The Sex Factor
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Mokyr, Joel 24–5, 27, 34, 155
Moor, Tine de 111
Moscana, Jacob 119–20
motivation 150–2
Mullainathan, Sendhil 159
myopia, and state capability 124–5
naked protests 1–2, 7, 87–9, 91, 100, 183
nation-states, and market outcomes 116
national identity, and state capability 130
Natthaei, Julie 84
nature and the Enlightenment 26
and gender equality 60
Needham, Joseph 17
negative freedom 38
Nelson, Julie 4
neoliberalism 114, 115 and prostitution 90
Neolithic Revolution 15, 39, 60, 61, 63
Netherlands 44, 45, 64, 80 early state formation 127–8
New Home Economics 167
New York New School of Social Research 65
Woolworth Building 174
Newton, Isaac 36
Nordhaus, William 31
Nordic Model Now! group 91, 94
North, Douglas 20
nuclear families, and women's freedom 42, 48, 49–50, 50–1, 63–4, 132, 133
Nunn, Nathan 62
Nussbaum, Martha 38
obsessive-compulsive disorder 154
Offer, Avner 114, 124–5, 169
Ogilvie, Sheilagh 21–2
O'Hara, Sabine 157, 169
Okin, Susan 131
Olson, Mancur, The Rise and Decline of Nations 33
Osborne, Michael 74
Ostrom, Elinor 4
Owen, Robert 171
Pakistan, early economic development 15, 16
paternity, and gender inequality 62
patriarchal family structures and gender inequality 62, 63
and the market 19
and women's freedom 23, 51–2
Pearlstein, Steven 113
Pedersen, S. 123
Pennington, Mark 149
personal finance, and behavioural economics 158–9
Persson, Torsten 126
philosophy and economics 3
Phipps, Alison 90
Phoenicians 16
physiocrats 145
Piketty, T. 70, 75–6 Capital in the Twenty-First Century 75–6
Platteau, Jean-Philippe 25
Pleijt, Alexandra de 39
the plough, and gender inequality 62, 64
Polanyi, Karl 109, 113, 114, 115, 116
political institutions corrupt 130
and economic prosperity 20–1
and gender inequality 63
politics and economic stagnation 32–4
gender gap in political representation 59
and the public sphere 2
voting rights for women 133–4
see also democracy
polygamy 41
polygyny and fertility 49
population Black Death and population decline 63, 80, 83, 127
China's one-child policy 82
and economic growth reversal 28–30
environmental damage of growth in 85
global population growth 80–1
slowdown in growth 82
women and economic prosperity 48, 80
Portugal 17, 18
positive freedom 38
Post-Crash Economics 179
poverty 2–3 and behavioural economics 159–60
in the Bible 143
and family size 49–50
and fertility 80, 84
and freedom 38
and gender inequality 76–7
global poverty rates 71–2
and human behaviour 140–1, 150
and income inequality 70–3
poor countries, markets and the state 119
and sex work 92, 94
and women's bodily autonomy 165–6
and women's employment 41
predistribution 79, 115, 117
pregnancies, unplanned 5, 78, 82, 165
prisons imprisonment of women for sexual crimes 25–6
mini-states within 126
private sphere and economics 2–3, 5, 179
Project Drawdown 31
property rights and economic prosperity 20
and the gender gap 41
and gender inequality 61, 62
and state capability 121–2
and women in Europe 44
prosperity see economic growth
prostitution see sex work
Protestantism and state capability 128–9
and women's freedom 45
and the work ethic 50
Prügl, Elisabeth 115
psychology and economics 3
public goods game 152
public sphere and economics 2–3, 179
and freedom 38
purdah 41
race and domestic service 65–6
and the Enlightenment 26
and income inequality 76
reason, and the Enlightenment 144
reciprocity, and care work 170
religion and the Enlightenment 24
and markets 109, 112
and state capability 128–9
see also Christian Church; Protestantism
reproductive labour see care work
Rethinking Economics 179
