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The Guy Next Door Amazon Final

Page 6

by Angel, Claire

  “Wait. What are you saying?” I asked softly as she turned to her stomach.

  “I don’t have time to offer you. I can’t just go out whenever you ask. This isn’t going to work,” Rory told me as I moved over her, wrapping a hand around her waist. She was wearing a t-shirt and boxers, and her heat burned my hand. “I knew it wouldn’t.”

  “Rory. Don’t do this.” I pleaded with her as she turned her head to stare at me. “I like everything we do together.” The air grew heavy as she gazed at me, slowly moving my mouth to hers. I kissed her slowly, and she turned to press her body against me. We’d gotten so close to making this real, and I pressed between her legs as I pushed her to her back. The bedroom door was locked since we had a close call with Sienna one night, and I slipped a hand under her shirt to stroke her bare skin. We’d just dressed after pushing it yet again, and I cupped her bare breast as she moaned softly.

  We kissed hungrily, and our clothes slipped off slowly. I looked down at her, naked before me. She was so beautiful and I was hard for her. Rory’s eyes were wild with lust and her skin red with my nips and kisses as I slipped a hand between her legs. “Jacob,” she whispered as she rocked against me. I’d watched her come many times now, but I needed to feel her wrapped around me. I stroked her and slipped two fingers inside as she arched her back. “I want you.”

  “You do?” I asked as I drove them in deeper. She nodded, and I looked across the room at the nightstand, where she had condoms ready for us. We both knew that we were getting closer. I made her come and crawled over to get one from the drawer, slipping my boxers down. I tore it open and sheathed myself as she rested against her pillow, staring at her to make sure she was sure about this.

  I settled between her thighs and drove myself in slowly. She cried out softly, and she was so tight that I wondered if I was her first man since she lost her husband. She made it clear that she didn’t date and the strain on her face told me that I was right. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” she replied, clutching at my shoulders as she pulled my mouth down to hers. I moved into her again as she rocked with me, moaning against her lips. We moved together, and I buried myself inside of her as I pressed my face into her neck. She felt so good, better than I ever could have imagined. I groaned as she jerked against me, gripping me tighter as I breathed her in. My name came out in pants as she came around me and I followed a moment later, weakened by the force of it. We slowed together, and I kissed her damp skin tenderly. She slumped to the bed, and I pushed gently away from her, rolling to my side.

  “Holy fuck. That was… the best I’ve ever had.” It was accurate, and the words caught me off guard as I looked at her flushed skin.

  “It was.” She agreed as she met my gaze shyly. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. Wasn’t I trying to end things?”

  “I think we both knew that it was bound to happen sooner rather than later. I have no regrets at all.” I assured her as agreement filled her eyes despite her readied protests. I knew they were on the tip of her tongue, but we were good together. If tonight showed me anything, it was that we had incredible chemistry together. “We can take this day by day. I know you can’t go out every night and I don’t want that. I work hard, too, and it’s about time I start sleeping properly. We’ll take the nights out together as a gift the way I do these times.”

  “Damn it. You know just what to say.” She murmured as she stretched her arms over her head. “I haven’t done that with another person in years. I forgot what I’ve been missing.” She smiled as I raised a brow. “I’m pretty sure it was you and not the fact I had sex again. I don’t feel that way with anybody… ever.” She shook her head, and I understood that the new events were going to take time to adjust. This had to be crazy for her, and I was willing to guide her through it as much as she needed me to.

  “I don’t either,” I assured her as she looked at me. “I’m not a man whore, but I am also not big on relationships. They can get complicated, and I’ve always avoided them. This? This is different. I want to do that as much as possible. I also want to get to know you and Sienna and laugh together.”

  “I don’t want her to know.” She whispered, and I leaned down to kiss her.

  “She doesn’t have to until you’re ready. I just like her a little as well. I don’t mind being around her.” I smiled, and she nodded slowly. “We’re good. Tonight was great, and we’ll get a date night in. I just want to be around you.”

