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Kissed By Flames

Page 9

by Vella Day

  Another creak sounded, erasing all of her assurances from a moment before.

  “Lily, is that you?” Birk asked.

  Relief washed through her. As soon as she stepped from her room, the kitchen light clicked on. “I thought I heard something,” she said.

  “I’m sorry.” He rushed up to her. “I was getting a drink. Would you like some water?”

  “Water would be fine.”

  With his back turned to her, she couldn’t help but admire his cute butt that was outlined nicely in his thin pajama bottoms.

  “You couldn’t sleep?” Tension laced his tone.

  “I was reading.”

  As soon as he turned around, Lily couldn’t take her eyes off his incredibly naked chest. When he’d shown her his scar before, she hadn’t been in the right frame of mind to notice how hot he was. Nelor was a large man, but Birk was packed with twice as many muscles and was several inches taller. When he lifted the glass to hand it to her, his pectorals flexed. Oh, my.

  Birk smiled. “Maybe I should put on a shirt,” he said, but she could hear the pleasure in his tone.

  “No need.” Lily finally looked up at him, and heat flushed her face. She quickly drank the water, needing the cool liquid to calm her.

  “Okay then. I’m going to try to get some shuteye,” Birk said with a sudden playfulness in his tone.

  She was tempted to ask him to stay a bit and talk to her, but she was a coward. “Goodnight.”

  While she’d seen his eyes flash teal when he glanced at her fairly thin pajama top, he didn’t try to kiss her again. What was wrong with the man? She didn’t think she’d ever understand him. He told her he wanted her worse than anything, and yet when she was within reach, he did nothing.

  Oh, yeah. She’d been the one to break off the kiss, mostly because her reaction to his kiss surprised her.

  As Birk strutted toward his room, she admired his finer than fine ass. His back muscles rippled, but she couldn’t tell if it was due to tension or if he was flexing for her.

  Should she go in after him? Or let him have his rest? If he wanted her so much, maybe he’d come into her room.

  Aargh. Just as he was about to close his door, he twisted toward her. “I know you were checking out my ass.” He winked, and heat flushed her face once more.

  As much as she wanted to throw back a denial, her lips wouldn’t move, though her jaw did drop a little.

  Birk closed the door and then pushed it back open an inch. “The light switch is right here. Turn it off when you’re done.”


  “In case you get scared again, I’ll leave this open.”

  Was that an invitation? His footsteps moved across the hardwood floors, and then the bed squeaked. Lily still hadn’t moved since her mind couldn’t stop racing. What did she want to do? Get lost in the comfort of his arms or not? She’d slept alone for years but found little pleasure in it.

  While Birk had the opportunity to seduce her when he was her bodyguard, he’d never even hinted that he liked her, so maybe his flirty comment about her checking out his hot body was his way of showing he wanted her to make the next move.

  Go in!

  As if some spirit was sitting on her shoulder urging her to take the plunge, she walked toward his door. She flicked off the living room light and was instantly bathed in darkness. At least with his room being dark, he wouldn’t have to look at her back despite Birk claiming he didn’t care about her scars.

  Aw, what the hell. If she changed her mind, she’d tell him she wasn’t ready and return to her room. Inhaling, she pushed open his door just far enough to slip in. Her breathing came out raspy in the silent night—or maybe it was her heart banging against her rib cage that caused the blood to pound in her ears.

  “I won’t bite,” Birk said with humor in his tone.

  Shit. She thought she could sneak in. How had she forgotten he was a dragon shifter with exceptional eyesight and hearing? “I know.”

  Birk changed positions and then turned on the nightstand light. “I don’t want you to bang your toe or shin.”

  Her eyes must have widened. “Thank you.” Okay, this was awkward. “I’m usually not this forward,” she said, though Lily wasn’t sure she really needed to explain.

  “You’re not being forward, at least not to me. We belong together, so it’s natural that we enjoy each other.”

