The Undercover Life (Spy Academy Book 1)

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The Undercover Life (Spy Academy Book 1) Page 5

by Scarlett Haven

  I smirk. “I’m sure you can help me stretch, Luke.”

  His face turns slightly red as he realizes... helping me stretch definitely means he would put his hands all over my body. Not that I’d mind, but... Killian is already my ‘friend.’ I don’t need a second one, even if Luke is very attractive.

  “That isn’t what I meant.” He lowers his head.

  “Luke, I would love for you to help me stretch.” I put my hand on his shoulder. “And I definitely won’t mind you putting your hands all over my body.”

  His face lights up. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  I turn to walk away, then hear him talk from behind me.

  “Hey, you were joking about the hands all over your body, right?”

  I ignore his question and keep walking.

  I’d rather keep him guessing.

  Wednesday, August 12

  Not nice.

  I wish I was a better computer hacker.

  I mean, I am good enough, don’t get me wrong. But there is something I am struggling with hacking. I’ve been trying to do it every single day since I got here, but I can’t seem to crack the code. It’s really frustrating being so close to something, yet so far away.

  Not wanting to spend too much time on it, I head to breakfast. But I’m still working out the code in my head, and I keep hitting the same stupid wall. I need somebody smarter than me.

  I sit down at the table with Hendrix.

  “What’s the matter with you?” Hendrix asks.

  I furrow my brows.

  Hendrix has the hook ups in this school. Maybe he knows somebody who can figure the code out for me.

  “Hey, who is the best computer hacker in the school?” I sit up straighter, feeling a new sense of hope.

  I really should’ve paid more attention during my hacking classes. And I did do well in them. I passed them all. But I’m still just average. I’m good, but not great. It’s just that hacking never really interested me. I was always more into other things. If I would’ve known how important hacking would be...

  Most people at Spy School are on a team. So, where they are weak, their team member will be strong. But it’s just me, so I have to be strong enough to self-sustain myself. And therein lies the problem. Maybe I really am a failure, like my parents think.

  Hendrix taps his chin. “Ellie is good. But the best... is probably Carson Thomas.”

  I nod. “Okay. Do you know where he is?”

  Hendrix points across the cafeteria. “But you should know, Carson doesn’t really like anybody.”

  I turn around to see where he is pointing, and I see a guy sitting on the other side of the cafeteria. He’s sitting all by himself, but he doesn’t look so unapproachable from here.

  Getting people to like me is something I excel at. I don’t know why, but people just like me. I don’t get it, because I don’t feel like I’m a likable person. But I can turn on the charm and charisma when needed.

  “Challenge accepted.” I turn toward the other side of the cafeteria. I take my food and energy drink with me. I’m definitely going to need the energy drink.

  As I get closer, I notice the text on his shirt says ‘Go away.’


  But I got Jesse to like me, so getting Carson to like me shouldn’t be a problem, right?

  I sit down at the table, not saying a word to Carson.

  “Did you not read the shirt?” He doesn’t bother looking up from his laptop that is sitting in front of him.

  “I just didn’t care,” I respond.

  He huffs, looking up from his computer. He opens his mouth, probably to smart off something, then he freezes as his eyes meet mine.

  “I’m Brooklyn Taylor. It’s nice to meet you.”

  When I speak, he seems to regain his composure, so he narrows his eyes. “I don’t care who you are, I don’t want you to sit with me.”

  Carson Thomas is a good-looking guy. He’s got dirty-blond hair and big blue eyes that draw you in. His eyelashes are long, the kind most girls pay hundreds of dollars to get, and it’s just natural on him. I do wonder why he pushes people away. If I could figure that out, maybe I could get him to talk to me. Or maybe if I found a common interest.

  “I have a question. About a code,” I say, hoping to catch his interest. “I heard that you are the best hacker in this school, and I don’t want anything less than the best.”

  He narrows his eyes. “And why should I help you, Brooklyn Taylor?”

