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Stetson's Storm

Page 4

by Kathleen Ball

  Stetson watched Storm's delectable rear end as she walked down the hall. He felt himself smiling. Stopping before entering her room, he studied her. "Now don't try to compromise me with your come hither eyes."

  The alarm on Storm's face hit him full force. Stetson saw the hurt in her eyes before she turned away from him. She walked over to the window and watched as a thunderstorm rolled in.

  "Appropriate weather," he commented.

  Finally, Storm turned toward him, a sad smile on her face. "Life is so very complicated. Remember when we used to ride our paints across the plains? We were so young, so free, so happy, and now..." Storm turned to the window again.

  "And now the father of your son doesn't know how to keep his big mouth shut."

  Storm glanced over her shoulder. She looked surprised. "I'm used to it. I expect it at every turn, but I never expected it from you. We didn't come in here to talk about me or you. Nellie came to my house today, and said she needed me. Here I am."

  Stetson's eyes narrowed. "Needed you for what?" He sat down on the bed, keeping his eyes on her.

  "Damn! I knew you wouldn't settle for a vague story. I'll tell you, but you have to promise me that you will not yell at her or upset her in anyway."

  Stetson nodded.

  "Nellie is having a baby and she needs bed rest."

  "What?" Stetson roared.

  "Shhh. You'll wake Scotty and Nellie."

  "You mean Stetson Scott the second?"

  "Oh! You were listening in. That's not right," she whispered loudly.

  Stetson got up and tried to brush past Storm. "What are you doing?" she asked, wrapping her arms around his waist.

  "I'm going to talk to my sister."

  "No you are not. You promised." Storm squeezed him hard around the middle until he groaned.

  "Okay, just let me go."

  "I don't trust you!"

  The fight went out of Stetson. "That's our problem isn't, Storm? We don't trust each other."

  "I have good reason not to trust you," she shot, letting go of him.

  "If you say so. Good night. I won't see Nellie tonight, you're right. Joe's the father?"

  Storm nodded.

  "Okay then." He closed the door behind him feeling lonelier than he had ever felt.

  Chapter Five

  "Storm, you're going to wear a path in the rug with your pacing," Nellie admonished. "The guys will be back soon."

  Turning, Storm gave Nellie a brief smile. "Of course, you're right."

  "But you're worried."

  "I know that Scotty is in good hands. I just wish that Stetson would have asked me first. Yelling 'we'll be back' means, we'll be outside. Not we're taking the truck and leaving for a few hours."

  "They'll be home soon. I'm glad you're here. I'm feeling better already."

  Nellie's kind words washed over Storm. It felt good to help someone out. "I'm glad. The color is coming back to your face."

  Turning at the sound of a truck pulling up, Storm ran out the door to greet them. She'd smile for Scotty's benefit, but Stetson was going to hear it from her. He couldn't take Scotty whenever he felt like it.

  "Hi, Mommy," Scotty shouted. He looked to be trying to carry something.

  At the sight of the puppy, her smile faded. She didn't want Scotty upset when they left. They wouldn't be able to take a puppy with them.

  The little black dog squirmed in Scotty's arms. Scotty could barely hold it.

  "I'll take him inside." Stetson rubbed Scotty's head, receiving a big smile from Scotty. He took the puppy into his big hands.

  "Look what Daddy got me!"

  Storm felt faint and her stomach churned. Daddy? What the hell?

  Scotty gave her a great big excited hug. "I have a puppy."

  Storm plastered a smile on her face, her mind whirling. How could Stetson have told Scotty? He had no right! She caught Stetson's gaze and she held it, hoping that he could see the daggers she sent him. The longer she stared the faster her heart beat. "Scotty, why don't you go show Nellie the puppy?"

  "Aunt Nellie. She's my aunt, Daddy said so."

  Her heart squeezed painfully. She almost doubled over. She watched Stetson herd both Scotty and the puppy into the house. Why? Had it been all a big plan? Nellie got them out to the ranch. Betrayal cut her soul. With long strides, Storm strode from the house. She needed to put distance between her and Stetson. She wanted to cry, scream, and slap Stetson. Would she ever be able to put to put her past behind her?

  "Storm wait!"

  Without missing a step, Storm continued walking through the Texas grass. There was no plan. She had no destination in mind. She was just fuming and had to get away.

