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Fated Fae: A Why Choose Fantasy Romance

Page 10

by Jarica James

  “Girl, it’s nice to be missed, but I don’t do second chances. He chose to leave during an awful situation and that says something about his character. Something that I don’t need in my life,” he says firmly, focusing back on adding color to his map.

  “Damn straight,” I agree, glancing down at his map now that he’s gotten further. It’s actually really impressive. Then I realize the colors are completely off. I’d missed part of the discussion while I was freaking out… but this much?

  “Why are the mountains light purple? And the water here is teal?” I ask the fae in the room.

  “The stone in the mountains is stronger than Earth rocks. The material is purple instead of gray. This lake in particular has a rare seaweed that grows under the surface. The water is all clear, but the plants give it a teal tint," Allwyn explains.

  “Finished," Jacob announces with a proud grin. It’s a work of art. I can tell his usual eye for details didn’t fail him, it has a 3-D quality to it that I couldn’t dream of achieving.

  “Impressive as usual," I say as I study it. “I vote we hang this in our new home when we build one.”

  “It’s a Jacob Tanaka original,” he says with a pretend hair flip since his isn’t long enough for one.

  “I’m so lucky,” I laugh.

  It seems everything is falling into place. Almost a little too smoothly and I’m kind of afraid of what’s going to go wrong and throw it all off. Seeing Faerie laid out before us on the paper makes it seem so much more real. This is happening.

  “Well done, Jacob,” Allwyn praises. “We’re almost prepared. This is really happening. I never thought we’d see this day.”

  “We’ll see who gives it a chance and comes with. It might be a small kingdom,” I add. “Where does the portal come out? Are we coming out in the heart of the Court of Winter or something?”

  “We’re unsure. All of the other portals disappeared when we crossed over. We all just ended up settling at random places. This town just felt right for me," Andras replies, looking troubled.

  “Well we’ll be fine, we have our map," Jacob says as he waves away our worry with his hand. “Guessing won’t get us anywhere. It’s time for relaxing and packing.” He rolls up his map and we put it into a spare travel tube to keep it safe. I try to help Jacob pack, but after only a few minutes Allwyn pulls me away. My heart slams as we step into the small spare bedroom, the close proximity means I can smell the scent of his aftershave, a mix of woodsy and spicy. He seems just as affected as I am, shifting on his feet and swallowing hard.

  “We should use the stone tonight, my Queen,” he proposes, his voice a bit tense. The words have all thoughts of attraction falling away and I start to panic. Breathing becomes difficult and he helps me sit on the edge of the bed. “Don’t worry, I’m here. And after this, it’ll be done.”

  “We don’t even have a speech,” I protest but he holds up a piece of paper. Damn Allwyn and always being prepared.

  “I got that done while you were cleaning up the art supplies. Listen, it will be easy. Once you touch the stone with both hands, it should start to glow. Then it’s like a microphone. You’ll say your words into it, in a normal voice, and it’ll be heard in their heads. I didn’t tell the others so they could tell us if it worked. Here are the basics that need to be said. You can add the rest you want to say after.” His tone is encouraging so I read it over and nod. Apparently he knew me well enough to just force me to dive right in, dumping the rock in my hand.

  The moment the stone touches both of my hands it starts to glow and heat up to the point it’s borderline uncomfortable. I can feel the power flow through my body as it lights up. I lean forward and keep the intent to reach all of the Fae in the front of my mind.

  “Hello, I’m your new queen, Arabella, the daughter of the former Princess of Spring and Prince of Winter. My parents thought that I would possess the power to heal Faerie, that I’ll be the balance that Faerie lost during the war. My advisors and I have decided it’s time to take our first expedition into Faerie to see what we can accomplish and some of us will be leaving tomorrow at nightfall from Silver Forest, Missouri. If you are unable to reach the town in time, let your magic lead you to the gatekeeper. He’s in the forest, near the college campus,” I said, then stopped. The words he wrote are just too stiff and vague from there on out. Allwyn narrows his eyes as I toss it aside, but I want to give the fae a full disclosure. “I’m not just a fae hidden away on Earth. To keep me safe, my magic was bound and I was raised on Earth. It’s going to be a learning process. But I’m determined to show you I am a worthy queen. If you’re brave enough to join us, you’ll find us in the neutral lands of Faerie. Be safe, my people. I look forward to meeting you and your families one day, even if it’s not tomorrow. Farewell," I finish and hand the stone to Allwyn. The moment he has it the glow is gone. My hands still tingle from the contact with the stone, but the rush of magic was exhilarating.

