking?”

  June looked up. “Well was this started before we all came to Dragon’s Gap or has it been going on for a while? I mean did it start when the dragons were on their own and dying out or only since we arrived.”

  “Sela arrived when Edith did, she spelled Edith.” Olinda said thoughtfully.

  “Shit!” Elijah said as he ran his hand around his neck. “I forgot about that, Edith’s curse. Scarlett you always thought Sela was not capable of that spell work?”

  “I did, so does the High Queen, we discussed it and researched her history she was ill equipped to manage such intricate spell work.”

  “So that means someone was behind it.” Sage tentatively stated.

  “Yes it does.” Fin said as he stood up and paced. “Let us recap what we know.”

  “We need white boards.” Frankie told them, “To do this in order and not miss anything.”

  “Third cupboard in my office.” June absently said as she sat frowning.

  Frankie stood up with Johner and left the lounge as Grace handed out tea and coffee. Shortly they returned with a stand and a white board Frankie handed Fin the marker, he raised his eyebrows at Reighn.

  “Oh go ahead.” Reighn said, “You have this.” As he held Ava on his knee. Fin inclined his head in thanks. “Alright let us assume the dragons, and the faeries are being coerced into a war.”


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