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Cruel Daddy (Boston Mafia Doms)

Page 12

by Bianca Cole

  “Cazzo, come nascondi la ferita?” I ask him how he will hide the wound in Italian.

  He tightens his grip on my hips and forces me to look at him. “I don’t need to hide it, angel. I need you to do as you’re fucking told.” Despite the fit of rage I witnessed, the only thing I detect in his eyes is desire.

  “Go and fetch the first aid kit from the bathroom,” he says.

  I nod, but he doesn’t let me go.

  “Say it, bella,” he pushes.

  I swallow my pride, knowing when to admit defeat. Milo doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy that would have any qualms about hitting me. Thankfully, the mirror was the only casualty today. “Yes, daddy,” I say, but there’s a tone of irritation in my voice.

  Milo lets me go. “Good girl,” he purrs.

  It annoys me that every time he calls me that, my thighs tremble, and my pussy gets wet. Anytime he’s an asshole to me, I find it a turn-on. There’s something wrong with me for wanting such a vindictive man.

  I escape from his grasp and rush into the bathroom, grabbing the first aid kit under the sink. When I return, Milo is stripped naked. It’s impossible not to stare at his muscular, tattooed body that makes my mouth dry and my pussy drip.

  “Quit gawping, angel, and bring me the kit. I need to patch up my hand.”

  I feel heat flood my cheeks as I bring the kit to him. “Should I?”

  He looks at me for a few beats before nodding.

  I open the kit and take out the saline solution, cleaning the wound first.

  Milo doesn’t bat an eyelid or flinch when I pat the wound. It’s as if he feels nothing. I make quick work of bandaging the cuts on his knuckles. Milo doesn’t say anything as I pack away the kit. Instead, he walks into the bathroom and turns on the faucet in the shower.

  I take the kit and place it back under the sink. “The bandages aren’t waterproof, so don’t get them wet.”

  Milo glares at me. “I’m not stupid, princess. Watch it, or I’ll be putting you in here with me to suck me off.”

  “I’ve already showered. Shall I get a tuxedo out of the closet ready for you?” I ask.

  He nods in response, stepping under the spray of the water.

  I linger for a few moments, watching the way his muscles tense and contract. He’s the most attractive man I’ve ever seen naked or dressed. Sometimes it’s hard to match his beautiful appearance to his rotten personality. I walk back into our room and through the door into our dressing room.

  Milo has about seven tuxedos hung up and countless numbers of suits. I select a black tuxedo and white shirt, along with a black bow tie. Something tells me that Milo will look irresistible in a Tux like he looked irresistible in the suit he wore to our wedding. I lay the outfit on the bed as the faucet in the bathroom shuts off.

  He returns to the bedroom with the towel hanging loosely on his muscled hips. I keep my gaze away from him as he slides on a pair of clean boxers and then proceeds to get dressed.

  He’s silent as he gets ready before turning to me when ready. “Come on, peeping beauty. We’re going to be late.”

  I glare at him. “I wasn’t peeping. I was looking away to give you privacy.”

  He laughs. “I wasn’t talking about while I was getting dressed. I was talking about while I was showering.” He smirks at me. “I saw you in the reflection of the tiles watching me.” He winks at it makes my blood boil.

  “You’re a pig,” I say, jumping up from the seat and strutting toward the door.

  He grabs me before I exit. “Am I now? I’ll show you how much of a pig I am when I get you back here after this event, angel, don’t you worry.” He slides his hands down from my waist to my hips. “I’ve told you before, don’t turn your back on me. I expect you to behave tonight, or your punishment will be unbearable.” He pulls down my panties and shoves two thick fingers inside of me. “So fucking wet,” he growls.

  He pulls out a pair of panties from his suit jacket pocket and thrusts them at me. “Put these on before we leave.”

  I look at him quizzically.

  “They’re vibrating panties. I want to have some fun with my disobedient little brat tonight.”

  I shake my head. “No chance.”

  He tightens his grip on my hips, so it hurts. “It’s not a request. It’s an order.”