  I shrug. “I’ll do whatever you want in return.”

  “I’m not interested in sexual favors.”

  I wrinkle my nose in disgust. “Dude, I’m not sucking your dick. I just meant I’ll give you something in return. A favor, money, whatever.”

  His lip turns up on the corner. “This favor... are there stipulations?”

  I consider his words carefully. “I just won’t do anything that will get me kicked out of Spy School. And no sexual favors, I’m not a prostitute.” I can’t believe he even thought that I meant that to begin with.

  He sticks out his hand. “Brooklyn Taylor, you have yourself a deal. But know that if you go back on your word, I am not one to forgive. You will pay.”

  I shake his hand.

  People from Spy School are sometimes dramatic, but I get the feeling he means what he’s saying.

  Carson Thomas is kind of a scary dude.

  “Don’t tell anybody I agreed to help you, and meet me in my dorm at eleven o’clock tonight. Don’t let anybody see you come.”

  “What is your dorm room number?” I inquire.

  He turns his attention back to his computer. “Figure it out on your own, but don’t ask one of your friends. Now leave before somebody else thinks it’s okay to come over here.”


  Maybe somebody needs to come over here. Dude could use some friends.

  I walk back toward the table where Hendrix is sitting and sit across from him again.

  “How’d it go?”

  “You were right. He’s not nice.”

  Hendrix grins. “Told ya.”

  But he’s going to help me, and beggars can’t be choosers at this point.


  I head to my history class a little bit earlier than normal. Even though I know Jaxon doesn’t usually show up until right as class begins, I’m still excited to get in there. Just thinking about him gives me butterflies, which kind of pisses me off.

  Why do I have to have a crush on the one guy who is completely unattainable to me?

  I try to think about something else, anything else.

  “Hello, Gorgeous.”

  I was so distracted, I didn’t even hear Killian walk up.

  “Hello, Friend.” I hope that calling him friend will remind him that we are just friends. I’m hoping that now that it’s the morning, he regrets asking me to be his girlfriend last night. It was just something he did because we had good sex.

  “We should definitely be more than friends.” Killian smiles, his dimples showing. “You and I would be good together.”

  “Yeah, and everybody thinks a fourth shot of tequila is a good idea until they wake up naked on the beach.” I shake my head. “Mexico will kick your ass, Killian. Just trust me.”

  He throws his head back and laughs. “I suddenly want to go to Mexico with you.”

  Killian is trouble in the best kind of way. “Or we could just hang out in your dorm room after school again. My pussy has never been happier.”

  “Brooklyn, language! Geez.”

  I look up and see Jaxon walking into the classroom. He’s early today, and I am embarrassed about what he just heard, but I decide to just own up to it.

  “You could always join us,” I suggest. “It’s been a while since I had two guys at once.”

  Killian raises an eyebrow. “Mexico?”

  “Tokyo,” I correct.

  He nods, like that explains everything.

  Jaxon narrows his eyes. “Brooklyn, can I see y
ou in my office?”

  I shrug, standing up from my desk. “Uh, sure.”

  Now I’m nervous. Why is Jaxon asking to see me in his office alone? I wonder if he’s going to discourage my relationship with Killian again, or if this is something else. Is he going to give me detention again for talking about having sex with him? Certainly, he’s just grown used to that by now.

  “Shut the door.” He leans against his desk, and then motions for me to take a seat in the chair once the door is shut.

  I sit down.

  He stays quiet for a moment, and I’m a little nervous about what is going to come out of his mouth next, but I don’t say a word to him while he works out whatever he needs to in his head. I know he’s thinking hard about something right now.

  His green eyes meet mine. “Brooklyn, you know there is nothing in your file about you going to Mexico or Tokyo, right?”

  Oh, my gosh.

  He read my file?

  This is Spy School. Of course, he read my file.

  I shouldn’t speak so freely about adventures I have taken. I know that, but I just wasn’t thinking.