  Stetson's longer legs prevailed and he caught up to Storm. Her chest heaved when he took her arm and turned her toward him. "Storm..."

  Her eyes misted. The last thing she wanted to do cry in front of Stetson again. Peering at him, her anger took over. Shrugging her arm out of his grasp, she took a step back. "How could you? How could you tell that little boy, my son, that you are his daddy? Good God, don't you think I should have been the one to make that decision? Did it occur to you that I wanted to be the one to tell him? You are selfish straight and simple, downright selfish!"

  Storm turned and stalked away. She stopped after a few steps and turned to Stetson. "A puppy? Oh, you are pathetic. Don't you think that this is all hard enough without you trying to buy Scotty's love?"

  Stetson's eyes grew wide and his mouth became grim. "I bought him that puppy because I wanted him to have it. I wanted to give him something. I've missed so much." He shook his head and put his hands in his pockets. "He asked me if I was his daddy. I wouldn't have told him if he hadn't asked. Of course it should have been up to you, but that's not how it happened."

  "Nothing happens to go my way. I can see that's not going to change. Look, Stetson, I'm happy to help with Nellie, but after she's on her feet, Scotty and I are out of here."

  "You'd take him?" Stetson asked heatedly.

  "No, not like that. I will find us another place to live. I can't afford to move away from Lasso Springs. I would have left long ago if I could." Storm just stared at Stetson, trying to gage his honesty. "He just came out and asked if you were his father?"

  "Yes, that's how it happened. We were in the truck and he blurted it out. I was shocked. It threw me, but I thought that honesty was the way to go."

  She sighed as some of the anger left her body. "No, I mean yes, honesty is the best way. I just wanted to do it myself."

  "He seems pretty happy about it." Pride was written all over his face.

  "Well that makes one of us." Storm walked toward the house. Her feelings were too jumbled. Scotty must have questions and she wanted to be the one to answer them.

  The sight of Scotty on the floor with his black lab puppy jumping on him and licking his face abated Storm's anger. Scotty's laughter was infectious. Before she knew it, she was on the floor with Scotty getting kisses from the new puppy. "So what shall we name him?"

  "Daddy said that I can name him all by myself," Scotty answered excitedly.

  "Did you think of one yet?"

  "His name is Buck!"

  "Are you sure you want to name him that? How about Oliver or Midnight?" Storm hoped he would change the name. Scotty had a hard time with his Bs and sometimes they came out as an F sound. Buck would end up sounding like...

  Scotty lifted his chin in a manner that Storm knew all too well. He was digging in for a major stubborn streak. Storm glanced at Nellie who was smiling. It made no sense to upset everyone. "Well Buck it is. It's a fine name for a dog."

  Scotty smiled. "I know, I already told ya that."

  The door opened and Buck went flying, barking fiercely at Stetson. Storm smiled. What a good watchdog Buck was. She'd let Stetson deal with the mispronounced name.

  "Daddy!" Scotty yelled, running up to Stetson. He was scooped up into his daddy's arms. "Guess what?"


shook his head. "You have to guess."

  Stetson focused on Storm apparently wanting some help. Storm ducked her head and bit her lip to keep from laughing.

  "Well give me a hint."

  Scotty shook his head looking very serious. "I'm just going to have to tell you. You'll need to work on guessin'. I named Buck. Buck!"

  "Great name." Stetson put Scotty down and petted Buck.

  "Ph-uck and me are gonna be friends!"

  Stetson looked confused. "His name is Buck, right?"

  Scotty rolled his eyes. "I already told ya that."

  Stetson looked at Nellie, and then at Storm. They were both trying not to laugh.

  "Scotty said that you told him that he could name the puppy." Storm stood up and grabbed two tissues, one for her and one for Nellie. They started laughing so hard that tears were streaming down their faces.

  "But he's not saying Buck."

  "He has a few little speech problems. He's only four you know. Sometimes his B sounds like F."

  Stetson looked horrified.

  "Don't worry, he'll probably grow out of it in a few years." Storm laughed and left the room. The mirth that bubbled inside her felt good.