  “Well spoken, like a true queen," Allwyn says with a bow. Andras, River and Gwen walk into the bedroom and give a bow.

  “We heard you, Queen Arabella,” they say in unison, like it’s not the creepiest response they could have given. Despite how uncomfortable it is to be bowed to, their acceptance means everything to me. This is the first moment since this chaos began that I really feel like I can do this.

  “Has anyone heard from Allwyn or River?” I ask as I throw the last of Jacob’s books in a box. Andras is all too happy that we’re bringing them, already talking about expanding his library.

  Andras sets his box down and answers my question. “He has a group of about twenty so far. Though I last spoke to them an hour ago. They’re leaving at six to meet us at campus. Which leaves us to get everything ready and packed into Jacob’s SUV.” Thankfully we’ll have the rest of the fae to help us once we get there.

  Somehow we manage to get everything into the SUV within an hour. Jacob and I have the most belongings, but I’m not willing to part with them, even if I have to drag it myself.

  When it’s almost six we load all who can fit in the SUV and Gwen leads the rest on foot. Thankfully Jacob chose an apartment close to town like I did, so it’s quick. Which is great because being stuffed between boxes because I’m small is not a comfortable way to ride.

  The moment we get to the edge of campus and get out, Jacob takes my hand and drags me away from the group.

  “One last thing. I don’t like having unfinished business,” he sighs and pulls out his phone and dials, holding my hand while he waits to talk.

  “Sam, I’m leaving town, the apartment is yours, it’s still furnished, though there isn’t any food left. I loved you, you know. I also could feel you pulling away. You hurt me, but I’ll be alright. I won’t see you again, but I still care about you. Be happy and be safe Sam,” he finishes and I can hear Sam yelling into the phone, telling him to not hang up. Of course Jacob does hang up and right after, looks at me with tears in his eyes. Tugging him toward me, I wrap him in a tight hug.

  “You know he probably thinks you’re going to do something to harm yourself," I say a few minutes later and Jacob snorts before we’re both laughing. It’s not exactly funny but it’s the release of heavy emotions we need.

  “I guess I was a bit vague and cryptic. I said I was leaving town though!” He laughs it off and we head back to the car.

  “Looks like both groups are here. That’s a lot of Fae," I mumble, pointing to the edge, where nearly fifty fae are waiting. I’m genuinely shocked we were able to reach this many, so fast. Hell, or that they were putting their faith in a complete stranger that spoke through a rock. Life is wild sometimes.

  Allwyn approaches and helps us hand off the boxes and coolers to whoever is willing. Thanks to the sheer number of people it’s not too bad. Once we have our hiking backpacks on, I don’t have any more reasons to avoid the waiting crowd. As we approach the group, Allwyn put his hand on my arm to stop me.

  “My people, meet your new queen. This is Queen Ar
abella of Faerie.” My heart thumps as he introduces me and I scan the faces in the crowd. I only see one or two skeptical and suspicious expressions, the rest show excitement. Maybe because my existence means there’s a chance to fix their land, so they’re willing to give me a chance. Here’s hoping I don’t fuck it up.

  “I’m pleased to meet you all, shall we begin? We’ll get to know each other more during our journey," I project my voice to reach them all before giving a low bow to my people. I hear a few gasps of shock from the crowd and my cheeks heat. Shit, did I do something offensive?! I glance over at Andras. He winces and leans in to whisper.

  “Queen’s do not bow," he says, nervously looking from me to the crowd.

  I shake my head and turn back to them. “Today, your Queen bows to you. You have put your faith in me, and I respect that decision," I reply firmly. Allwyn gives me a proud smile and looks over the crowd and our group one last time.

