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Zombie Playlist: A Rock Zombie Romance

Page 15

by Kirsty Dallas

  Movement from the corner of my eye caught my attention and I found Lawson standing with Evelyn. She was dressed in a grey pencil skirt and a white button up blouse that clung to her giant boobs, the top few buttons open, and giving Lawson a generous view of her equally generous cleavage. On her feet were a pair of shiny black heels. She looked absolutely ridiculous, and my eyes rolled as I took her in. How the hell did she run from a zombie dressed like that? These people weren’t impervious to an attack. The sick might have been concentrated around central Phoenix right now, but there was nothing to stop them from venturing out into the suburbs. Silverleaf wasn’t immune from an attack, they needed to be better prepared.

  An exaggerated giggle sucked me from my thoughts of Silverleaf’s possible destruction, and my gaze zeroed in on Evelyn’s hand as she reached out and wrapped her red-tipped claws around Lawson’s bicep. Stepping closer into her body, he smiled, and didn’t dissuade the contact. When he reached up to remove her hand, he held on to her fingers just a little too long and a blush reddened Eveyln’s already flushed cheeks. Jealousy and I were well acquainted. Eleven years of watching women fawn over Cullen, and he in turn fawn over them, meant I’d experienced every shade of jealousy known to mankind. It never got any easier, and Lawson’s brazen flirting stabbed me right in the heart. He was supposed to be on our side. Team Summers forever, bitches! His interest in Evelyn took me by surprise. Lawson really didn’t seem like the type to hook up with just anybody. So, what was he playing at? Did he find her attractive? If so, what was all the flirting crap he’d been doing with me? Was that just filling in time until something better came along? It hadn’t even occurred to me that he might find someone else he might want to hook up with on our travels. Would they date? How did one date in the apocalypse? What if he invited her to come with us? Fuck that, I’d shoot the bitch first. When Lawson brushed Evelyn’s hair away from her face, I thought I’d throw up. Sinking back into the water, I threw myself into another lap, then another, and another, before Noah’s feet standing at the end of the pool drew me to a stop.

  “I’m bored,” she complained.

  Looking around Lawson and Evelyn were nowhere to be seen.

  “Where is Lawson?”

  Noah shrugged, pushing her glasses up her nose.

  “He went off with Dr. Eveyln and told me to stay here with you.”

  “She’s not a doctor,” I growled as I pushed myself out of the pool on arms that felt a little numb. “And what the fuck happened to we stay together?” Storming past Noah, I grabbed a towel, drying myself off with vigour. One of the notes Lawson stuffed in front of our faces had been quite vehement about we stay together, no matter what! Fighting the sticky dampness of my skin, I struggled into my shorts and shirt, and both became patterned with the wet outline of my panties and bra.

  “What are we supposed to do while he goes to get a little? Stand around like pathetic bitches waiting for his highness to grace us with his presence?”

  “Get a little what?” Noah asked carefully, wary eyes watching me. She knew a temper tantrum when she saw one.

  “Forget it, I don’t even care. Let’s go.”

  “Go where?” Noah had to run to keep up with me as I blew through Silverleaf like a tornado, cursing under my breath and glaring at anyone who dare look my way, especially the men. If they came within arms reach I’d tear them a new asshole. I was cranky like that. Men brought out the worst in me. When we reached our room, I flung off my clothes, throwing my wet underwear at the wall. Noah was quick to retrieve my bra and panties, hanging them off furniture so they’d dry. Once clothed again, I tossed aside most the contents of my bag in search for my little tin of wonder weed and snatched up my guitar before pushing open the door to the courtyard outside our room. When Noah went to follow, I stopped her.

  “Boo, I just need a moment alone. I need a time out.” She nodded but gave me that wounded puppy look that made me feel like shit. “Why don’t you put a movie on and chill out inside. I just need ten minutes to let my temper blow out, then I’ll come back in, and we’ll hang. Just you and me, no man-whores allowed.”

