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Fated (Of Blood and Magic Book 1)

Page 9

by Delicious David

  Luke is rather different, Becca concluded, as she whimpers the words under her breath.

  With careful observations, Luke glares at her body in amazement of what his eyes beholds. Normally, a warm blooded human would not be his first bet for a mate, let alone, to be his fated mate. As weird as the thought sounds, he would rather pick a mate from the clan of the lykaes—the werewolves beasts. Even though fate made them—vampires—and the lykaes enemies who would stop at nothing to kill each other, right from the era Ambrogio was brought back to life as the first, Luke would decide to choose a mate from their kind than someone that was a human, a vampire hunter and a witch at the same time. His bloody rivals.

  But she is so beautiful and unreal. He thought of how she made him feel. Never had he felt that way before with anyone. If she can make him feel this way, then she may very well be his fated mate. Slowly, he dragged her closer to him, as he looked at her belly button, the curves beside her body as the sheets let loose from her hips, revealing those perfect curves she had. In his hands, he grabbed her butt cheeks and pressed her closer to his body. Right there, he felt a sudden surge of nerve endings he was never used to. It was as though her very being did to her what he never thought a mere human would, and significantly well. With pleasure never ending, her hard nipples pressed against his chest the more, as he remembers how aroused she made him the night before.

  And with the back of his hands and his index finger stretched out more than the rest of his fingers, he traced the lines of her back the nape of her neck, down to her butt crack, along the lines of her spinal cord. In that instant, he admitted to himself that she was everything he had ever wanted as his cock throbbed hard on her sex. He knew he was being a psycho to think the vampires would welcome her with open arms, but she is so damn sweet, he says. Her lips were red as the red petals of the only red rose in the center of his garden of blue roses.

  Now, that is a reason to be in full strength with her, as she was extremely dashing as her skin was made from the very fabric of the words, beautiful, elegant and chic. His mouth always watered with the thirst of her lips every time his eyes beholds it. He struggles with his primordial instincts to open his fangs on her and drink her dry because this way, he has never felt like this, in forever.

  He slowly lifted her off the floor and unto the bed, as he spreads her soft thighs to reveal again, her insides, her pussy lips fell apart slowly, revealing the redness in its full robustness. As she looked into his eyes, she lets go as he rests fully on the bed, removing her arms from his waist, slowly sinking in the bed, he pressed his index finger on her clit as it feels hard against his finger. He could feel some tension building up in her, as he was unsure of the kind of tension he felt. Her heart was racing fast, as he could hear it pulsating hard in her chest.

  Noticing this, he released her and stays off her. In a sudden flash movement, her legs start to shake as her thigh areas around her pussy, shuddered with orgasmic pleasures. She was in fact, pleased by his touch while she slept. “She is such a remarkable being. But what if she stabs me in the back like Tyrone, centuries ago,” he asks himself.

  “I am normal, I don’t like lies, I hate being lied to, and I am loyal to a fault. If I say I am for you, then I really mean it that I am for you. But you have to prove you are all mine and won’t hurt me!” Becca blurted out like she knew what he was thinking in his head, all to his thoughts alone.

  Luke is startled as he looks at Becca and says, “I didn’t tell you that at all. What else do you know about me? How did you know what I was thinking about? You speak of privacy and you show me none, human?” Getting annoyed at her for knowing she could read his mind, he started to feel naked all of a sudden. With fear, or somewhat shock, Luke continues to look at her in amazement of the fact that he may just have seen the best weapon he could use to get his home back—her mind reading ability.

  “Do it again, what am I thinking about right now? I want to know.” He commanded her, as he raised his voice and glaring straight into her hard nipples massaged by the cool morning breeze that swept through the room and enveloped it.

  Becca looks at Luke intently, as she tried to focus on him, looking at his chest as though she would see his mind and read his innermost thoughts out loud to the hearing of both of them. Minutes had passed as the room was rocked with a thunderous silence that you would think they stood still in a graveyard, or travelled through deserted ghost land of the scorching deserts of Mexico. Time seemed to stand still as they still stayed still, looking intently at each other’s eyes, with Becca focusing and looking more serious than Luke. Birds chirped in the distance as it snapped them from their focus.

