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Stetson's Storm

Page 16

by Kathleen Ball

  "Don't make me beg you to get me naked." Her laughter could no longer be contained. It was a gift to see her so happy, so playful, and so in love.

  Storm shivered, waiting for Stetson to help her. She wanted him more than ever. Her ability to tease and arouse him made her feel a confidence she didn't know she had.

  He knelt in front of her and took off her shoes. Next, he unbuttoned her jeans and had her lift up so he could strip them from her. Butterflies filled her stomach. He was eye level with her most private of parts. He didn't move, he just stared.

  Stetson put his hands on her thighs and she felt such need. He let go of her and stood up.

  "Lift your arms." His husky voice made her tingle.

  It hurt, but she lifted her arms. Stetson drew her top off and threw it aside. He reached around her and unhooked her pink bra. It fell slowly as she leaned forward.

  Storm never wanted anything more than she wanted Stetson. The anticipation alone nearly drove her over the edge. All she wanted was for him to touch her, to make love to her.

  He moved closer and Storm quivered. Stetson scooped her up and put her in the bubbling hot tub.

  "Oh this feels so good." Closing her eyes, she sighed.

  "I'll be back," Stetson called from behind the closing hotel door.

  Shocked, she couldn't imagine where he'd gone. The longer she sat there, the madder she got.

  The water against her back felt nice and she began to relax. The view out the balcony windows made her glory in the wonder of the majestic Grand Tetons. The tops were white -- snow, she mused. Stetson sure did go all out on the honeymoon suite. It was sheer opulence with gold accents everywhere. The bedspread was adorned with several pillows, all in various shades of gold.

  She had laughed last night when she saw the flat screen television in the bathroom. She had secretly hoped that they would make use of the hot tub. She didn't quite expect to be in it alone though.

  She heard the door open and when she looked over, she saw Stetson standing just inside the door holding a bouquet of roses in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other. The sweetness of it brought tears to her eyes.

  "I wanted to do this right." He took three long strides toward her. Bending, he kissed her. "These are for you."

  "They look perfect. Red roses, I don't think I ever got roses before."

  Stetson smiled and walked over to the wet bar. He opened the champagne with a loud popping of the cork. Filling two flutes, he walked over and handed one to her. "Don't drink it yet, I want to make a toast."

  Storm watched as he set his glass down and proceeded to undress. Her stomach quivered when he took off his shirt, exposing his lean, hard muscles. She held her breath watching him remove his pants. She gasped. Her husband was one fine specimen of maleness.

  She wanted to gulp down her champagne right then. She shivered in the hot water with desire. "You're not going to leave me in here again, are you?"

  Stetson grinned at her, grabbed his glass, and got into the hot tub. "I love you Storm. I have for a very long time. I want to toast to a long and happy marriage." He clinked his glass against hers.

  Storm's emotions were on overload. Her body tingled, her heart felt like bursting, and she was on the verge of tears. Sipping the champagne, she felt tears fall onto her face.

  Stetson took her glass from her and put it on the edge of the tub. "How does your back feel?"

  "A bit better."

  He gave her one of his slow sexy smiles and he placed his hands around her waist, lifting her up and over so she was straddling him.

  This is what she'd been waiting for, longing for, and she didn't hold back. She took everything he had to give and then some. She didn't want nice and sweet. She just wanted to get down to business. They had the rest of the night for sweet exploration. Before she knew it, she was screaming to the heavens.

  Stetson cried out her name and held her tight. "Wow."

  "Wow is right."

  Chapter Fifteen

  Storm pulled the collar of her fleece-lined jacket up around her neck. It was a cold wind blowing through Texas. This time of year, one never knew what the weather would be like. Fall was her favorite time of year. It was usually cool enough to get things done without sweating to death.

  They were almost at the canyon. Storm reached down and patted Bandit's neck. Thank God, her back was as good as new. Looking over, she smiled at Stetson. It had only been two days since they got back from Wyoming, but they'd been wonderful, loving days.

  "If I remember correctly the trail out of the canyon is back this way." She pointed Bandit toward the back of the canyon.

