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Stetson's Storm

Page 11

by Kathleen Ball

  "Well, bud, you and I are going to have to think of a way to make her say yes."

  "Oh boy!"

  "Whoa. I'm not sure..."

  Scotty touched her cheek again, making her look at him. "It's my job to make you say yes."

  Storm smiled and shook her head. "I don't know about you two. It's naptime for three of you."

  "Ha ha. You, me, and Daddy."

  Storm laughed. "No, you, Buck, and Aunt Nellie"

  "Come on Daddy, you can tuck me and Buck in. He can't bring his bone on my bed. He did that last time and he slobbered and you know what?"

  Stetson picked up both Scotty and Buck. Scotty chattered to him all the way up the stairs.

  Chapter Ten

  Storm stopped Mitzi by the fence line. The fence separated her father's land from Stetson's. Patting the freckled Appaloosa on the neck, she took in the sight of the land she had ridden over almost every day since she could sit a saddle. A wave of sadness blew over her, like the cool Texas wind. It made her shiver. Nothing made sense.

  The hurt and humiliation she suffered at the hands of her father kept her from examining the whole situation. She never did get a reason for his callousness. Now, she didn't know what to think.

  It was still so clear in her mind. She'd tearfully told her father that she was pregnant. He had hugged her, and told her everything was going to be all right. He kissed her forehead and left. He went to see Stetson's father. When he came back, he was enraged, and ordered her to leave. What had Mr. Scott said to her father? Why did he believe him without not so much as a word to her?

  Taking off her riding glove, she wiped away a lone tear. It was hard to move on when the past still had such a hold on her. In the distance, she saw a lone rider. She'd know him anywhere. Her father still sat in a saddle straight and tall.

  He stopped his horse, and gazed at her. He couldn't see her features as they were too far away. His stare seemed to last forever, before he turned and rode away.

  Storm swallowed hard, put her glove back on, and pointed Mitzi toward home. If everyone had their way, it would be her home permanently. The last few days had exhausted her.

  Scotty expected to be best man, and was adamantly backed up by Stetson. Nellie wanted to know if she had a dress in mind. Joe wanted to know if they reserved the church yet. It went on and on.

  No one wanted to listen to her objections, her concerns. To all of them including the insufferable Stetson, it was a done deal. He walked around with a shit-eating grin on his face and God help her she felt compelled to wipe it off.

  He'd left before. He could just as easily leave again. Men weren't permanent. They couldn't be counted on. She needed to make her own way in the world. She would never again be at the mercy of a man's whim or anger. The problem was what to do. How would she make her way? She wanted to go back to school and take computer classes. She wanted to create websites for ranchers. She'd already read up on most of the technology and she found there was a need for such sites.

  Shrugging, she pushed on home. Castles in the air. She remembered hearing the term somewhere, and it fit. Dreams led to disappointment, she knew that. It had been a lesson hard learned. She felt like jumping out of her skin and running. If not for Scotty, she would. She'd run far away where no one knew her.

  All dreams again. She'd have to stop if she wanted to hold on to her sanity. Stetson didn't love her. He just wanted Scotty. He denied it, but she knew in her heart it was the truth. If he had loved her, he would have come back long ago. Now that was the truth.

  Riding into the yard, Storm was amazed to see Scotty and Stetson standing before a motley crew of animals. Getting closer, Mitzi shook her head in greeting. "Oh my."

  Scotty ran to her side as she climbed out of the saddle. "Mommy, we have company."

  His face glowed with excitement and she admitted to herself that living at the ranch had been good for him. "We do? Where?"

  "Oh, Mommy, you are silly. Right there." He waved his hand toward the animals.

  The animals seemed to line themselves up by height. A large black stallion stood at the beginning, then Nanny the grey horse, followed by another, younger grey, a goat, and then Buck. A very bizarre sight.

  Stetson took her hand and gently tugged her forward. "Come meet our company."

  Storm smiled at the teasing glint in his eyes. "What on earth?"

  "Mommy, let me introduce you. This is Pirate, he's Nanny's husband. They are married." Scotty stared at her.

  Storm pretended she didn't get his meaning. "Who is next?"