  “Allwyn, how will we get the supplies through the undergrowth?” I ask quietly. Some of the bigger things have two people sharing the weight and it won’t be an easy trek if they can’t navigate the terrain. He just smiles and grabs my hand, leading me forward. I ignore the few murmurs of surprise at his gesture. I know he’s just offering me strength and I take it for what it is. A tentative sign of our budding friendship. Though my heart seems to have other ideas, slamming in my chest at the feeling of it.

  As we walk forward, I notice that the path the Gatekeeper’s magic led me through, is now cut down to form a path. I glance questioningly at Allwyn and he nods with a grin. He apparently came through last night and cleared a path to make our journey easier. He really thought of everything.

  “Thanks, Allwyn,” I whisper. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  When we’re standing outside of the tree, I call out for everyone to stop before walking inside the hollowed space.

  “Gatekeeper. I’m ready to travel to Faerie, as are some of my people," I announce. He looks up from his spot at the table with a happy grin.

  “Queen Arabella! I knew you would come!” He walks to the mirror with a beaming smile. After a few words the surface begins to swirl until it ripples like water. My gasp of shock has him turning. “Don’t fear, this is a portal to Faerie,” he reassures me.

  “Where will it come out?” I ask as I walk closer to inspect the mirror. No one else knew but I figured he’d have some actual insight.

  “It will be near the meeting grounds of the courts. There is a small archway built into the landscape that is Faeries portal to Earth. You will exit there,” he replies.

  “Thank you, I’ll bring them in now,” I say. With one last deep breath I go back out to address the group.

  “The portal is ready. Good news, it will connect directly with the meeting grounds or neutral lands, as some of you know it. That will be our new home for now. Once we’ve restored Faerie you are free to go wherever you feel safe, but I have no idea how long that will be," I inform the crowd as I usher them forward. Once the last of the group steps through, including the supplies, Allwyn pulls me into the tree.

  “I will enter first, to ensure the safety of my Queen. Is anyone else armed and willing?” he asks the crowd, before giving me a look that clearly says not to argue. I pull him closer and kiss his cheek as a sign of my thanks.

  “Thank you, my guard," I whisper as I pull away. His face shows his shock and a slight blush tints his cheeks. Finally a reaction! His surprise is almost comical, but he collects himself and turns back to the crowd.

  A man and a woman step forward, weapons at the ready. She has a quiver of arrows secured to her back and he has a dagger in each hand. They fall in line behind Allwyn as he steps through first. Once they disappear safely I hold a breath. TheGatekeeper holds up a hand and steps halfway into the mirror. He steps back in with a grin and motions us forward. I once again wait behind the crowd and usher them forward. Once Jacob and I are the last ones left, the Gatekeeper turns to me.

  “Be safe and good luck, my Queen.” He bows low. “I look forward to going home again one day.”

  “I want that too,” I promise with a smile. “More may come, please let them through. Be safe as well, my friend," I say, with a bow of my head before turning to Jacob. He deserves one last chance to back out. “You ready to do this Prince Jacob? Are you sure?”

  “Let’s go, Queenie!” he says without hesitation, linking his arm through mine. We step through the portal arm in arm, my other hand holding on to my little mouse.

  Chapter 10

  My mouth hangs open in awe as I look around at my new world. We exit under a large stone arch, just like the Gatekeeper said. We’re on an island that’s much bigger than it seemed on our map. I would say it’s comparable to the size of Silver Forest’s shopping district.

  The brilliant sunlight reflects off of the rippling, crystal clear water, flowing in a river around our new home. The soothing sound of the rushing water, gives a sense of peace and calm to the area.

  Over the water there are four wooden bridges, evenly spaced. Each leading to a different Court of Faerie. I can clearly label each of the lands by sight alone.

  The closest has frosty grass, glittering in the sunlight and I know it’s the lands of Winter. Snow is falling lightly, swirling around in the icy breeze.

  Summer is like a jungle with thick greenery covering every inch of it. Tropical flowers and plants mix together in an array of color. It seems like it won’t be easy to travel, but I have a feeling it has a lot more to see than just what’s visible now.

