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Fated Fae: A Why Choose Fantasy Romance

Page 18

by Jarica James

The glow fades, but it does nothing to soothe me. The pain is still real and my magic is too much for my body to contain. Even now it’s coursing through me with a fiery intensity as my body descends back to the ground. The moment my feet touch the ground, I crumple.

  “Bella?” Bowen sounds frantic now, throwing himself on his knees so he can reach me. I turn my panicked eyes on his, unable to do much more. Even that simple gesture had tears rolling down my cheeks. My body begins to tremble as it fights against the magical overload. A cold sweat breaks out across my skin and I curl into a ball in Bowen’s lap, not caring how pathetic I must look. “We need to get to the others, I don’t know what to do. Here, let’s put this on and I will carry you.” He takes the crown out of my grip and places it on my head. The magic pulses impossibly stronger, and I manage to clamp my hand around his wrist as I scream.

  The moment our skin touched, my magic latched onto him. A green light swirled around us, a mix of my magic and his. Bowen’s screams join mine as our magic reaches a glowing crescendo.

  This time as the light recedes, so does the magic. It slowly seeps out of my body and into his until it’s manageable.

  “Are you okay?” I ask as I let out a breath of relief. My body is exhausted, but pain free.

  Bowen doesn’t answer, instead he looks like he’s in shock, staring down at his wrist with wide eyes. Confused, I look down to see what his gaze is locked onto. A vibrant green marking now marks his pale skin. It matches the royalty symbol on my back. Blinking at it a few times, I finally look up to meet his eyes, knowing exactly what it means.

  Faerie has chosen my first knight.

  I sob out my apologies, hating that I unknowingly did this to him. “I’m so sorry, Bowen. I had no idea it would bind me to you like this. I didn’t mean to take your choice away. Fuck!” My voice rises higher with each statement and he seems shocked by the outburst. “You will be a king now, but that doesn’t mean you have to be with me. I’m so sorry.”

  Instead of an answer, Bowen lifts my chin so he can meet my eyes. His gaze softens as my tears course down my cheeks. Then he surprises me by leaning forward and capturing my lips. His kiss starts out gentle and soft, full of reassurance. I sigh into his mouth as I realize his lips are as soft as I imagined them to be.

  Needing more, I deepen the kiss, pouring my appreciation and passion into it. Something seems to click into place between us the longer we connect, and in my heart I know he’s mine now. A feeling of warmth and peace spreads through me, at the love I feel radiating back from him. Love?! It’s literally only been days! But as soon as I think that thought, I shake it off. It may only have been days, but this is deeper than anything I’ve ever felt. Rationality has no place alongside magic, and the Spirits of Faerie warned me this would happen. Either way, I’m in charge of how fast we go and they would never take advantage of me.

  Bowen breaks the kiss and rests his forehead against mine. “Don’t worry, I told you I would protect you. And I can think of no woman I would rather share my life with. I’ve lived too long and seen far too much to be scared away by this, Bella. I’ve felt a connection with you since we first locked eyes, and kissing you now only made it stronger. I’m yours, my queen." I look at him with wide eyes. Did he truly mean that? He gives a light tap to my ass and smirks. “I’ll worship this later,” he promises and I laugh at the quick change of mood. There’s my Bowen.

  “I’m still sorry. The way she explained it I thought I would find them all before choosing the kings. I thought it was more of a duty thing, not a magical bond” I explain, fidgeting nervously.

  “Stop, Bella. The Spirits chose me and I am honored. We will be fine. My brothers and I talked about this last night while you slept. We all felt the same connection to you. Something about you and your magic draws us in, connects to us, like no one ever has. Trust in us and trust in Faerie.” He runs his fingers gently down the side of my cheek before pulling me in for another kiss.

  “Thanks Bowen,” I say before matching his usual grin. “For now…. let’s get out of this cave.” He helps me to my feet and stands beside me, linking his fingers with mine. We turn toward the only cave opening and walk out of the cavern, with the light orb illuminating our way.

