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The Guy Next Door Amazon Final

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by Angel, Claire

  “It is. I’m so glad that we can work with everyone in LA so successfully.” He smiled, and I nodded, thinking of the Golden Coast. I missed it in part, but there were great places to see here as well.

  “I don’t mind a visit now and then,” I suggested, and we both laughed. My family was still there, but Lachlan had everything here.

  “That will happen sometimes.” He promised me as our plates were set down in front of us. We discussed business over the meal and enjoyed a second drink. I got along well with Lachlan and his friends, feeling welcome here in New York. We finished, and he used the company card to pay for the meal before we walked over to our small office to get some more work done. We rented a spot in a building that locked securely and held our computers and other things needed to get the job done.

  We left at six when the sun was starting to set, and the city was coming alive. Lachlan was going to meet some friends for dinner and invited me. I thought about it for a moment, realizing I was just going home to an empty apartment. I accepted, and we strode down the street a few blocks to the new and popular steakhouse. We joined a table of four, and I recognized his brother Everett and sister-in-law Priscilla. The other two were a man and woman that seemed to be just friends when she scooted closer to me.

  I shot Lachlan a look across the table. He was grinning as he said something to Everett before smirking at me. I reminded myself that he was just being a friend and hooking me up with a willing woman. There was nothing wrong with that.

  I got through the meal being friendly but not flirting the girl named Kendra. Then she left knowing that there would be nothing happening between us, even though I was confused about that myself. I grabbed a cab home and slipped out as a car pulled up behind me at my building. I slipped out and handed the man a bill, looking at the car as the passenger door opened. A redhead came out and went to open the back door and leaned in as voices trailed over to me. The driver’s door opened, and a slim brunette joined her at the back with a couple of bags in her hands. The first woman emerged with a little girl in tow, and I felt my skin heat up.

  “Rory,” I called out as all three looked over at me. “Can I help you with anything?”

  “Jacob,” she murmured as she glanced at the other woman. “This is my sister, Jane. This is Jacob. He lives across the hall from us.”

  “Oh. Huh.” Jane stepped forward, and I shook her offered hand. “It’s nice to meet you and to know that there’s someone nearby in case my girls need anything.”

  “Of course,” I replied, wondering if Rory was single. “If those are your bags, I can carry them upstairs.” I glanced at the young mom, and she smiled ruefully as she glanced at her sister.

  “I think this one is tired so I will accept it.” She reached her arms out, and Sienna climbed into them, resting her head on Rory’s shoulder with a sleepy smile at me. I looked at Jane, and she offered me the two plastic bags.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Jane told her sister before wrapping her into a warm hug. She pulled back and shot me a quick look. “Nice to meet you.” She got back into the car, and the three of us walked to the front of the building.

  I unlocked the door with the code, glancing around first before opening it. I let Rory walk through first and tightened my grip on the bags. She headed to the elevator and pushed the button, yawning as we waited. “Long day?” I asked as she gave me a weak smile. Her eyes were a deep cinnamon color and showed her exhaustion.

  “A bit.” She sighed and stepped into the elevator, holding Sienna securely in her arms as the little girl slept. “I’m taking care of my mom, along with Jane right now. She has cancer.”

  I felt my heart drop. My grandma died from lung cancer six years ago, and it still hurt. “I’m so sorry.” I glanced at her as she stared forward. “Is she going to be okay?”

  Rory closed her eyes for a moment. “They seem to think so, but the process… it’s hard.”

  “I know. I lost someone a few years back and get it.” Her eyes were sharp as she looked at me, searching my face.

  “You did?” Her voice was a whisper.

  “Yes. It hurts like a mother…well, you get it.” I shrugged as her eyes widened, not used to kids anymore. I didn’t have to watch my language as much as I did in LA and I smiled as she stroked the little girl’s light strawberry blonde hair. “Sorry.”

