Book Read Free

Big on Education

Page 26

by Laurie Ames

  Molly and Adiva sat down with a bowl of popcorn to enjoy the movie 'The Lion King', one of Molly's favorite movies which Adiva enjoyed probably just as much, being that she was a big kid at heart.

  Soon, Jane made her way out wearing a lovely light grey suit that really accented the greyish-blue color of her eyes. She was looking very smart. Molly and Adiva gave their thumbs up for looking pretty hot and spiffy. Eventually Fern came out in all her finery, she looked absolutely dazzling. The other three turned around to look at her and they were amazed at how beautiful she looked in her lovely new mauve-coloured dress. Fern received whistles and cheers all round. It had been quite awhile since she had dressed up like this, and it felt good to feel sexy and attractive. Molly stated that Fern looked like a beautiful princess! It wasn't long before the two partners were ready to head off and celebrate their big day.

  Adiva had not seen Fern so lit up with joy in a long time. Fern and Jane really deserved this special night together because with their busy careers and raising Molly, they were left with little time for date nights—in fact this was the first in over six months—so it was well overdue. The two walked out the door carrying their overnight bags, heading for a night filled with love and passion.


  Jane was wearing her silk cream-coloured pyjamas with navy-blue pin stripes that Fern had gotten for her birthday last month. She had saved wearing them as she knew she was planning a romantic night on their anniversary. Fern had assumed she didn't like them but would be in for a surprise when she walked out of the bathroom.

  Jane was pouring a glass of champagne that Adiva had ordered to the room, which was a lovely honeymoon suite. It was a luxurious room, and way beyond anything Jane had ever seen. There was a huge round bed covered in lovely satin sheets, a big hot tub, and an amazing view of Park Avenue. It was wonderful to say the least. The night had been like a dream come true. First, they had enjoyed their fine dining experience. Then an evening of jumping around to Lady Gaga's tunes during her concert with its very impressive stage show. And now ending the evening here in this romantic setting. Suddenly, Fern came slinking out of the bathroom wearing a lovely grey-satin full-length lingerie gown. Jane told Fern how good it feels to be alone with her and have this one-on-one time together. She tells her how much she loves her and has be dying all night to make love to her. She tells Fern that she became pretty turned on from the moment that Fern appeared wearing her sexy new dress—that she wanted to grab her right then and there and make love.

  Jane walked over and handed her a glass of champagne. She began kissing her lightly on the nape of her neck, telling her how sexy she looked. She could see Fern's erect nipples sticking out beneath the satin-fabric of her gown. Jane released one of Fern's breasts from the gown and began to suck and lick Fern's breast. Fern noticed that Jane was wearing the silk pyjamas that she had gotten for her birthday, commenting on how hot Jane looked in them, but knowing she would look even hotter without them. Fern began to undo Jane's pyjama top, removing and tossing it onto the floor, then pulling off Jane's bottoms as she then moved seductively closer to her. They made their way onto the big round bed and crawled up towards the middle. Jane leaned over Fern who was beneath her, lying flat on her back, with her legs spread wide open. She first began to gently kiss and suck on Fern's neck but then became frenzied with passion and started to leave a huge red hickey. Fern seemed oblivious to that fact as she reveled in the tender joy of Jane sucking fervently on her neck. Fern began to rub herself between her legs as Jane made her way towards her lovely perky and pointy breasts, sucking and rubbing them all-over. Fern was giving out little moans of excitement, when Jane moved up to begin French kissing her and at the same time starting to massage between Fern's legs. This made Fern moan and groan as she became more sexually stimulated by Jane's touch.

  She continued to kiss Fern's soft and satiny skin, working her way down between Fern's legs. Fern spread her legs wider as she started begging for Jane to lick her. Jane slowly inserted her finger into the wet moist hotspot between Fern's spread legs. Jane thrust her finger in and out of Fern as she began to moan louder. Jane then went down and began to lick Fern's hotspot, ever so harder and harder. The next thing Fern was starting to arch her back upwards as she reached her pinnacle. She had an explosive orgasm, shouting out as she peaked.

