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Stetson's Storm

Page 2

by Kathleen Ball

  "You always were the kind one in the family."

  Nellie looked at him with her deep blue eyes and shook her head. "I was the coward. I stayed."

  "Nellie, don't think that way. So, the old bastard wouldn't acknowledge his grandson. No big surprise there."

  Stetson took a good look at his sister. She'd grown up while he was gone. Her light brown hair looked healthy and shiny. She wore it in a long braid down her back. She still had the longest legs he'd ever seen.

  Stetson got up and grabbed the coffee pot, refilling both mugs. "What about you? Any young beaus I should know about?"

  Nellie turned bright red. "No one." She shook her head.

  Stetson knew she was lying. "You can tell me, Nel."

  Nellie stared at the floor then lifted her head and gazed at him. He could see the fear in her eyes. "It's me, Nel, you can trust me."

  Nellie nodded. "Most of the ranch hands left when Papa began to have financial problems. Only Joe remained."

  "Joe Sullivan?"

  Nellie blushed. "Yes. He's a good man."

  "Good choice."

  "What are you going to do about Storm?"


  "Well, you can't let her live in that shack. She's your responsibility, her and Scotty."

  Stetson frowned. "I'll have to get full custody of my son."

  Nellie shook her head and pointed her finger at him. "Over my dead body! Storm has been through hell and back trying to raise your son. You can't just take him away."

  "I guess I haven't given it enough thought," he admitted.

  "You need to go get them and bring them here to live."

  Stetson felt a sudden fear in his heart. Unfortunately, he knew Nellie was right. He just didn't want any entanglements. A son he could handle, but things with Storm had been too intense. It had hurt too much to leave.

  Stetson walked out to the unkempt barn. The red paint was peeling and the doors looked none too sturdy. A quick glance at the roof left him cringing. It was unlike his father to let anything go to ruin.

  "Hey, Joe, long time no see."

  Joe stopped shoveling the old hay in mid shovel. A big grin graced his face. "Thank God above! Someone else to muck out the stalls."

  Stetson looked at his childhood friend. "No gray hairs in that black hair of yours yet?"

  "I'm just as surprised you aren't balding," Joe shot back.

  Stetson smiled. "You know my hair has always drawn all the women to me."

  "That many, huh?"

  Stetson stopped smiling. "No, a few dates, but no one special."

  "Seen Storm yet?" Joe asked.

  "You mean the mother of my child?"

  "That would be the one." Joe's voice sounded serious.

  "I can understand Nellie not calling me, but I would have expected you to let me know I had a son," Stetson said, shaking his head.

  "I would have, but I was told you already knew and that's why you left. I've been mad at you for years."

  "Who told you that? Never mind, I can guess. It was my father wasn't it?"

  Joe nodded. "Said you denied it was yours and you took off."

  Stetson hit the barn wall with his fist. "Damn him! I didn't know. My father didn't want me riding rodeo. He insisted that I stop or leave. I left."

  "Sorry, buddy, I should have known you wouldn't have walked away from your responsibilities."

  "Can't go back." Stetson tried to calm down. "What the hell happened to the ranch?"

  "We can jaw as we work. Lots to do around here," Joe replied.

  "Okay, let's get the stalls cleaned and you can fill me in."

  Storm sat on the old couch, tilting her head back and closing her eyes. She finally got Scotty down for his nap. Usually she napped too, but she already knew she wouldn't be able to sleep.

  All Scotty had done all morning was ask about Stetson. Question upon question, so many, too many questions. Her head was spinning and her heart was being ripped out of her chest, yet again.

  It was no big surprise to see him at the park. She knew he'd want to see his son. He just didn't want to see her. She could tell. Storm had been preparing for that moment ever since Stetson's father died. However, no amount of preparing could shield the pain.

  She longed to scream at him. She needed him to know what his decision to go the rodeo circuit had cost her. She wanted to tell him that he was a selfish, unfeeling coward. Sadly, part of her wanted to be in his strong arms. It would feel so good to gather strength from him, but it wouldn't happen.

