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Big on Education

Page 58

by Laurie Ames

  “You want me to stop?” he asked playfully, still tickling her.

  “Please!” she cried.

  “Okay,” said Dylan. He dove in for a deep kiss. He parted her lips as though it was second nature to him. The gentle movements of his tongue contrasted sharply with the vigor from when he was tickling her. He was now taking his time.

  Amanda parted her legs to allow him to place his hips in between. He slid his hand further up her hoodie and grazed his fingers over the portion of her breast that spilled out of the top of her bra. He slid his hand inside, cupping her breast with his large warm hand.

  Dylan’s hands were rough from his work, but Amanda loved it. The idea of him working in the lumber yard all day and then coming home to make love to her was all she needed to get going. She’d only just lost her virginity to Dylan and it had been amazing. It was nothing at all like her friends had said about their first times. She felt like one of the lucky few.

  He caressed her breast and placed a kiss on her jawline, working his way up to her ear where he whispered, “I need you, Amanda.” His voice was almost a groan and the reverberations of the sound in her ear sent a pulse to her groin. He took his other hand and placed it between her legs against her workout pants. She could feel the heat radiating from her core and she wondered if he could feel it, too.

  Amanda moaned as Dylan massaged her. He worked his hand gently and then firmly until Amanda’s hips were bucking, begging for more against her flesh. Dylan stopped and unbuckled his jeans, threw off his shirt and stood, slipping all the way out of his pants. His erection strained against his boxer briefs and the blue light from the TV illuminated him, painting a halo around his whole body.

  He reached down and extended a hand to Amanda. She grabbed it and stood. He placed his hands on her waist and slid them inside her hoodie. He went up and up until the garment was coming off over her head. He pulled her pants down and she stood in her bra and underwear. He spun her around and undid her bra. Her large breasts fell freely and the cool air of the cabin caused her nipples to tighten into small pink buds. From behind, Dylan reached up for her breasts. The roughness of his hands combined with his gentle touch sent Amanda into a fit of desire. She turned to face him.

  Amanda opened her mouth to speak and Dylan shushed her with a finger. She closed her mouth again and watched as he gave her that crooked smile of his that meant he was surely up to no good. He reached down to her waist and slid a finger into the waistband of her panties. She shivered at his touch. He ran the finger around to the back of her underwear and began to pull them down. He cupped her ass and squeezed tightly, causing Amanda to moan softly. He reached around with his other hand and grabbed the other cheek, causing her panties to slide down around her thighs. He pulled them all the way off and she stepped out of them.

  On his knees in front of her, he used a hand to spread her legs wide apart. She knew what he was going to do and no matter how many times he did it, she was always on pins and needles. She was eagerly anticipating the heat of his mouth to envelop her. She felt a slickness growing between her legs as she spread open wide. Dylan reached up and wrapped his arms around her legs, holding onto the back of her thighs.

  Amanda stepped her feet apart and allowed Dylan full access to all of her body. She placed a hand on Dylan’s head, running her fingers through his hair, which was getting longer. It felt like silk, so luxuriant and smooth. ‘Models would kill for hair like his’ she thought to herself.

  He ran his hands up her thighs and back down again. When he came back up, he brushed his fingertips against her lips causing her to gasp.

  “Someone’s ready,” he growled. Amanda looked down and could see that his erection had only gotten harder in the last minute or two. Dylan followed her gaze. “Oh, you want to see that?”

  Amanda only nodded her head.

  “I want you to ask for it,” he said with that devilish grin that she had become so fond of. Amanda stammered and tried to get the words out.

  “L-let me see it, please,” she said, embarrassed of the words as she spoke. Dylan liked to hear her talk dirty but she was still not used to saying the words naturally. But she liked it when he talked trash. She loved to hear the filthy things that came out of his mouth when they were in the throes of passion. It drove her wild and she wished she could do more for Dylan.

  He reached down and pulled his boxer briefs off slowly. Finally, he sprung free from the boxers. Amanda could see a bead of liquid at his tip. He ran his hand over it, up and down, and leaned his head back at the pleasure of his own touch.

  “Enough about me,” he said, opening his hungry eyes and eating Amanda up. She swallowed.

  Dylan knelt before her and placed a kiss on her abdomen, just above her little patch of pubic hair. He inhaled her scent deeply and groaned. He kissed further down, then a little further down until he was almost on the spot.

  Finally, Dylan took her into his mouth. He sucked on her flesh, pulling that sweet little spot into his mouth. The suction was almost too much for Amanda. She pulled on his hair without thinking. He let up on the pressure and ran his tongue in circles around her clit, not ever touching it directly. She started to feel lightheaded.

  Amanda braced herself on Dylan’s shoulders. He flattened his tongue and pressed it against her. She gasped at the sensation and felt her knees begin to weaken. Dylan reached up and held her by the waist, intent on the task at hand.

  The feeling of his hot mouth crashing against her heat was more than Amanda could endure. She felt herself getting close.