  Chapter 3. Adiva Announces She Is Going on a Cruise!

  Today was Molly's fifth birthday party, taking place at Central Park where Jane and Fern had invited family, friends and kids from Molly's nursery school. It was a perfect summer day for a party in the park. Jane and Fern had hired a top-notch catering company to handle details such as food and entertainment. There was a big play castle for the kids and a clown with a little Chihuahua dog named Spike. Soon all the kids were giggling from the silly antics of the Clown and Spike show. Adiva had generously given Molly and her parents three tickets to the live show of the 'Lion King.'

  At the party, Jane introduced Adiva to 'Dawn Carson' who had retired a year ago from the police force and now worked as a private investigator. Dawn and Jane had become good friends ever since they worked together as partners on the force. Dawn was apparently a bit of a mentor for Jane—showing her the ropes so to speak in New York policing. Dawn was a single fifty-year old lesbian woman, with a great sense of humor and perky personality that appealed to Adiva. There was an extra special charisma about Dawn that immediately attracted Adiva. ‘She’s an authority figure type and that’s sexy in a woman,’ thought Adiva to herself. The two of them started off sitting together while eating birthday cake. Dawn started up a conversation about her past relationships and that was the beginning of some overt flirting between the two of them. In no time at all, they were bonding like old high school friends.

  “I hope I’m not being too personal” Asked Dawn. “Just wondering if you are seeing anyone.”

  “Yes” Replied Adiva. “I have just recently met the most amazing woman in my life, her name is Yasmen. I have fallen really fast and furious for her, but then I must admit…maybe just a little too fast, if you know what I mean?”

  “I think I know what you mean. Other than falling in love too quickly, is there a particular concern?”

  “Well, I hope I am not rushing our relationship. I am planning to go to the travel agency tomorrow to purchase two tickets for a very expensive riverboat cruise in Europe. Then I’m going to surprise Yasmen by showing up at her place unexpectedly to present her with the tickets. She will be over the moon about this trip.”

  “That sounds like a wonderful surprise, you are paying for the cruise yourself?

  “I am. I know it sounds very generous but Yasmen is currently having some financial issues right now. But one day when she bounces back, she will be able to return the favor. She has promised to one day take me on a special cruise.”

  “You are a generous person and I’m sure Yasmen will be delighted. Who wouldn't be?”

  The two women had an enjoyable afternoon chatting together at the park. Adiva found Dawn to be a very attractive woman both physically and mentally. She loved the deep-green color of her eyes and the dimpled cheeks that were pronounced when she smiled. She had a smart looking short hairstyle that was red with small streaks of grey throughout. Dawn looked like she was someone that worked-out or certainly kept herself in shape. Her lovely long light-brown coloured legs were very muscular looking. When Adiva asked her if she worked out Dawn said she liked to jog most mornings through Central Park at about nine o'clock and also had a routine that was designed by Buddha monks called the '5 Tibetan Energy Rejuvenation Rites.' She explained how she did this routine most mornings before going for a run. Suddenly Adiva was glancing over Dawn’s shoulder, looking over towards the kid’s area.

  “Oh look, a Piñata had been setup for the kids at the party. I’d love to watch the kids.”

  “Sure, lets go check it out” replied Dawn. “Let’s get up good and close, then we can see all the action.”

  The first b
oy 'Jackson' was blind-folded and began to wildly swing the club before the all-clear had been given. The club then slipped out of his hand and flew through the air into the crowd. A tall lady at the front ducked, and the club landed soundly on the side of Adiva’s head.

  “Fuuuuck” cursed Adiva under her breath as she grabbed the side of her head. She then suddenly collapsed and fell to her knees. Dawn slowly helped her back up and placed her into lawn chair.

  “I insist on taking you to the hospital to get checked out. You are getting a nice goose egg developing on the side of your head and you don’t look too good.”

  “To tell the truth, I do feel a little woozy, thanks for taking care of me.” Said Adiva appreciatively.