  “It’s fine. I gave up the idea of Si hearing anything bad when she started daycare part-time. I’ll be happy if she learns the rights and wrongs at this point.” I laughed at her realistic attitude, thinking that Rory wasn’t a prude. She did have a kid after all. I glanced at her as the elevator stopped on the second floor, and the door opened.

  Rory stepped out, and I followed her to our apartments. I let my eyes slide down her perfect curves and ass, biting my lip. She was hot, and there was no denying that. I didn’t like the skinny look that most girls went for back home. Rory had real emotions though I could see that she was trying to hide that from the world.

  I took her keys from her hand when my fingers touched her skin for a second. I could tell that she also felt something as her face faded. I unlocked her door as she shot me a grateful look. Then I opened the door, telling her to take care of Sienna while I took the bags in. I glanced around at the boxes as I turned on the kitchen light, seeing a clean space that had just a few dishes to wash. It was the same basic floor plan as my apartment, but she had hardwood floors throughout and warm granite counters. Mine was carpeted nearly throughout and had smooth wood counters. I set the bags down in a free spot, glancing inside to see that they contained Tupperware containers of what looked like food. I put the containers away. I heard footsteps coming down the hall and looked up. She looked at the bags and chuckled. “My sister orders a lot of food in hopes that Mom will eat. It rarely works, but I have so many leftovers. Tonight, was Thai from one of the best places I’ve ever had. Would you like some?”

  “You two won’t eat it?” I asked as she smiled.

  “Some but this is too much. She’s picky.” She waved her hand towards the hallway, and I smiled.

  “Is she asleep?” I asked softly, and something crossed her face before she looked down at the floor.

  “Out like a light. These days are busy for her.” I saw the lines in her face and reached out to touch her cheek as she stared at me. “What are you doing?”

  “There’s no father in the picture, is there?” I asked her gently as she backed up against the counter. I dropped my hand and let out a breath, reminding myself to slow this the fuck down.

  “No. He passed away when she was one.” Her voice broke, and I pressed my lips together. “It’s been just us since then.”

  “I’m sorry,” I replied as I scrubbed a hand through my hair.

  “I can’t deal with this. You need to leave.” Her voice was clear now, and I glanced up at her. “I have too much going on to think about anything beyond my family.”

  I was being attracted to that woman beyond anything I have ever experienced before, but I needed to give her what she wanted. This was complicated already, and I turned towards the front door. “Okay, Rory. I am sorry.” I started to walk and turned as I watched her staring at me from the kitchen. “I didn’t want to hurt you. I won’t hurt you ever, I promise.”

  I opened the door and left, waiting for her to secure the lock before heading mine. What did I think would happen back there? I closed my door and locked it, leaning my head back as I sighed. There was just something in her eyes that called to me. Her full lips begged to be kissed in every way possible. I was used to physical attraction towards a woman, but this was more. She had a daughter and a full life right now and it was taking a toll on her. Anyone could see that. I needed to let her handle it.

  Chapter 4


  I tossed and turned all week after Jacob left my apartment. He was gorgeous, and there was a part of me that was incredibly attracted to him. That part of me wanted to give in and let down
my walls, if only for a night. I had never thought about any man other than Kyle. And I had never been with any man after his death. I don’t know why Jacob was in my head all the time.

  I had to think about Sienna. She talked about him here and there, asking when we’d see him again. I felt lucky that we hadn’t crossed paths again and told her that he was probably busy. We certainly were.

  The following weekend, Jane and I sat at Mom’s table with some tea. Mom and Sienna were sleeping in the living room, and we had some time alone for a change.

  “Tell me about the neighbor,” she suggested, and I looked into her eyes to see the curiosity behind the question.

  “Nothing to tell. He’s a nice guy and carried some stuff for me.” I shrugged and sipped the hot liquid.

  “He sure hurried over to do so, and he’s gorgeous. You realize that, don’t you?” She pressed as I shook my head.

  “Anybody can see that, but I have baggage, Jane. No guy his age wants that.” I argued as she raised her perfect brow.

