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Murder in the Mix (Books 1-3)

Page 38

by Moore, Addison

  Jenna is dressed in a low-cut dress with fall leaves printed over it, her lips are outlined bright red, and I can’t help but wonder if she’s looking to snag herself a Rutherford.

  “Thank you so much!” Her eyes light up as she spots me. “You really do know how to bring the holiday cheer. Is there any way I can put in a special request for the next event?”

  “Sure, I don’t see why not.” Although, I don’t cater to prison, which is exactly where she’ll be going once it’s revealed that she’s the killer. My God, I could be standing in front of a cold-blooded murderer! My body seizes with a momentary paralysis at the thought.

  “Great. I really miss my mother’s cranberry cheese ball cookies. She made them this time of year and I’m not sure which I miss more, the cranberry cheese balls or her!” She chortles as if it were hysterical.

  “What kind of cheese?” I can’t help it. Inquiring minds want to know.

  “Two cups all American. Nothing fancy, just something tried-and-true. It goes great with turkey leftovers, too. I make me a mean turkey melt for about a week straight after the big day.”

  “That does sound delicious.” The cookie not so much. “Hey, I have a question for you?” My God, I don’t have a question for her! Who knows what hairy scary thing will evict itself from my throat next? Thinking on my feet never was my forte.

  A thought comes to me.

  “I heard a rumor that Collette was poisoned by some pills she was taking to alleviate a headache. The deputies said she got the pills from someone at the party. Did you see anyone give her the pills that night?”

  GAH! If Jenna is the murderer, I just tipped her off to the fact that the sheriff’s department is onto her. Dumb, dumb, dumb. This investigation stuff really is a learn-as-you-go kind of thing.

  She gives a knowing nod. “Yeah, I heard the same thing. She asked everyone for medication. Poor thing forgot to put a couple of her migraine pills into her purse that night. She asked me, but I had one of those useless clutches with just enough room for my lipstick and car keys. I don’t know who she got the pills from, but it could have been anyone.”

  She answered so smoothly and nonchalantly that either A: She’s a psychopath killer. Or B: She’s innocent. That really narrows down the field.

  I lean in, my gaze intently fixed on hers. “I heard that kid, Josh—the one that gave her mouth-to-mouth—was just obsessed with her. Do you think he’s a suspect?”

  Her entire body trembles with a laugh. “If he killed her, I’m the new Mrs. Rutherford.”

  I laugh along with her. “Hey, speaking of which—they’re not divorcing, are they?”

  “Nope.” Jenna takes an angry bite out of a chocolate chip peanut butter swirl. “That man is not going anywhere. Besides, Patty would rather hold onto him forever than let him off the matrimonial chain. This way she still has one hundred percent control of the estate.”

  “Where does that leave you? I mean, you love him, right? How could you not after spending so much time with him—you know.” My voice grows quiet. That was the only delicate way to put it.

  “Of course, I do.” She shifts as she looks over at him as he laughs it up with a small crowd. “Who couldn’t? He’s a brilliant man and a generous lover.”

  Things I did not need to know.

  “But he never chose me.” Her eyes gloss over, and she puts down the cookies. “Excuse me.” She takes off for the restroom as Everett comes back.

  “You made her cry. Good work, Lemon. It looks as if your wicked work is done. Let’s get out of here.”

  Josh heads over and helps himself to a slice of pecan pie.

  “Not so fast.” I speed over to him and am surprised at how tall he is up close. “Hello, I’m Lottie Lemon. I made the desserts. I was good friends with Collette.”

  His eyes widen a moment at the mention of her name. “That’s nice. The cookies are good. I’ve had a few. I’m sure the pie is great, too. I’m a big fan of pie.”

  “Oh, it is.” I give an awkward shrug after patting my own back. “Say, did you hear the rumor? They think Collette was poisoned with pills that night—pills she was taking to cure her headache.”

  His jaw unhinges. “Pills?” He shakes his head at something or someone just past me, and I turn around to find Jenna flirting hard with Mr. Rutherford. “That’s strange. I knew he was trying to dump her, but I didn’t think he’d kill her.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know.” He lands a forkful of pie into his mouth and moans. “This is good. You really know your stuff.”

  “Thanks. But you have a theory? On the pills?”

  “No theory. I saw Rutherford hand her the pills. But I didn’t see her take them. I mean, she was complaining of a headache to anyone who would listen, so I didn’t think twice about it.” He shakes his head. “I’d bet good money it wasn’t those pills that did it. The guy has a screw loose from hopping around behind his wife’s back, but otherwise he wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

  “That’s quite a testimonial for a guy that had your girl.” I’m not sure if I should have gone there, but the moment presented itself, and a visceral reaction is my best bet to get into the mind of a killer.

  Josh sags as the fork slips from his grasp and onto his plate with a thud. “Collette wasn’t my anything. I just thought she might give me some experience, you know? Get me started in the right direction. But she shut me down pretty hard. It’s a good thing, though. If she hadn’t closed the door in my face, I wouldn’t have met Elizabeth. Today is our three month anniversary.” He grins at someone just over my shoulder, and a short strawberry blonde with adorable freckles cozies up to him as the two of them take off into the crowd.

  Josh seems fine. And in no way does he feel like a killer. In fact, he seems to be the one to have landed on top at the end of the murderous day. If he’s been with his girlfriend for three months, then he probably didn’t have a very high motive to kill Collette that night.