  Reluctantly, I grab the panties and swap them over, feeling painfully aware that he can turn them on at any time he chooses.

  I let out a shaky breath, hating the way my thighs clench at the promise of punishment from his hand. I can’t understand why I want a man who degrades me in this way, but it seems his lack of charm is all it takes to get me wet between my thighs. I guess this is why I always felt attracted to the story’s villain rather than the hero.



  Aida fights me every step of the way. For some fucked up reason, I love it. Our marriage wouldn’t be half as enjoyable if she had no fire or fight to her. It’s sick that I want her to fight, but I am sick.

  The moment we stepped into this ballroom, she changed. The easy facade she put in place at our wedding reception returns, and she acts like a doting wife while wearing the panties I made her wear. I have the controller for them in my suit jacket. Tonight is going to be fun.

  I watch as she laughs with the mayor, fitting this life like a missing piece of the puzzle. I haven’t told her, but she looks gorgeous in the turquoise blue and silver evening gown she selected tonight. Every man has looked at her in this room more than once, and it makes me feel possessive.

  I’d rather she was wrapped up in some shabby dress that no man would look at her in. She’s better at this bullshit than I am, as I sip a glass of whiskey by the bar and watch her.

  I find these people insufferable. They’re pathetic. All of them were born with a silver spoon in their mouths. They know nothing about suffering to get what you want.

  My life has been a fight from the moment I was brought screaming into this world. I’ll never stop fighting. On the other hand, Aida is so cool and collected, even when she’s challenging me. It’s as though nothing can scare her, or at least that’s what she wants me to believe.

  “Milo, how was the honeymoon?” Michael King’s voice makes my muscles tense. He’s the last fucking guy I want to talk to right now.

  “It was fine,” I reply, knocking back the rest of my scotch and slamming the glass down on the bar. I catch the bartender’s gaze and signal for another.

  Michael laughs. “Just fine? I’m sure it was fucking amazing with that smoking hot—”

  I grab hold of Michael’s collar and push him hard against the bar, making people around us gasp in surprise. “Finish that fucking sentence, and I’ll knock those new shiny teeth out,” I growl.

  Michael pales, holding his hands up. “Sorry, Milo. I was only complimenting your wife.”

  I clench my jaw, knowing these stuck-up assholes won’t tolerate aggression. “Well, don’t. Aida’s my wife, and I don’t want other men gawping at her.” I let go of his collar and grab my scotch. “Stay away from my wife, King.” I walk toward Aida.

  She notices me approaching, and there’s a look of annoyance in her eyes as I wrap an arm around her. “There you are, angel. I wondered where you had gotten to,” I purr.

  Patricia claps her hands. “Oh, you do make an adorable couple,” she says, the cynicism detectable in her voice. Her jealousy is fucking ugly, especially since she’s a married woman.

  “Indeed, how did you enjoy The Bahamas?” Thomas asks.

  I nod. “It was nice to have a break.”

  Thomas nods. “Yes, you work too hard. Aida, did you like The Bahamas?”

  Aida glances briefly at me before answering. “It’s a beautiful paradise, and I loved every moment of it. The island reminds me a little of my homeland, Sicily, which I miss very much.” I know that if she were given a chance to go back to Sicily, she’d take it without a second thought.

  “Well, we best do our rounds,” I sa
y to the mayor.

  He shakes his head. “No way, we haven’t even seen any of the pictures of your trip.”

  For fuck’s sake, this is why I knew I needed to take photos. “Of course, Aida has them on her phone.”

  Her brow furrows as she pulls her cell phone out of her clutch and navigates to her photos. “Yes, it looks like I do.” She glares at me for a second before passing the phone to Thomas. “I would recommend visiting The Exumas. They’re magical.”

  Patricia looks at the photos, smiling falsely. “Maybe that should be our next holiday destination, Thomas?” she suggests.

  Thomas nods. “It does look particularly beautiful.” He passes the phone back to Aida. “I’m glad you had a lovely time. You’ll both need to come over to ours for dinner sometime.”

