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Overlord: A Dark Shifter Romance

Page 13

by Delta James

  “That would include seeing to your need for structure and discipline.”

  “Who says I have a need for structure and discipline?” she asked.

  “I do. And mine is the only opinion that matters.”

  His approval and reassurance washed over Sloan like a gentle wave as he nuzzled her and held her close.

  “It will be fine, Sloan. We are one. No one, save me, will ever cause you pain again.”

  “Why do I not find that all that reassuring?” she quipped.

  Gareth grinned. “Because the Mistress of Ravenscar is as intelligent as she is beautiful.” She could feel the change in his body as he changed subjects. “Fallon assures me that for you the transition was not as it appeared to me.”

  Sloan nodded. “Unless it appeared as though I merely slept, she is right.”

  “Several times, it appeared as though something disturbed you,” he said, obviously concerned.

  “There were a few dark dreams at the very beginning, and I felt as though someone were abusing me...”

  Gareth growled. She realized that witnessing her transition had been frightening to him and he was not a man to whom fear was commonplace. She soothed him by placing her hands over his and directed them back to his fondling, which seemed to placate him.

  “But mostly it felt as though I were floating above it all... seeing everything but feeling little. I did, though, feel each and every moment with you. You wolves have it right about this fated mate thing... I have been with you many times before.”

  “I would offer, beloved, that you are now wolf as well and I fear you are stuck with me through the end of all time.”

  * * *

  Later that morning, they made use of the gifted tub, nibbling on the food Fallon had brought until the water began to cool and Gareth removed them both from the tub, dried Sloan off, and deposited her into their bed before retrieving the tray left discreetly outside their tent. Sloan reached for a piece of venison that looked particularly appealing and had her hand slapped away.

  “You will eat what Fallon thinks is best for your recovery. Right now she wants you restricted from the richer forms of protein.”

  “But it looks and smells divine. Can’t I have just a little bite?”

  “Only a small one,” he said, slicing off a small piece and then putting it between his teeth so that the majority peeked out to tempt her.

  Sloan grinned and leaned onto his muscular frame, deftly plucking the venison from his lips before nibbling on them as well. Smiling in a profoundly predatory way, Gareth repeated the process and again Sloan retrieved the bite she wanted from him in the same manner. Gareth continued to share the succulent meat, drawing her up onto his body.

  With one hand he speared the venison and with the other he fondled her buttocks, running his fingers down the crack of her ass to tease against her puckered entrance. Sloan had stopped trying to resist his caresses there and if pressed would have to admit she was beginning to find it arousing. Her body now responded to his of its own accord and she had become accustomed to her nipples being stiff and feeling a pool of arousal swirling leisurely between her legs.

  As she retrieved the last piece of meat from his lips, Gareth captured her mouth with his own and began to kiss her hungrily. She could feel his cock start to harden and rise between her legs as she lay prone on his body.

  Gareth slid her body off of his, keeping her face down. He rolled up on top of her, parting her thighs with his as he grasped her hips firmly and pulled her into position to be mounted. Once she was on her knees, she moaned as Gareth inserted two of his fingers into her wet heat and began pumping her.

  “Gareth,” she moaned, enjoying his attention and giving over her body to his demand and care.

  It didn’t come as a surprise when he trailed his fingers that were thoroughly coated with the evidence of her arousal up to explore the opening to her rear passage. She moaned again.

  “My mate no longer recoils from my touch of her last virgin hole,” he purred, sliding one finger past the ring of coiled tissue.

  Even though Gareth had forced her to accept a plug in her bottom after her transition and often pressed his thumb against her entrance when he fucked her, this was a new and not altogether unpleasant sensation.

  As he began to gently pump first once and then two fingers in and out of her bottom hole, Sloan could feel her pussy continue to release the wet slick that preceded and then accompanied her climax. Her body offered him no resistance as she purred her pleasure at his increasingly intimate use of her once forbidden entrance.