  She couldn't undo the past. She would do whatever she needed to do for Scotty's sake. She had a feeling she'd be biting her tongue, constantly. Hopefully, her heart could withstand the constant contact with Stetson. Part of her was attracted to him, but a larger part didn't trust him. Not with her heart.

  Dinner was lively. Scotty talked nonstop about his dog Buck. Stetson looked exasperated every time Scotty mispronounced Buck's name. So far, Scotty hadn't asked anything about why he hadn't had a daddy until now. Storm's mind whirled, trying to sort out what and when to tell him.

  She watched Nellie and Joe gave each other long, loving looks. Once she glanced at Stetson and found him staring at her. She couldn't read his expression and wondered why he stared.

  The doorbell rang and Storm jumped up to open the door. A sweet looking girl stood on the porch. Her chestnut hair curled wildly down her shoulders and her big brown eyes shone.

  She looked at Storm and smiled. "I'm looking for Stetson Scott. He asked me to come for a visit."

  A jolt of envy vibrated through Storm's body. This girl looked about 20 years old. Her complexion was all peaches and cream. Her clothes were ranch clothes, but they looked expensive on her perfect body.

  Stetson joined her at the door. "Chrissy! What a surprise!"

  Storm watched as Stetson smiled and Chrissy blushed. Her heart dropped. This must be Stetson's girlfriend. She felt pressure on her chest. Of course, he'd have a girlfriend. She should have guessed. Stetson, the famous rodeo star, lived here. For a moment, she had forgotten about his real life.

  "Come in, come in." Stetson waved his hand in invitation. "I can't believe you're here."

  Chrissy's smile lit up the whole house. "I came as soon as I could, just like I promised." She put her hand on his chest, stood on her tiptoes, and kissed him.

  Storm glanced away. Their kiss brought out a side of her she didn't like. She went back to the table and sat down. Her plate was full, but she wouldn't be able to eat another bite.

  "Well, get another plate and let the poor girl sit down," Nellie said.

  Holding Chrissy's hand, Stetson led Chrissy to the table. Pulling out a chair, he urged her to sit down. "This is Chrissy, a friend from the rodeo circuit." He introduced everyone. The greetings were friendly but brief.

  "He's my daddy," Scotty told her proudly.

  Chrissy's eyes widened. She looked around until she locked eyes with Stetson. "I had no idea."

  Stetson placed a plate and silverware in front of her. He laid his hand on her shoulder. "It was a surprise to me too, sugar."

  A lump formed in Storm's throat. Sugar indeed. She just hoped that Nellie was on her feet soon. If he'd only given her some notice. Hell, he hadn't even told her when he left five years ago. Why should she expect him to change now?

  "Things at the rodeo just weren't the same without you, Stetson. I couldn't stay any longer. I missed you too much. I thought you would have returned before now. You did promise to be back soon."

  "I've missed the circuit, but now I have a ranch to run."

  "And a son to raise," Chrissy finished his sentence.

  "That's a big enough reason to stay." Stetson reached out and ruffled Scotty's blond curls.

  "I hadn't thought about starting a family so soon, but it'll be fun to have a little boy around."

  Storm and Nellie shared expressions of alarm. What was going on? Was Stetson positioning himself to take Scotty away? Storm couldn't concentrate on the conversation around her. Her thoughts were all jumbled.


  Storm looked up and saw everyone watching her. "What?"

  "Chrissy just complimented your cooking," Stetson told her.

  Storm felt her face begin to heat. "Oh, um, thank you." She quickly glanced at her plate. She didn't want to look at Chrissy or Stetson.

  "Wait until you meet ph-uck!" Scotty told Chrissy.

  "That's not a nice word," Chrissy admonished.

  Storm's eyes rose until she stared Chrissy down. "I'll handle my son. He is saying Buck."


  Storm stood up before Chrissy could say another word. "Scotty, let's go out to the barn and collect Buck."

  "Okay, Mommy! Bye, Daddy, bye Aunt Nellie, bye Joe, bye Sissy."

  "It's Chrissy."

  Storm ignored her and followed Scotty who was halfway to the barn already.

  Stetson watched Storm's retreat with misgivings. She was not pleased with him. Heck, he was surprised Chrissy had shown up at his door. He turned his attention back to the table. Every eye was on him. Joe glared. Nellie's eyes were wide with questions, and Chrissy looked at him adoringly.