  "That's Nino, she's Pirate and Nanny's little girl. They are married." Scotty gave her another owlish stare.

  Storm quickly looked at Stetson and almost laughed watching him trying not to smile. No help there. "And the goat?"

  "That's Billy," he paused and looked at her again. "Get it, Billy goat? And guess what, he's a she."

  She couldn't help herself, she finally laughed. Leaning over, she picked Scotty up and kissed his cheek. "Buck is friends with them now?"

  "Yes," Scotty said proudly, "but he's allowed in the kitchen. Them aren't. No way."

  A warm fuzzy feeling came over her and she hated it. They were trying to break her. She'd smile for Scotty's sake, not because she wanted to. "Did they all come from the O'Neill's?"

  "Yes, Mommy. They got married then they had Nino." Scotty put his face in front of hers. His eyes wide, he came closer and closer staring at her. He put his forehead against hers and just stared.

  "I called Garrett. They'll be over later to lead them home," Stetson told her, plucking Scotty out of her arms. "Enough with the stares." He laughed.

  "But Mommy needs to know that they are married."

  "I think she knows, partner."

  "Guess what, Mommy? Aunt Nellie wanted to know your favorite color and I told her you like orange best."


  "Yep. She has a surprise and she needed a color. I picked orange."

  "I see." Looking at Stetson didn't give her any clues. "What's going on?"

  "It's a surprise. Our son already told you, but don't worry, I knew that your favorite color is really yellow."

  "You did?" she could feel her eyes filling. Stetson remembering touched her.

  "I remember a lot about you." Stetson stepped close and wiped away a tear that had escaped. He grabbed her hand and while carrying Scotty, he led Storm inside. Buck took up the rear.

  Sneaky. That was the word of the day, sneaky. Storm wanted to hit someone. Everyone gave her little smiles, secret smiles. It was hard not to smile back at Scotty and Nellie, but Stetson and Joe got a scowl. They should know better.

  She wasn't stupid; it had something to do with the supposed marriage proposal. Was there actually a proposal? Thinking back, she didn't think so. No flowers, no candy, no 'I can't live without you'. Nope. Nada. Nothing. Yet she was supposed to be excited about them whispering.

  Someone had to pay. They could not treat her this way. The problem was it was supposed to be all for her. Yeah right, it was for Stetson. He always had to get his way. Maybe she was being a bit uncharitable, but hell she wanted to scream.


  Storm stood at the corral watching the horses. She pretended she didn't hear Stetson's voice. She was half-afraid she'd turn around and sock him one.


  Storm turned and stared him down. "What? What do you need? What?"

  "It's time for dinner." Stetson's eyes contained too much merriment.

  "Go to hell."

  "So, you're not hungry?" He had the nerve to smile at her.

  "Listen, cowboy, if you smile at me one more time--"

  Stetson put his arms around her and pulled her close. He ducked his head and took her lips. It was a long kiss, a deep kiss, a mind-blowing kiss.

  "Stop it." Storm pushed him away, feeling a bit light headed. "You are such a brute."

  Stetson smiled. "Oh really? You didn't seem to think so a few minutes ago."

  "A s
imple lapse in judgment. It happens every five years or so."

  "I love it when you're like this."

  Storm gasped, narrowing her eyes. "Like what?"

  "All feisty and sexy."

  "I'm going to wipe that grin off your face, Stetson. Don't think I won't. For two days you've been smiling at me. Well a person can only take so much." Her heart beat faster and her breath became shorter.

  "A smile. You get this worked up about a smile?" Stetson's eyes widened in feigned surprise.

  "You think you know it all. You can't waltz back into town, and expect it to be all right. I've changed. I'm not some little naive girl that believes everything you say." Storm turned away from him. She didn't want him to see her cry.

  Stetson stepped behind her, and enclosed her in his arms. "I'm sorry, babe. Damn it, I did it all wrong again. I got caught up in all the fun, and I never asked you what you want. You're right. Go ahead and wipe the grin off my face. I deserve it."

  Storm shook her head. "Stop trying to make me laugh."