  “Good mate,” he crooned, pumping her faster and deeper.

  The part of Sloan’s brain that was still functioning outside of the maelstrom of desire that he was creating knew what he was planning and thought she should at least offer him a token resistance. But that was only a very small part of who and what she was, and the vast majority of her not only wanted to surrender, but wanted to embrace one of the few last unknown pleasures he offered. Her resolve crumbled and she accepted his dominance completely.

  Just as her body sought to scale the last pinnacle of pleasure, Gareth removed his fingers and used both hands to steady her as the head of his cock pressed against the entrance to her only remaining virgin hole. Still a bit uncomfortable with the unknown, she began to stiffen.

  “Nay, beloved. Do not seek to deny both of us this pleasure. Submit to me in this final way. Breathe and trust that my breach of your bottom hole will fill you with as much pleasure as my cum will fill your back passage.”

  The words had no sooner left his mouth than his cock began relentlessly pressing forward, penetrating her bottom hole. He nuzzled and nipped at her neck as she relaxed into his hands and he was able to seat his full length within her. His self-satisfied growl of pleasure triggered a small orgasm on her part and both her cunt and rear sheath contracted in pleasure.

  “Gareth,” she purred languidly.

  Slowly and with great care he began to thrust within her. Sloan was not expecting the jolts of primal, sexual fulfillment that coursed throughout her being. She groaned as Gareth’s use of her bottom hole became a bit more forceful and determined. He slid his arm underneath her, holding her in place while the fingers of his other hand reclaimed her pussy and pumped in rhythm to his cock’s thrusting in her bottom hole.

  The sensations created at being not only doubly penetrated but doubly pleasured caused her to scream in abandon. Gareth growled seductively as he continued to surge in and out of both of her holes.

  “Come for me, Sloan. Let me fill your bottom hole with my cum as your pussy and arse climax in unison and evidence your surrender to me.”

  Sloan could feel her pussy tingling and beginning to spasm as her rear sheath did for the first time. All of her nerve endings were firing in synchronicity and harmony. She felt her soul escape its earthly bonds to soar amid the mists that existed outside of time and space.

  “Gareth,” she cried, almost passing out from the intensity of his possession.

  She sighed and became boneless as he began to pump his cum into her bottom hole accompanied by the grunts and groans of male pleasure. Both her pussy and the sheath in which he released his seed continued to pulse and contract all along his length.

  Sloan felt him slowly withdraw from her and the sticky residue from his climax that couldn’t be contained inside her leaked out. He rolled off of her and onto his back, bringing her close beside him.

  “You are exquisite and complete me in a way only few will ever know. You are my beloved mate and will be for all time,” he purred.

  * * *

  They spent the next few days traveling to Ravenscar. Each day they broke camp and were on the road by dawn and each day as dusk fell, they found a place to make camp. Sloan was convinced she could be quite happy living this way. She enjoyed the time each night spent with their pack at the bonfire and was happy to see that the three newest female pack members appeared to be relaxed and fitting in. It still am
used her to watching the battle-hardened warriors putting forth their most courtly manners to try to gain favor.

  Gareth insisted she rest and refused to leave her side for any length of time. Sloan found that Gareth was a strong and virile lover. He could be gentle and loving one minute and then turn around and be rough and demanding the next. He had a strong libido that he successfully encouraged her to meet. Sloan had always enjoyed sex, but with Gareth it was far more profound than just the physicality. He dominated her senses each and every time he possessed her. She would call his name repeatedly as he wrung climax after climax from her body and promised that once he had her in seclusion, he would exact even more from her.

  He was working at the desk while she napped naked in their bed when there was a gentle knock. Fallon had taken to checking on her each morning after breakfast and Gareth called for her to enter. Ruari was with her.

  “My lord, I am sorry to disturb you, but I need a moment of your time.”

  Gareth stood. “Fallon, look after Sloan, who is to remain in bed until I return.”

