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Kissed By Flames

Page 6

by Vella Day

  Lily had no words. She was Birk’s mate? For real? Birk was, after all, a dragon shifter, and the last dragon shifter had hurt her badly.

  Her heart fluttered as excitement filled her, but at the same time, dread pooled in her stomach. Lily wanted to believe that Birk was different, but she was afraid to take the leap. Her insecurities about what he would do when he saw her back were strong.

  Could she take the chance that he wouldn’t be disgusted and run? That was the gold winning question right there.

  Then again, Kyle had never been so happy as when he’d mated with Nessa, and then again when he was transformed into a dragon…Oh, no. “Are you saying that if we mated, I’d have to be a dragon too?”

  His smile wobbled. “I don’t know any way to stop it, but Kyle likes being one.”

  That was a deal breaker. Lily sat up straighter. “Kyle is a born fighter. I’m not.”

  “Just think if you could shift into a dragon, you could shoot fire at Toma if you wished—or Nelor!”

  She could never hurt anyone—well, maybe Nelor. “I barely know you.”

  When the muscles in his face sagged and the light in his eyes dimmed, she wanted to take back every word.

  “That’s why people date,” he said. “Look, I’m not asking you to strip naked and make love with me this minute. I mean…I’d like that, but I like you as a person and want you to get to know me too.”

  Did he really like her? Or was that his hormones talking? She was so confused.

  Lily finally admitted that this indecision was driving her crazy. Bottom line was that she had to finally pull up her big girl panties and just show him that she cared. She could no longer deny that she was falling for Birk, big time. No more hiding!

  In order for them to move forward though, or for her to accept a rejection and move on, she needed to see his reaction first hand—in the light of day and not in the throes of passion. With her heart slamming against her ribs, Lily took a deep breath, turned away from Birk, and grabbed the hem of her shirt. Tears brimmed on her lashes as she raised the material over her head, waiting for the intake of breath or the grunt of disgust.

  Chapter Seven

  Birk inhaled, not because of what Lily’s back looked like but because of what she had been through. The strength and bravery it took for her to remove her shirt, showed the amount of trust she was giving to him. This woman touched his heart and soul like no other ever could.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered. Birk expected her to turn around, but Lily just sat there.

  Then Nessa’s words came back to him about how Lily was sensitive about her burned back. Is that what this was? Some kind of warped show and tell? Sure, the skin was dimpled and twisted, but the coloring appeared more or less normal. From the way her shoulders were moving and the little sounds she was making, he realized she was crying.

  Birk placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Lily? Look at me, please.”

  She grabbed her shirt from her lap and slipped it back on. The tears streaming down her face were cutting slices in his heart. Without thinking, he scooted closer and gathered her into his arms. For once, she didn’t struggle. In fact, Lily buried her head against his chest and seemed to let out all the emotion she had been bottling up inside.

  Birk pressed his face against her hair and inhaled her delicious scent—fresh like the forest and as pure as the air high above the realm. He gently rubbed her back and spoke soft words of encouragement to her. When Lily finally calmed down, she looked up at him and leaned back. “Well?” she asked.

  “I know you were burned, but it doesn’t bother me if that’s what is worrying you. Lily, I know you can’t really understand this, but we are fated to be together. To me, you are beautiful both inside and out. A little scarring doesn’t matter to me.” He took off his shirt. While his dragon healed his wounds, there was one ugly gash near his shoulder that was a bit lumpy. He picked up her hand and ran it over the five-inch slice. “Does this offend you?”

  She lightly ran her finger over the gash and then slipped her hand from of his grasp. “No. Why would it? Scars on men are sexy.”

  He chuckled. “Then why would your scar bother me?”

  She looked off to the side. “I guess because it has offended every other man who has seen it.”

  Birk tried hard not to let his jealousy show. “Since no other man will ever have the chance to look at your lovely body again, you’ll never have to worry about someone else’s ridicule. What you need to understand is that you are extremely important to me—more important than life itself. If I mess this up, it’ll kill me.”