Ricardo, David 109, 110
Rijpma, Auke 39
Roberts, Adrienne 52–3, 133
Robertson, Claire 42, 43
Robinson, James 119–20
Roman Empire 16–17, 126, 143
Roman law, effect on women's freedom 44–5
Roser, Max 71
Royal Economic Society annual conference 1–2, 3, 183
Rubin, Jared 128
Rubinstein, W. 109
rules of thumb (heuristics) 153
Sandberg, Sheryl 107
Sanger, Margaret 164
savings, and the British fiscal system 50
Scandinavia 44, 45
Scheidel, Walter 126
Schrijvers, Joke 99
science and economic prosperity 24, 34
and the marginal revolution 148
Scott, James C. 126
SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) 32
Seguino, Stéphanie 108
Sen, Amartya 38
serfdom 19, 125–7, 128
service sector employment 67
sex negative feminists 90–1, 94, 95, 96, 98
sex radical feminists 90
sex trafficking 89, 92
sex work 5, 7, 58, 90, 91–7, 98–9, 100 attempts to criminalize 91, 92–3, 94, 96–7, 175
effect of sex workers on society 93–5
effect of society on sex workers 95–7
and feminists 89, 90–1, 94, 95, 96, 98, 172
markets and the state 114
and men 93–4, 98
policies on 86, 94
restrictions on 25, 26
state interventions in 117
sexism see gender inequality
sexual honour 40, 41
sexual virtue, women's value in 98–9
sexuality, restrictions on women's 25–6
Shafir, Eldar 159
shocks and the business cycle 157
silver trade 17, 32
Simon, Herbert 153
sin, association of women's bodies with 86–7, 89–90, 98–9
single-parent households 76, 78, 182
Siow, Aloysius 43
skills and gender inequality 77
and income inequality 73–4, 75
women's freedom and economic prosperity 49–50
slave trade 17, 25
Smith, Adam 5, 34, 109, 110, 114, 129, 147 and Marx 146
Theory of Moral
Sentiments 145
Wealth of Nations 19, 178
Smuts, Barbara 62
social capital 22, 173
social democracy 114–15, 117
social mobility 76, 160
social provisioning 31
social reproduction 31
socialist societies, and care work 171
society early thinking on individuals and society 143
and economics 4, 6, 171–3
and the market 109–13, 116–17
progressiveness of 105
and sex workers 7, 93–7
and women's freedom 106
Solow, Robert 183
South Korea 41
Spain 17, 18
Sprinkle, Annie 90
Starbek, David, The Social Order of the Underworld 126
the state 118–35 and care work 120, 171
and economic prosperity 5, 19–20, 34, 118–25
formation of the modern state 105, 125–30, 143–4
harm caused by big government 121
and human behaviour 152–3
and income inequality 83–4
and patriarchal culture 62–3
power of in western economies 103
and sex workers 7
size of states 121
state versus the market debate 5–6, 103–5, 109–17, 145, 177–8
and women's freedom 6, 51–3, 105
and women's working hours 114
state capability 52, 121–4 the invention of the modern state 125–30
and national identity 130
and women's freedom 51–2, 118, 125, 128–9, 130–2, 130–5, 178
Staveren, Irene van 156
Steinberg, Mark 114
Stern Review on climate change 30
Stiglitz, Joseph 75, 106, 124
Stone, Lucy 164
Stopes, Marie 164
Strossen, Nadine 91
suffragettes 68
Sumeria 16
Sunstein, Cass 158–9
surrogacy 89, 107
sustainable development and GDP 31, 32
and gender equality 36
and universal caregivers 85
sustainable prosperity 141
sweatshops 89
Swedberg, R. 111
Sweden 129
System 1 and System 2 thinking processes 153–4
Tavani, Daniel 156
taxation and care work 177
and the development of the state 128
and families 181
and government administration 103
and income inequality 83
and state capability 124–5, 126, 129
and women's suffrage 134
Taylor, Joan Kennedy 91
technology and economic growth 15–17, 20, 80, 155–6
and freedom 23–4
and gender inequality 60, 61–2, 67–8
and income inequality 5, 67, 74–5
and population 29
and the state 120