  After Adiva was checked in and out of the hospital, Dawn took her to her place to keep an eye on her. It was suggested that Adiva not be on her own and to have someone wake her up every few hours to be on the safe side. Dawn had a large two-bedroom apartment that had lovely huge windows offering a great view of Central Park, that was just a block from Adiva's apartment. Adiva was becoming a little embarrassed over all the fuss being made for her. In the end, it really was only a small bump on her head, but she was grateful to Dawn for all her help. She had tried to contact Yasmen, but her phone kept going to voice-mail. Dawn set up her spare room for Adiva and prepared a light soup as Adiva didn't feel like eating anything heavy since she was still feeling queasy.

  The two women spent an enjoyable evening together in each other's company, sharing more about their lives with one another, and quite simply getting to know each other a bit better. Adiva shared her concerns with Dawn about taking the step to purchase the $15000.00 riverboat cruise tickets for her and Yasmen. She admitted to Dawn that she was feeling a bit nervous and torn about taking this giant step on a vacation together. For her, the real concern was less about the cost of the trip but more about whether Yasmen was that special woman to spend her life with.

  Adiva explained that she was getting very nervous about making another bad choice, as she has often done in the past. The last relationship she had with a woman of her own age group ended with her heartbroken when she was suddenly dumped by her ex-girlfriend, Claudia Schmidt. They met in college and had dated for two years. Adiva had pictured them graduating from college and then settling down to build a life together. She had Adiva convinced that she was totally devoted to her and was looking forward to getting a place together after college.

  Instead, she got a phone call from Claudia who told her she was moving to San Francisco, to be with a woman she had apparently met on an online dating site. There was no last face-to-face meeting with Claudia, as she had made her decision. Adiva was totally in the dark. She had no idea that Claudia was prowling around on dating sites when they were together.

  This was the last woman Adiva dated that was actually her same age and was deeply hurt from the way it had ended. In some strange way, Adiva always had a feeling of comfort when she was with older women. She felt attracted to older women for a number of good reasons but mostly for the sense of security she felt in a sexual relationship. Yasmen did give her the same comfortable feeling of security but it just seemed like something was not quite right. Common sense told her that at some point she would have to take a chance, otherwise she could end up spending the rest of her life in the company of her cats.

  Dawn could indeed sympathize with Adiva as she too was involved with a woman for eleven years, back when she was a police officer. She told Adiva that her ex-partner 'Gail Parkin’ always felt that she came second after Dawn's career. Dawn admitted that she agreed with Gail, but often her career demanded she drop everything when called in to investigate a crime scene, which for Gail was often bad timing. When she was a cop, her schedule involved all kinds of crazy hours. Gail eventually gave her an ultimatum; it was her or Dawn's career. She was forced to choose and there would be no compromise. Dawn begged her to understand that she was a cop and was not ready to give up her career. So Gail and her went their separate ways almost four years ago. She told Adiva she’s now working as a private detective as it is less stressful than working as a police officer. She can do her own work within normal hours, which she enjoys. She grinned and noted that strangely enough, she finally got a job with normal hours, but is still a single woman. Go figure, life is truly unfair. But she states that she is feeling a little cautious in the relationship department.

  Dawn realizes just how much she really misses having a sexual partner in her life. She too, like Adiva, should start looking into dating once again and hopefully meet that special person. As she looked at this beautiful woman before her, she thought about how she would love to find someone like Adiva. Unfortunately, she has eyes for this other woman, Yasmen. But Dawn began to have a gut feeling that Yasmen Meken was not being totally honest with Adiva. It was this gut feeling that had made her a good cop and a great detective. She thought she would do a bit of snooping on her own just to make sure that Yasmen Meken didn't have anything unsuitable attached to her. Dawn thought Adiva was so sweet, she just hated the thought of seeing her become heart broken again, she didn't deserve that. Dawn hoped that her gut feeling on Yasmen would be wrong. But what if she did find some unsavory history? Should she leverage this information to get closer to Adiva? Very tempting, she thought to herself.