  She smiled briefly, and his whole insides rejoiced, swamping him with hope and joy. It was when she placed her palm on his chest that his dragon cheered.

  “I’m not good at expressing myself either. To be honest, I’ve kept my distance because I feared if you saw my back you’d run away.”

  He lifted her hand and pressed her fingers to his lips. “Never.”

  Lily slipped her hand out of his once more, clearly not ready for what he wanted.

  Birk ran a finger down her cheek. “Tell me what you’re thinking. Are you terrified of us being mates? Slightly happy about it? Or cautiously optimistic?”

  Lily hiccupped and then smiled, her lips wobbling. “I think cautiously happy. Yes. Cautiously happy. That’s it, and hopeful. I would give anything to erase my past and my prejudices, but if anyone can change my mind about what happened, it’s you.”

  Those words were more than he could have hoped for. “I’ll take it. One step at a time it is. Just tell me if I move too fast or if I scare you.”

  Lily placed a hand on his cheek, and Birk swore his skin burned from her wonderful touch. “I trust you.”

  Yes! Birk wanted to grab her, hold her close, and then kiss her silly, but he wouldn’t. At least not right now. “Now that the air is cleared about how I feel about you, I need to warn you.”

  She stiffened, and he wished he’d not told her so soon. “Warn me about what? And don’t say Thresh Toma wants to kill me.”

  “No. Not him. At least I don’t think so.” He told her about flying to the eternal flame and meeting a woman who he could only describe as some kind of fortuneteller. “I’d been told she is very wise and quite magical.”

  “I’ve heard of the eternal flame. Kyle mentioned something about Nessa talking to a woman there.”

  “Yes. This woman, Fay Forrester, remembered Nessa and then told me someone affiliated with Thresh Toma would harm you. I had to take her seriously.” He held up a hand. “Before you ask, I never mentioned his name to the woman. She just knew.”

  “Are you saying Toma hired someone?”

  “I don’t know what to think. Fay just said you were in danger from some of Toma’s associates. That’s all. She said these men were based out of Glen Meadow. Have you ever been there?”

  She glanced off to the side. “No. Never. Even if I believed this woman, why would someone I’ve never met want to harm me? I’ve already turned in my report about the arson case. There is nothing more I can do to help or harm Mr. Toma.”

  Lily was right. Maybe he was overreacting, but he couldn’t help it. “Maybe these men from Glen Meadow are the ones who took Toma’s daughters.”

  She pressed her lips together. “Suppose that’s true. That’s no reason to target me. I don’t work for him. If they hated you, for example, then yes, hurting me could serve their purpose.”

  “You’re right, but I can’t ignore what this woman told me. For now, I’m not leaving your side.”

  Her eyes widened, and her face reddened. “I know we are mates, but didn’t you tell me that I have a say in this?”

  “No.” From the way Lily’s lips had firmed, he might be in for a battle. Shit. Birk was so used to getting his own way that he didn’t stop to think that his feisty woman might rebel. “I mean, yes, you do have a choice. I’m sorry, but I could never live with myself if anything happened to you. I won’t be by your side
every moment of every day like I was before, but I will be watching you—even if it means sleeping in your hallway.”

  She grabbed his arm and squeezed. “Birk. Don’t do this. Please. Can you give me some evidence that I’m really in danger?”

  “Declan, Thane, and Finn are at Glen Meadow right now, trying to find out that answer, but if this oracle does have psychic abilities, she might be talking about the future.”

  Lily slumped back against the sofa. “Fine. You can stay here, but I’m going to work and will go about my business as usual.”

  He let out a big breath. “Thank you. And no problem with you doing your job.” It was the best he could ask for. Needing some help, Birk pulled out his phone and called Kyle.

  “Is Lily okay?” her brother asked without saying hello.

  “Yes. I wanted to update you on something. I’ve told her everything, but I need one last favor.”


  “I need to run an errand right now. Can you make sure she’s safe while I’m gone?” Birk asked.