  Chapter 17

  Bowen and I discover that the cave is a straightforward tunnel that runs below the village and connects in a nearby hillside. The metal grate that covers the entrance is locked, but Bowen grabs a rock and smashes the lock. The gate groans in protest as we push it open, but at least we’re free.

  We hurry up the hill and backtrack toward the village. The shouting reaches us before I can even see anyone. Bowen and I glance at each other nervously as Jacob’s distinct voice rises above the rest. That’s enough to send me sprinting through the streets, needing to make sure he’s alright.

  “You lying two faced son of a bitch! How could you use and hurt Bella like that? Someone give me a weapon, this man deserves to be tortured and feel pain. I’m going to castrate him with a rusty battleaxe!” That has me slowing down, surprised laughter bubbling out. But my best friend was far from done. “She is such a kind person, you evil twat! When I’m through with you, you’ll never get the fucking chance to hurt anyone, ever again!” Jacob bellows into Allwyn’s face, before pulling his fist back and smashing it into Allwyn’s jaw. The weak fae falls to his knees and I don’t feel even an ounce of sympathy.

  “Back up, you filthy human!” Allwyn spits at him, blood trickling down his face. Rushing forward, I gently pull Jacob away from his target. He sees that it’s me and wraps me in a hug.

  “I love you, my Prince. Thanks for having my back,” I say as I squeeze him in a tight hug only to wiggle out of the embrace and walk up to Allwyn. “And don’t you dare speak to him that way,” I threaten in a low voice, before mimicking Jacob’s movement and punching him right in the nose. Allwyn immediately crumples to the ground again, this time unmoving.

  “Well that makes our lives easier,” Maddox says with an appreciative chuckle. Flashing a satisfied smile his way, I glance at our group, making sure everyone else is alright.

  “You found the stone?” Emrick asks, glancing at the lone stone on the crown.

  “Yes,” my voice is hesitant as I answer, glancing over at Bowen to find him unbothered by the whole situation. In fact, he looks downright smug.

  “She also found the first king,” he announces in his cocky tone when he notices my hesitation. He has so much swagger in his step as he moves toward them.

  Jacob spins his head around to face me. “You got married without me? That’s a bitch move, Queenie!” Jacob whines dramatically.

  “Who is the king?” Maddox asks, confused. Apparently he did not pick up on Bowen’s not so subtle clues. He looks behind us, apparently looking for another man walking up. I stare at him, unsure if he is joking, or just that oblivious.

  “Bowen,” Gerwyn says with a quiet chuckle. I knew he was the observant and smart one. “I had a feeling that’s what would happen. We are unnaturally close for a group from such different backgrounds, and we all felt a connection to her from the moment we met her.” He gives me a warm smile, anticipation in his gaze.

  “Wait, you’re okay with being bound to me, too?” I ask in a shocked voice. What the hell is wrong with these men? I’ve barely processed it and they had accepted it without hesitation. And without talking to me about it.

  “It would be an honor, why would I mind?” he asks, brushing a strand of my silver hair out of my eyes. Staring into his violet gaze, I see nothing but admiration and pride.

  “It’s permanent, that’s why. You would be a king, Wyn,” I say slowly, waiting for them to freak out and leave me. This is their chance to turn and run.

  “Bells, I don’t think they’re going to back out. Not everyone will abandon you," Jacob says in a low voice. It’s meant to be just for my ears, but the fae have impeccable hearing.

  “We would never abandon you. If you want us, we are yours," Emrick responds in his thunder
ous, yet calming voice. Looking up at him, I’m met with a look of determination and protectiveness.

  Fuck… I want them all.

  I thought it was just Bowen and Emrick, and the way they treat me. But Maddox and Gerwyn mean just as much to me. Their individual quirks and personalities complement each other so thoroughly, it almost feels too perfect. They’re one unit and it seems they were handpicked by the Spirits themselves.

  “Four men? You go from innocent little human to fae queen and claim a harem of hot guys," Jacob jokes, making me gasp in surprise. I shove him and laugh, but he’s right, I do have a hot fae harem. You won’t find me complaining.

  “Can we not be called a harem?” Maddox scowls. That only makes Jacob and I laugh harder.

  “Agreed, we’re going to be kings, damnit," Emrick grumbles, once again hiding a small smirk.

