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Her Sinful Angel (Her Angel: Eternal Warriors paranormal romance series Book 5)

Page 19

by Felicity Heaton

  Nina’s lips curved into a soft smile and she stepped close enough to him that he could touch her cheek as he clearly needed to. He brushed his fingers across it as she continued walking, his head dipping to keep his eyes locked on hers.

  She pressed her left hand to his black breastplate, tilted her head back and smiled up at him. “You have a heart.”

  He opened his mouth and she lifted her right hand and pressed her finger to his lips to silence him.

  “You have my heart.”

  Warmth flooded his golden eyes and she heated inside, feeling light as he gathered her into his arms and pressed a kiss to her fingertip.

  “You are not lying,” he whispered against it and she was tempted to chastise him for still wanting to doubt her, but she let it go instead.

  She could understand why he couldn’t accept the heart she was offering him, her love and devotion, and that it was going to take him time to overcome the doubts that lived within him, born of his position and his past.

  She would give him that time and she would make him understand. She would keep showing him that she loved him and wanted to be with him. She would show him every day that her feelings for him were true, until the day that he believed her, and beyond.

  She would never stop showing him.

  Nina slid her arms around his neck, locked her hands behind his head, and tiptoed as she lured him down to her.

  She pressed her lips to his and he tensed, going still for a heartbeat before he responded. He curled his arms around her back, grabbed her bottom, and raised her up him. His mouth claimed hers, the ferocity of his kiss melting her and tearing a moan from her lips.

  He pulled back from her, his golden eyes searching hers, flooded with hope and affection that brought a smile to her lips and only made her want to kiss him again.

  She placed her hands against his cheeks, held his gaze, and lost herself in it.

  She wasn’t afraid of him or what she was doing. She felt certain that this was where she belonged, that this was her destiny, and that she would be happiest here. She wanted no part of Lucifer’s duties, but she understood that he had to carry them out. He was part of the balance in the world.

  A world that she was going to bring a child into with him.

  It still sounded crazy to her.

  But it was the best sort of crazy and she wouldn’t change it.

  “You’re going to be a wonderful father,” she whispered and his expression softened, bringing a smile back onto her lips.

  He began to smile but it wavered, and a trace of fear entered his eyes. She shook her head but it didn’t stop that fear from taking root and spreading. Nina smoothed her palms over his cheeks and stroked his black hair, needing to soothe him. She didn’t want to think about what might happen. She wanted the next nine months with him to be heaven, not spent living in fear.

  “You’ll never let anything bad happen to me.” She ran her fingers through his hair, sure of that in her heart.

  Resolve vanquished the fear in his eyes. “And what makes you say that, Little Mortal?”

  “Because you like me.” Nina was beginning to think that meeting Erin had unleashed her playful side, the one that had been dormant for nearly a decade, because she couldn’t stop teasing him now that she knew he responded to it so wonderfully.

  He stared at her in silence. “Like?”

  She nodded. He frowned and turned with her, carrying her towards the four-poster bed.

  “I do not think like is the right word.” A flicker of mischief shone in his eyes and she had to force herself not to smile as the heavy air in the room lifted, becoming lighter and warmer with each step he took and each inch further he relaxed.

  “Oh, it isn’t?” She wrinkled her nose up and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Adore then. You adore me.”

  He shook his head, set one knee down on the bed and laid her down on it. He braced his hands on either side of her shoulders, his gaze tender as he looked down at her.

  “I believe the word you are looking for is love.” He went to dip his head to kiss her.

  Nina pressed her palms to his chest. “Love?”

  He nodded, his golden eyes sincere and filled with that emotion. “I love you.”

  It was her turn to stare at him. She hadn’t actually thought he would come out and say it.

  He grinned wickedly, dropped his head and kissed her hard.

  Nina moaned into his mouth, arched her body up to press into his, and pulled him down against her. He groaned and rolled with her, bringing her up on top of him, and her eyes widened as cool air washed over her.