  “I got nothing, I do not know what you are thinking about, Luke.” She said as she looked facing down, feeling disappointed and suddenly, not useful. “I am sorry, I am not good enough,” she said, fixating on the floor, looking at nothing in particular—all in the attempts to steer her gaze away from meeting his.

  “It is okay, everything will be okay. You only just have to focus a little bit more. What do you know about yourself and your powers,” asked Luke, seeming like he knew more about her than she knew about herself. Well, he didn’t. He was as curious about it, as she was. “If she can get this power started whenever she willed it, it will be great for us all,” said Luke, soliloquizing under his breath as he walked towards Becca to comfort her and put away her being from a depressing state.

  Unknown to Becca and Luke, they are more related to each other than they actually knew it.

  Luke draws her close to himself as he still wonders to himself about how in the world he was attracted to this human, or why he would be so kind to her and not find her as a game or food—a live blood donor. As her body pressed on him, she started to feel safe, like her whole being can just sleep in his arms forever, if I should be a mortal like him. As she thought about being made a vampire by Luke, she casts the thoughts away as they were on all levels, wrong and impure. Slowly, her body started acting as though they were on autopilot. She started to touch him as her stimulation increased with the hardness of her breasts showing significantly, as her breasts muscles welled up in her chest with blood full of purely sensual energy. As her arousal was somewhat involuntary with her very being always yearning for the sensual touches of Luke, exhaustion overrode her face as she shuddered from excitement. Becca was initially refusing Luke’s touch but was now needing him every time.

  Luke, responding to her touch, he pushed her against the wall beside the window, as he pressed his cock inside her, as he kissed her from the back. She shrieked in pleasure of being taken right there, almost open for the world to see. Becca wondered how she would have been if Luke was a different person entirely, would she have agree to let him touch her? Would she allow his sex to prod her back each time he was hungry for “doggy style”?

  Maybe—or true, but she could tell she would do anything for him. It was better than being scared of Luke and always wanting to run away from him and thinking of her Grams. She almost forgot about her Grams. She wondered if her Grams will be thrilled to see she found someone she likes, and was a vampire. How would he be introduced without them all creating a very big mess that will—may—cause the loss of lives on both sides of the relationship—between the vampires and the vampire hunters and witches.

  “Will she be thrilled though? Or should I take my chances and call her, letting her know she was fine,” her little girl any more. She will have to take her chances with her Grams. She looks at Luke as his eyes didn’t look like they were filled with rage anymore. She was winning him over, unto the positive light as the beast buried down in his subconscious should—was—never be woken up. Despite all these signs she saw, she ignore as she was already head over heels for him.

  Lost in her thoughts, Becca immediately asks about what he was before and what they are to do next. “I want to know more about you,” she said, as he tried to push away the questions. “If you would like me to be your mate, then you will answer me!” she s
aid, as she looked at him with distinct fierce look on her face.

  “Tell me,” she queried the more.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say again. What if I don’t want to?” He said, as he stuttered through his teeth for the first time, as he spoke without any kind of confidence in his voice. Luke was scared, scared to death of the captivity he had recently just escaped from. The torture he received from being in chains, fastened to rocks with a revolting disgusting sight of human flesh burning in mass as they formed the glue that held him down for centuries without rest. He only gained the strength to remove any restraint he had on him.

  “If you will not tell me, I am sorry, I will have to leave you and go in search of my family—my Grams. She must be worried sick.”

  “Cilia, you mean? I am sure she will be fine.” Replying to her with a straight face. “Yes, I checked your things because I had to know you, I didn’t want to take any risks at all. I have been betrayed far too much in the past.”