  “She calls us her knights, we could be the Knights of Balance or the Knights of Faerie," Gerwyn suggests, looking deep in thought, facing it head on like it’s a challenge. He gets an adorable look on his face when he concentrates.

  “No, no, no. We are far too amazing for such generic names. We need something cool like the Gilded Knights. It’s fitting," Bowen jokes, puffing out his chest and posing.

  “Oh, geez. Calm it down ye olde great Fae knights," Jacob says with an eye roll.

  “Where are the others?” I ask, realizing we are a few ladies short. He points toward the front of the village.

  “They were packing up some more supplies," he says, linking his arm through mine. “Let’s go get them and get this traitorous bastard back to camp. Is stoning someone out of the question?”

  “Put this bastard into one of the extra tents, I want guards on him at all times. You can feed him twice a day," Maddox orders the people who greet us at the gate, and two men step forward. He directs them to the tent and barks orders at them for a few minutes. He’s sexy when he’s in his element, eyes fierce and tone commanding.

  Pulling my attention away from the fierce Summer knight, I turn to face the group of fae that had clearly expanded in our absence. More must have entered through the portal while we searched for the stone. With a quick count of the group, I realize we have to be at least two hundred strong, with kids and families included, which is nice to see. Though it definitely adds to the pressure I’m feeling.

  “I need to go back to the spot of power tomorrow and ensure that the Court of Spring is mending," I tell Bowen. He nods and tugs on my hand until we reach my tent, and stepping out of the spotlight for a few minutes definitely helps.

  “I just wanted to get you away from the chaos for a minute, you were looking overwhelmed. River and Gwen are distributing clothes, Jacob and Andras are making sure everyone is fed and has a place to sleep. It’s covered," he reassures me. I slip off my boots and sit on my bedroll, taking a beautiful moment of quiet to relax. Bowen pulls me into his arms after settling down next to me. In his embrace I just feel love and comfort, no awkwardness at all, and coming from the queen of awkward moments, it’s a miracle. It’s like he was made for me and me alone, and as selfish as it sounds, that thought makes me so fucking happy.

  “Tell me how you are really feeling about all this, Bo. I still feel guilty,” I say, confessing my slight worry. When I look up at him, waiting for rejection, he turns to face me and gives me a hard look.

  “I was honest every time. Stop feeling guilty for something Faerie decided," he says firmly. “And more than that, I guarantee you feel the same way about me that I do about you.”

  My heart clenched at the thought of him wanting me in the same way, but I had to get past the rest first. “She didn’t, I think I did it when I touched you.” He shakes his head and laughs, like I’m being ludicrous.

  “You are far too hard on yourself. I chose you before you even chose me.” His eyes meet mine and I swallow hard, heat blossoming through my chest at his words. No longer is he wearing a mischievous grin, this one heated and possessive. My body perks up at the sight, instinctively leaning into him. When he crushes his lips onto mine, it makes my toes curl. His kisses are commanding yet sweet. In mere seconds I lose myself in them, forgetting about my guilt and worries.

  “Bella? The people are asking about a council meeting," Gerwyn’s voice drifts into the tent and he lifts the flap. He blushes when he realizes he interrupted our kiss. But there’s a look of lust I didn’t really expect from him, at least not yet.

  “Tell them to spread the word that we will hold a meeting at breakfast tomorrow," I respond without hesitation. “Tonight I need rest.” It’s weird having the answer come to me so easily, but if Bowen can put his faith in me, then maybe I can too.

  “I will. We will all join you guys in a few minutes,” he warns with a smile, before hurrying off.

  True to his word, the others file in ten minutes later, stripping off their boots and shirts, before joining Bowen and I on the bedrolls. Exhaustion crashes into me as we all settle in, just having them all here makes me feel safe and whole. Once my eyes close, I fall asleep within seconds, in my first king’s arms.