  Spring also has a vast array of colors, but the colors are more muted like those on Earth. The flowers are blooming amid the twisting green vines, much like our little island. It looks like it’s lightly raining, though it’s bright and sunny where we stand.

  Autumn is beautiful with its mix of deep red, bright golds, and warm brown leaves. The colors are just as vibrant as the other courts, right down to the yellowing grass and red brick path leading further into the court.

  If this is merely the edge of the lands, I can’t wait to explore them more. With the trees blocking the entrance, it’s hard to see anything beyond. But I know one day I’ll be able to unlock all of Faerie’s secrets.

  The grass under our feet is a shade of green I have never seen on Earth. Even the plateau is purple, reminding me every second we’re not on Earth anymore. But I love being able to stand here and take it all in, the colors and sights won’t get old, that’s for sure.

  The purple plateau is huge, stone stairs lead up from the ground below which will be helpful as we get set up. It takes up about a third of the island. Even though it’s bare now, I can see why they held their meetings here, not just convenience, it’s gorgeous.

  There aren’t many trees in the middle grounds, so I’m able to take in the whole view unobstructed, and it is both breathtaking and indescribable.

  “Welcome to Faerie, my Queen," Allwyn says with another bow. I don’t have words yet, so I simply smile back in awe and continue to take in everything around me.

  “Shall we set up camp?” A fae I haven’t been introduced to yet, asks Allwyn. It’s already known that Allwyn is my personal guard, so everyone directs questions to him, which is kind of nice. But they seemed afraid to interrupt me, and I hate that. I’m trying to come off as approachable. What were the royals like, if they are afraid to simply talk to me and are shocked by respect?

  “What do we have for a makeshift kitchen?” I ask, glancing around.

  “Andras will help you with that. He wants to try and build a cold room still,” he explains before turning to the man. “Gather anyone willing to help and we‘ll get tents set up first.”

  “Andras?” I shout into the crowd instead of searching forever. He emerges a few seconds later, looking for me.

  “Are you ready to try and save the food?” he asks excitedly. Swallowing down my doubt, I nod and he leads me to a spot just shy of the middle of the lower ground. “Alright, Bella. We need to
create an underground room to keep our food cold. If we don’t succeed we may not be able to eat. Remember that and let it motivate you,” he says in a serious tone. As if I didn’t have enough pressure on me already.

  I take a deep, shaky breath and nod. He is right, I can’t let the people down when we’ve only begun.

  Andras makes a show of taking deep breaths with me before explaining. “In order to use magic, you have to connect to it first. It’s a natural instinct, I promise. Think of it like it’s a part of your body, its source is pooled deep in your center. Feel for that rush of power and pull it forward. When you feel it rushing through your veins, you are ready," Andras explains and takes a healthy step away. “When that’s close to the surface, then it’s a matter of will. Picture what you want to build, really feel it, then just make it happen. It sounds easy, and when you don’t get in your own way, it will be.”

  Every part of me thinks this man is nuts, that there's no way I’ll be able to do any of it. I’m a girl who grew up being told to find a practical job and now this man thinks I can shift dirt with my damn mind. But… I’ve trusted them this far. What does it hurt to try?

  Relaxing my body, I close my eyes and try to feel for the magic pool he described. My mind drifts, searching for a spark of the magic within me. As I get closer, the spark grows into a beacon of light, more like a burning inferno than a calm pool, just waiting to be tapped into. The light moves forward as I direct it to flow through my body and into my fingertips, bending to my will like it’s just been waiting to be unleashed. Once it’s flowing and dancing right under my skin where it rests in a warm tingle of power, I know I’m ready. With that realization, I no longer feel it contained in my body, now it is dancing on the surface of my skin, ready to obey my orders.

  The magic seems to spread outward, like I’m pushing it into a bubble around me. It swirls and pulses in my mind’s eye and I’ve never felt more exhilarated and alive. Then, as if it’s let me experience it and now it’s done, the magic recedes. It’s no longer a pulsing, angry storm, but a calm wave of power that seeps back into my center until I feel normal again.


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