  It wasn't fair. She had finally gotten over him. The first year she waited and waited, fully believing Stetson would come back to her. After Scotty was born, she was convinced he'd be at the hospital with a bouquet of flowers for her. All she got was painful disappointments, one right after another.

  Scotty, and how to support him, took most of her time and thoughts. Storm did think about Stetson every day. She couldn't look at Scotty without thinking about his father. They were so alike.

  It had taken a while, but she had accepted her fate. As far as she was concerned, Stetson was just an intrusion.

  Storm heard Scotty waking from his nap and smiled. No matter how hard life had been, she wouldn't trade Scotty for anything. Her dreams for herself no longer mattered, making sure Scotty had a chance to obtain his was important.

  The pitter-patter of little feet warmed her. So far, Scotty was unaware of what people said about her. He'd be starting kindergarten next year, and the thought brought fear to Storm's heart.

  She hadn't dated or gone out at night. She spent all her free time with Scotty, and she worked damn hard, but there were people in Lasso Springs who believed Stetson's father when he denied that Scotty was Stetson's. Her own father throwing her out of the house sealed her fate.

  Scotty ran and leaped onto Storm. His slightly crooked smile reminded her of Stetson. One day, she'd be able to look at Scotty and not think of Stetson and his betrayal. Right now, she had to make sure that Stetson's return didn't hurt Scotty.

  "Is that man coming back?" Scotty asked, his eyes filled with hope.

  "I don't know, kiddo, maybe."

  "You don't like Mr. Scott?"

  "Mr. Scott is an old friend. Let's go to the store. I'll make spaghetti for dinner."

  "All right!" Scotty cheered, hopping off her and racing for the door.

  Stetson scrutinized the immense Texas sky, longing he could wish on a star. Life would be so simple if wishes were granted. Inhaling the fragrant air, he smiled. He missed being here. He finally realized it was pure anger that kept him away. Guilt rocked him as he thought about the conversation he'd had with Joe.

  Storm's father might have kicked her out, but he was out for blood. Little by little, he drained all money out of the Scott ranch. Angry, he wanted to go and squeeze the life out of Mr. McCrory. He lied and conned his father. He stole every asset on the ranch.

  Guilt had Stetson sick to his stomach. He had caused the whole mess. Luckily, he'd made a killing as a rodeo star. He knew he had more than enough money to build this ranch backup for both him and Nellie. He planned to sign over half to her. If anyone deserved it, she did.

  Chapter Three

  "That dreamy Stetson is back in town," Bailey said, walking into work almost an hour late. Putting her purse under the counter she looked at Storm and smiled. "Hey didn't you used to sleep with-- Oh, I mean date him?"

  Instant rage flooded Storm. She wanted to grab Bailey's blonde hair and smack the oh so innocent look from her face. Instead, she put her tips in her apron pocket, gathered her stuff, and went into the kitchen to thank Frank, the cook.

  Returning to the front of the diner, Storm was shocked to see Bailey giving Stetson a big hug. Pain lanced her heart as she watched. Being one of the top rodeo winners, Stetson's picture was constantly in their local paper, usually with a beautiful woman on his arm. Somehow, this cut deeper.

  It was going to take all her courage to walk past them, and all of her acting skills to act as th
ough she didn't care. How could she blame him for picking Bailey? She looked bright and young, not old and tired.

  Storm needed to get out of there for no other reason than to get home to Scotty. Bailey had already made her later than usual. Keeping her head down, she passed by the couple only to have her arm grabbed. Stunned, she just stared at the large tanned hand holding her.

  "Wait, I want to talk to you," Stetson said softly.

  "I can't. I have to get home to Scotty."

  "Oh my God! Stetson is the one who got you preggers?" Bailey asked, loud enough for the whole diner to hear. "Well, you probably don't know who the father is. Stetson, she isn't trying to rope you into being a daddy is she?"

  Tears stung Storm's eyes as she struggled and finally freed herself. Once out of the door, she began to run. She knew she couldn't outrun the pain or the gossip, but she needed to be with her son.