  His being nice helped calm her nerves. His teal eyes flashed and glowed, and his ruby colored scales pulsed under his skin. “Does it hurt?” she asked.

  “Does what hurt?”

  “When your scales glow like that?” Nessa had told her it happened when she was either angry or sexually excited, but she never commented on whether it was painful.

  “No. Would you like to feel them? I need to warn you though that they emit a lot of heat.”

  Her blood pressure dropped at his casual tone. “Okay.”

  Birk scooted over to make room, and she crawled onto the bed. His small smile boosted her confidence.

  She touched his abs where the color was coming from. His body was hot, and her body instantly turned into an inferno. “You are most definitely a dragon.”

  He chuckled. “I hope so. Come here, sugar.” He gathered her into his arms and stretched out onto his back.

  She had no choice but to place her head on his shoulder. When she inhaled his scent, which seemed to be a combination of pine and lemon, something stirred deep inside her. His inner dragon scales flashed again, and she automatically touched them. “They really are warm.”

  “The longer you are by my side, the hotter I become.”

  His flattery was so refreshing. Since Birk didn’t seem to be in any hurry to make out, she decided to enjoy him. When she stroked the fine hairs on his chest, she couldn’t help but moan.

  As if he too was enjoying the prelude, Birk reached up and ran a hand down her hip, and his gentle touch set off something inside her that shut down all her inhibitions.

  “I want you, Lily.” As much as she had the urge to say she wanted him too, that final step was hard. Birk tilted her face toward his. “Kiss me.”

  She melted at his gentle command. Her mouth opened, and Birk leaned forward and cupped her face. When their lips touched, she could no longer hold back. For the first time in her life, it didn’t seem to matter that he was a dragon shifter or that her back was burned. This was Birk—the man Fate had decided would be with her for the rest of her life, and that notion infused her with joy.

  Wanting to show him how much she wanted to make love with him, Lily joined her tongue with his and leaned into his body more fully. His huge hard cock shouldn’t have caught her off guard, but it did. Without thinking, she reached between them and pressed her hand against his shaft.

  He grunted. “Lily, you’re killing me. I want to go slowly, but my dragon is clawing my insides to take you.”

  “Then listen to your dragon.”

  Oh, my God, I didn’t just say that!

  He swung her onto her back and crawled on top, resting his powerful body on his elbows. Birk closed his eyes and inhaled. “I want to take my time, I really do, but damn, I am working so hard to control myself right now.”

  She wasn’t sure how to respond, so she reached up, tugged on his head, and kissed him once more. This time, it was Birk who slipped his tongue into her mouth, and the foray was sensual, pleasurable, and oh so exciting. Every tongue twist sent heat straight between her legs. Lily couldn’t believe how Birk’s touch ignited her so.

  Before she was ready to stop, Birk broke the kiss and slipped downward.

  “I have to taste you,” he said as he undid the buttons on her pajama top and then lay open the fabric. “My dragon is clawing to break free.”

  She grabbed his arms. “I hope that’s a figure of speech.”

  He smiled. “I hope so too, but he’s on the same page as my human side. We have wanted you for so long that I don’t trust him to stay put. I am working really hard to keep h
im pushed back and let me have the lead here.”

  Birk leaned over, and when he licked her nipple, she thought she’d be the one who might explode. Even through her pajama bottoms, her scent perfumed the air. Lily had never experienced such overwhelming need before. It was as if some white lighter had invaded her body and made her connect with him.

  Massaging her other breast while he made love to her nipple with his mouth, Lily floated, thrilling to the joy coursing through her. She reached down and threaded her fingers through his short hair, and then pressed her palm against his scalp. The added pressure made Birk flick his tongue faster and faster. He reached between her legs and pressed his palm against her pussy.

  Just as she was about to come, Birk released his hold on her and dropped between her legs. Lily damned him and cheered him at the same time. She closed her eyes in anticipation of the onslaught of glorious bliss.

  “These have to go.” When he tugged on her bottoms, she lifted up, and they became history.

  “Much better,” she said.