  "Why not? I love your laugh. I don't hear it very often."

  "No, I don't suppose you do."

  "Storm, will you--"


  "I didn't even ask you yet. Will you go camping with me?"

  She quickly turned in his arms and looked at his face to see if he was serious. "Camping?"

  Stetson nodded. "The three of us. Let's see what it would be like to be a family. Please, Storm, give us a chance. That's all I'm asking for."

  He smelled so good. He felt so good. Her heart pounded. She longed to be a family, but she was wary. Finally, she sighed and leaned her head on his chest. "Okay."


  "Yes, really." She hoped that she wasn't making a mistake.

  Stetson let go of her in a flash and ran toward the house calling Scotty's name.

  It looked like she made two men very happy.

  Stetson wiped his brow and smiled when Scotty did the same. They had set up the tent, getting ready for the night to come. "Looks like the Scott men have made shelter for their woman." He winked at Storm and she rewarded him with stunned look and a shake of her head.

  "Very macho, Stetson, but Scotty knows that woman can take care of themselves." She gave him a so there, smile.

  "I like being a taco. Daddy and me, we are takin' care of you." Scotty plopped himself down in her lap and smiled at her.

  Storm laughed and stroked Scotty's blond curls. "Yep, you two are tacos."

  Stetson started to open his mouth to correct them, but there was no way he was going to dim Storm's smile. Heck, he was surprised she'd agreed to the camping trip. Hopefully it would lend itself to many opportunities to be close to her.

  He smiled back. He had bigger tents, but he brought the two-man tent they had used on Sinner's Island. Closeness was the key. He'd break through her reserve somehow. "Who wants to go fishing?"

  Storm gasped in pain as Scotty pushed off her lap and then jumped on it.

  "I do. I do!" Scotty chanted.

  Stetson grabbed him in mid jump and held him. "Careful of your mommy, cowboy."

  "I forgot we are tacos with man strength."

  "Man strength?" Storm rolled her eyes and got off the ground. "Well let's see who catches more fish, man strength or woman intelligence."

  Stetson was thrilled to take on her challenge. She was beautiful with her blue eyes practically dancing. Her long blonde braid hung down her back. "Come on, let's get the gear."

  "I'm going to be a fisherman when I grow up," Scotty proclaimed.

  "I thought you were going to be a cowboy?" Stetson led them to the placid lake.

  "Oh this is a great spot." Storm scanned the lake.

  "You used to come here."

  Storm's eyes shadowed when she looked at Stetson. "Seems like another lifetime ago."

  Grabbing her hand, Stetson pulled her toward him. He kissed her cheek and grabbed her rear, making her jump. She was smiling again, a good sign. "Come on, Scotty, we have to use our man strength, and show Mommy how macho we are."

  "We're not tacos?"

  Storm laughed loudly. "I need a little less talking. I don't want the fish to be scared away." She grabbed her pole and sat about ten feet from them. Gracefully she cast her line into the lake, leaned back against a tree, and sighed contently.

  Storm appeared pleased and that could only be good news for him. He set Scotty up and helped him cast, receiving a grateful smile from her. Genius, that's what his camping idea was, pure genius. Smiles all around, what could be better?

  After a few hours of fishing, Stetson and Scotty cleaned the fish she'd caught.

  "Mommy is a good fisher."

  "Well, Scotty, there is such a thing called beginner's luck."

  Storm laughed. "Say what you will, I caught the most fish." Getting up, she started unpacking the pan and utensils they would need.

  Dinner had been great with much laughter. Stetson hoped it made a difference to Storm.

  It was a moonless night and the sky was dark. Cloud cover prevented the stars from shining through. Watching Scotty and Storm, Stetson could read the contentment on their faces. He'd helped Storm at every opportunity until he was afraid she was going to run from him.

  What he hadn't planned on was his reaction to her closeness. She was driving him wild. The slightest brush against her and his body became aroused. He'd given her the grin of the devil each time, but he tried to think of anything but her. Counting backwards didn't help. Knowing that Scotty was right there didn't seem to dampen his need.

  It was a campaign that he needed to see through to the end. God help him. There wasn't a cold shower in sight. Trying to imagine his parents in bed together finally helped but only slightly.