  Storm could see her house. Her feet throbbed and all she needed was a hug from Scotty. The crisp spring breeze had dried her tears. Damn Stetson, why did he have to come back? She'd been convinced her crying days were behind her.

  She was almost there when she heard a truck coming up behind her. She didn't even need to look. She already knew who it was and she didn't want to talk to him.

  Stetson drove past her and parked in front of her house. He had some nerve, she fumed, slowing down to a walk. Her eyes drank in the sight of him as he got out of his truck. His boots and jeans were dusty and his blue shirt looked wrinkled. He looked tired, almost as if he hadn't slept. Storm knew the feeling.

  Shaking her head, she tried to draw from her hatred for him. It was inside of her. Looking at him made it hard to conjure up. Avoidance would be for the best.

  "I need to talk to you."

  "Some other time." Storm walked right by him.

  "Storm, please?"

  She refused to glance at him. She'd only give in. The door to her house opened and Scotty came barreling out. To Storm's consternation, he sailed right by her, and hurled himself into Stetson's arms.

  Stetson's heart soared as he picked up Scotty and held him close. He'd never felt such love before. Feeling Scotty's little arms around his neck opened his heart. Observing Storm, his heart squeezed. She appeared furious.

  "Hi, Mr. Scott," Scotty said happily.

  "Hey there, Scotty. Having a good day?"

  Scotty laughed. "It just started silly. Mama is home."

  Stetson glanced at Storm again and this time he could see her eyes tearing up. He never meant to cause her pain, but he had, big time. He'd heard the rumors and talk about her, and he didn't like it. Stetson knew they weren't true. Storm was a woman with integrity and a big heart. It seemed as though most of the town ignored that fact.

  "I wanted to come by and ask your mother if she'd like to visit my horses." He wasn't playing fair, but damn it he wanted to spend time with Storm and his son.

  "Yeah!" Scotty wiggled back down to the ground. Running up to his mother, he gazed at her with huge hopeful eyes. "Can we?"

  Storm shot Stetson a glower of outrage. She peered down at her son, then back at Stetson. "Okay, only for a short visit."

  "I'm going to see real horses."

  "Scotty, run back in, and brush your teeth. I'll be right in," Storm told him, never taking her eyes off Stetson.

  Stetson knew what was coming. He'd played unfairly. He just... God she was beautiful when she was mad. "Now, darlin', don't get mad."

  "What did you call me? Listen, Mr. Rodeo Star, I am not yours or anyone's darlin'. You ruined my life. That is something I will never be able to put behind me."


  "I'm not done. Scotty is my son, mine. I believe he has a right to get to know you, but I lay down all the ground rules. This time it'll be me making the decisions that will affect my and Scotty's life."

  Stetson could see the raw pain in her eyes. He wanted to tell her that he did try to see her the night he left. Her father had threatened to blow a hole in his head with the shotgun he held. He never told a soul about it, not even Nellie. He didn't want Storm to find out that her old man had sent him packing. He wanted to tell her now, but he could tell that she wouldn't be receptive to his explanations. He'd have to bide his time.

  "I understand. We'll go by your rules," Stetson told her. He wanted to add 'for now', but he didn't dare.

  "How long have you lived here?"

  Storm stiffened. "Why? What's the matter with where I live?" she challenged.

  "Not a thing."

  Storm stared at him as if she was trying to decide if he was telling the truth. "I have to get changed. We'll be out in a few. Oh, and Stetson? I'll decide when and if to tell Scotty that you are his father."

  Stetson watched her whirl around and go inside, slamming the door. Damn, he smiled, she still lived up to her name. She was a storm that blew the breath out of you. She'd always been that way. That's why he loved her.

  The ride to the Scott ranch was awkward to say the least. Storm kept glancing at Stetson, and when he looked her way, she turned her head. He sported a mustache and beard. It looked particularly sexy on him.

  "Can I ride a horse, Mr. Scott?" Scotty asked.

  "Call me Stetson."

  Scotty smiled broadly and looked at Storm for the okay. Storm nodded. "Okay Stez, Stets..."

  Stetson looked down at Scotty's upturned face and grinned. "I like Stez. Finally a cool nickname."