  “Sure. I can be there in a few minutes.”

  “I’ll wait for you outside.”

  She grabbed his arm. “You really believe something is going to happen, don’t you?”

  “I hope I’m wrong, but I won’t take any chances.”

  “I get it. I do.” Lily moved closer, leaned forward, and brushed her lips against his cheek. “Thank you.”

  Hormones drenched his body, and his mouth didn’t work for a moment. “You’re welcome. I know that my hovering can be a bit claustrophobic, so I’m going to see if I can find another kind of help—one that won’t smother you as much.”

  She furrowed her brows. “By asking Kyle to stand watch?”

  “Yes, but I can also ask some of my brother’s, or even Nessa, to take a few shifts.”

  “Okay. I understand.”

  He was thrilled that she didn’t balk. Birk stood. “I’m going to wait outside for Kyle, but I shouldn’t be gone too long.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’ll tell you when I return.”

  Lily rose and when she gave him a brief hug, much of the tension of the last few weeks disappeared. “Thank you again,” she said.

  He was about to say it was in his nature to protect her, but that might diminish her appreciation. “You’re welcome.”

  You need so much work on being romantic, his dragon said.

  Fuck off. I’ll figure it out.

  You better.

  Birk waited outside for Kyle, and when he arrived, he gave him a more detailed rundown of what he’d learned. “I want to ask the Four Sisters a favor, and I hope they can help me.”

  “Good luck.”

  Knowing Lily would be safe, Birk rushed to the park near her apartment, shifted, and headed to the edge of town toward the Four Sisters Pottery store. He wasn’t going to ask them to divulge the names of the men Thresh Toma was tangled up with, since they wouldn’t tell him anyway. He hoped they could help in another way.

  It was just past closing when he arrived, but the light in the back was on, so he rapped on the front door. When Acacia and Poppy came out of the back together, the store lights lit up.

  They both answered. “Birk, it’s always nice to get a visit from a Guardian. Come in,” Poppy said.

  Only a rare few—the four sisters being ones—knew who the Guardians were. “I’ve come to ask for a favor.” As always.

  Poppy smiled. “How can we help?”

  Birk explained about how his mate was in danger, though he said he didn’t really know the details. “There is a huge gem and metal conference coming up in a few days, and most of the Guardians will be in attendance, which means we’re going to be shorthanded. It’s possible I’ll have to take care of something dire. Is there anything I can do, before mating with her, which would allow me to sense if she is in danger in case I can’t be with her?”

  The two women looked at each other. Then Acacia reached out and ran her hand above his heart where his scar existed. “Perhaps. Can you give us a scale from right here?”

  “I can do that.” He’d learned not to question their methods. “I’ll step outside. If I shift in here, I’ll destroy not only every pot and plate but part of the structure as well.”

  “Then by all means do.” Acacia motioned toward the door.

  Birk wasn’t sure what she wanted with his scale, or how it would keep Lily safe, but he’d do as she asked. These women were that special.

  After he shifted, he yanked out the scale and actually winced. Apparently, the area over the scar was still sensitive but maybe that was the point. He wasn’t sure how long it would take, but the scale would grow back.

  Birk shifted back and returned to the store. Primrose and Magnolia had joined the other two sisters. Magnolia, the eldest, took his scale. “This is too large to fit into the protection ring, so we’ll have to grind it up. But don’t worry. We’ll make it into the shape of a heart and turn it into stone so no one will ever know what it’s made out of. We’ll then put a spell on it that will encompass the entire ring after it’s been set. If Lily is ever in danger or afraid, all she has to do is rub a finger over the surface and that spot on your chest will vibrate. The heat will let you know that she needs you.”

  How clever. “That’s perfect. Thank you.” Even Lily wouldn’t balk at that.

  Magnolia carried the scale to the back room. When she returned, she was carrying a ruby colored stone, the same shade as his scale. It was remarkable. The four women placed the stone on the table and then each touched one corner. They closed their eyes and chanted in a strange language. If Birk didn’t know how much they’d helped his family in the past, he might have thought they were crazy.