  She was naked.

  She pressed her hands to his chest.

  His bare chest.

  Heat spread through her, turning her blood to fire as only he could and making her burn for him. She had the feeling that there were some powers he had that she would come to love.

  The ability to make clothing disappear being top of that list.

  Nina looked down at the man beneath her, not seeing an evil being at the centre of a thousand tales of terror, but seeing a man who had just laid his heart on the line and made himself vulnerable, exposing the softest parts of himself with his confession. He had braved rejection, had stripped himself bare for her, and now she would show him that he had no reason to fear, because she loved him deeply too.

  All of him.

  She raised her hands from his chest, reaching towards his handsome face. His golden eyes tracked her every move, and he tensed when she didn’t stop to caress his cheeks, instead choosing to skim her fingers across the tips of the shiny obsidian horns that curled from his tousled black hair. He closed his eyes and tried to turn away, attempting to shun her touch, and she made a noise of disapproval in her throat.

  His eyes flicked open, sliding towards her and narrowing as they did so, but they held only confusion, not any irritation that she had reprimanded him, a powerful and dangerous man.

  “Don’t pull away from me, Lucifer,” she whispered and his gaze softened and warmed, his body relaxing beneath hers, and she again felt she held power over him whenever she uttered his name.

  She would whisper it a thousand times over into the shell of his ear, against the smooth column of his throat, and across his hard chest if it would make him listen to her and believe that she loved him. She wanted to capture and captivate him just as he had her.

  She wanted him to know that he truly held her heart in his hands now, and forever.

  Nina pressed her fingers to his horns and angled his head back towards her. He didn’t resist this time, and she thanked him with a tender smile. She stroked the curves of his horns and he shuddered beneath her, a groan leaving his lips as they parted and he tilted his head back, pressing it into the dark covers.

  His hands claimed her hips, short black claws pressing into her flesh, and his eyes slipped shut.

  “Nina,” he murmured, voice thick with tension but edged with passion, hunger that she could feel the evidence of pressing against her slick core.

  She ground against his rock hard length, ripping a feral grunt from him and making him dig his claws in deeper.

  “You’re beautiful,” she whispered and he frowned and looked at her, his golden gaze questioning her sanity. She giggled and skimmed her hands down his horns, and his eyebrows furrowed as he sank his short fangs into his lower lip, every muscle on his torso tensing as he shuddered again. He liked that, and she planned to use it against him whenever she wanted to get her own way. “You are, Lucifer.”

  The one-two punch of stroking his horns and uttering his name seemed to be his undoing. He growled and rolled with her, so swiftly her head spun as she landed on her back on the mattress beneath him.

  When the dizziness passed, she found herself staring up at a very different male.

  Black shadow wings fluttered from his shoulders, shutting out the rest of the room and keeping her focus locked on him.

  As if she could focus on anything else when he was we
dged between her bare thighs, his hard cock pressing against her aching centre.

  She would have rubbed herself against it to alleviate that ache if he hadn’t looked so damn serious again.

  His horns had flared forwards, reminding her of a bull, and the tips of his ears were pointed. The gold in his eyes was gone, crimson burning fiercely in its place. The intensity of his gaze pinned her as effectively as the delicious weight of his body.

  He was testing her.

  She wouldn’t fail, because she didn’t see a monster above her, as he wanted her to. She only saw Lucifer.

  She saw the man she loved with all of her heart.

  Nina raised her hands, fearlessly lifting them towards his face and not hesitating, not even when his skin paled, and his lips darkened towards black and peeled off twin rows of sharp teeth.

  She sighed and brushed her fingers across his sculpted cheeks, ignoring his snarl as she stroked his pale skin.

  “You don’t frighten me, Lucifer,” she murmured softly and wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing the heels of her feet into his bare backside and locking him in place against her. “I’m not going to run away… I’m staying right here… can’t you see that?”

  He didn’t look as if he could.

