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The Lion and the Lamb

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  Peaches literally skipped over to them, her breasts barely restrained under the teeny, tiny cutoff tee. Her shorts were the length of some of Tatum’s panties, and the stilettos she wore were probably illegal in several states. She also wore a bobbed bright orange wig.

  “Hey, hon.” Peaches lifted her hand and wiggled her fingers at Tatum.

  “Hi.” She felt her cheeks heat and felt like an idiot. The girl was beautiful and nice. At least she didn’t get paired up with the bartender still shooting daggers at her.

  “Peaches here already knows her role to play.” Leo faced Tatum again, completely blocking out the pixie behind him. He leaned close to her, and she felt his breath tease the shell of her ear. “And, Tatum, if anyone touches you, male or otherwise, you come get me right away.” He leaned back slightly, his face stoic. “Do you understand?”

  His chauvinistic ways infuriated her, but he also enthralled her, and she found herself nodding. He snapped his teeth together and straightened. Their eyes held for so long she knew others had to have noticed by now, but before she started to feel uncomfortable, he turned and strode away. A low whistle sounded, and she tore her eyes from Leo’s retreating back to look at Peaches.

  “Dayum, honey, Leo has it bad for you.” Tatum just noticed Peaches chewed a piece of gum. She chose that moment to blow a big bubble, reminding her of a child. It popped, and she grinned.

  “No, he doesn’t. He’s my boss.”

  Peaches’s grin widened. “Girl, he’s my boss too, and he doesn’t place a claim like that on me, or any other girl for that matter.”

  Tatum huffed, not liking where this conversation was going. “There is nothing there.” She clasped her hands together in front of her, hoping Peaches took the hint that the conversation was over.

  Peaches took a step closer, and a serious expression crossed her face. Even with those six-inch heels on, the girl barely matched Tatum’s height. “Sweets—”

  “My name is Tatum.”

  She shook her head. “In here, you don’t use your real name. It’s better that way, especially when you get some real clingers, if you know what I mean.” Tatum didn’t, but she didn’t say otherwise. “You’re all sweet and innocent. You look like you should be workin’ in a library or at an elementary school, but the boss sees something special in you obviously.” She lifted her hand and picked up a lock of Tatum’s hair. “That’s why I called you Sweets.” Peaches dropped the lock and eyed her clothing, a smirk on her face. “Conservative too.”

  “Leo gave these to me.”

  Peaches quirked a perfectly shaped brow and laughed. “Yeah, the boss has it bad. He must not want other guys looking at what’s his.”

  Tatum bristled at the implied statement. “I’m not his. I just started working here.”

  The look Peaches gave her appeared droll. “Girl, if Leo wants you, he’ll get you. It’s as simple as that.” With that, she smacked Tatum on the ass and went back to talking to the bartender.

  Two beefy bouncers came out from the back and straight toward her. They unlocked the front doors, and Tatum took a deep breath.

  Well, this is it.


  Tatum’s feet were killing her by the time her shift ended. It was going on two-thirty in the morning, but there was still a group of five men celebrating a bachelor party, several older businessmen getting a private show, and another handful who had paid a hefty amount to have a private party in the champagne room. All of this told to her by Peaches, who seemed to know what went down at every corner of the club.

  She had watched Kiki dance, which she had been enthralled with. The girl knew how to move, and when she worked the pole, it was more artistic than slutty. Tatum never really knew women could be so beautiful and graceful on a stripper pole, but boy had she been wrong. Even she found Kiki’s act seductive.

  The men had watched her like they couldn’t get enough, like they had just seen gold fall from the sky. Pepper, which happened to be Kiki’s stage name, had done moves Tatum didn’t even know were physically possible.

  “You ready, Tater?”

  Tatum rolled her eyes at once again being called that ridiculous nickname. “People are going to start calling me that if you keep it up.”

  Kiki chuckled and nudged her in the shoulder. “Nah, sounds like you’re all set as the little Sweets of the club.”