  “Okay.” She nodded, and I kissed her again. I could feel her all night long and die a happy man, but it was always different for women, and she was a different kind.

  I woke up hours later with light peeking through the blinds. I gasped and rolled over to look at the clock, seeing that it was five in the morning. Rory was sleeping soundly, and I covered her with her comforter before standing to get dressed. I slipped into my pants and looked around the room as I buttoned them. It was a peaceful space, and I knew I could sleep here with her every night.

  There hadn’t been a peep from Sienna all night. I slipped my t-shirt over my head as Rory turned and curled up, smiling. Fuck, she was beautiful. Not only on the outside but the inside, compassionate and genuine. She wasn’t the way she was here with just anyone, and I knew that we were something special in her eyes as well. I leaned down to kiss her hair before cracking her bedroom door open and looking around. The apartment was silent, and I held my breath as I tiptoed to the front door, unlocking it and securing the knob before pulling it closed behind me.

  There was a chance that Rory might flip out when she realized that I stayed through the morning. She was relaxed around me and eager, but I sensed the fact that she was on edge. Sienna could wake up at any time, and I’d be hiding in her bathroom, or anywhere else I could fit in a hurry. It had only happened once, and Rory got her tucked back into her room easily. I wasn’t sure how it would go over if we were caught.

  I strode into my bedroom and thought about the night before. She felt so good as I took her slowly from every position, she’d give to me, as hungry for this as I was. I debated on an early jog before showering for work and grinned as I stretched. I got a great workout in, but a run would be a good time to clear my head. I slipped on some clothes and my shoes, securing my earbuds in before I locked my door.

  It was still quiet across the street, and I smiled as I headed to the stairs to head outside. The sun was rising, and I started down the sidewalk as a rock song pounded through my head as I ran steadily over the pavement. It was great in New York at this time of day with just a few people out and about. Some were jogging like I was, and others were probably heading home. Some people were getting ready to start the day in their restaurants or carts that sold the coveted New York City food. I loved all of it and smiled as I ran, half listening to the music as I took in everything around me.

  I ended at ten miles and jogged through the door to my building before hitting the stairs. Most of the residents wouldn’t be up yet, and I stayed quiet as I approached my door. I raised a brow when I saw a slip of folded paper tucked into my door, looking at Rory’s door behind me.

  Have a great day. I hope you slept well, Rory.

  She got up and stuck this on my door. That wasn’t exactly a freak out, and I reread the words and smiled. I showered under the hottest water I could stand, scrubbing and rinsing my skin before I stepped out to dry off. I dressed in jeans and a button up shirt before slipping on Cons to head to my office.

  I bought coffee and muffins before going in, assuming that Lachlan would be there. He was big on preparing every detail for a trip home, and today was no different. He was going on so hard that I didn’t even think he looked at me. “Lach? Everything will be great.” I told him as I leaned over to catch his gaze. “The business is merging perfectly. We’re onto something here.”

  “I know. I just want things to be perfect.” I smiled and nodded. He always did. He looked closely at me. “You look like you had a good night. Are things getting
serious with Rory?”

  “For me, they are. It’s happening fast, and she’s fighting it. I don’t think she can any more than I can.” I offered, and he reached for his coffee.

  “Is she happy? You’re not forcing any of this on her?” Lachlan clarified, and I nodded hard.

  “Of course not.” He stared into my eyes and smiled.

  “She’s the one. I don’t know how the hell someone hooked you like this, but I like it. You two will fit into the group well.”

  “Oh, God. I think she’s still recovering from meeting you at dinner. The idea of introducing her to everyone is tough to wrap my mind around.” I tore some muffin off and chewed it slowly. “Peyton was already a part of things when you met her. This is all new.”

  “I think I would have rather had her be new back then,” Lachlan muttered, referring to the hard time he got when everyone knew that he wanted Peyton. “I think they’ll all get along when the time comes.”