  When they finished, they sprinkled herbs on top of the heart-shaped stone, said another incantation, and then handed it to him. “With this stone you will always know whether she is in trouble.”

  “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “You already have. Now be quick.”

  Their warning made him move swiftly. Once he was far enough away from the store, he held the stone tightly and shifted. If none of the SinCas jewelers were on site, he’d ask his brother Camden to fashion a ring for Lily.

  Fortunately, Camden was there. Once he explained what he needed, his brother showed him a few settings.

  “I like this one,” Birk said. “It’s delicate, like Lily.”

  “How do you feel about Birk being your mate?” Kyle asked as he drank his hot tea.

  Lily wanted to be honest with him and with herself. “I’m happy. I think. It’s going to take some getting used to though. You know how I feel about dragon shifters.”

  “Still?” Her brother’s eyes widened. “Do you feel differently about me now that I’m one?”

  He was being silly. “Of course not. You’re still my brother.”

  “And Birk is still, well, Birk.” Kyle set down his cup and leaned forward in the chair, his elbows resting on his knees. “Let me ask you this. Has Birk ever done anything to make you afraid of him?”

  “No. He’s actually gone out of his way to be nice.”

  Kyle leaned back. “Then why not embrace the concept of being mates?”

  When Lily had shown Birk her scarred back, he hadn’t reacted like she’d expected, so she had no reason to fear any kind of rejection from him. Why wasn’t she jumping for joy?

  “Maybe I’m afraid Birk might not want to be with me after a while. He’s gorgeous and strong and competent, and I have few skills.” She wasn’t anything like Kyle’s mate, who not only was powerful, she had magic on her side.

  “How about leaving that decision up to Birk? I’ve gotten to know him, and trust me, he won’t become bored with you. Birk cares deeply for you—and I don’t think it’s just that Fate designated you as his mate.”

  Lily didn’t understand any of this Fate stuff. “I hope that’s the case.”

  Someone knocked and instantly a stab of fear s
hot through her until Kyle smiled.

  “Relax. It’s only Birk,” he said.

  “How do you know it’s not some other dragon shifter come to harm me?” He’d told her he was able to detect all kinds of shifters.

  “Now that I’m mated to Nessa, her sister and brothers all have the same vibration radiating off them.”

  That almost made sense. “Okay, but check the peephole first.”

  Kyle smiled. “Stop worrying.” He made a big show of looking before opening the door. “Hey, Birk.”

  “Sorry, I took so long.” Birk stepped past him and looked at Lily. “I had to make another stop on the way back here.”

  The room seemed to shrink, but instead of any discomfort coursing through Lily, she had a sudden urge to kiss him.

  “No problem,” Kyle said. “It gave Lily and me a chance to catch up.” He slapped Birk on the back. “If you don’t need me anymore tonight, I’ll head on back to your sister.”

  Birk smiled, and her insides tumbled. She hadn’t seen him this cheerful in a long time.

  “Go, we’re good.”

  Lily was curious where Birk had gone, but she’d wait for him to tell her. Instead of sitting, he remained standing. That didn’t bode well.

  “Are you up for some dinner?” he asked. “I’m starving.”

  So was she. Lily had turned him down for so many dates the word no was on the tip of her tongue. Only then did she realize she had no reason to deny him anymore. “You mean you’ll let me out of my cave even though you think the world is about to attack me?” She waved a hand around her tiny apartment and then made sure to smile.

  His eyes sparkled. “Yes, because I’ll be with you. When we get to the restaurant, I’ll even tell you where I went.”

  Excited for the first time in a while, she jumped up. “Let me get my purse and a sweater. Some restaurants are cold.” Kyle had said it was because many dragon shifters were so hot blooded that the restaurant owners kept their establishments quite chilly.

  Now that Lily had decided to give Birk a chance, she couldn’t wait to have a real date—one where she didn’t have to worry about him doing something she didn’t want.


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