  Scotty looked so proud, it made Storm full of happiness. It was hard to stay mad when her son was so ecstatic. For his sake, she vowed to have a great day.

  "Well? Do I get to ride a horse?"


  "Yes." Stetson glanced at Storm as they answered at the same time.

  "Scotty is too young."

  "I'll put him in front of me. He'll be safe."

  Storm nodded and looked away. She'd ridden with Stetson the very same way. She remembered the safety she had felt in his arms. Unfortunately, she also remembered how he kept kissing the side of her neck and sliding his hands under her shirt.

  Her breasts grew heavy and her stomach felt as though the migration of the monarch butterflies were flying through it. Feelings she hadn't had since Stetson left. It had been a long time ago, she chastised herself. He had no interest in her that way anymore. He had money, he was famous, and she...

  "What was that sigh for?" Stetson asked.

  Storm knew the smile she gave him was a sad one, but she couldn't help it. "Nothing. Scotty is going to have a lot of fun here."

  Stetson parked the truck and gave her a long look. He mesmerized her, but the memory of waiting in vain for him to come back to her invaded her being. Quickly, she glanced away and opened the door while Scotty tried to climb over her in his excitement.

  Scotty got out and ran to Stetson. He was quickly scooped up into Stetson's embrace. Storm didn't know what to think or feel anymore. As much as she wanted to hate him, she couldn't. However, it didn't mean he had to be a part of her life.

  The ranch appeared run down, and Storm was surprised. Observing the peeling paint and the general disrepair of the house made her wonder.

  The front door opened, and Nellie flew down the steps. "Oh, Storm, I'm so glad you're here." She hugged her.

  Stepping back, she looked at Scotty. "Oh wow, he's so handsome."

  Storm felt overwhelmed by the warm welcome. She knew Nellie was the one who put the bags of clothes, food, and toys on her front porch. It had been too hard to take charity, but their little game of Nellie leaving them and Storm retrieving them, somehow made it okay.

  "I want to thank you," Storm told Nellie.

  Nellie reached out and squeezed her hand. "I don't know what you are talking about."

  Storm squeezed Nellie's hand back and gave her a smile of thanks.

  "Scotty, this is Nellie. She is Stetson's sister."

  Scotty looked up and smiled. "Hello, Nellie."

  "Pleased to meet you. Are you and my brother going to look at the horses?"

  Scotty nodded. "Me and Stez are gonna ride like the wind!"

  Nellie laughed. "Well, looks like the men are taken care of. How about a cup of coffee Storm?"

  "I don't think— " she began.

  "He's in good hands," Nellie said.

  Storm swallowed and nodded. She tried to smile, but it just wasn't in her.

  "I won't let anything happen to him," Stetson told her.

  "Please, Mom?"

  "Okay, kiddo. You do what Stetson tells you," Storm finally conceded.

  "You betcha!" Scotty took Stetson's and pulled him toward the barn.

  Storm watched them go. Her eyes misted.

  "They'll be fine," Nellie said.

  "I know." She couldn't seem to find an even keel. Stetson unbalanced her and she didn't like it one bit.

  Nellie gave Storm a long look. Grabbing her hand, she led her inside. "I was going to offer you a cup of coffee, but I think a nap would be a better offer."

  "I look that bad huh?"

  Nellie shook her head. "Not bad, just tired. Come on, this big old house has too many empty bedrooms. Let's get you settled in one."

  "Scotty might need me," Storm protested weakly.

  "I think by now you know that I have Scotty's well being in the forefront of my mind."

  Storm smiled. "Yes, I do know. Thanks, Nellie, I could use some sleep."

  "Last room upstairs on the right. You get some rest."

  Storm nodded gratefully and headed upstairs.

  Storm woke up and for a split second, she didn't know where she was. She felt wonderful. She couldn't remember when she'd slept on such a comfortable mattress.

  Getting out of bed, she realized that she could remember. It was before her father kicked her out of the house. Instantly she thought of Scotty, and immediately she was out the door. Walking down the steps, she heard voices. Hearing Scotty's name, Storm stopped to listen.


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