  “I’m almost there Dylan,” she gasped.

  Dylan didn’t stop for a second. He reached down with one hand and slid a finger against her lips, teasing her opening. She ground her hips, pressing herself hard into his mouth. He slipped his finger inside of her, hitting her g-spot instantly and sending her shaking. She gripped his shoulders tighter and he worked her over even more.

  Amanda could feel a tingling begin to spread throughout her core and legs. She could feel the wave of pleasure about to crash over her. She allowed it as she contracted around his finger, pulling away from his mouth. She shuddered as she stood there, naked before him. She could feel the flush in her cheeks and Dylan looked up and smiled at her.

  There was a knock at the door and the handle turned. Dylan stood and spun quickly, guarding Amanda as the door opened. Completely naked and still erect, he stood ready to confront the stranger.

  A man stepped through the door and began to laugh. He held his hands up in surrender. “Don’t shoot!” he chuckled.

  It was Jase.

  ‘Oh my God!’ Amanda thought. This could not possibly be more humiliating. She covered her breasts with one arm and her crotch with the other. She didn’t dare turn around and show him her ass. She stood there with her mouth wide open, aftershocks still rocking her body. She wanted to just crawl under a rock and hide. Jase took her out of the moment quickly, though.

  “You wanna put some clothes on?” Jase asked Dylan.

  “Hi Amanda,” he said, looking around Dylan and at Amanda.

  She only forced a smile and nodded. Dylan grabbed a blanket from the couch and handed it to Amanda which she quickly covered up with.

  Dylan grabbed his underwear and slid them on. Then he grabbed his jeans and as he was buttoning them, he spoke. “So, do you always just go walking into other people’s homes unannounced?” He gave Jase an irritated glance.

  “Only when they know I’m coming,” Jase said casually as he grabbed an apple off the counter and began to crunch loudly on the crisp fruit. “Delicious.”

  “We weren’t expecting you until tomorrow,” Dylan said, still very annoyed.

  “Plans change, bro,” said Jase. “I decided to skip my tour of San Francisco and just come up right away. I thought the sooner we could get this show on the road, the better.”

  Dylan seemed unable to fight the logic of his brother’s statement, no matter how infuriating the situation was that he found himself in.
He turned to Amanda who was still covering herself with the blanket. Her eyes were wide and her face still red with embarrassment.

  “So when are we leaving?” Jase asked Dylan.

  “When do you want to leave?” Dylan asked him.

  Amanda felt left out of the conversation, but she wasn’t particularly excited about having been seen at her most vulnerable by someone that she barely knew. She just listened.

  “Tomorrow,” said Jase. “There’s a storm coming, and it’s headed for Kodiak Island. I want us to be out of there and done with this by the time that storm hits.”

  “You’re right,” Dylan acquiesced. He nodded and turned to Amanda. “Can you be ready to go tomorrow?”

  “I can,” she said.

  Dylan stepped towards her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

  “You know that you don’t have to go with me, right?” Dylan asked her, searching her eyes with his.

  “I know that. I want to come with you,” she said urgently. “You’re not getting rid of me.”

  Dylan smiled.

  “You’re pretty stubborn. Anyone ever tell you that?” he asked.

  “Yeah, everyone my whole life,” Amanda said with a laugh. Dylan hugged her.

  They settled Jase in for the night and then went to bed. Amanda hugged tight to Dylan that night. Their last night in Mountain View. They would be back soon, though, she thought. Wouldn’t they?

  Chapter 13

  Their flight out of Seattle was almost ready for takeoff. Amanda sat between Jase and Dylan, which was probably good because they kept arguing. However, she was growing tired of being a human shield for the two of them.

  “No, you’re wrong,” said Jase to Dylan, stretching out so that his body was almost across Amanda’s lap. She raised up her hands in a surrendering gesture.

  “Look, Jase, you don’t know the first thing about the Kodiaks and this isn’t the place to be talking about it anyway,” said Dylan, nervously looking around at the other passengers.

  “Enough!” Amanda shouted, finally sick and tired of the whole exercise. “Both of you shut up until we land in Alaska. I’m sick of it. I don’t want to hear another word the whole flight,” she said, pointing a warning finger at one of them and then turning to the other. They both looked at her sheepishly. Jase gave her a smile that mirrored Dylan’s crooked grin and she couldn’t help but smile back at him.

  Amanda got out the book that she’d brought for the trip, not that she’d be doing much reading other than on the plane. It was a short classic sci-fi piece. The tale was of sea monsters and time travelers by an author she didn’t recognize, but she was always trying to branch out when it came to her entertainment. She giggled at the thought. She’d truly branched out when she’d started seeing Dylan.

  He looked at her with raised eyebrows as though to say, “What?”

  “Nothing, nothing,” she said, composing herself once more and delving into the story.

  The flight passed without much excitement. Refreshments were served and Amanda was glad to have a bag of peanuts to tide her over until they could get somewhere to eat in Anchorage. She didn’t know the first thing about Alaska, so she was hoping Jase or Dylan had some good foresight.