  Sloan threw a pillow at him, hitting him squarely in his face, making both Ruari and Fallon smile. Gareth growled at her. She laughed and threw another one, which he caught.

  “Fallon, you might want to remind your mistress that we are still several days’ ride from Ravenscar and that making that trip on a spanked bottom would be most uncomfortable.”

  “Yes, my lord,” said Fallon dutifully while trying to mask her amusement.

  “Side with him too often, Fallon, and it will be the end of what could be a lovely friendship. You wouldn’t want your mistress thinking ill of you, now would you?” she teased, making Fallon smile as she tried to keep from laughing.

  “Sloan,” Gareth growled.

  “Gareth,” she called back as she launched another pillow at him.

  Both Ruari and Fallon held their breath as he crossed the room and snarled at her. “Enough!”

  Sloan rose up out of the bed, careful that his body hid her nudity from Ruari, and pulled him close as her mouth captured his in a fiery kiss.

  “Don’t let Ruari keep you, mate. Who knows what kind of mischief I’ll get myself into should you leave me too long,” she teased.

  Gareth laughed as he grasped her ass and pulled her even tighter against him. “You’re right. Last time I found you had slipped your leash you were out running the fields as a wolf... without me. Should I have to chase you down again, the sounds that will be heard for miles will not be the ecstatic cries of one who is being pleasured by her fated mate, but rather the wails of one who is feeling the heat of her mate’s displeasure as he puts her over his knee to teach her the error of her ways.”

  Sloan could see that both Fallon and Ruari were breathing easier as they realized Gareth had a romantic and indulgent side where his mate was concerned. She laughed as he eased her back into their bed and drew the bedding up to cover her.

  He turned and she flung the last pillow at him.

  “Ruari, you’d best save me from this wayward female that I have taken to mate.”

  Sloan laughed as they exited. Finding herself alone with Fallon, she realized something was amiss.

  “What is it, Fallon?”

  “It is not for me to say, Mistress.”

  “Of course it is. I can’t help him or our pack if I’m kept in the dark. I’m not Eloise... I do not intend to play the cossetted mate to Sir Growls-A-Lot.”

  Fallon laughed. “The others are already looking forward to having you home, but they have no idea what a boon you will be to our pack.”

  Sloan took Fallon’s hand in hers. “What is it?” she asked quietly.

  “Ruari’s older brother. He is alpha of their birth pack in Eire. Word has come that he has been wounded.”

  “Then why is Ruari still here?”

  “He is beta to our pack and cannot simply leave without Gareth’s permission, especially when we are not at Ravenscar.”

  “That is such bullshit,” she said, tossing the covers back. “Can you help me get dressed? The Mistress of Ravenscar needs to make a public appearance.”

  “I’m not sure our alpha will approve of that...”

  “Which is why we aren’t going to ask him. Seriously, you said I was fully recovered from the transition. Lord knows our alpha uses me for his pleasure several times a night. I feel fine. In fact, better than I ever have. And while I will admit that staying naked and fucking our alpha has fast become my favorite pastime, there are things that take precedence. Now help me get dressed, or he’ll be really annoyed when I grace this camp completely naked.”

  “Please, Mistress. Gareth does not want you to overexert yourself...”

  Sloan laughed. “You do realize it isn’t like he just makes sweet, gentle love to me once a night before we sleep, right? The man has a raging libido and expects me to accommodate him whenever, however, and as often as he likes.”

  “If it’s too much, I could speak to him... as the medic to our pack...”

  “You do and I’ll have you banished,” Sloan teased. “Don’t tell anyone,” she continued in a conspiratorial whisper, “but he isn’t the only one to initiate that sort of behavior.”

  Fallon laughed and helped her dress quickly. Sloan opted to simply pull her hair back off her face and quickly left their tent to search the camp for Gareth and Ruari. Her progress was hindered by the members of her pack who bid her good morning and wished her well. As she approached Ruari’s tent, a cheer went up from their men, causing Sloan to stop, turn, and make the worst curtsy that had ever been made, which in turn made them all laugh.

