Stetson's Storm

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Stetson's Storm Page 7

by Kathleen Ball

  Storm's heart fluttered. It wasn't something that she heard very often. Her eyes misted. Maybe he did come to tell her goodbye.

  Stetson disappeared inside of the tent, taking in the rest of the supplies. A few minutes later, he came back out and looked at the sky. "Darkness will be here before we know it. Best get settled in the tent while we can see."

  "I feel like a drowned rat."

  "I'm wet to the bone too. Get inside, take off your clothes, and get into the sleeping bag."

  He looked serious, but Storm knew that he had to be kidding. "Good try cowboy, but this here gal doesn't get into sleeping bags naked."

  "Oh for Pete's sake. Joe didn't pack you a nightie."

  "What about the warm dry clothes?"

  "Those are for tomorrow."

  Storm looked at him long and hard. "All right. We'll do it your way."

  Storm crawled into the two-man tent. Quickly she got out of her wet clothes and flung them out the door. Buck jumped all around having a great time. "Chew on Stetson's shoes not mine, okay?" She told him.

  Looking at the sleeping bags she discovered that they were zipped together to make one big sleeping bag. "Stetson."

  The rain had stopped, and the sun had set. The whole world seemed wet and damp. "Storm?"

  "What?" Storm called.

  "I was kidding. Get dressed. I'll be right in."

  Storm frowned. His words sunk in and she grew hopping mad. Kidding? Kidding? If she could lock the tent door, she would. Scurrying out of the sleeping bag, she grabbed her dry clothes. Chrissy must have packed them. Her oldest panties with holes in them were there, as was a shirt with a stain. Storm put them on as quickly as she could.

  Back in the sleeping bag, she watched Buck romp around, attacking her feet as she moved them. She was mad. Well, part of her was disappointed too. There had been so many long lonely nights when she craved Stetson's arms around her, shouldering some of the burden.

  The woman in her wanted that sexy cowboy. She wanted to stroke his beard and kiss his neck. She wanted to put her hands on his hard muscled chest. Shaking her head, she willed herself to think of something else. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

  Hearing Stetson unzipping the door to the tent, Storm turned away from him. Let him get naked, she didn't care. He could stand on his head singing the Star Spangled Banner, naked, and she still wouldn't care.

  The rustling of his clothes equated to nails on a chalkboard, making her cringe. Every one of her senses seemed to be in overdrive. She felt hypersensitive. Trying to block him out didn't work. Her hands hung tightly to her side of the sleeping bag in an attempt to resist the temptation to turn and see him.

  "What's taking you so long?" she asked crossly.

  "Impatient to have me in your bed?"

  Storm could hear his humor and she didn't appreciate it. "I just want to get some sleep is all."

  Stetson laughed a deep rumbling laugh. "You sure are as skittish--"

  "Don't you dare compare me to one of your animals."

  The lack of response confused her. She could feel Stetson slide into the sleeping back and she tensed, waiting for him to draw her close. She planned to put up a token resistance and then give in. God help her, but she needed that man to love and cherish her.

  What was he waiting for? She heard him murmur to Buck, then silence. What type of game was he playing now? It had her shaking in need. Finally, she couldn't stand it anymore and just as she was about to turn to confront him, she heard a loud snore.

  Rolling onto her back, she stared at the tent ceiling. Disappointment washed over her, pouring into every crack and crevice. Whenever she forgot for a second who and what she was, she got hurt. She wasn't good enough for Stetson Scott, Rodeo Star. Her heart felt split open. It had never quite healed from the first time Stetson had left her. A lot had happened since, but the hurt was still there. She was too vulnerable where he was concerned.

  Nellie was feeling better. It would be wise to look for another job. Who would hire her? Another part of her heart cut open. Her father had made sure that she wasn't hired by anyone. She didn't wonder what she had done to bring down the wrath of both her father and Stetson's. She'd wondered for five long years and it got her nowhere.

  Storm suddenly felt weary. Closing her eyes, she slept.

  A sonic boom of thunder shook the earth and the sky was luminous. Star jumped at another round of thunder. Buck began to whimper. Sitting up, Storm grabbed up the puppy and murmured to it.

