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Sword of the Gods: The Chosen One

Page 76

by Anna Erishkigal

Galactic Standard Date: 152,323.07 AE

  Alpha Sector: Command Carrier ‘Eternal Light’

  Supreme Commander-General Jophiel


  “Sir, there is an alpha-priority-one message from Haven-4,” Lieutenant Klik'rr said.

  Jophiel glanced up from the endless stream of reports that buried her desk, news of the latest Sata'an incursion into Romeo sector taking a back burner as the hair stood up on the back of her neck. There was only one thing that mattered on that planet. Whatever she'd been doing was immediately forgotten.

  “What's wrong?”

  “Sir … it's your son,” Klik'rr's green antennae twitched in concern as he handed his commanding officer the message. “He is very sick." The nervous twitch of his mandibles communicated what the cold, mechanical vocal range booster couldn't convey. “They request you come right away.”

  “What's wrong with him?" She instinctively reached for the small wallet of photographs of all her offspring that she kept hidden in the breast-pocket of her uniform shirt. Klik'rr’s words sounded far away.

  “It’s the wasting sickness, Sir,” Klik'rr's prayer-like grasping front legs wrung his pinchers, his body language conveying the emotion that the voice enhancement box couldn't adequately express. “He's not expected to make it, Sir. Is there anything I can do for you?”

  “Recall Colonel Israfa from Zulu Sector right away,” she stood, not really hearing the words. “Just him, not his command carrier. Tell him to take a needle and meet me at Haven-4 … stat.”

  The room began to fade from view. Her heart pounded in her ears. She swooned, grabbing her desk to help her stand. Klik'rr grabbed her arm and guided her towards the door where two more airmen stood, waiting to guide her down to her shuttle. As usual, Klik'rr had anticipated her every need.

  “I took the liberty of informing the ATO you would be flying out of here right away, Sir. Your transport shuttle leaves in twenty minutes.”

  “Yes, of course,” she mumbled.

  The hallways she walked through, the people she passed, was all a blur as guilt tore at her mind. She'd abandoned him. In her heart, she'd known he needed to stay close to her and she'd cast him aside to pursue her career. She didn't notice Lieutenant Klik'rr guided her into the waiting shuttle or buckled her in. The crew watched her go in silence, word already racing through the ship that their Supreme Commander-General’s infant son was not expected to survive the night. Although they prayed to different minor deities from each of their homeworlds, a unified prayer went out to spare the life of one, tiny baby.

  “Get Raphael on the Light Emerging on the horn,” Lieutenant Klik'rr ordered the moment her shuttle lifted off. “I need to convey the sad news that his son is dying.”

  Chapter 71


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