  “That’s not what I saw.” I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and opened my mouth to speak before she beat me to it. “He’s been gone for a few years, Rory. It’s okay to move on for you and Sienna.”

  “I have Mom to think about,” I whispered as I tried to implore her to stop with my eyes.

  “We’re splitting that duty. You need some self-care time, Rory.” She argued, and I rubbed my weary eyes.

  “I can’t imagine seeing anyone, Jane. I had a life with Kyle, and I can’t imagine replicating that.” I didn’t talk about him often because it hurt.

  “You’re not trying to copy that life. You will be creating a new one.” Jane kept at it, and I dropped my head to the table.

  “Stop. I’m not ready.” I begged her as I closed my eyes.

  “You are twenty-six years old, not ninety.” I held my hand up in the air, and she sighed. “Fine. He won’t be waiting for you forever. I just want you to have some fun.”

  “I’ll get there. I still haven’t unpacked my apartment.” I admitted, immediately regretting it.

  “At all?” Jane asked as I sighed this time.

  “The basics are out. I’m not home too much, and I can’t convince Si to do it for me.” I grumbled as the need for sleep took me over. Jane chuckled.

  I wasn’t sure how she managed college, Mom, and dating, but my sister pulled it off. She was casually dating, but she seemed to have endless amounts of energy. It had always been that way.

  It got later, and I decided to let Sienna sleep and take one of the guest rooms. Jane left to hang out with some guy, and I locked the door behind her with the shake of my head. Three years younger than me and she was going to run the world. I secured all the locks and shut the lights off. Mom was sleeping in her room, and I scooped Sienna up in my arms to take her to bed with me.

  I wondered what Jane would be like as a mother with a wicked grin. I covered Sienna up and pulled out a shirt for me to sleep in. I changed and washed up before folding my clothes and slipping under the covers. If I were having financial trouble, I’d probably live here. I wanted my own space just for some peace, and Kyle provided me with that. I rolled over once or twice before settling in, still hearing my sister in my head. She had a point, but what did I have to offer anybody?

  I woke up in the morning and looked around for a second. I remembered where I was and looked over to see Sienna on her stomach, snoring softly. I decided to see if Mom was awake and stood up, grabbing my leggings before using the bathroom. I walked into the hallway and saw the kitchen light on, poking my head in. “Mom? Are you okay?” I asked as I saw her leaning against the counter.

  “I just want some coffee, but I can’t stand long enough to make it.” I felt guilt hit me and ushered her into the living room. She was getting weak from the treatments that were saving her life. I made the coffee and a light breakfast for all of us, forcing a smile to my face. I stayed through the day until the night nurse arrived. Jane thought it was a good idea so we could get a break and I spoke with Gail for an hour, making her promise that she’d call if anything happened.

  I took Sienna for some ice cream before heading home. It was a relief to be on my own again, and guilt flooded me as I took the stairs to my apartment. Sienna chattered beside me about everything as we walked, and I struggled to focus on listening.

  As I approached my door, I sensed movement ahead. I glanced up to see Jacob holding a pizza box, he was trying to hold it and unlock his door, and I stepped forward to help him without even thinking. He smiled at me as he managed to slip the key into the lock, and then looked down to Sienna. “Did you eat dinner, Sienna?”

  “Mommy bought me an ice cream cone.” She stated matter of factly as I blushed.

  “We ate a little before that,” I stammered as he chuckled.

  “I have this huge pepperoni pizza, and I don’t think I’ll finish it on my own.” He told her as her eyes lit up. Like any kid, Sienna loved pizza. “Is that okay? I’ll bring it to your apartment if that’s easier.”

  “I-I guess so.” Sienna was squealing with delight, and I sighed. I went to open my door and let her in, following as Jacob insisted that I do. I went to the kitchen for plates, and he put the box down on the counter before jogging across the hall to lock his door. I got water for Sienna and poured a glass of wine for myself. I enjoyed them when I needed to relax and knew I would be staying home.