  She nodded and flopped back on the mattress in front of the TV, searching the menu for something to watch.

  Deciding the ridiculously small, ornate iron outdoor setting looked about as comfortable as resting one’s ass on a cactus, I sat on the stone ground, my back against the wall, and began to strum my guitar. A slow and cruel version of Sweet Dreams by the Eurythmics fell from my lips. It was dark and gloomy, just like my mood. A slow clap finished the song, and I glared at the man who stood at the small doorway leading out of the courtyard and into the grounds beyond. Dennis, the muscled hulk was watching, his rifle slung over one shoulder.

  “My brother was right. Cullen wasn’t the Rifts’ leader, you were.”

  Leaning back against the wall, I opened my tin and drew out a brand spankin’ new joint, then proceeded to light it.

  “How’s it hangin’, Hulk?”

  The man fought a smirk before strolling into the courtyard where he leaned on the wall opposite me, watching with sharp, shrewd eyes.

  “If the world hadn’t of ended, Rifts of Destruction would have, but you would have been okay, you are the one with all the talent.”

  “What makes you think Rifts would have ended?” I asked with an incredulous tone. “Are you a security badass by day, and musical guru by night?”

  “My brother is Dex Charmer.”

  Holy shit-balls, Dex Charmer was one of the music industry’s most sought-after producers, and a man who had knocked back the chance to work with us. And this brute of a man was his brother?

  “Dex said he would have taken you on in a heartbeat, but there was no way he was going to work with Cullen Creed. He didn’t believe he had true talent. Cullen was a dime a dozen and a shooting star. Here one minute, gone the next. You, however, Dex knew you had the potential to be something great, something special.”

  “Charmer is a charmer,” I said with a smile, drawing deep on the joint between my lips. “Can I tempt you with a little recreational marijuana?”

  Dennis shook his head and lowered to his haunches. “What’s your plan, Shiloh?” I shrugged, wondering what the fuck this man wanted. He was Dr. Dick’s head of security, I didn’t trust him even if he was a fan and Dex Charmer’s bro. “You need to get out of here.”

  His words caught me by surprise, but I tried hard to hide it.

  “You not a fan of my sterling personality?”

  Dennis grinned and shook his head with a chuckle. “Not a fan of Dr. Christopher Buckley, actually. You seem like good people. I don’t want you to get caught up in whatever crazy he’s got going on here.”

  “What kind of crazy do you think’s going on here?” I asked after a short silence, my floating brain trying to snatch his words and store them somewhere safe, so I could dissect them later when I wasn’t stoned.

  Shrugging, Dennis glanced out the arch doorway. “I used to work here, you know, before the infection took a hold of Phoenix. I was a security officer for Silverleaf. As the infection began to spread, fewer people came in, then one day, it was just me and three others. Until, Christopher Buckley showed up with Evelyn. He was as arrogant as they come and seemed to fancy himself something special, and I was pretty sure he wasn’t. You see, the thing is I didn’t know him, I’d never heard of him, and working here you tend to know people you need to know, if you catch my meaning.” I nodded and carefully knocked the cherry off my joint, so I could keep the rest for later. Silverleaf was a club for those with money and reputation. It would have been Dennis’ job to know the rich, famous, and infamous. If he’d never heard of Christopher Buckley, it was likely the man wasn’t worth knowing. “A few people from the houses around the estate came in looking for help, survivors. Dr. Buckley immediately set up a triage and started treating people and checking them for infection. Within days he was the self-proclaimed leader, he knows how to woo people who
are susceptible to wooing, he can be very charismatic. But I know better, the man is not all there,” he said, tapping the side of his head. “He has an infected in the wine cellar.”

  My heart just about leapt from my chest.

  “No shit,” I whispered.

  “No shit.”

  “What’s he doing with the infected?” I wondered out loud.

  Dennis shrugged. “I’m just the muscle, I’m not privy to what the doctor has going on.”