  Despite the fact that I am freaking out, I try to play it cool. I just lean closer and smile. “Jaxon, you read my file? I had no idea you were interested in my personal life like that.”

  He doesn’t smile, though. Not at all. “Your file reads so perfectly, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think it was fake.”

  I fight to keep my face neutral, and I am suddenly grateful for all those acting classes my mom put me through when I was a kid. “Maybe I was just lying to Killian to make myself seem more interesting. You seem to think I’m obsessed with him for some reason. Maybe I’m trying to make him like me.”

  Jaxon narrows his eyes. “I may be a teacher, but I hear gossip, too. I know he asked you to be his girlfriend, but you turned him down. I also know that you’re lying; I just don’t know why you’re lying. You’ve been to Mexico, and you’ve been to Tokyo. You also don’t need French lessons.”

  “Eh, my French is a little rusty.” I lift one shoulder, shrugging. He already knows I’m lying, so I might as well go with it. I’ve pretty much ruled Jaxon out as a suspect, but if my cover has been blown, I need to know.

  “I am watching you. And if I see anything suspicious at all, I will be calling Michael Sinclair about you.”

  That makes me grin. “If you call him, tell him I said hello.”

  I get up from the chair, not bothering to wait to be dismissed.

  Jaxon Duran doesn’t have a clue what I’m doing at Spy School, which is a relief, but he definitely knows I’m lying. I’m going to have to be very careful over the next few days.

  Date us both.

  At lunch, when I sit down with my smoothie, Ellie isn’t sitting alone at our usual table. Hendrix is there, which I expected, but Luke, and Killian are also there. I’m a little confused as to why those two are here, but it’s a nice surprise.

  I like Luke. Not only is he a good sparring partner, but we’re also becoming friends. I honestly didn’t think we’d talk much outside of training though, but I don’t mind.

  Killian, on the other hand... he’s becoming a problem. Despite the fact that I’m desperately trying to keep my distance from him, I find my feelings for him are quickly growing. I like him, and that is a terrifying thought.

  When I was with Jules in France, it was easy to keep our relationship simple. My mind was always on the mission, as it should be. And, despite the fact that we had amazing sexual chemistry, we really had nothing else in common. We were never really connected or had a friendship.

  With Killian, I have a lot in common. Like, we are scarily alike.

  We would make a good team.

  The thought hits me completely by surprise, and it makes my chest ache.

  I need to cut things off with Killian before I break his heart, or mine, but I just can’t bring myself to do it yet.

  And then there are my feelings for Jaxon, which I don’t even want to think about right now.

  “Yo, Brooklyn, you’ve got balls of steel.” Hendrix hold up his fist, so I pound mine against his.

  “Why do I have balls of steel?” I take my seat between Luke and Killian.

  “Because you invited Mr. Duran to have a threesome with you and Killian.” Ellie’s face is red as she says it. “Oh, my gosh. I can’t believe you just said that to him. I also can’t believe you didn’t get kicked out of school for saying it. Did you at least get detention?”

  I shake my head. “Nah. He didn’t even comment on that.”

  “Did he take you up on the offer?” Killian raises an eyebrow. “I’ve never had a threesome, but I’ve always imagined a threesome with two chicks, and not the other way around.”

  I laugh. “One dick, two vaginas... it just doesn’t add up. Somebody is left unsatisfied.”

  He tilts his head, as if he’s considering what I said.

  “Am I getting invited to this orgy, or what?” Luke asks.

  I nearly spit out the drink of smoothie I just took.

  Ellie’s mouth falls open. “How do you get guys offering to have orgies with you, and I can’t even get a guy to kiss me.”

  Hendrix raises his hand. “I volunteer.”

  Ellie’s face turns red again, and she mumbles something under her breath.

  “Why does everybody want to have sex with my girlfriend?” Killian pouts.

  “I’m not your girlfriend,” I remind him.

  “Yet.” He wiggles his eyebrows.