  He licked her once and then sucked in an audible breath. “Mmm. You even taste as sweet as sugar.”

  Every preconceived notion about men and how unfeeling and uncaring they were, flew out the window. She wiggled her butt against the cool sheets and clamped her hands on his shoulders, willing him to continue to feast on her. “Go ahead and satisfy your sweet tooth.”

  He chuckled, but she’d been deadly serious. To her delight, he did continue. In fact, each lick and suck pushed her closer to the brink of that climax. When he sucked on her clit however, she could no longer stop her orgasm from claiming her.

  Lily sucked in a breath and dug her nails into his skin. “Yes!” she shouted.

  Birk pressed his cheek against her pussy and sighed. “I think bringing you pleasure is my new favorite pastime.”

  He held her tight, probably waiting for her breathing to slow down before continuing. Her fingers finally uncurled, and her body slowly relaxed into the bed. Only then was she able to speak. “I’d like to do the same for you.”

  Birk lifted his head and then shook it. “I don’t think so, sugar. I’m hanging on by a very thin thread and don’t have that much control right now. Trust me—I look forward to you returning the favor next time.”

  She grunted her disapproval. “Can I at least help release that dragon in your pants?”

  Birk cracked up and then rolled onto his back. “Sure. I’ll never turn down an offer from you, especially when you want to light my fire, my beautiful woman.”

  Lily had no idea where this witty, funny guy had been all these past weeks, but she was enjoying the repartee now. Birk slipped his pants off partway. “You said I could do that.” She tried to sound disgruntled.

  He lifted his hands. “Fine, but you need to be quick.”

  Something overtook her mind, because as soon as she dragged his pajama bottoms down, she leaned over and swiped her tongue along his length.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” he said.

  A second later she was flat on her back with Birk hovering over her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Birk was about to break. Having Lily in his arms was more amazing and wonderful than he could have ever imagined. If he messed things up now, he’d never forgive himself.

  To his delight, his flirty comebacks seemed to please her, and for the first time in maybe forever, tension wasn’t twisting his muscles into knots.

  She tapped his forehead. “Where did you go, dragon-boy?”

  He smiled at the nickname. “Just thinking how incredible you are.”

  She cocked a brow. “Showing is a lot more convincing.”

  Where Lily’s sudden confidence had come from, he didn’t know, but he sure as hell liked it. He’d detected the change in her when he told her they were mates. Having grown up without a dad might have caused her to be cautious around men—that, and that asshole Nelor turning on her.

  The idea of having someone around forever must have appealed to her. When her lips parted, he leaned over and kissed her. Hard. Passionately. Seductively.

  Mate, mate, his dragon said, cheering him on.

  I need to take it slow.

  Then why are you devouring her?

  Birk lightened up on the kiss and swirled his tongue around hers instead of probing deeply, but he found it difficult not to want to take all of her. He delved into her sweet mouth again, and then nudged open her legs with his knee, waiting for her to tell him she wasn’t ready.

  It must have been his lucky day because Lily planted her feet on the bed and lifted her hips. That completely unraveled him. Now, he had to have her.

  Heat slammed through his veins as his ruby scales flickered and pulsed. Needing to test the waters, he slipped his cock between her legs and stopped at her entrance.

  “Birk, please, take me now.”

  That was all he needed to hear. Using all of his control, he slid into her eager pussy and nearly shifted when he reached the end. As wild lust grabbed him hard, his breath caught. This was his mate, the woman he would love and protect forever.

  She tried to move beneath him, but he drew his knees inward to keep her still. “Give me a second, please.”

  Lily stopped moving but then cupped his face and drew him close enough to make love to his mouth. It was too much. With her breasts pressed against his chest, her heat wrapped around his cock, and her tongue about to tangle with his, Birk was unable to keep from retreating and then driving back into her.

  His balls drew up tight, and his cock and tongue plunged into her again and again. He savored her sweetness, and Lily moaned and dug her nails into his shoulders. Sweat beaded their bodies as they fucked hard and with total abandon.