  "You're going to squeeze the stuffing out of Buck."

  Stetson's masculine voice shrouded her, making her feel safer. Lightning flashed again and Buck jumped from her arms to Stetson's. Storm didn't blame him. Huddling under the sleeping bag, she began to shiver. Turning her back to Stetson, she huddled down so that her head was covered.

  "Can you breathe?" The humor in his voice didn't help her mood.

  "I'm fine."

  "Are you sure? It's just as safe up here in the air."

  "You won't act improper will you?"

  Stetson laughed. "Improper? Listen, you've made it clear that you don't want me touching you. We don't have that type of relationship. We just happen to have the same son."

  It's what she wanted all along, wasn't it? Now she wasn't so sure. "Well that's a relief."


  Storm sat up and looked at him. Every so often, the lightning illuminated his handsome face. "I'm glad we finally agreed that our relationship is only for Scotty's sake. Anything else, well, I just couldn't."

  Seeing the frown on his face gave her pause. She knew it was for the best. They could barely tolerate each other and she didn't want Scotty to know.

  "Listen," Stetson said.

  Storm smiled. It had stopped raining, the clouds had moved on. The peacefulness was soothing. That's what she wanted for their relationship, peace. "What time is it?"

  Stetson grabbed a flashlight and shined it on his watch. "A little past one. We might as well try to get more sleep."

  Storm nodded. "Might as well." Turning her back to him, she felt a pang of regret. She could love him, if she allowed herself, but self-preservation had become a habit with her out of necessity. She had to think about Scotty first. It wouldn't be good for him if his parents came together only to split up. There had been too much hurt already.

  So that brought her right back to the beginning. Nellie was well now and she didn't need her anymore. She had to find something to support her and Scotty. It would have to be something in town since she didn't have a car. She racked her brain trying to think of a place she had missed in her job search, but nothing came to mind.

  Besides, she was certain Bailey had told the whole town she'd been fired for stealing. As if her life could get any lower. Well, if Bailey expected to win points with Stetson, it hadn't worked. He spent his evenings with Scotty.

  Storm smiled as she thought of the two of them. Both acted as if they were four. The love between them made her heart warm. She was confident Stetson didn't plan to take Scotty away from her. She wondered what the future held, probably family gatherings with Stetson and his wife and kids -- if he had any. The thought of having to endure such a thing made her shudder. It also made her extremely sad.

  Chapter Seven

  It had been a rough morning, packing up all the gear and getting it back across the creek. Thankfully, the water levels had gone down and they easily got to the other side. Joe had been waiting for them.

  Going across the prairie, they were jostled and bumped in the truck. Storm sat in the middle and he wanted to laugh at how hard she was trying not to touch him. She was losing the battle.

  "So, Scotty wasn't upset?" Storm asked for the fourth time.

  Joe didn't take his eyes off the land before him. "He's fine. Had a great time with Nellie and me."

  Storm didn't look convinced. Frowning, she crossed her arms in front of her. Maybe she didn't believe Scotty could have fun without her.

  Stetson looked out the wind
ow. It wasn't fair. He knew she was anxious to see Scotty and he understood her worry. He had two things on his mind. One was to hug Scotty and listen to his adventure of being brave without them. The second was to confront Chrissy. He looked at Buck. He was such a sweet, black lab. How could she have left him on Sinner's Island? It would have been a death sentence for the little guy if Storm hadn't found him.

  It was time for Chrissy to move on. Way past time. He should have told her to leave long ago.

  Storm began to squirm next to him. Looking up, he saw Scotty and Nellie waiting for them. Scotty pulled away from Nellie's hold and ran. "Stop the truck; we have one excited cowpoke coming our way."

  Storm practically climbed over Stetson, trying to get to her son. Tears streamed down her face as she opened her arms to him.

  Scotty quickly ran to his mother and wrapped his little arms tight around her neck. It wasn't a long hug. Scotty let go and wanted Buck.

  He ran and grabbed the wriggly dog into his arms. He smiled at Stetson and started for home. Stetson felt robbed. Where was his hug? He could see Storm looked just as bewildered as he felt.