  Dinner invitations to the mayor’s home are few and far between. Thomas must like Aida as I’ve never been invited to our home. “That would be such an honor, Thomas,” I reply, knowing that if I want to keep solidifying my position within this city and secure a seat on the city council, this is the path to take.

  Thomas smiles and nods. “Perfect, I’ll get my secretary to set it up with yours.”

  “Sounds wonderful,” Aida says, smiling at Thomas.

  I get the feeling that my wife’s stunning looks might have something to do with Thomas wanting her around. If it is, then so be it. As long as he doesn’t try anything with her, it’s fine if it gets me where I want to be.

  “I’ll let you both mingle now,” Thomas says. “See you both soon.”

  I guide Aida away from him, and once we’re out of earshot, I speak. “Well done, Aida. I’ve been trying to get invited to that assholes home for about three years. You meet him twice, and suddenly we’re invited over as guests to the mayor’s home.”

  Aida glances at me. “You think he only invited us because of me?”

  Her innocence is endearing.

  “I’m pretty sure the mayor likes what he sees.”

  Aida stops walking and steps out of my grasp. “Are you saying that you’re alright with another man objectifying me if it gets you what you want?”

  I sigh heavily, realizing that saying anything at all was a mistake. Aida takes offense to almost everything I say, even when it’s not meant to offend.

  “Don’t get your panties in a bunch, angel. He would never get a chance to touch you.”

  Aida looks even angrier. “I should fucking well hope not.”

  I grab her wrist and pull her close to me. “Don’t make a scene here, angel, and don’t make me wash your mouth out with soap. I don’t want to hear another dirty word out of that mouth of yours until we’re back in our bed. Do you hear me?”

  Aida glares at me and yanks her hand from my grasp, turning and walking away from me toward the bathroom room.

  I grab the controller out of my jacket pocket and turn it on.

  Aida yelps in surprise and stops walking. She glances back at me in shock before rushing faster out of the hall.

  This woman is testing my last nerve. First, she was disobedient back at home and nowhere. I need to teach her a good fucking lesson. She needs to be forced into submission as I make her come in a room full of people, controlling those panties all night.

  I follow her calmly out of the main hall of the event and into the bathroom.

  Aida turns around and glares at me. “You can’t be in here,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest. “And you should turn that fucking thing off.”

  I tilt my head and smirk at her. “Can’t is a really bad choice of word when it comes to me.” I turn the lock on the door, and Aida pales.

  I stalk toward her and set a hand on either side of her on the counter. “You aren’t a very quick learner, are you?”

  She bites her bottom lip, looking up at me. “I think it’s more a matter of I don’t want to learn.”

  I grab her chin forcefully, digging my nails into her skin. “Wrong fucking answer, angel. I’m going to torment you all night for your disobedience. It’s time for dinner. We need to get to our table.”

  Aida’s eyes flash with fear for the first time in a while. “Dinner?”

  I nod, smiling at her. “Yes, we will be at a table with eight others, and these panties will not be turning off tonight.” I slide a hand up her thigh and dip my fingers under the fabric of the vibrating panties, finding her already soaking wet. “So wet for me. I bet you’re gagging for my cock to fill you up.”

  She glares at me again, the fear fading away. “You wish,” she says.

  I laugh. “By the time we get back home, you will be begging me for it, princess.” I pull my finger out of her and hold it up, sliding it into my mouth and sucking her sweet juices from it.

  Even though she’s angry at me, her eyes dilate at the sight of me tasting her like that.

  “Now, we don’t want people to wonder where we are. Come on.” I drag her back into the events room, where people are already sat at their tables. I find our table and hold out her seat for her, which she sits in.

  The panties are only on a low setting at the moment, but I intend to punish Aida for her disobedience. There’s no better punishment than making her come in front of people she doesn’t know.

  “Milo, I heard your honeymoon was idyllic from the mayor. Can I see the photos?” Jameson asks. He’s one of the council members.

  I nod and nudge Aida under the table, who is already looking suitably flushed. “Aida, can you show Jameson the photos, please?”