  Surely having an infected on the property was something head of security needed to be up to speed on.

  “We’re leaving soon,” I confessed.

  I didn’t know Dennis, but I could see the concern in his dark eyes. He wasn’t lying, why would he have any reason to? Spilling just a little of our secrets felt right. I was also stoned, and I tended to get chatty when my brain drifted with weed.

  “That’s good,” Dennis said, almost looking relieved.

  “You should come with us.”

  He smiled and shook his head. “As tempting as the offer is, there are children here, and more than a few people who are living in some land of false hope. They’d never survive if the infected somehow broke through our defences.”

  “Honorable,” I murmured.

  Dennis had one of those faces only a mother could love, rough, scarred from severe acne, a heavy protruding brow, and a nose that had been broken more than once. But his gentle nature and kindness was appealing. Thinking of what Lawson was most likely doing with Evelyn made me want to reach out for my own comfort. But that wasn’t who I was, it had never been. Don’t get me wrong, I fucking loved sex, but for me it was something tangled with emotions. For some it might be purely a physical release, but for me, it was so much more important.

  “We need a car. Terrence told us Silverleaf has three vehicles, Dr. Dick says only two are working.”

  Dennis was quiet for a long minute, and I wondered if I’d pushed my luck. Then he nodded.

  “There are three operational vehicles, and a shit load of gas.”

  Nodding, I murmured, “perfect, now if only I’d taken lessons in lock picking.”

  Dennis smiled. “No need. I can get the key to his office.”

  It was my turn to smile now. “Dennis, I think I may have a little crush on you.”

  The man actually blushed as he stood to his feet, towering over me like some sort of giant. He took a few steps towards the arch doorway that would take him back into the open grounds.

  “I have a feeling that Christopher isn’t going to let you leave freely. I don’t know why, but my gut tells me he’s going to make things difficult. You need to do this soon, and discreetly.”

  “Tomorrow night.”

  Dennis nodded. “I’ll get you a key to one of the vehicles, I’ll also make sure you’ve got plenty of gas. I don’t want you running into any trouble around Phoenix, it’s a Red Rage hot spot.”

  When Dennis would have walked away, I called out to him.

  “Hulk … thank you.”

  With a smile and nod, he stepped out of the courtyard and was gone. The sound of Noah talking to someone inside the room had my head turning as I peered through the glass. There stood Lawson, handing Noah something that looked suspiciously like cake. Damn I could go some cake…or Doritos…or MoonPie. The glass door pushed open, and Lawson sauntered out, handing me a cold beer and bag of chips. My thank you was said rather mulishly. I was jealous and ridiculously pissed-off with him, but I had to remind myself that he wasn’t mine in the first place. We might have shared some moments, but when a man and a woman are thrown together in a stressful situation, I imagined it wasn’t unusual for there to be some sort of bonding. If Lawson wanted Evelyn, for a short time or a long time, I’d deal. They sure as shit wouldn’t be staying at Nan and Pop’s though.

  A note floated down in front of my face, landing in my lap.

  Noah told me to be careful, you’re either PMSing or you’re hangry.

  Snorting, I brushed the note aside before ripping open the bag of chips, shoving a few in my mouth, and washing it away with beer. I was acting like a brat, but I could hardly bring myself to care.

  “I saw you with Evelyn, does this mean she’ll be joining us know? Cause’ I have to tell you Law, I don’t think her and I are going to be besties.”

  Lawson’s brow furrowed. He looked adorably cute even though I wanted to punch him in the junk just a little bit.

  “Oh come on, don’t make me say it out loud.”

  Shaking his head, I might have growled a little. “I’m assuming you want to bring your fuck buddy along now?” I asked with a raised brow. Scribbling a note, he held it up with a serious expression on his face.

  What are you talking about? Are you high?

  “I’m talking about Evelyn,” I growled. “And yes, I’m fucking high.”

  Something seemed to click, and Lawson went from confusion to knowing arrogance in a heartbeat.