  Putting his arms around her, he gave her a light squeeze and let go. She nodded in appreciation and they both walked into the house.

  "Oh man, Ph-uck was so lost! Ph-uck was you scared? Did you get wet? Did you miss me?"

  Soon enough they were both on the braided rug in the family room rolling around together. Stetson couldn't remember a more heartwarming scene.

  Scotty stopped and looked at Stetson with big blue eyes. "I thoughted he was deaded. He never goes anywhere without me." His bottom lip quivered. "Do you think he runned away from me? Maybe I'm not his bestest friend."

  Watching Storm, he could see her sorrow for her son written all over her face. Scooping both Scotty and Buck up, he sat on the couch with them.

  "Now what do you think? Does he act like you're not his best friend?"

  Scotty laughed, dodging another kiss from Buck.

  "See, he's happy to see you."

  "Yep! Look Mommy, look how ph-b-uck loves me!"

  "So the little runt found his way back." Chrissy waltzed into the room and sat next to Stetson. "I missed you. Naughty boy staying out all night."

  "My daddy is not naughty!"

  "Staying out all night with your ma is very very bad."

  "Enough, Chrissy. I called Brian and he's coming to get you."

  Chrissy smiled and flipped her long hair over her shoulder. "I know, he's already here. He went to town to arrange a few things."

  Stetson and Storm exchanged uneasy glances.

  The front door opened and in walked Brian. He looked good, tall, dark, and handsome. Stetson smiled at his friend. "Welcome, buddy."

  Brian glared at Stetson, throwing him off balance.

  "Did you get it all arranged?" Chrissy asked.

  Brian frowned. Nodding he glared at Stetson. "All set for this afternoon. Who's this?" He nodded toward Storm.

  "Just the baby mama. No one really." Chrissy stared at Storm with a smug smile.

  Stetson was feeling more and more uneasy. "What's going on here?"

  "You're going to marry your baby mama." Brian's stance made Stetson nervous. He'd seen Brian standoff with many cowboys over the years.

  "What is going on?" Storm asked.

  "Seems like old Stetson here has two baby mamas and this time he's marrying the second one. My sister!"

  Stetson stood up. "Whoa. I don't know where you got your info, but it's a lie."

  Brian's eyes grew dark. "You callin' my baby sister a liar?"

  "I never touched her."

  "He did, Brian. It started before we left the rodeo circuit. That's why I followed him. It was heartbreaking to find out about his little bastard and this slut."

  Storm quickly picked Scotty up and took him upstairs.

  "Out!" Stetson demanded taking a step closer to Brian.

  "The wedding is all arranged." Brian took a step toward Stetson.

  "Then unarrange it before I rearrange your face!"

  "No can do. My sister will not be an unwed mother. Damn it Stetson, what were you thinking? I trusted you?"

  Stetson could see the hurt and misery in Brian's eyes. "I swear-- Listen, lets go to see the doctor in the morning and then we can decide what to do."

  Brian stepped back, rubbing the back of his neck. He almost looked relieved. "I can live with that."

  "Well I can't," Chrissy shouted.

  "Come on, Chris, let's go back to town, and find a place to stay."

  "I have a place right here," she protested, her face turning red.

  "Let me handle this," Brian said softly.

  Chrissy stamped her foot. "They were out all night last night. I'm not leaving my Stetson with that barracuda again."

  "She is the mother of my son. It might make you happy to know that she had no romantic inclinations toward me at all, but that does not excuse this whopper of a lie."

  "Brian, he has to marry me today."

  Brian gave Stetson a thoughtful look. Stetson could tell he was beginning to doubt his sister's claims.

  "See you tomorrow," Brian said, dragging Chrissy behind him.

  Storm watched Buck and Scotty play in the yard. Trying to keep her mind off Chrissy's claim was near impossible. Five years ago, she would have instantly known Stetson was telling the truth. Now, she'd been through too much to trust. It made her sad to know she was still on her own, with Scotty.

  Some lessons come hard, but they should not be forgotten. Trust no one and you can't be hurt. Sighing, she realized that her thinking was flawed. You could be hurt no matter what. It was better not to trust.