  Chapter 8


  A purple glow illuminated the dank space as Elena floated into the room, her nose scrunched in derision. Seydoo bounded in after her, his vast body hair on edge as his nose widened with the thick scent of drying blood. It smelled like burning copper and wet, rust iron. Seydoo had never understood why Elena liked to float all the time, even when the earth was clean and she had leather boots on, but he had always ascribed it her being drunk on the power of her magic. It was a thing with witches, he had always rationalized.

  Timou didn’t follow them in. He kept watch at the entrance to the now-forsaken bar with his loaded rifle at the ready, in case the assailant returned for fresh blood. Timou was an expert vampire hunter, who could shoot a fly down from two hundred meters away. He could use every imaginable weapon; from the crossbow, to the sword, and to the javelin, each with an astonishing accuracy. But it was like he had an eternal boil in his mouth as one could hardly get him to move it. He grunted in answer to everything, so much so that Seydoo sometimes believed that he couldn’t string words together. He was such a buzzkill, and Seydoo was perfectly content with him standing outside and keeping watch. He would’ve poured water on the vibe in the room with his exasperating grunts, anyway.

  Seydoo had always wondered about Timou’s obsession with Elena, though. She was a gorgeous, and, even more, she carried herself with a superciliousness that only tremendous self-assurance could bring. The way she angled up her cheekbones like she was a goddess deserving of worship and cast a hawkish gaze on everyone like they were all beneath her only served to give her beauty a rare quality; a hot smokiness that sent all eyes in her direction. Timou never said anything, but in the course of their work together, Seydoo had so many times, through the side of his eye, caught him drinking in all of Elena’s delicate curves and contours like a milkshake. Elena no doubt felt some attraction to him, too, though she never would show it, arrogant as she was. Vampire hunters were after all the greatest of all humans, and Timou was himself widely revered as the greatest of all hunters.

  The times had indeed changed. Who would’ve thought, centuries ago, that a witch, a werewolf, and vampire hunter could exist in the same vicinity, talk more work together. The clans had been in an endless war which had manifested itself in both overt and covert ways. Thousands had died on all sides, and it had seemed like the enmity would continue in perpetuity. Then a common enemy had suddenly surfaced; a dangerous, bloodthirsty vampire called Lukai. Lukai had been on a bloody run to dominate all the clans and build an empire that would last until eternity, and he had been ready to mow down every being in his path. There had also been talks of his delusions with the idea of a Fated Mate, with whom he was to rule his empire. She was too, prophesied to be a dominatrix; the product of a rare and forbidden union between a human vampire hunter and a witch. Lukai had searched all of Transylvania and beyond, leaving trails of blood and ripped flesh in his wake, searching for this fated mate.

  Crippled by his growing power and fearful that the massacres wouldn’t stop, the clans had had to form a coalition. It was the first time they would see eye to eye on any matter, but such was the power of a common enemy. The clan of Lykaes—Seydoo’s werewolf clan— had joined the coalition before pulling out at the last minute, and while this had angered the rest of the consolidated clans, the brief spell of solidarity hadn’t gone unnoticed, and had served well in werewolf relations with other clans years later, long after the Lukai threat had been dealt with.

  Even with the coalition of vampire hunters and witches, Lukai had proved too strong to be restrained, until the clans had to bribe one of his right hand men, a certain Tyrone, with the false promise of an elixir that would make him immune to the scorch of the sun. It was this mole who had revealed the one thing that could seal Lukai away permanently, and it had involved the most bizarre combination; a bronze seal, the blood of a dozen witches and a dozen hunters, a hole at the center of the earth, and of course, the notorious pact with the devil. It was only then that they had been able to contain the immortal beast. And now he was on the loose again. Worse still, he had decided to free himself on the very day when all of Transylvania’s highest and mightiest came out to party.

  Two nights before, a demon had appeared at the Transylvanian High Commission bearing the unexpected news. Trust the devil to notice that the prisoner had broken out of his chains; the underbelly of the earth was his territory, after all. Instantly, the Commission had put together elite teams and entered a phase similar to panic overdrive. Then the High Commissioner, a powerful witch who was two hundred years old but didn’t look a day over forty, had called them specially. “You are my best team,” she had announced, “and I need you to quell this threat before he has time to gather new forces and regain his power.”