  “We are about to hold our first council meeting. I want at least six volunteers to be on my council. That is not including my guards and Prince Jacob. Please spend the rest of breakfast thinking over who you think would best represent you. I want each person suggested to at least be backed by several others, we have to trust in each other for this to work. This is not the place to do a power play, I want honest and trustworthy councilors,” my voice projects to the crowd I’m facing, and I put every ounce of hope and determination in it. I refuse to work with assholes and I hope that setting the ground rules now will help keep corruption at bay. Faerie has seen enough of that.

  With the talk over, I settle down in my seat to finish my breakfast. Maddox gives me an approving smile, and I hate to admit how nice that feels. The rest of our people are louder than usual, and more than once I hear some gentle arguments on candidates, which I take as a good sign.

  When breakfast ends, I call forward the chosen candidates, I have nine individuals in front of me, hoping for a spot. Tapping into my magic, I hope that with my increased levels, I can feel the intentions of those in front of me. It’s a long shot, but if I can weed out hostility, then I’d take it. No need to repeat the Allwyn mistake twice. And Faerie made it clear that my magic was important.

  I slide my magic out to meet each of the candidates’ powers. Three people have a murky darkness to their magic. Anger and distrust flows from them so intensely I shudder at the disturbing thickness. It gives me little reason to want them on my council. It’s also my duty to protect the people, and protecting them means keeping them safe from corrupt councilors as well.

  “You three may leave. I have no place in my council for those who wish to see us fail. I’m not the enemy," I state, pointing out the three my magic rejected. They glare at me and walk away, thankfully not causing a scene. But if they had, Emrick is standing next to me, his presence alone intimidating. I bet he looks even scarier using his magic.

  “Well done, Bella,” Gerwyn praises, giving me an approving smirk before looking back at our candidates.

  Biting back a giddy smile, I turn to my friends standing behind me. “Andras, please join the council. That makes ten, which is perfect. Thank you for agreeing to help bring Faerie back, your assistance is greatly appreciated. Let’s all make our way to the stone plateau and discuss a few things away from the others.”

  Once we all make it to the original meeting space of the councils before us, I look around at my new team. “Welcome! Could everyone introduce yourselves? Also, please explain what skills you have that can help us. Then we will proceed with the rest.”

  Jacob, Andras, and my knights introduce themselves first. Jacob gets a few curious looks, but no protests. He’s very clearly human and I knew I at least owe them some form of explanation. But that can wait until I know who I’m speaking to.

  An older fae man steps forward. He’s bearded and burly, but befor
e I can worry his scowl is permanent, he stands up and bows respectfully. “I’m Tristan. On Earth, I was a mechanic. In Faerie, I helped construct the buildings and I would love to help rebuild.” My grin is immediate and he gives a small quirk of his lips in response, which is a relief.

  “I was a few months away from a degree in architecture, maybe between us we can do Faerie justice,” I offer.

  “You already have, my Queen,” he says solemently. The words have me pausing, emotion clawing at my throat. But before I can respond, the next councilor is standing, moving our conversation along. If she didn't look so excited, I might have been annoyed.

  “I’m Adara, I was a teacher on Earth and Faerie,” the short, cheerful Fae announces, giving me a huge smile. Her happiness is contagious and I find myself smiling back easily. She’s petite, at least several inches shorter than I am, with short auburn hair and bright blue eyes. She’s gorgeous, seems friendly, and I like her immediately. Definitely a step up from the three assholes I kicked out of our council.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I tell her. “It’s a relief to have someone who knows education here. My friend Andras can likely help us get the materials you’ll need to get classes started again.” Her eyes light up like it’s Christmas and she nods enthusiastically.

  My gaze shifts to the next man. “I’m Tegan. Guard,” the stony-faced fae introduces himself. His words are short and curt, but it doesn’t come off as rude. Instead he just seems like a serious individual. He’s tall and lean, his long dark hair giving him a deadly assassin look. I’m certain he will prove to be an amazing guard captain.

  “We are honored to have you as our Captain of the Guards,” I say evenly. His eyes widen a bit but he doesn’t protest.

  A younger fae man stands next, his voice quiet and composed. “I’m Gareth, I was a servant in the castle, on Earth I was a personal assistant.”

  “If you manage to keep Bella organized, then I’ll be shocked,” Jacob teases, earning a laugh from him.


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