  "Can I go on the next sleepover with you and Daddy?"

  Storm looked up in surprise. "I don't think they'll be anymore sleepovers, kiddo."

  Scotty's face scrunched up. "Daddy didn't put a snake in your sleeping bag did he?"

  Laughing, she grabbed him up and kissed him all over his neck, making him squeal. "No, Daddy didn't put a snake in my sleeping bag."

  "Only because I didn't think of it," Stetson said. He sat down in the grass next to them and lifted Scotty's shirt tickling him.

  "Not fair, two against one!"

  Stetson scooped Scotty up and whispered in his ear. Storm could tell by Scotty's smile that they were going to try to tickle her next. Pushing to her feet, she ran, but not fast enough. Suddenly she found herself on the ground with both Stetson and Scotty on top of her.

  Trying to fight them off did no good. Stetson had her hands trapped above her head and he was kissing her neck. Scotty was tickling her underarms, making her scream for mercy.

  They finally stopped, but Stetson still held on to her, his blue eyes boring into hers. The hunger in them blatant. There was also an expression that could be mistaken for tenderness, but Storm knew better. "Let go," she whispered, not taking her eyes from his.

  He breathed hard and didn't move at first. He just kept staring. Suddenly he pushed off her and helped her up.

  The giant step he took away from her hurt somehow. He was distancing himself from her.

  "Come on, Mommy! Time to get Daddy!"

  Storm gave them both a wistful smile. "I'm going to check on Nellie. You two have fun without me."

  "Okay," Scotty shouted as he lunged himself at Stetson.

  Her heart pinged. Scotty didn't seem to mind she was leaving. Stetson didn't seem to care either. She had to find somewhere else to live and fast. She didn't know how much longer she could take this estranged relationship with Stetson. It hurt too much.

  Storm wandered into the barn. The repairs were going really well. Scotty and Nellie were making cookies. Somehow, Nellie had talked Storm into staying for a while longer, claiming that with all the extra hands there was too much work to do. Nellie had a point. With all the workmen, new hands, and the arrival of new stock, Scott Ranch had become a hub of activity.

  Scotty gloried in it. Stetson spent as much time with him as poss
ible. More than Storm had ever expected. It had been a week and she hadn't heard a peep about Chrissy. Storm wasn't going to ask.

  One thing that did bother her was the cause of the recline of the ranch. Somehow, it was all tied to her father. No one would give her a straight answer, which only piqued her interest more. She walked to Mitzi's stall, listening to her nicker. A nice ride across the land would calm her restless soul, but she didn't dare. She'd been getting too many looks from the new hands. Her reputation was well known and they all seemed to believe it.

  The hope she would be free of such treatment shattered yesterday when a hand named Dickens tried to come on to her. He blocked her way out of the tack room and propositioned her. The lust in his eyes as they raked her body made her stomach turn. His shit-eatin' grin horrified her. Thankfully, Joe walked into the barn and Dickens walked away.

  Her fear almost kept her from visiting her horse. She'd done nothing wrong; she had the right to hold her head up high, but Dickens had made her feel dirty.

  She didn't dare tell Stetson. They were enjoying a bit of a truce these last few days and she didn't want to rock the boat. It shamed her that Dickens thought he had the right to treat her so. It seemed as soon as she got a bit of her self-confidence back, someone was always there to knock her back down.

  Stroking Mitzi's neck, Storm wondered how long she'd be staying at the ranch. It was only a matter of time before she ended up causing trouble between the men. Stetson needed them to run the ranch. She was expendable, always. If only she could escape this town. If only she could start over again. Unfortunately, she needed money to do that.

  She heard a truck drive up and went outside to see who it was. Stetson stood at the back of his truck grabbing packages, bags, and boxes. He turned toward her and smiled. "Come on, I bought you something."

  Storm couldn't help the smile that crossed her face. Eagerly she followed him into the house.

  Scotty stood on a chair covered in flour, waving a wooden spoon filled with batter around the kitchen, spraying it everywhere.

  Nellie turned and laughed at the other two adults. "Don't worry, I know his parents and I'm sure they'll both want to clean up the mess."


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