  She followed Kiki out of the main floor and down the employee hallway. Right before they clocked out, the same voice that seemed to send chills up her spine called out her name. She turned to see Leo leaning against the wall, his arms crossed and his biceps bulging.

  “Can I speak with you a moment?”

  She looked at Kiki, and her friend winked. The backdoor opened, and Beau stepped in and wrapped his arm around his woman’s waist. She squealed in delight when he pulled her out of the building, the door slamming shut behind them.

  Taking a deep, calming breath, Tatum walked toward Leo. He hadn’t spoken to her after he left her boneless at the beginning of her shift, but he had been watching her. She had seen him sitting in a rounded booth in the corner, a glass of something amber-colored always full in front of him.

  Even now, she could imagine him leaning against the deep-red leather that was behind him. One arm slung over the back of it, the other resting on the table, and his fingers wrapped around his glass. His legs had been stretched out in front of him and crossed at the ankles. All of that had been a sight that left her feeling unhinged and very aware of the incredibly attractive and very dangerous man watching her.

  She stopped in front of him and felt herself start to bite her bottom lip—a nasty and nervous habit she had. When she saw how he watched what she did with her mouth, she stopped immediately and instead felt that damn heat travel up her neck once again.

  “How was your first night?” Voice pitched low, he lifted his eyes to hers and waited for her reply.

  “I-It was fine, great even.” Her voice squeaked on the last word, and she tightened her hands on the strap of her purse. What was it about this man who made her feel so uncomfortable? It wasn’t a bad kind of nervousness, just one that made her acutely aware of her surroundings.

  “Good, that’s real good.” The silence stretched between them, and she started to shift on her feet. “Listen.” He straightened to his full, intimidating height and reached into his back pocket, handing over a business card. “That has my personal cell number on the back, just in case you need anything.”

  She reached out and took the card. The front had the same lion face as the sign out front, and nothing else. She flipped it over and saw ten digits scrawled on the back in masculine handwriting. Lifting her eyes to his, she smiled. “Thanks.” She didn’t admit she would never use it, because honestly, just thinking about him giving her his personal number could have sent her into cardiac arrest. She felt like a hormonal teenager who had just found out what the male population was.

  “Well.” She pointed to the back door. “I better get going. Kiki’s waiting.” He nodded but didn’t say anything. For some reason, she thought he would have stopped her, or maybe she just wished he would. When the warm night air hit her face, she breathed it in. The smell of asphalt surrounded her, but it was a welcome scent. She didn’t know how much more expensive cologne she could have inhaled.

  Kiki and Beau were pressed intimately against her car, their faces so close it didn’t leave anything to the imagination. Knowing them, they’d be at it for a while. It didn’t matter they’d been together for years. They acted like rowdy teenagers at every turn. It was actually sweet, and Tatum felt a pang of jealousy over missing out on something like that.

  “It looks like it might be a while before you get your friend back.” The sound of Leo’s amused voice so close had her jumping in surprise. She spun around and almost ran right into the thick, hard wall of his chest. How had he come out the backdoor and she didn’t even hear him?

  “God, you’re stealthy.” Her hand rested on her pounding heart. He s
miled, which just made him appear even more devastatingly handsome.

  “So—” He tipped his chin toward the couple still almost participating in a little public exhibitionism. “—you need a ride, or are you one of those who like to watch?” He wagged his eyebrows, and she couldn’t decide if she should be amused or pissed.

  She smiled instead.

  “Nah, but thanks. They’ll be done in a minute.” They both turned when Kiki chose that moment to moan loudly. Leo chuckled, and she turned to see him shaking his head, his gaze on Tatum.

  “Really, I don’t mind. In fact, I insist.”

  She shook her head when she heard the click-clack of Kiki’s heels on the pavement behind her.

  “Hey, Tater.” At the nickname, Tatum groaned inwardly but didn’t miss how Leo grinned. “You ready?” She watched as Beau kissed and nipped at Kiki’s neck. She groaned and tilted her head to the side.