  "Do you think it's going to rain?" Storm looked at the sky.


  "How do you know?" Storm asked.

  "Yeah, Daddy, how do you know? Do you have special powers?"

  "Well, see..." He got up and sat between Storm and Scotty, making sure that his leg was touching Storm's. He heard her quick intake of breath and it made his body hum. "Look at those clouds. See how white they are? Those aren't rain clouds. Sniff the air, do you smell rain?"

  Scotty sniffed and sniffed. "Nope, no rain."

  "You can't tell by smelling." Storm moved her leg away from Stetson's.

  "Mommy, if Daddy say's it's true then it is." He nodded his head emphatically.

  Storm glanced at Stetson. Her gaze was anything but encouraging. "Right, kiddo. How about jammie time?"

  "Nope." Scotty went right back to looking at the clouds.

  "What do you mean no?" Storm asked.

  "I have no wheres to sleep. Daddy only broughted one bag."

  Storm turned to stare at Stetson. "What is he talking about?" Her voice sounded wary.

  "I brought two that I turned into one big one."

  "Well unmake them. Scotty and I will share one."

  "Nope." Stetson smiled at her.

  "And why not?"

  "I thought we'd all hunker down together. You know, real camping." He gave her an innocent look.

  "Mommy, lets hunker," Scotty jumped up. "Jammie time," he yelled, running into the tent.

  "You're playing dirty, Stetson."

  "I don't know what you mean." He turned his hands palms up, trying to portray his innocence.


  Stetson swooped down and caught her lips with his. They hadn't had any time for kissing on their trip. She shook her head once, and then opened her mouth, allowing his tongue in. She tasted like pure heaven, chocolate, marshmallow, and graham crackers.

  Storm put her fingers through his hair, and then she touched his cheeks before she moaned into his mouth. She pulled back and leaned her forehead on his chest, breathing heavily. "Wow."

  Stetson smiled, wow was a good word. He stroked her back and kissed her temple. "There is nothing better than having you in my arms."

  She pulled back until she could see
his eyes and she stared. Finally, she smiled and nodded.

  "I have my jammies on," Scotty yelled, from the tent.

  Stetson got to his feet and held his hand out to help Storm. He pulled her up and close. "Time for some good old hunkering."

  Storm laughed. "Scotty will be sleeping in the middle."

  "Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way."

  Feeling cocooned and snuggly, Storm started to wake up. Something wasn't right. Opening her eyes, she turned her head and was surprised to find Stetson lying right next to her, wearing a cocky grin on his face. "What?"

  "Shh, darlin'. Don't wake up the little tyke."

  Storm didn't move. She realized that Stetson had one arm around her and one around Scotty. His tanned muscular arm. If she moved an inch toward him, she'd be lying with her head on his shoulder. His beautiful, broad shoulder.

  "How did you end up in the middle?" she whispered.

  "Scotty had to talk to a man about a horse."

  "You didn't teach him that saying did you? I don't want to have to hear it twenty times a day."

  "Ummm." Stetson kissed her forehead. "Maybe you'll just hear it ten times a day."

  Trying not to smile was impossible. He always made her laugh. Before she knew it, she had her hand on his washboard stomach. He quivered, causing her to shiver.

  "Scotty wanted me in the middle, so I figured why not?" Stetson's eyes twinkled knowingly at her. He gave her his slow sexy grin making her sigh.

  "Morning, Mommy. Morning, Daddy," Scotty said, excitedly. He propped his head up on Stetson's chest and smiled. "Just like real mommies and daddies that sleep together."

  "You know, you're right."

  Storm scrambled out of the sleeping bag before Stetson said anything else. They might have chemistry, but that didn't mean they were getting married.

  She quickly got dressed. She didn't even care who was watching. Grabbing her boots, she stomped out of the tent. Just who did he think he was?

  Sitting on a tree stump, her anger turned into disappointment and hurt. This whole pretense of wanting to be together and go camping was just a set-up. Tears filled her eyes. Was every kiss, every touch as calculated? How could she have believed? Once a fool always a fool.


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