  Lily broke the kiss. She let out a scream as her eyes rolled back in her head. He’d never been more turned on. When her inner walls clamped down hard on him, his hot cum detonated.

  “Oh, Lily.”

  A long while later, Birk rolled over and dragged her on top, where she lay with her cheek on his chest, while he remained snug inside her. Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her forehead, never wanting to let her go.

  He said nothing until her breathing slowed. “Shit! I’m so sorry, Lily. I was caught up in the moment that I forgot to use protection.”

  She patted his chest. “It’s okay. I’ve taken precautions. Not only am I on the pill, I was checked out after Nelor.”

  Part of him was disappointed. He wanted heirs, but that would come later. “Smart. I’m good to go too.”

  Finally, she lifted her head. “We need to clean up.”

  “I’ll find us something.” He rolled her to the side and slipped out of her. In the bathroom, he wet a washcloth to clean her up first and then himself. Once he tossed the cloth back into the sink, he crawled into bed. “Will you stay the night with me—in my bed?”

  Lily snuggled against him and sighed. “Yes.”

  Birk held the phone to his ear and watched Lily grab a glass from the kitchen cabinet and hold it under the faucet. “I’ll ask her, but what do you plan to do, Ness?”

  “Before the A.P.P. turns Toma loose, I thought we’d take her out for a girl’s day. Maybe the four of us will have a little makeover session, catch a movie, or go shopping. We’re not sure.”

  The water turned off and Lily moved toward him. It was Saturday, so she thankfully wasn’t working today. He turned his back to her and lowered his voice. “What if Toma’s men come after her?”

  Nessa huffed. “We’ll stick to the main part of the city. I’m sure that Tory, Greer, Kaleena, and I can handle them. Remember, four is better than one, and we are Guardians, my dear brother.”

  That was true. Furthermore, Declan had called and said that he, Kyle, and Finn were heading to Glen Meadow again today to look for Toma’s daughters. He’d even asked if Birk was free to help.

  “I’m sure she’ll be happy to join you four. Will you pick her up here or should I drop her off?”

  “I’ll pick her up.

  “Let me ask Lily.” Birk pressed the phone to his chest. “Nessa, Greer, Kaleena, and Tory would like to take you out for the day. Would you like to go?”

  “Are you coming?”

  He couldn’t tell if she wanted him to. “I’m not invited. It’s a girls-only thing. Don’t worry—you’ll be safe with them if that’s your concern.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Help Declan find Toma’s daughters.”

  Lily pressed her lips together possibly indicating she wasn’t pleased he might be putting his life in danger, but then she smiled. “Yes, I’d love to go.”

  It would be good for her to be out and about and not have to worry about anything. He lifted the phone. “Lily would be thrilled.”

  “We’ll pick her up soon.”

  “Good.” He disconnected.

  “What’s the occasion?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. I’m guessing it’s to give you a break from me.”

  Lily came over to him with her glass in hand. The nearer she drew, the more his body heated. “I don’t need a break from you, but getting to know your sisters and cousins will be nice.”

  “Thank you, and I agree. They are fun.” He held up a finger. “Even though all four women can defend you, be alert at all times.”

  When Lily laughed, he was tempted to seduce her again.

  “What do you think?” the hairdresser asked Lily as she turned her toward the mirror to see the final product.

  “I look so different.” Lily’s heart fluttered at the woman staring back at her. She fingered her trimmed hair that had been highlighted with darker brown streaks. She twisted her head to the right and then the left, loving how her slightly curly hair swished on her shoulders. “I like it.” She turned toward Nessa. “What will Birk think about it?”

  Nessa, Kaleena, and Greer had their hair done already and were huddled around her. Nessa fingered Lily’s hair. “Birk is going to love it. Though I bet even if you’d opted to shave your head, he’d tell you how hot you looked.”

  Okay, that was a worrisome comment. “Are you saying Birk isn’t always truthful?”


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