  We nailed every aspect of the trip home and set a schedule to work on. For as much work as we did, there would be hanging out with friends and family too. With Peyton there, she’d lighten Lachlan up that much more, and I might get some down time to myself.

  We had a late lunch, and I headed home. I wanted to see Rory, but I was leaving that up to her tonight. Lachlan was right. I didn’t need to force this. I opened my door and dropped my keys and backpack on the table. I knew there was a hockey game on that I wanted to catch and grabbed a beer before taking a seat.

  Chapter 10


  I left Mom’s at eight and headed home with Sienna. It was a long day for us as Mom rested from the treatments that kicked her ass. I made sure she had her food and water as needed and just spent time with her beyond that. Sienna played with her collection of toys, and I took her out after lunch for some fresh air, walking down the street to her favorite bubble tea cafe.

  I played the night before in my head on repeat. I remembered Jacob between my thighs as he fucked me deep and slow. I pictured his hands and mouth on me. I almost moaned when the image of me on my knees while he held my hips and took me hard filled my mind.

  That was the last thing I wanted from Jacob. Okay, that was a bit much. I knew that I should end things and just simplify my life, but it was so hard. When he kissed me during our talk, I lost any fight that I had. I needed him inside of me, and it was the most perfect feeling in the world. I gave myself to him until we passed out and I sensed that he’d been there much later than normal as I woke up alone. I could still feel him beside me.

  When we walked to my door, I couldn’t help but look at his door. I wanted to tell him that Jane was watching Sienna tomorrow night and we could go out earlier than planned. I wanted to invite him over to watch a movie on my couch while we snacked on popcorn.

  This was moving so far from ending things.

  I let Sienna in, and she bounced through the door with a doll in her hand. She napped longer than usual today, but it was just that kind of day. I even drifted off for a while when Mom was napping.

  I looked back before closing the door and pressed my lips together. I’d figure something out.

  I made the popcorn and put in a movie for Sienna. Tonight, it was Tangled, and I smiled as she went into the kitchen to grab a juice box. “Hey, Si. Want to ask Jacob if he wants to come over and share our popcorn? I think he likes it.”

  “He might like Tangled too.” She mused as I shrugged. My hair was pulled into a high ponytail, and I was in clean leggings and a loose t-shirt. “Want to come with me?”

  “Leave the door open, and I’ll listen. If he doesn’t answer, come right back.” I wanted to stand and watch her, but I was trying to ease into her growing into a big girl. She ran for the door and bounded out as I listened, hearing nothing but a knock on a door.

  “Hi, Jacob. We’re watching a movie and eating popped corn. Want to come over?” I smiled at her sweet words.

  “I would love that. Did you guys eat dinner?” Jacob asked, and I raised a brow.

  “With Gram and Jane. I like to watch a movie before bed.” She informed him as I chuckled. “Come on.” I heard a door close and keys locking something before voices carried into my living room. I looked up as Jacob walked in and gazed at me with warmth in his eyes. Something more. I felt a knot in my stomach but smiled wider.

  “Hi. Thanks for coming over.” I told him as he slipped his hands into the pockets of his shorts and sat down a couple of feet away from me. I offered him the large bowl of buttered and seasoned popcorn, and he reached in for a handful. Sienna had her bowl beside me.

  “Thanks for inviting me.” He chewed and nodded. “That’s good.”

  “My family is big on popcorn and movies. Mom used to take us to this drive in and pop an entire brown grocery bag of popcorn for us. We always felt like we were getting away with something with that and drinks. It was so much better than movie popcorn.” I smiled at the memory, and he reached for another handful.

  “We always do it at my parent’s place. Big screen and tons of pillows and snacks. I like going to the movies but a bit more now that that have those plush seats.” He winked at me, and I giggled as Sienna took her seat with a small bag of Skittles. I knew I should tell her no, but I was comfortable and lazy. I was too happy to bring down the mood in the room. I started the movie again and shared looks with Jacob as we ate, and Sienna stared at the screen.