  "I hope you can find it. The men have looked and couldn't come up with any type of trail rustlers could use. It's been so damn aggravating."

  Storm nodded and she rode. She had a sick feeling her father was somehow involved in the whole thing. Smitty, her father's foreman, was still missing and from what she could find out, no one was really looking for him. Stetson had spent a good portion of his savings on replenishing the ranch with cattle. Cattle that was slowly dwindling in numbers.

  "You'd think there'd be some type of trail if as many cows went through here." Stetson shook his head.

  Storm stopped Bandit and examined the canyon wall. Smiling she pointed. "There it is."

  "I don't see it."

  "Come on, I'll show you. It leads right to my father's ranch."

  Stetson followed until they were at the well-hidden opening. "Hold up. I want to go first in case of trouble."

  Storm knew better than to argue. Following Stetson and Rosie, she rode into the canyon. It was a narrow passage with terracotta-colored stone walls that seemed to reach the sky. The path wasn't very long, less than a quarter of a mile. She could see the end opening into the McCrory ranch.

  Stetson signaled for her to hold up. She hoped an armed man wasn't waiting on the other side. She held her breath as Stetson rode cautiously forward. It was hard to be brave.

  Storm watched as Stetson dismounted and slowly walked forward, his gun drawn. Bandit started sidestepping and she realized that her hands were shaking, making the horse nervous.

  Stetson was out of sight and Storm felt as though her heart was beating out of her chest. What if he got hurt?

  She breathed a sigh of relief as Stetson walked toward her. He looked worried.

  "I think I'd better take you home."


  "Honey, I don't want you upset."

  Storm studied her husband. Whatever it was, it was bad. "I'll be more upset if you send me home."

  Stetson seemed to search her face before he finally nodded. He helped her down, and took her hand. "It's Smitty. I really don't think you need to see this."

  "Smitty?" Storm broke free and ran to the opening. Looking to her right, she gasped, wishing she had listened to Stetson. She closed her eyes hoping it wasn't true. Opening them again, she turned and threw up. She felt Stetson's arm go around her waist and he handed her a clean bandanna.

  She wiped her mouth and looked at Stetson in horror. "Who would do this?"

  They both turned and watched Smitty's body hanging from a tree limb, blowing in the cold wind.

  Putting his arms around her, Stetson murmured to her. "Don't look." Kissing her temple, he pulled away. "You don't look good."

  "I don't. Oh God, Stetson, who?"

  Stetson grabbed his cell phone and tried to get a signal. "Damn it." He put his arms around Storm's waist.

  "I'll stay here. You go get help." Storm tried to look brave, but she knew it wasn't working.

  "I'm not leaving you. This is murder, Storm, and someone dangerous is out there."

  "Cut him down. Please Stetson, cut him down." Storm began to weep. "I can't bear it, he was such a big part of my childhood."

  Stetson lifted Storm onto Rosie. He swung up behind her.

  "Do you think he's been there all this time?" She leaned back against him.

  "I'm afraid so. I'm sorry I brought you
out here."

  She shook her head. "No, don't blame yourself for any of it. I'm glad we found him. Now at least he can have a proper burial."

  Stetson guided through the canyon and onto his spread. "Hold on, I'm going to try the phone again."

  It worked and he got a hold of Chief Gordon.

  Storm turned her head. "Is he coming?"

  "He's on his way." Stetson swung down from the leather saddle. Reaching up, he lifted Storm down. "He wants us to wait here."

  He led her to a nearby cottonwood tree and sat her down. He sat behind her with his back against the tree trunk and pulled Storm between his legs until she was leaning on his chest. "Shocking."

  Storm nodded, but didn't say anything. It was all too much.

  Finally, after a while, she let out a big sigh. "All roads lead to my father. No matter which way I look at it, it all keeps coming back to him. I just don't understand. He had enough wealth before he kicked me out. Nothing seems to make sense anymore."

  Stetson rubbed his hands up and down her arms. The temperature was dropping. "It all seems to have started the night your dad came over to see my father about the pregnancy. Their actions after that meeting never made any sense."