  Gareth and Ruari exited the beta’s tent at hearing the cacophony of noise that had erupted when Sloan entered the main camp. She could feel the instant he recognized she was there and the hint of annoyance with her disregard of his orders. He strode over to her.

  “I thought I told you to remain in our tent?” he growled.

  “You did,” she said, not even taking one step back. “At my insistence, Fallon told me that Ruari’s brother has been wounded. I would ask, my mate, that you give our beta your leave to attend his brother and might even suggest that we offer to send Fallon with him so that we are assured he has the best of care.” Her words and tone were mild, but her chin was lifted in defiance and she held his stare.

  “I had just done so when you chose to disobey me.”

  “Good,” she said, pulling his head down to kiss him. “Then we are of like mind.”

  Gareth looked past her to Fallon. “You would not be opposed to leaving your mistress in my care and accompanying Ruari and an escort of our soldiers to Eire?”

  “Not at all, Alpha. I can be ready to ride within the hour.”

  “Ruari, take an escort and Fallon and ride to your brother. If you need us to come to you, send word.”

  “I will, Alpha, and thank you.”

  “Then we will head to Ravenscar?” asked Sloan.

  “We will. I cannot continue to dawdle along doing nothing other than reveling in my mate’s wanton response. We have an entire pack that clamors to meet its new mistress.” He turned to another of his men. “Ready our men to ride. We will travel as far with Ruari as we can before striking east toward home.”

  He gave Sloan a hard kiss, turned her toward their tent, and started her in that direction with an affectionate swat to her backside. Within the hour, Gareth’s people were once again on the move. Sloan had thought about putting on breeches and insisting that as they would be riding hard, that it would be easier to do so astride than sidesaddle. She smiled as she remembered she had no breeches to put on; Gareth had taken great pleasure in burning all of them. She changed into a more suitable gown for the long ride ahead and rejoined the others.

  Chapter Eleven

  They pushed hard for two days. Sloan was exhausted at the end of each day and Gareth insisted that she do nothing to help with setting or breaking down their camps or any of the chores associated with it. Sloan ignored him and began
to make order of their tent. When one of their men entered to do the job, she growled and sent him scurrying away. The work helped to calm her anxious energy. Despite his repeated assurances that her new pack would welcome her with open arms, the closer they came to Ravenscar the more fractious she became.

  She could feel Gareth’s angry energy long before the man himself entered their tent.

  “So, despite instructions to rest, you sent one of our pack fleeing from your wrath and have made our tent ready,” he growled.

  “I can’t just sit around and do nothing, Gareth. I’m not Eloise. I wasn’t raised that way.”

  Gareth stepped back and seemed to think a moment. She could feel the shift in his mood and in the rumbling from within him. He crossed to her and despite her weak protest, he drew her into his arms before sitting on the bed and pulling her into his lap.

  “No, beloved, you weren’t. And had you not transitioned little more than a week ago, I wouldn’t be so insistent that you let others do the work. I know we have pushed hard and never have I heard you complain or show any signs that you could not keep up. But I can feel your exhaustion. Each night I tell myself to let you sleep without accommodating my need to feel your intimate embrace... to feel your pussy contract in orgasmic bliss around my rampaging cock... to have you cling to me and call my name as I plunder your body and call you mine. And each night, I fail.”

  Sloan nuzzled his neck. “But it is joining with you each night that revives me. As much as you need me, I need you even more.”

  “You will sit quietly for the rest of the evening. I have no wish to be angry with you, but you will do as I say. If you think you can behave, you can sit at the bonfire with the rest of us. Otherwise, you will remain here in our tent and I will have your supper brought to you.”

  “Fine,” Sloan said despondently.

  Gareth laughed. “You may well be the only she-wolf in existence who pouts when she is not allowed to work herself half to death. Be a good mate and behave.”

  “If you wanted well behaved, you should have claimed Arielle,” she mumbled.


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