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Love Chaos

Page 29

by Ute Jackle

  Erdie was a bit bummed, because Rhashmi would soon be leaving for Mumbai for her six-month program to help implement a project on sustainable drinking water abstraction. I was just about to cheer him up with a stupid joke when Rhashmi nudged me excitedly.

  “Look at that.”


  Her hands were shaking as if she were hyper or something. “Check out Martin’s girlfriend,” she said under her breath, pointing to the side.

  My eyes nearly popped out of my head. Psycho-Johanna was standing about five yards away, her belly visibly rounded under her sand-colored tunic. That was clearly a baby bump. I couldn’t believe it. Rhashmi pressed a hand to her mouth while I gaped at Martin and his girlfriend in a mixture of embarrassment and fascination.

  “I don’t believe it,” I finally muttered, nearly choking on my own breath. Martin had reproduced. I couldn’t even imagine what this meant for the world. In my thoughts, I felt deeply sorry for the future generation.

  “Don’t believe what?” Ben asked next to me.

  “Martin’s girlfriend is pregnant,” I said, nodding to the side.

  A broad grin grew on Ben’s lips. “It could’ve been you if you hadn’t been so cocky back then.”

  I shuddered. “In that case, I’m better off with you,” I quipped with a mischievous grin, which caused Ben to put one hand around the back of my neck.

  “I’m the best thing that could’ve ever happened to you.” He made clear.

  “A bullseye, so to speak.” I snuggled up to his chest.

  “You hit the jackpot,” he agreed.

  Rhashmi tapped me on the shoulder. “Shall we go over to say hi to Martin?”

  I forgot all my reservations at once. “Back in a bit.” Waving to Ben, I let my curiosity win over and carry me the short distance across the linoleum floor. To be on the safe side, I let Rhashmi take the lead, arriving two steps ahead of me. Better safe than sorry.

  “Hey, Martin.” She tapped him on the shoulder. “Congratulations on the award.”

  “Yes, congratulations,” I agreed, raising my champagne glass and putting as much enthusiasm into these two words as I could manage.

  “Thanks.” He seemed genuinely happy, his ears turning pink, as if someone had pressed a hot iron on them. “But I knew I was gonna get that award.”

  “Who else,” said Rhashmi, giving a pointed look at Johanna’s stomach. “Looks like there’s another award coming up too.”

  “Two, actually.” He beamed like the August sun, but there was a tenderness in his eyes when his gaze lingered on Johanna.

  She seemed extremely reserved and had even moved a step away from me, which almost made me feel guilty. I planned to get out of there, asap.

  “Wow, you’re having twins—that’s great.” I smiled at Johanna despite myself. I couldn’t help it. She was a pregnant woman carrying two babies under her heart. I just couldn’t stay mad at her any longer.

  “Yeah, we’re all really excited.” She finally joined in the conversation, reaching for Martin’s hand. “Next week, we’re moving to Vienna.”

  “I’m going to get my PhD at the University of Vienna,” Martin added. “Why don’t you come see us sometime?” He cocked his head and smiled at me.

  Sometimes I really didn’t know what was going through this guy’s strange brain. “Maybe one day. You guys need to get settled first.” Now I really needed to get away from them. I felt like I was walking into a minefield again. “Well, you guys take care and have a nice delivery and all that.”

  I pulled Rhashmi away by her sleeve, who was still shaking her head in disbelief.

  “At least they’re moving to another country,” she whispered, and I nodded in assent. Then she returned to her extended family, and I noticed that my dad and Ben were talking amicably. Nice!

  “Ben invited us over for breakfast tomorrow,” my dad told me, holding hands with Grace. “And now, we’re going back to the hotel. It’s getting late, and the jet lag is kicking in.”

  It was lovely to see my dad so happy after all these years. To my relief, there wasn’t even a twinge of jealousy inside of me. On the contrary, I felt he absolutely deserved being in love with this wonderful woman. We had both found our dream partners. “Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.”

  Then Ben leaned over to whisper in my ear, “Let’s go home too.” With a wink, he added, “Anything Martin can do, we can do better!”

  * * *





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