  Storm put her hands over Stetson's and entwined her fingers with his. "That's true. He left the ranch gunning for you, and came home and put me out. I've thought about it almost every day since, and I keep wondering, why? I wondered how he could just stop loving me. I mean, I was pregnant and unmarried, but I never dreamed he could be so cruel. It made me feel worthless. You know the rest. Nellie was the only one who gave me any type of support besides Lottie Burns. I can't take much more, Stetson."

  Stetson hugged her close. "This time you're not alone. You have me."

  "Mommy, can you read me a story?" Scotty gave her his most adorable smile. He was dressed in his Batman pajamas, cape included. Nellie had just gotten them for him and Scotty had been flying off everything imaginable. Thank goodness, Stetson was quick to catch him.

  Stetson picked his son up and nuzzled his neck until he squealed with laughter. Buck was jumping up on Stetson in a panic. "Tell you what, partner, I'll read a story tonight. We'll let your mommy rest."

  Storm's heart filled with love for her two men, but there was also a slight pang that Scotty didn't insist she put him to bed. "Sounds like a plan. No stories with guns in them."

  Both Stetson and Scotty looked at her and frowned. "Daddy, how are we going to read cowboy books? Cowboys have guns."

  "We'll skip any gun parts. We're men, we can make it work."

  Storm wanted to laugh and roll her eyes. "Goodnight you two."

  "It's your bedtime too, Daddy. Yeah!"

  They made quite a sight with Scotty in Stetson's arms. Scotty had his arms out in front of him pretending to fly and Buck ran after them.

  Nellie walked in with two mugs of tea. "Here, it's decaf."

  Storm smiled at her. It was obvious Nellie was pregnant now. She glowed so much it warmed Storm's heart. "Thank you. Long day."

  "I'm so sorry about Smitty." Nellie sat down on the leather couch next to Storm.

  Storm nodded and just stared at the massive stone fireplace in front of them. Although it was cold out, they didn't light the fire. Nellie was feeling too hot as it was. Storm smiled, remembering her pregnancy. Too hot had made her crazy.

  "It's a nasty way to die." She looked at Nellie. "Why did my father insist that you marry him?"

  Nellie sighed. "It's confusing, but I'll tell you what I know. Soon after Stetson left, cattle from other ranches were found on our land. Chief Gordon came and so did the other ranchers. Daddy didn't know anything about it, but I know they didn't believe him. He lost a lot of respect and a lot of friends that day."

  Nellie traced the flower pattern on her mug with her finger. "Then we started losing cattle ourselves. Chief Gordon wasn't much help. Little by little, the ranch lost money. Then there was the grass fire that killed almost 200 head. Someone dug holes in the ground and we lost a couple horses. They stepped in them and they couldn't be saved."

  "I never knew. I was a bit shocked when I came here to help you out, and the buildings weren't in the best of shape."

  "Money became really tight. Daddy took out a mortgage against the ranch and we managed to pay for a while, but..." Looking at Storm, her eyes filled with tears.

  Storm put her arm around Nellie. "You can tell me later. I don't want you upset."

  "Daddy couldn't figure out who was behind the whole thing until we missed a mortgage payment. McCrory stepped in, and loaned Daddy the money. At first Daddy thought McCrory did it out of friendship. It came down to the fact that we couldn't pay the bank or your father. Your father demanded me in return for paying off the mortgage."

  "Oh my God. Oh Nellie, I'm so sorry." Tears filled Storm's eyes. Her father hadn't just been cruel to her; he'd been evil to the Scott's.

  Tears streamed down Nellie face as she took Storm's hand. "It was a pretty bad time. I was in love with Joe, and your father was getting very insistent. Daddy's heart just gave out, and Stetson came home."

  "Yet you still brought me diapers and food and clothes. Nellie, I'm so sorry. Maybe I could have done something if I had known."

  Nellie gave Storm's hand a squeeze. "I doubt it. None of this is your fault. Now it looks like the same thing is happening again. We're losing cattle, and now Smitty is dead."

  Shell-shocked, Storm just sat there. How could her father have been so callous. Why? Why would he go after the Scotts?