  Nina’s heart ached for him.

  She cupped his cheeks, brushing the lobes of his pointed ears, and slowly drew him down towards her as she searched his eyes, hoping he would see the truth in hers and believe what she was about to say.

  “Can’t you see that I love you?”

  Gold shot through the crimson in his eyes as they widened.

  She opened her mouth to tell him again that she loved him, to say it over and over until he believed her and believed that someone in this world could love him, that he deserved every drop of the affection she felt for him.

  He swooped on it before she could get the first word out, swallowing it in a fierce kiss that set her on fire.

  Nina instantly responded, tugging him closer to her as she kissed him with all the passion and affection she felt for him. His sharp teeth grazed her tongue, making her flinch, and then gasp in surprise when they were suddenly smooth and straight again. He had changed them for her, because she was right about him.

  He could never hurt her.

  She moaned as she angled her head and deepened the kiss, losing herself in it as Lucifer gathered her into his arms, shifting his hands beneath her shoulders before curling his fingers over them to lock her in place against him.

  He groaned and nibbled her lip before kissing down her jaw. She tilted her head, leading him towards her throat, and sighed as he skimmed his lips down it, pausing briefly to nip at her flesh and send a thousand volts shooting down her body. Her nipples tightened and her belly heated, aching with a need to feel him inside her, completing her again. She rocked against him, trying to gain a glimmer of satisfaction.

  Lucifer swept his mouth down over her collarbone, his body sliding lower between her legs as he moved, and she huffed as the hot hard length she had been enjoying rubbing against was stolen away from her.

  She wanted it back.

  She curled her hands around his horns and he groaned against her breast before wrapping his lips around her left nipple and sucking it into his mouth, hard enough to rip a gasp from her. Tingles shot out in all directions as he suckled, spearing her belly and stoking the inferno there. She whimpered and writhed beneath him, silently begging him to give her some relief.

  When he refused to move, she pressed down on his horns, pushing him towards where she needed him.

  He lifted his head and narrowed his golden eyes on her, a sultry and seductive edge to his gaze that thrilled her.

  Nina bit her lip and kept pressing him downwards, guiding him. The more she forced him, the darker his gaze grew, the hunger in it spiralling to match the ferocity of the one living inside her. He liked her commanding him.

  She shoved harder.

  Lucifer snarled, grabbed her hips in a bruising grip, and pushed her up the bed with such force that she gasped. An electric thrill shot through her and she wanted to push him again, craved the feel of him using his strength on her, dominating her and taking command.

  He did just that as he dropped his head, spearing her folds with his tongue as his fingers clutched her hips, pressing in so hard she felt sure she would have bruises come the morning.

  She didn’t care.

  The feel of his tongue stroking over her nub, flicking and laving it, was worth any bruises she might pick up.

  She moaned and arched her back, raising herself against his face, seeking more from his wicked tongue. He groaned against her and shifted his hands, grasping her bottom and holding her off the bed as he tormented her. Each deep hard stroke of his tongue took her higher, teasing her until she felt as if she was floating but at the same time it was torture. She needed more. It wasn’t enough.

  She pressed her heels into the mattress and rocked against his face as she threw her hands above her head and clutched the pillows, twisting them in her fists. Moan after moan left her lips but he refused to give her what she needed.

  “Lucifer,” she whispered breathlessly.

  He groaned and dropped lower, and the feel of his cool horns pressing into her thighs sent a stronger bolt of electricity through her, thrilling her and pushing her closer to the edge. He teased her entrance with his tongue, his horns wedging her thighs apart, and then lapped at her pert nub again, circling it before suckling lightly, causing a thousand tiny shivers to cascade through her. He shifted one hand, feathering his fingers down her folds, and her breath caught, anticipation ratcheting up to an unbearable degree as he stroked and caressed, circled her slick entrance but refused to press inside. She screwed her face up, the agonising wait making her restless and hungry, filled with a fierce need to feel him inside her.