  Seydoo had been ecstatic; Elena had looked bored and indifferent, like everyone was making an unnecessary fuss of the situation and she could take Lukai on all by herself; Timou had barely grunted and then gone on the gaze at Elena’s backside, smacking his lips periodically like a satiated dog.

  But they had been too late. Before the first squad stepped out of the Commission’s headquarters fully loaded with gear, reports had reached them that a certain bar had been attacked by a beast whose level of callousness and blood thirsthad not been witnessed in eons. And here, they now were, sifting through the ruins and looking for clues on the resurrected mass murderer, to track him down and restore him to his confines before he struck again.

  Seydoo wondered how he could remember all these details with such crisp clarity. His years of history classes at the Lykae Preparatory Institute hadn’t been a waste, after all.

  “This place has Lukai’s signature all over it.” Elena yawned in her usual bored manner. Her floating orb glowed with increasing intensity, causing the light to thicken so much that the purple soon began to approach a shade of violet. Seydoo scanned the mess with his razor-sharp eyesight. There was a man sprawled over the bar, right before a tall stack of exotic spirits behind a frame of thick wood-and-glass paneling. With the chubby pint glasses gripped tight in his palms and his position relative to the liquor cabinet, Seydoo was sure people had once referred to him as ‘Bartender’. There was a gangrene by the side of his neck where blood had recently flowed out from in torrents. It was swollen and gross. On the floor, strewn across the concrete like Christmas garlands, were the body parts of what looked like a female, wrapped in uniformed bits that told stories of waitressing. Seydoo was sure that having your body torn apart like a ribbon wasn’t one of the risks of the bartending trade. Lukai was indeed as dangerous and unrelenting as the history classes had depicted.

  He glanced at the other side of the wall, right after the dismembered body of what used to be a man in a top hat, and registered his eyes on a pair of transparent glass windows. The right window was shattered in what looked like an asymmetric circle that had blood smeared around its sharp edges. A lightbulb lit up in Seydoo’s head. “Someone jumped out through that win
dow.” He was sure.

  “Smart” Elena responded, though her face didn’t look even remotely proud, “This is Lukai’s work.” Then suddenly, her face stiffened even further. “To confirm this finally,” She muttered, “see if you can match this scent.” Barely moving her lips, she cast a summoning spell and, out of nowhere, a brown handkerchief shimmered into existence right in front of her. “My grandmother three times great was one of the witches who bound Lukai those many years ago,” She revealed with all the pride in her voice as her face could no longer contain any more, “She taught me the spell, and also gave me this.” Seydoo studied the floating hanky. It looked like it had been handspun from thick cotton, and it was sprayed with dark blotches the size of dried raindrops. Were they blood, or…?

  “They’re Lukai’s essence,” Elena clarifies, as though reading his mind, “She extracted it right before he was bound, in case there was ever a need to track him. It was like she was psychic, like she knew this would eventually happen.” Elena sounded slightly wistful at this point. It was strange, but also nice in a peculiar way. Maybe because she always sounded like a cocky bitch.

  “There” she piped, causing the handkerchief to float toward Seydoo’s nose, “what do you perceive.” Seydoo flared his nostrils and took in the fragrance of Lukai’s essence in one large inhale. Lukai’s essence had a powerful pungence. It smelled ancient, yet it also smelled like a garden with flowers that dripped nectar all day long. It smelled like mild sunlight, which Seydoo thought peculiar, but also of a throbbing, violent energy, like fire. Or rage. Rage, that was the most powerful signal Seydoo could pick from the clothing piece. Without needing to stretch his senses, he realized that he could feel a similar rage pulsating around him all of a sudden. At first, the sensation came over him like a wave, but he had trained all his life for this. Carefully, he isolated unrelated sensations and cancelled them with special mind techniques, until he was left with pure rage. “I can feel him,” he blurted, and for the first time that morning Elena nodded with satisfaction.


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