  When the door closed and Jacob appeared in the kitchen, I asked him if he’d like a glass. He nodded, and I poured another as he opened the box and started to load the plates with slices of thick pizza. He brought one to Sienna with the water I got for her and then came back to collect our plates. We went into the living room and took seats on the couch while my daughter relaxed in the recliner, eating her pizza and playing idly with some toys.

  We chatted about light subjects through the meal, and I was surprised when he stayed to watch a movie. It was one I could explain in my sleep, but Sienna loved The Princess and the Frog. I got us two more glasses of wine and sat down slightly closer to him as I felt the wine lighten the load on my shoulders as I leaned back against the cushions, finally getting brave enough to look closer at the man beside me.

  I guessed that he was a few years older than me. He was gorgeous with dimples, and great cheekbones, and his eyes were addicting. Jacob was built like a man that exercised regularly, and I wasn’t surprised since I saw him sweaty from what I assumed was a run. I was looking over his muscled shoulders and arms when he met my eyes and smiled knowingly at me.

  “You’re watching me.” He pushed back his hair from his face and kept his gaze firm on me.

  “I-I… you’re right.” I admitted, knowing I’d been caught. “It’s just weird that you’re here.”

  “You don’t mind, do you?” He asked, stretching his arm over the couch towards me as if in invitation.

  I glanced at Sienna to see her slumped over in her seat, sound asleep. Heat washed over my skin as a desire I’d all but forgotten about set in, and I licked my lips slowly.

  “No,” I replied softly, turning the glass around in my hands.

  “I am loving spending time with you. Both of you.” He told me as I took a slow sip of the wine.

  “You like kids?” I asked as he chuckled.

  “I have a few in my family that I adore. I don’t have any or have been in a place in life where I did.” He glanced at Sienna. “She’s great. So much personality.”

  “She has so much of that. It’s exhausting and thrilling all at once.” I smiled, and he laughed. “It’s been hard on my own.” I considered my words for a moment, but my inhibitions were lower, thanks to the wine. “My husband died in Afghanistan when she was just one.”

  “I’m sorry, Rory. That must have been awful,” he said softly, moving to touch my shoulder.

  “It was. We were perfect in my eyes. He was a great man to both of us and did everything that he could. He was just in
the wrong place at the wrong time.” I felt sad speaking about Kyle but not devastated. Fingers stroked me, and I smiled over at Jacob.

  “She probably doesn’t remember him too much, does she?” He asked, and I looked at her.

  “Not in her mind, but I try to remind her through pictures and stuff. He’ll always be her dad, you know?” I looked at him. He was stunning, and I enjoyed the feel of desire for a fleeting moment before looking away.

  “Of course. Nobody should ever want to replace him.” His words were confident, and I felt tears in my eyes. He moved closer. “I don’t want to do that in any way, Rory. I just want to get to know you. No rushing things.”

  “You do?” I asked, feeling his arm loosely behind me.

  “Yes.” He replied, and I looked at him. “Nights like this. Nothing too serious but I would like to take you on a date. Can you get someone to watch Sienna?”

  I felt my heart jump into my throat and butterflies in my stomach. Jane would jump at this, and I sipped my wine for courage. “My sister just got a night nurse for Mom, and I think that she’d watch Sienna for me.”

  “We’ll have to arrange that.” I smiled and looked at him, unsure of what to do.

  I carried Sienna to her room and walked back to the living room where Jacob was watching some scores for the day. I had a bottle of water on the table and reached for it to take a long sip as I sat beside him. “I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve been out of the game for a while.”

  “We’ll figure it out together.” He assured me, and I stared into his eyes. “Can I kiss you, Rory?”

  “No, I mean… I…” I fumbled with ice-cold fear running through my veins. I wanted this so much, but uncertainty filled me as he reached out to cup my face with one hand. His thumb stroked my cheek as I closed my eyes, memorizing the sensation. There was already so much heat between us.


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