  "So, that's your baby mama," Chrissy said. "Wow, I bet it was a big surprise to you, Stetson. You have visitation with your son and the baby mama?"

  Nellie gasped, then attempted to cover it with a fake cough.

  "Baby mama? Have I missed something?" Stetson asked.

  Chrissy smiled. "That's what they are called. She's not your ex-wife or anything. She's just your baby mama."

  Stetson frowned. "That's disrespectful. Storm is the mother of my son. I don't want to hear the term baby mama again."

  Chrissy frowned. Hell, she was good at making him feel guilty. "How's Brian?"

  "He found a new girlfriend."

  Stetson nodded. Now he knew why Chrissy had come. Her brother Brian was notorious for wanting the trailer all to himself when he had a new girl. Chrissy had bunked with him more than once. She'd always been a cute kid, but looking at her now, she was a woman. No wonder Storm skedaddled. "Does he know you're here?"

  "Nope. He deserves to suffer. He should have kept better care of me."

  "I'm going to get word to him."

  Chrissy shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever. I'm not going back."

  Stetson didn't reply. He'd learned over the years to ignore Chrissy's sulking. She'd just get her back up if he said anything. He saw the look of alarm on Nellie's face. He'd clue her in later, when he could talk to her alone.

  "Well let's get your stuff and I'll show you where you can bunk."

  "I'll just bunk in your room."

  This time Nellie didn't try to cover her gasp. Stetson gave her a quick smile then turned to Chrissy. "No, you'll bunk alone."

  Chrissy crossed her arms in front of her. "Is this because of your baby-- I mean, Scotty's mother?"

  "Chrissy, you are my best friend's sister. There is no way you are bunking in with me. There are plenty of bedrooms."

  Chrissy gave him another look of hurt. "I always bunk with you."

  "At motels maybe, but not here."

  "What?" Stetson turned and saw Storm at the doorway, Scotty and Buck by her side.

  "We'll talk about this later," he said.

  Suddenly Buck ran and grabbed one of Chrissy's flip-flops. He too
k off with it in his mouth. Tearing through the house, the yellow sandal looked bigger than he did. Storm and Scotty laughed while Chrissy threatened Buck's life. Finally, Stetson was able to grab the flip-flop from Buck. It had a huge bite taken out of it.

  Sheepishly he handed it to Chrissy. He tried not to laugh, but he couldn't help himself, especially when he heard Scotty's infectious laugh. Turning to Nellie, he noticed that she had her hand clamped over her mouth, her eyes full of merriment. Joe seemed to be just taking it all in.

  "You owe me new sandals," Chrissy told Storm.

  Storm held up her hands. "It's not my dog."

  "Here's the other part of your phoe." Scotty held it out to Chrissy. "Maybe we can tape it." Scotty looked proud to have solved the problem.

  "Like that's going to work!"

  Watching Scotty's face crumble made Stetson's heart sink. Picking him up, he kissed Scotty's cheek. "I think it's a great idea, but I bet Chrissy would rather have a new pair of shoes."

  Scotty nodded. "Bandit got new phoes."

  "Bandit is a horse!"

  "Now, Chrissy, don't get so bent out of shape. I'll replace the shoes. Right now I think I'll take Scotty and Buck for a walk."

  Chrissy got up to follow.

  "Get your gear and put it in one of the rooms upstairs. I'll be back in a bit." Stetson gave Storm a look that conveyed his apology, at least he hoped so. He didn't need two riled hens in his house.

  Busy making dinner, Storm enjoyed the quiet. Chrissy was talking to Nellie. She wasn't so bad. Storm got the impression she was spoiled and used to being the center of attention, Stetson's attention. Stetson's the one that stayed in hotel rooms with her. The thought really bothered her. He was free and single, and she had seen all the news stories about him. He always had a beauty on his arm.

  Life goes on. Stetson did appear surprised when Chrissy showed up at the door. It was obvious by Chrissy's syrupy gaze she was in love with him. Stetson was too hard to read. He played it close to the vest.

  Nellie was a joy to take care of. She asked for little. Storm gave her everything she asked for and more. It had been an interesting afternoon. Chrissy went out of her way to ingratiate herself to Nellie. She even fluffed Nellie's pillows for her.


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