  The next day Dawn dropped Adiva off at her own apartment building. Dawn had advised Adiva to put the whole trip idea on hold for a while, to spend more time getting to know Yasmen before committing to a long trip with her. Dawn mentioned that there will always be another good deal on a trip. She suggested it would be better to pass on this particular trip, and instead allow herself time to really get to know Yasmen before taking the next step in their relationship. Adiva agreed that she would put the trip on hold, at least for the time being. Speaking of Yasmen she wondered why Yasmen had not bothered to return her phone call from last night? As she opened her apartment door to be greeted by Tofu and Ming, she glanced over at her home-phone to see it was not flashing, oddly there was no new messages waiting for her.

  Chapter 4. Dawn Does Some Detective Work

  Dawn immediately decided to start investigating Yasmen to see if she was a woman of character. She would start by using some old-fashioned detective work, no rocket science required here. She began by asking Jane to check and see if she had any type of criminal record. She waited patiently in her car, outside the police station for Jane. Jane finally came out from the station and climbed into the passenger side of Dawn's car. In her hand was a copy of the information she had retrieved.

  “Thanks Jane for digging that info up,” said Dawn in eager anticipation.

  “You’re welcome, no problem. The truth is I’m also interested in finding out about Yasmen, mostly because Fern and I have never met her. I think Adiva might be dealing with more than she knows. So anyways, lets check this report out” said Dawn as she flipped to the second page. “Here’s something interesting. It says that Yasmen was arrested three years ago for fraud, credit card theft and writing bad cheques. I would say these are strong warning bells that this woman could be trying to scam Adiva.”

  Dawn grimaced, “I’m going to take a ride over to the 'Grates Book Company' and find out if indeed Yasmen is employed there as a bookmaker”.

  “I know Fern will not like us doing all this investigating. She would see it as getting too nosy in Adiva's personal business.” replied Jane. “But we must check out this Yasmen woman.”

  “Well, when we get these kind of gut feelings, we have to follow them up, it’s just part of who we are. Let us keep in mind that we are trying to protect Adiva, not hurt her.”

  “Yeah, your right, well I have to get back in the station, I have a ton of paperwork to process today. Please keep me posted on what you find out about Yasmen” replied Jane as she jumped out of Dawn's car with a wave.

  Dawn thanked her again for her help and headed off to the 'Grates Book Company’.

  When Dawn arrived at Grates she asked
to speak to the person in charge of personnel. She was asked to have a seat while the secretary went to let a Mr. Gerry Flint know that Dawn wished to have a word with him. A few minutes later Dawn was led to Mr. Flint's office where he stood up as she entered.

  “Please take a seat. How can I help you?” Asked Mr. Flint as he sat down.

  “Thanks for seeing me. I am a private investigator and I’m trying to gather some information on a woman by the name of Yasmen Merken. I understand you have a bookkeeper on your staff by that name.”

  He immediately said “no” right away. “We did have a Yasmen Merken, but she was working as a part time cleaning lady, about a year ago. There was an incident where some office supplies were going missing. They were not expensive items, she stole basically supply items such as tins of coffee, packs of printing paper, toilet paper, so we gave her a stiff warning. But soon after, staff started complaining about personal items, jewelry and small amounts of money missing from desks and purses. One thing we will not tolerate is a thief and Yasmen was fired. We did not press charges on the condition that she leave without incident.”

  Dawn thanked him for the information and headed off on her way. She was now armed with some new information that make Yasmen Merken look very shady. She decided to spend some time watching Yasmen's comings and goings from her apartment. She had her zoom camera ready, in anticipation of capturing incriminating photos that might prove Yasmen is not who she pretends to be. Dawn sat in her car, across the street from Yasmen's apartment building, sipping on a coffee and eating a bagel. Then, her attention perked up when she saw Yasmen approaching with another woman. They were holding hands and acting very cozy with each other, laughing and having fun. Dawn took some pictures of Yasmen kissing and embracing the other woman, as they stood just outside her apartment building.


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