  She wriggled her hips, tried to catch his finger, to make him enter her, but he evaded her each time she was close.

  She couldn’t take it.

  “Please,” she murmured and released the pillows and reached for him. She needed more from him than teasing, craved the feel of him inside her, filling her up, being one with her, both of them lost in their passion. “I need you, Lucifer.”

  He lifted his head and she managed to open her eyes and look down the length of her body at him.

  His golden eyes challenged her to say that again.

  “I need you,” she said, holding his gaze, and opened her arms to him. “I love you.”

  He growled, flashing fangs, and covered her with his body, driving into her in one hard deep thrust as his mouth claimed hers.

  Nina cried into it as his rigid length filled her, stretching her and satisfying her ache to feel him inside her again.

  She kissed him as he withdrew and plunged back into her, wrapped her arms around his neck and held on to him. When he tried to slow his frantic pace, she deepened the kiss and twined her legs around him, driving him on. She didn’t want slow. Not this time. She wanted to feel him, feel his passion and need, and know it matched her own. She wanted to show him that they could let go and love each other, with nothing held back.

  He grunted and flexed his hips, tearing a moan from her as he thrust deeper inside her before withdrawing almost all the way out of her. Each long stroke of his cock drove her higher, sending her out of her mind with a need to reach the precipice with him and tumble into a hazy abyss of bliss together.

  She ploughed the fingers of her right hand through his hair, clinging to him as he drove into her, relentless and wild. Her left hand skimmed across his shoulder, short nails pressing in briefly as he struck deep inside her, pulling a cry of pleasure from her lips. She fumbled, looking for something to grasp and anchor her to him as he made love with her.

  Nina grabbed the base of his wing.

  Lucifer slammed forwards, driving hard into her, and arched upwards, throwing his head back as he roared.

  The heat in her belly exploded, rushing through he
r, filling her blood with sparks that detonated in waves as her body quivered in time with his, quaking as bliss overcame her. His hard length throbbed, sending rippling aftershocks through her, heightening her pleasure. He breathed hard above her, his face screwed up, reflecting the ecstasy that filled every inch of her. His arms trembled, his body juddering as his climax rolled through him.

  When his breathing levelled, he slowly opened his eyes and looked to his right, at her hand where it still grasped his wing, and then down at her, mild surprise written in the handsome lines of his face.

  “I didn’t realise they were so sensitive,” she said, breathless as she struggled for air, marvelling at how fiercely he had reacted.

  She had thought his horns were a trigger point for him, a method of getting her own way. The way he reacted whenever she touched them was nothing compared with how he had reacted when she had touched his wing.

  She couldn’t resist stroking her fingers along the soft arch of it to test her theory.

  Lucifer shuddered, his face screwing up again, hips thrusting forwards to drive his softening length deeper into her. Yeah, he definitely had a thing for that. The moment she released him, he huffed and pinned her with a dark look she guessed was meant to be threatening.

  “Do not think you have power over me, Little Mortal.”

  Nina smiled wickedly. “I don’t think I have power over you, Lucifer.”

  She curled her hands around the nape of his neck and drew him down to her, capturing his lips in a soft kiss.

  She whispered against his mouth, “I know I do.”

  He surprised her by chuckling and rolling with her, drawing her on top of him. “You will have to be patient with me, Nina. It has been a very long time since I had a master. I fear I will not submit to your rule easily or without a fight.”

  She pressed a kiss to his lips and stroked her fingers across his chest. “I don’t want to rule you. I don’t want to be your superior. I just want to stand by your side… and perhaps boss you around in the bedroom.”

  “That, I can live with. You will make me a fine queen.”

  Her eyes widened. She had never thought of herself as his queen, but she supposed if he ruled Hell as its king, she would become known as his lady and the occupants of the realm might view her as their queen. She wasn’t sure she would ever get used to such a thing, and she didn’t even want to think about it right now. She just wanted to be with Lucifer.


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