  As predicted, she fell asleep before the end. I glanced at her, slumped over and snoring softly before rolling my eyes at Jacob. “I’m a bad mom, right? I should do the bath and book routine, but it was a long day.”

  “How is your mom doing?” He asked, turning to face me and reaching his arm out to touch my shoulder.

  “She’s struggling through the treatments. It’s so much at once, but she's determined to fight this.” I shrugged, feeling sadness wash over me.

  “You take care of her and Sienna together?” He asked, and I nodded. “That can’t be easy.”

  “Jane suggested that I take her to preschool when we moved here, and I knew she was right. I just needed her close to me.” I admitted, and he looked at her for several moments.

  “I get that. She’s your everything.” He said the words with a tone of deep understanding, and I felt relieved at his kindness. I felt like a protective helicopter mom most of the time. “I feel like watching over her myself.”

  We moved closer together as I glanced at Sienna again. He kissed me, and I moaned against him before reluctantly pulling away. “She’s staying with Jane tomorrow night. I thought we could do something.”

  “No running from me?” Jacob asked in a low voice as I shook my head. “I can think of something to do.”

  He kissed me again, and I knew what he was suggesting as he entered in mouth completely. We got Sienna to her bed and tucked in before closing her door. Jacob locked my door, and we met in my bedroom, where he locked the door and pulled me against him. Jacob stripped me between kisses and dropped down as he sucked a nipple into my mouth, then moved between my legs. “Honey. You’re the sweetest honey I’ve ever tasted.” He drew his tongue firmly over my clit, and I gripped his hair.

  He made me come that way before laying me back against the mattress gently. I felt like I was boneless and might never walk again. Jacob kissed me, and I ate my taste from his lips as he dropped over me. “I need you,” I told him urgently as I drew him closer.

  “I can’t wait for you to be wrapped around me again,” Jacob told me as he turned his body to mess with something in his pocket. “I need to fuck you, Rory. I need to love you.”

  I watched as he ripped the packet and sheathed himself, shaking with need. Jacob made me forget myself for a while, but I was utterly aware as he slid inside of me. “Oh, God.” He was thick and long, filling me completely as he eased deeper inside me. I felt like I could survive on just this and rocked with him as he let out a low groan. “More, Jacob. I need you.”

kept moving, and our bodies pressed together. We came together and breathed through it as he buried his face in my neck. “I want to make you scream tomorrow,” he told me in a low, husky voice as I shivered underneath him. “I want you in my bed all night, so I can have you before we sleep and then again when we wake up. I want you in my bed for the rest of my life.” I felt his lips against me and closed my eyes at his words.

  “Jacob,” I murmured, hearing the meaning in his words as the same feelings flooded my body. “What’s happening?”

  “I’m falling for you, and you’re falling for me,” he replied in a whisper, pulling away to look into my face. “I never thought I’d find this here.”

  “I’m scared,” I admitted as he kissed my forehead.

  “I know. I’m a little freaked out myself, but I am going to take care of you.” He promised me as he blinked at me. “I am going to cherish you.”

  I took that all in as he pulled me against him in the dim room. I was falling in love with this man, and while I trusted him with Sienna. I was scared for what might happen if she were to fall for him as well and if he left, she’d get hurt much deeper than I ever would, and she already lost a man that loved her more than anything in the world. She didn’t remember him, but she’d know if Jacob walked away. I changed the word in my head and told myself if he walked away. That could easily happen, but we could also work out perfectly. I had to remember that as he held me tight, kissing me softly and reminding me that this was anything but a casual one-night-stand.

  Jane had the entire day off from school the following day and sent me away the moment I arrived at Mom’s apartment. She told me to get some time to myself and have fun tonight in the kitchen as I looked into the living room. “Don’t you need me?” I asked as she shook her head.

  “Get some coffee and just sit. Relax. You’ve been busting your ass.” Jane reminded me as I smiled at her. I hugged her and choked on some emotions for a moment.


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