  "Where does Chrissy come into this?"

  Nellie smiled. "That little tart just wants my brother. Maybe she really thought McCrory could make Stetson marry her."

  "She didn't get her wish, but we need to be safe. Smitty is dead."

  "Damn right." Stetson walked into the family room. "I'm going to get to the bottom of this, so don't worry and don't meddle."

  Both women stared at him and he knew the look. "What did I do now?"

  Nellie giggled, while Storm stood up and put her hands on her hips. "Meddle?"

  "Yes, meddle. Just stay out of the whole thing."

  "For your information, this whole thing isn't something I can stay out of. I'm smack dab in the middle of it. I'm going over to the ranch and talk to my father. It's the only way to get answers."

  "Damn it--"

  "Daddy said damn!" Scotty peeked around the doorway.

  Storm started toward her son, but Nellie reached him first. "I'll take the little one back to bed." She scooped Scotty up and was gone.

  The corner of Storm's lips twitched. "You know you really need to stop saying damn."

  "He was sleeping when I left." Stetson took a step toward her and took her hand. He pulled her toward him until she was safe within the circle of his arms. "I'm sorry."

  Her eyes widened. "You are?"

  "What? I never say sorry?"

  A ghost of a smile graced her face. "No, you say it. I'm just surprised that you're sorry that you said I couldn't go see my father."

  Stetson frowned. "You are not going to talk to your father."

  "Oh no?"

  Stetson groaned. Leaning down, he slanted his lips across hers

  "I know what you're up to."

  Stetson kissed her again. "Is it working?" He ran his strong hands up and down her back.

  Pulling back, Storm stared into his eyes. He might be a tyrant, but he was her tyrant. "Maybe." Her smile gave her away.

  "Put your arms around my neck, I want to carry you upstairs." Picking her up, he started toward the staircase.

  "Our differences will still be there after you take me to heaven."

  Stetson's wide smile made her blush. "Heaven huh?" He looked so pleased with himself.

  "Just love me, and then we can fight."

  Holding her over the bed, he dropped her, causing her to bounce. "I've changed my mind."

  Sitting up, Storm crossed her arms and gave him a penetrating stare. "What are you talking about now? I
can go see my father?"

  Shaking his head, he sighed. "I can't make love to you knowing that when we're done you'll still be a stubborn hen."

  Feeling her mouth drop open, Storm felt rage. Making love had been his idea. "What's going on? Did you think that I'd change my mind after being in the sack with you?"

  "In the sack? Nice, Storm, real nice." Running his fingers across his beard, he stared at her. His eyes narrowed, making her feel less than desirable.

  Feeling her eyes grow wet, she turned away. "I don't know what's going on with me. I don't want to fight with you. In fact, I want to help you."

  The bed jostled as Stetson sat next to her. He put his hand under her chin trying to get her to look at him. "I love you. I'm just scared to death that someone else will get hurt. I'd never try to change your mind with sex. I would have thought you'd know that I'm a man of integrity. I guess you don't."

  Stetson looked so serious and so hurt. Her heart dropped, knowing she was the cause. "Stetson."

  Putting his finger over her lip, he stopped her. "Go on to bed. I'll be up in a while."

  Watching him leave the room, Storm felt sick to her stomach. Once again, it was her fault. Marriage certainly wasn't easy. Of course, Stetson had integrity. He needed space she surmised. Getting into her nightgown, Storm crawled into the cold, lonely bed. Tears seeped out of her eyes until she eventually fell asleep.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Waking, Storm felt so snuggly warm. Wanting to enjoy the feel of Stetson's brawny arms around her, she stayed still. She knew he wouldn't have her in his arms if awake.

  It was going to be a hard day. Stetson may never forgive her, but she was going. Slipping carefully out of the bed, she grabbed her clothes, and took one last glimpse at Stetson.

  A smile lingered on her lips while she took in the sight of him, almost boyish in his sleep. His face seemed relaxed, not at all how he appeared when he was awake. Lately he'd looked stressed. It was her hope that going to see her father would take some of the stress away.


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