  “I was just telling Tatum that I’d be happy to take her home.”

  Kiki lifted her head, and her eyes widened. She looked between Tatum and Leo then back at Tatum.

  “Really?” A hint of excitement crossed her face, and she smiled widely. “Actually, that works out great.” Tatum pursed her lips and stared at Kiki, hoping to express her irritation in just that one look. “Beau and I were actually going to go for a ride.” She wagged her brows, as if implying that she would be doing the riding. Tatum rolled her eyes and sighed. “I mean, as long as it’s okay with Tater here.”

  Tatum felt everyone’s eyes on her. “It’s okay, I guess.” Being in the same vehicle as Leo did not seem like the best thing for her already overworked libido, but the hopeful look in Kiki’s eyes had her caving. She turned and looked at Leo. “As long as you don’t mind?”

  “I can’t think of a better way to end my evening than taking you.” Those words seemed to suggest a lot more.

  Tatum gave Kiki and Beau a hug and didn’t miss the frown marring Leo’s face when she turned back toward him.

  “Drive safe and text me when you get home,” Kiki said over her shoulder. Tatum watched Beau wrap his arm around her slender shoulders and steer her toward the beast he called a truck.

  “Shall we?” Leo held his palm out, and she slipped hers into it. His hand was big and warm and engulfed hers completely. He led them toward the very back of the building. There were two large bay doors in the rear of the club. He reached in his pocket with the hand not holding hers and pulled out a small, black box.

  He pushed the red button, and one of the bay doors opened to reveal a sleek-looking car. A light overhead automatically came on and illuminated a gunmetal-grey Corvette. It was shiny, flashy, and looked brand new.

  “Wow, nice.”

  His hand tightened in hers, and she looked up at him to see him once again watching her intently.

  “You like it?”

  She nodded, because she couldn’t find her voice. It was as if that’s all he seemed to be doing whenever she was around—staring at her. If there weren’t heat behind his eyes, she would have thought there might be something wrong with her, but even she wasn’t blind when it came to his attraction toward her. That, coupled with the fact that she seemed to be incessantly wet in his presence, was a very bad combination—one that would equal an explosion of monstrous proportions.

  “I’m glad.” He squeezed her hand again, and they started walking toward the car.

  He opened the door for her, and she sank into butter-soft leather. The door shut with a light click, and she watched as he walked around the front of the car and toward the driver side.

  God, he was all smooth moves and stealthy grace. One would think a body as big and muscular as his would be awkward, but no, this man knew how to work it. He also probably knew the effect he had on women. No doubt, he got as much pussy as he wanted, but she was a fool to feel any kind of jealousy over the fact.

  What’s wrong with you? This is your employer, and therefore totally off-limits!

  The door shut behind him, and he started the car. The engine revved to life. The smooth purr of it went through her whole body. Buckling up, she relaxed into the seat as he pulled out of the driveway and onto the strip. This really was the city that never sleeps. Bright lights, neon signs, and hordes of people walking up and down the sidewalks filled her vision.

  “Thanks again for the ride home. I’m sure you had more important things to do.” Her head rested against the seat, and she turned to look at him.

  “I meant what I said, Tatum.” He turned and looked at her, his face serious. “There isn’t anything I’d rather be doing tonight.” He looked back at the road and shifted the car into another gear. It shot forward, and she let herself feel free for that short time.

  After she told him her address, he navigated his car through the city and finally pulled into her driveway. It was actually her mother’s house, but now that she had passed, all her mom’s assets had been left to her.

  When the attorney had read the will, which Tatum hadn’t even known her mother had, shock filled her at the knowledge her mother had left her everything. Of course, that wasn’t saying much. A rundown house out in the sticks, a crappy car, which she now remembered she left at Kiki’s, and a mountain of debt.

  He pulled onto the cracked driveway, and they sat there while the car idled for a few moments.

  “Thank you again.”

  “You don’t have a vehicle?” His voice was hard as he looked at her house then at the few homes scattered around it. She lived outside the city but still close enough that she could get on the highway to commute to work.