  She nods. “Of course, here you go.” She passes her unlocked cell phone over the table. Her voice is surprisingly steady, considering our little secret buzzing between her thighs. I reach into my pocket and turn the setting up one.

  Aida jolts in her seat, clenching her jaw.

  “Wonderful photos. Do you recommend The Exumas after visiting Aida?” Jameson asks.

  I smirk at the uncomfortable look on Aida’s face. “Definitely,” she replies, taking her cell phone back and placing it in her clutch. I turn the vibrator up another notch, and she cries out suddenly.

  The guest at the table looks at her quizzically. “Are you feeling okay, Aida?” Alice, another one of the council members, asks.

  She nods. “Yes, I felt a bit strange for a moment then.” Aida glares at me.

  Alice’s brow furrows, but her attention is drawn to the stage as the mayor speaks. This charity event is an auction which means people won’t focus on my dirty little wife coming in her panties.

  Aida is squirming in her seat now, and her cheeks are practically crimson.

  I lean toward her. “I’d sit back and enjoy it if I were you. Fighting it is a bad idea,” I mutter.

  She grabs hold of my cock and squeezes. I think she was aiming for the balls in an attempt to hurt me, but all it does is make me harder.

  “I told you that you’d be desperate for my cock. I didn’t think you’d be gagging for it this soon,” I whisper into Aida’s ear.

  She whimpers softly before letting go and collapsing back in her chair. A euphoric look on her face as she gives in to the sensation and climaxes at the table. I reach for her under the table and feel the slickness between her thighs.

  Satisfied, I turn the panties off to give her a break. She glares at me and sits up straight. “That was a real dick move,” she says quietly.

  I shake my head. “I told you no more dirty words out of your mouth until you’re in my bed.” With that, I turn the panties back on, and she cries out so loud half the room glances her way.

  My naughty little wife wants to do things the hard way. I can’t deny that I love having her at my mercy. The dominance I feel right now gives me a rush of adrenaline. I can’t wait to fuck her later.

  Aida storms into the room and tears off her panties, chucking them on the floor. She’s angry, and it’s a real turn-on. “What the hell was that tonight?”

  I lean against the door and watch her. “I told you that you’d regret disobeying me.”

  She shakes
her head. “You made me look a fool. I came four times at the dinner table, and two times I couldn’t keep quiet.” She’s exasperated, and it’s sexy as hell.

  I can’t recall a time in my life that I’ve ever felt this much desire for a woman. She drives me crazy.

  “I thought you wanted to make a good impression, but all you’ve done is make your wife look crazy.”

  I laugh at that. “Don’t worry. I made an excuse that you caught some weird bug in The Bahamas and aren’t feeling yourself.”

  She cries out in irritation and rushes toward the bathroom. “You’re the most infuriating man I’ve ever met.”

  I see what’s she’s planning and stride over to the door, shoving my foot in before she can shut it on me. “There’s no escaping me. That dripping wet pussy is ready for my cock, and I’m not going to deny it what it wants any longer.”

  I push the door open and walk toward her.

  “I don’t want you to fuck me.” She backs away from me, stepping away with every step I take.

  “You are a very bad liar, Aida Mazzeo. Also, it doesn’t matter what you want.” I back her against the glass of the shower cubicle, trapping her in with my hands.

  “It matters that I want to fuck you right now, and I own you.” I use one hand to unzip my pants and free my cock, stroking it. “Now hold onto my shoulders.”

  As always, she defies me and keeps her hands by her side. I lift her against the glass with one hand and position my cock beneath her. Slowly, I slide her soaking wet cunt over my cock. Every muscle clamps down around my shaft, and I grunt.

  “That’s it, Aida, take my cock like the naughty little brat you are.”

  She moans so loud that it makes my balls ache for release. I’ve been desperate for her since before she grabbed my cock under the table. I thrust into her, fucking her against the shower like an animal that’s lost all control.

  “Fuck, yes,” she cries out. Aida’s futile attempts to deny she wants me are non-existent. Her arms lock around my neck as she helps me, bobbing up and down on my cock harder and faster.


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