see also Industrial Revolution
Teulings, Coen 95
Thaler, Richard 158–9
Thompson, E. P. 109
Thompson, William 66
Titmuss, Richard, The Gift Relationship 150–1
Tobin, James 31
Todd, Emmanual 131
Tommaso, Maria Laura di 95, 96
trade in the Bronze Age 16
and economic growth 17–18, 19
and free markets 110
and income inequality in the West 73–4
and the state 120, 143–4
trade unions see labour movement
trading companies 110, 144
Tversky, Amos 153
Tweed, William M. 121
twentieth-century labour market 66–7
the ultimatum game 151–2
unified growth theory 29–30
United Kingdom see Britain
United Nations Beijing Declaration 36
Family Planning Agency 82, 175
United States economic prosperity and the state 119–20, 121
economics students 4
gender wage gap 59, 60
government spending as a percentage of GDP 103
income inequality 72, 74
Industrial Revolution 11, 27
taxation 129
universal caregivers 84–5
unpaid work see care work
urban settlements, early development of 15, 16
utilitarianism 147
Viking invasions 127, 135
violence against women (VAW) 112–13, 115, 123
Voltaire 112
voting rights for women 133–4, 164
wages and economic growth 26–8, 34, 48, 80, 83, 108
economists and equal pay 162
equal pay legislation 114
gender wage gap 59, 60, 77, 78, 108
male breadwinner model 65, 68–9, 84
medieval Europe and the Black Death 63, 80, 83, 127
and population dynamics 48–9
stagnation of 70
and women in the labour market 106, 108, 109
see also income inequality
Wajcman, Judy 68
Waldenström, Daniel 71
Walras, Leon 147
Walter, Natasha 89
war, and state development 127
Watt, James 36
wealth and gender inequality 76, 77
and income inequality 75–6
and women's freedom 37
Weber, Max 50
Weisdorf, Jacob 50
Weldon, S. Laurel 123–4
welfare state 165–6, 180–1
welfare systems and care work 177
gender inequality in 123
and women's freedom 52–3, 132–3
well-being, and GDP 31, 32
Wheeler, Anna 66
widows 41
Wiesner-Hanks, Merry E. 25–6, 44
Wilde, Oscar, The Picture of Dorian Gray 161
witchcraft accusations/trials 25, 43, 44, 45, 113
Wollstonecraft, Mary 25, 66, 171, 172 A Vindication of the Rights of Woman 163–4
women's bodies 2, 163–6, 180 bodily autonomy 2, 3, 5, 25, 26, 88–9 and fertility 29–30, 80–3, 164–6, 173
and income inequality 79
clothing 88, 96, 99, 175, 180
monetizing the body versus the brain 5, 7, 58, 86–100, 115, 117
responses to other women's bodies 88
society's three hang-ups about 97–9
see also sex work
women's freedom 2, 3, 39–45, 174–5 backlash against in Europe 44–5, 64
birth of 45–7
in Britain 28, 45
and democracy 131–2
and dependency 169
and economic decline 28
and economic growth 4–5, 12, 23, 26, 35, 37, 47–53, 57, 80, 83, 84, 174–5
and environmental concerns 30–1
and the family 23, 40–4, 45–7, 132, 133, 168–9
and fertility 29–30, 80, 80–3, 164–6, 173
and gender inequality 59‒69, 175
and income inequality 175
and the Industrial Revolution 66
and the market 7, 111–13, 176–7 democracy and the state 51–3
investment and skills 49–50
population, fertility and wages 48–9
and marriage 40–4, 45–7, 50–1, 63–4, 80, 111, 132, 134
and sex work 90, 93, 95
and society 172–3
and state capability 118, 125, 128–9, 130–5, 178
and voting rights 133–4, 164
and the welfare state 132–3
see also gender equality
; women's suffrage 133–4, 164
Woolley, Frances 171
workplace practices, gender inequality in 123
World Bank estimates of global poverty 71–2
gender equality and economic growth 36, 37
World Economic Forum, Gender Gap Report 59
writing, early development of 15, 16
Xue, Melanie 111
Young, Jenna 87
Zanden, Jan Luiten van 39, 111
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