  “I’m not jealous.” I pre-emptively snapped. Taking another long drink from the beer, I couldn’t help but think how ineffective that argument was.

  Lawson took a step closer, his feet on either side of my outstretched legs as he lowered to his haunches. We were so close I could smell the beer on his breath. Placing his drink carefully to one side, he raised a hand and leaned it against the wall beside my head. His other hand raised my chin with one finger, so I was looking him right in those wicked blue eyes. We weren’t touching anywhere else, just that subtle contact under my chin, but my heart somersaulted, and my flesh tingled and warmed.

  Shaking his head at me like I was a conundrum he couldn’t figure out, he leaned in close to kiss me. Turning my head to one side, I avoided those pleasure seeking lips. I wasn’t about to kiss him if he’d just been fooling about with Evelyn. With a sigh he reached for his notebook.

  Nothing happened with Evelyn, I just flirted to try and find out about the vehicles and where the keys are kept. I don’t want Evelyn. In fact, I’m a little obsessed with you, and if the world hadn’t of ended, I’d possibly cross the line of stalking.

  “You’d stalk me?” I asked, as if it were the most romantic thing anyone had ever said. I’d never had a real stalker. Weirdos mailing me weird shit, yes. Wackos promising me the world, yes. Creeps proposing, a few. True, hardcore, obsessed stalkers, not one.

  I’d even go through your underwear drawer.

  Then, he leaned forward and pressed his warm lips to mine. He sipped at me, tasted, licked, and then with no warning he consumed me, leaning harder into my body and taking my mouth like a man obsessed. The kiss went deeper than my flesh, it sank inside me making my fingers and toes tingle. He brought my body to life much like my guitar came alive when I plugged it into an amp. Our tongues entwined, and as we eventually began to slow, the demanding need between us cooled just a fraction, and on a sweet final peck Lawson pulled back. My lips felt bruised in the most delicious way. Tapping my nose playfully, he pushed away from the wall and stood again. Reaching out his hand, I took it and was pulled to my feet so fast the world around me spun.

  “Did you get us a vehicle?”

  The blissful look on Lawson’s face disappeared and frustration replaced it.

  “Doesn’t matter, I’ve got a vehicle and gas…and I didn’t even need to flirt to get it.”

  Damn if felt good saying that. Lawson frowned, and my grin grew smug.

  “Dennis, the hulk, doesn’t like Dr. Dick, and you were right…there is a motherfucking zombie in the wine cellar. He thinks we need to get out of here, pronto! I asked him if he would come, but he wants to stay and make sure the kids here are okay. He’s going to get us a key from the good doctor’s office.”

  Patting Lawson’s dumbfounded cheek, I grabbed Maybelle and walked through the door to our room. The stunned look on his face completely made up for the jealous crap he’d put me through today.

  Track Twenty: Eve featuring Gwen Stefani, Blow Your Mind

  If tonight was our last hot meal for a while, I was going to make the most of it. With a piece of freshly baked bread, I moped up the last of the gravy clinging to my plate. Then I helped myself to another piece of bread with a heavy layer of butter, ignoring the looks of disgust from the people sitting around the banquet table as I took my fill and then some. Reaching for my wine, I swallowed deeply, polishing off the gorgeous shiraz before leaning back in my chair and sighing. Noah had pretty much followed my lead, soda in her glass rather than wine, as had Lawson. We all had the post food coma glow happening, contentment not only in our stomachs but on our faces. Glancing down at my dress, I smiled. This would be the last time I wore this evil sparkly fabric. It had been the same dress I’d worn each night to dinner, a silver maxi style dress with spaghetti straps, a low neckline dipping between my breasts and a crossed over slit up the front of the skirt. I fucking hated it. Glancing at Noah, I watched her pat down the skirt on her fuchsia monstrosity, while Lawson fiddled uncomfortably with his tie. While he looked outstanding in a suit, I really preferred him in his military fatigues.


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