  “I do, but it’s at Kiki’s. I drove over there so we could carpool.” He watched her again.

  “So you’ll be stranded here until someone takes you to get your car or they bring it to you?”

  She heard what he said, but she also couldn’t focus very well. The smell of him saturated the interior of the car. His presence surrounded her, and she realized if she just inched toward him, their lips would meet. This vehicle was made for speed and style, not for comfort. The interior was on the small side, giving the passengers the feeling of intimacy. “What?”

  “Your car. How will you get it tomorrow?”

  She stared at his lips and wondered what they would feel like pressed against hers. The way his mouth moved to form the words hypnotized her.

  Tatum! Get a fucking grip.

  Looking into the deep pools of his eyes, she knew if she wasn’t careful, she could get lost in them. She was already halfway there.

  “Kiki will come get me, or Beau will follow her in my car.” She heard the way she sounded, dazed and drugged and totally moronic. She refused to be one of those women who threw themselves at a handsome man. She had never been that way and wasn’t about to start. Tatum lived the past few years alone and enjoyed it—well, for the most part. Cleaning out her mother’s home and going through her estate paperwork had been time-consuming and brought back a lot of bad memories.

  “How about I come get you tomorrow afternoon, take you to lunch, then to Kiki’s to get your car?”

  Her body screamed yes, but her mind said no. She shook her head. “That’s okay, really. I don’t want to inconvenience you or have any of the other employees saying you’re giving me special treatment.” Not that she really cared what anybody else said, but at this point, she would say anything to dissuade him from helping her. Things were just moving too fast, and she knew if she let them continue on, she would end up doing something she regretted—like jump his bones and make a fool of herself.

  “Tatum.” Leo reached out and brushed a hand along her jaw. “I’m not a man who gives a fuck what other people think.” He took a lock of her hair and twined it around his finger. “And I’m not a man who likes to leave a female stranded when I could easily help her.” He let her hair slip from his fingers and leaned in another inch. He was inches from her, and she felt his heat surround her. “I’m also a man who, when I see something I want, I make sure it’s mine.” Their eye
s were locked, and she felt every word he spoke go through her body and straight to her erogenous zones.

  “Do you understand what I’m saying, Tatum?”

  She did, but she found herself shaking her head. Was she that sick and desperate that she needed to hear him say it? Yes… yes, she was.

  His lids dropped a little lower until all she could see were slits of blue that seemed to glow in the darkness. “I’m saying I want you, and I know you want me too.” His hand found hers, but she refused to look down and watch as he caressed her fingers.

  “I’m saying you can run and deny the heat we both feel, but in the end… I’ll catch you.” He looked at her lips, and she found herself running her tongue along her bottom one. His next words were said on a murmur. “I won’t stop until you want me as badly as I want you.”

  And just like that, he moved away from her, out of the car, and opened her door. She couldn’t think, couldn’t move or even breathe for that matter, as his words played over and over again in her mind. Her hand in his, she let him lead her to her front door.

  “Give me your keys, Tatum.”

  At this point, she felt like she was on autopilot as she reached into her purse and gave him her keys. He moved in front of her and opened the door. He was inside, and Tatum heard him inhaling as he walked into each room. Turning and looking down at her, she realized how fucked up this was.

  Never had she been in the presence of a man who was so sure of himself and what he wanted. The fact that someone like Leo Castill wanted her seemed a little farfetched, but he had made his intentions and feelings for her quite clear.

  “I don’t really know how I feel about you living out here. The neighborhood isn’t the best.”

  She blinked a few times to try to clear her head, but it seemed nothing worked. “I’ve lived here for years, way before you came around. I think I’ll be okay.” Her words held no heat, even though she felt a bit bristled by his comment.

  He smirked. “My little firecracker.”

  His little what? What in the hell is going on? Had she stepped into the Twilight Zone? “I’m not your little anything.” She took her hand away from his and started rubbing the back of it. It seemed wherever he touched left fire on her skin.


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