  They landed easily at the airport. It was summer but when they walked out of the front door of the terminal, they were met with a blast of cold air. Amanda was very glad she’d decided to bring her winter coat. Good call.

  Rubbing her hands together, Amanda waited as the guys fought each other to hail down a taxi cab. Everything seemed to be a competition between the two of them. She forced herself to keep her mouth shut since they’d been so gracious as to shut theirs on the flight.

  A cab came up to the curb and the three of them got in after helping the cabbie put the bags in the trunk.

  “Where to, folks?” the cab driver asked. He was an older man with a salt and pepper beard, a wool hat, and the look of someone that had spent much of his life laughing. He smiled in the rear-view mirror at Amanda.

  “The Criterion Hotel,” Amanda said confidently. At least she knew that much about the trip. She had made the flying and sleeping arrangements for them. Unfortunately, the only room in the Criterion was one with two queen-sized beds, so Jase would be sleeping next to them. Amanda knew that cut out the possibility of being intimate with Dylan and she was frustrated about it. She tried to remind herself that this trip was about matters far more important than her sex drive, although Dylan seemed to have awoken something inside of her that she had trouble controlling. Amanda shook those thoughts from her mind as the cabbie pulled away down the street. The road wound out of the airport and he got on the highway. They reached downtown and a very nice older building awaited them. It was the Criterion Hotel.

  Amanda stepped out of the cab and took in the beauty of the old architecture. She’d read online that the rooms had been recently remodeled, so she was excited to see what that meant. The three of them checked in with Amanda in the lead. They went into their suite and Jase immediately threw himself down on the bed closest to the bathroom. He groaned into the pillow, his long hair shielding his face from view completely.

  Dylan rolled his eyes and took Amanda’s bag and placed it on the other bed. Amanda wished they could have gotten separate rooms so that Jase and Dylan could at least stop bickering. ‘Fuck!’ she thought to herself. ‘First no sex and now another fun filled evening of watching Dylan and Jase go at each others throat.’

  “Anyone hungry?” Amanda asked nonchalantly.

  Jase perked up like a dog that just heard a cheese wrapper being opened.

  “Absolutely,” he said.

  Dylan just nodded his head and groaned. He was trying desperately to be agreeable and easy going, but Amanda knew that it was anything but easy for him to be agreeable with Jase. Jase headed out the door first and Dylan grabbed Amanda by the arm as they exited.

  “One thing,” he said. He pulled Amanda into him and she felt the warmth of his body radiating out from under his clothes. He pressed his lips firmly to hers and kissed. She felt the warmth spreading to her body. This was causing her to think all sorts of things that would only get her in trouble on this trip. Dylan reached down and tugged at the waist of her pants. He crashed their hips together and grabbed her ass. “You like that?” he asked.

  “Mmm,” she said, trying to not get into the moment because she knew it would end soon.

  “You guys coming?” shouted a voice from down the hall. It was Jase, probably very hungry as he waited impatiently by the elevator door. Amanda pulled away and Dylan smiled.

  “You’re mine later,” he said and slapped her ass as they exited the room.

  Chapter 14

  Amanda watched as Jase and Dylan scarfed down their rib dinners at a restaurant called Grill Billy’s BBQ Restaurant that they’d found around the corner from the hotel. She was surprised that Alaska would have such good barbecue, but it did. She ate her brisket sandwich gratefully. The flight had been too long to go without food.

  It had grown dark outside as they ate in silence. None of them said a word. It seemed that everyone was just glad to be out of the plane and back on the ground once again. When the check came, Jase grabbed it.

  “My treat,” he said.

  “No way, man,” said Dylan, clearly getting irritated.

  “I want to,” said Jase with a playful edge that told Amanda he was trying to upset his brother. Clearly it was working.

  Dylan growled deep in his throat. Amanda had the horrifying thought that he might shift into a Kermode spirit bear right then and there. Then Jase would react by shifting as well. They would throw the table out from between them and go rolling through the double glass doors in a mess of fur and blood. She grabbed the check out of Jase’s hand.

  “I’ve got it,” she said tersely. She got her card out and handed it to the waitress as soon as she came by. The guys were silent, realizing how stupid they looked.

  The waitress came back with her receipt and A
manda signed it quickly.

  “Let’s go,” she said with a sigh.

  The guys sheepishly followed her out. Amanda was seething with rage at the two knuckleheads. She didn’t even want to sleep next to Dylan tonight. She was glad they couldn’t have sex tonight in the hotel room. She intentionally started walking ahead of them on the sidewalk back to the hotel. Dylan ran up beside her.

  “Hey,” he said quietly, obviously embarrassed. “I’m sorry about that. Look, I won’t fight with him anymore. I swear. Not for the whole trip and then when we get back, he’ll be gone out of our lives.”

  Amanda turned on him.

  “You think I want him out of your life?” she asked, shocked.


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