  “I don’t do the whole monogamy thing. Just the thought of committing myself to one guy makes me want to gag.” I’m only nineteen. I should live a little and enjoy life. I feel like, if I was in a relationship, a least some of my focus would have to shift. I’d have to make time for my boyfriend and spend time with him... it’s just not something I am ready for. Not yet, anyway. Maybe when I’m older.

  Luke grins. “Then you should date us both.”

  I raise an eyebrow.

  “Killian and me,” he confirms.

  I laugh so hard that my stomach hurts. I can’t even imagine myself with two boyfriends. Why would two guys want to share me?

  “There is a girl who graduated last year who has five boyfriends,” Ellie says.

  Seriously? Five boyfriends? “How does that even work?”

  She shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t know. In case you didn’t notice, I can’t even get one boyfriend.”

  I roll my eyes at that, knowing the boy who is currently sitting beside her would love to be her boyfriend. I think Ellie and Hendrix would be great together.

  I stand up from the table. “Boyfriend number two, let’s go to training.”

  “Why am I boyfriend number two?” Luke stands from his spot. “I should be boyfriend number one, and Killian should be boyfriend number two.”

  I throw my hands up. “I’m not dating either of you. It was a joke.”

  Luke smacks me on the butt. “Yeah, we’ll see.”

  My eyes widen.

  Since when was Luke even interested in me? I mean, yeah, he flirted a little with me yesterday, but that doesn’t mean anything. I learned a long time ago that girls and guys flirt with each other, even if they’re not really interested.

  “You’re not serious about the whole dating both of you, right?” I ask.

  He smirks, but doesn’t respond, leaving me wondering.

  But I can’t date two guys, so...

  Yeah, he’s joking.

  Meet me in my office.

  I’m about to head to Killian’s room to hang out. And by hang out I mean strictly use him for his penis, and then run away. But as I am about to head out the door, I get a text from an unknown number.

  UNKNOWN: We need to speak, Brooklyn. Will you meet me in my office?

  I grin as I realize who the text is from.

  I save the number to my phone as Jaxon and grin, putting my phone away.

  Jaxon wants to meet with me in his office. And even th
ough I know I shouldn’t go there, my mind definitely goes to naughty places. Thoughts of him bending me over his desk and spanking me are definitely the first thoughts that come to mind, but I push those aside and head down the stairs, toward the classrooms.

  Along the way, I do shoot Killian a quick text letting him know that I’ll be a little late today. He responds with a frown emoji, then tells me he’ll use his hand now so he can last longer later, which makes me laugh.

  Killian and I don’t need to have sex for a long time for me to feel satisfied. I’ve never not gotten off, and yesterday he got me off twice. I have no room to complain with him. We have a lot of sexual chemistry.

  When I get to Jaxon’s office, I reach up and knock softly on the door.

  I’m a little scared to be talking to him. I’m scared of what he is going to say to me, and scared that he is going to continue to figure me out.

  Jaxon gets me in a way that nobody else, not even my parents, get me. He knows when I’m telling the truth and when I’m telling a lie. It’s equally exciting and terrifying. And even though we spend most of our time together fighting, I feel like he’s supposed to be in my life. I never believed in soulmates before, but if soulmates are real, Jaxon is mine. That is why I need to stay away from him, but I can’t. I’m like a moth and he is my own personal flame.

  “Come in,” I hear from the other side.

  Just hearing his voice makes my heart flutter. I walk in, closing the door behind me.

  “You wanted to see me.” I walk up to his desk.

  He points to a chair on the opposite side. “Sit down, Brooklyn.”

  Anxiously, I walk toward the chair that he pointed at, to take a seat.

  “What can I help you with, Jaxon?” I sit back against the chair, trying to relax.

  He narrows his eyes. “Why do you call me Jaxon when everybody else calls me Mr. Duran?”

  I shrug. “I guess because I see you more as a peer than an authority figure. I mean, I don’t offer a threesome to just anybody. I feel like you and I have connected.”


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