  But who did?

  I glance back to find an all too familiar face staring at me.

  “Noah!” I jump with surprise. “Fancy meeting you here. I was just”—my finger points every which way—“cookies.” I shrug.

  “I see.” His lids hang low, the way they do when he’s filled with lust for me. Although, at the moment, he seems to be seething. “You were delivering cookies and questioning suspects.” His dimples dig in, and suddenly I’d like to crawl right into one for shelter. “Lottie, you’re tainting the investigation.”

  “But I found out that Jenna really didn’t get along so great with Collette. She wanted—”

  “Mr. Rutherford to herself. We already know that.”

  I frown at the thought of the infamous we. I hate the thought of Ivy and Noah being anything let alone partners at the station. Noah and I are partners in crime. It’s cute and it’s catchy, and I refuse to give her the title.

  “Did you know that Mr. Rutherford gave her the pills?”

  Noah’s eyes widen a moment before narrowing to slits. “I’m going to ask you once very kindly to stay away from Mr. Rutherford, and that includes anyone who works at Endeavor PR. Step back and let the professionals handle this.”

  A dark-haired woman tips her head my way, and I freeze.

  “Hey, it’s you again!” Jules King offers a cheery wave my way. “It was great seeing you at nude swim. Can’t wait to work out with you again!” She dissolves into the crowd, and every last inch of me wishes I could dissolve right along with her.

  “Nude swim?” Noah looks both perplexed and vexed by the idea. “Lottie, did you take off your clothes and swim with a bunch of strangers just to get ahead in this investigation?”

  My mouth opens, but not a single intelligible word comes out.

  “Steer clear, Lottie. I mean it.” It comes out stern, just this side of anger. Noah is fuming, and suddenly so am I.

  I dig a finger into his chest. “You’re always telling me what to do.” My voice raises a notch.
  “And you’re never doing it.” His voice raises right along with mine.

  “Don’t expect that to change anytime soon.”

  I take off and find Everett before hauling him out the door.

  Noah doesn’t bother texting me an apology once I leave.

  I guess if he’s not bossing me around, he’s got nothing to say.

  I’m fine with that.


  Chapter 49

  Fall in Honey Hollow is in full icy swing. By the time we get back into town, the bakery is closing for the day, so Everett and I picked up a pizza at Mangia on the way home. I can’t help but feel as if I’m cheating on Noah by doing so. Pizza was our thing. Sure, we only partook together on the one occasion, but it was supposed to be a repeat effort on our part—which was going to lead to far more steamier repeat efforts in December.

  Everett pulls into his driveway at the same time I do, and coincidentally the same time Noah does across the street. For a moment I think I should just run into my rental, grab Pancake, and hide under the covers, but the far more pragmatic part of me, the part that is half-ravenous for an extra sauce, extra cheese, veggie pizza walks the rest of me next door to Everett’s in plain sight.

  Everett grunts as he stares off in Noah’s direction. “Why is my stepbrother glowering at me?”

  My lips part, but I can’t bring myself to tell him that Noah is most likely fuming about the pizza being our thing.

  “Because he’s hungry and you’re not in the mood to share with him,” I say as we head into his toasty home. Everett has the entire place decorated with gray and black furniture, a coffee table made of stainless steel, and that’s exactly where we set the pizza box down.

  “If you and Noah are having problems, I don’t want to know about them.”

  “Good. Because I’m in no mood to share, myself.”

  “So, did you crack the case? I’d like to head back to work on Monday. I’m not cut out for nature walks and stepping into a bakery in the middle of the afternoon. No offense.”

  “None taken. And I don’t know about cracking the case. It seems the harder I try to crack it, the tougher it gets. Collette led a complicated life that led a lot of people to the brink of madness. I mean, for all practical purposes you could be the killer.”

  He growls as he takes an angry bite of his pizza. Those hooded lids look ready to kill—me for delivering the news.

  “But realistically, it could be just about anyone else as well. It turns out, Jenna Hatfield wasn’t exactly on the best terms with Collette. She wanted Mr. Rutherford to herself. Collette, however, wasn’t about to give up her big boss boy toy, and that’s why she was showboating you whenever she got the chance—in an effort to make him jealous. Hey”—I snap my finger over at him—“I bet that’s why they were arguing that night.”

  “Could be.”

  “Anyway, it was Rutherford who gave her the pills.”

  Everett nearly chokes on his next bite.

  I lift a finger. “But Josh Normandy didn’t think Mr. Rutherford would hurt a fly.”

  Everett chews on the thought, literally. “So what you’re saying is that there could have been two sets of pills or—”

  “Or someone switched them.”

  “Did you confide any of this to Noah?” he says it low and measured as if he knew the truth before he asked the question—and knowing Everett, he did.

  “Why would I? He and Ivy are running a professional investigation. They certainly don’t need me. What would I know? I’m just a baker.”

  His lips twitch as if he were about to shed a grin. “Don’t underestimate yourself.” He lifts his pizza my way as if he were toasting me. “I certainly won’t make that mistake twice.”

  “Noah doesn’t seem to mind doing it. In fact, he’s making quite the habit of it.”

  “He’s not underestimating you, Lemon. It’s quite the opposite. He knows what you’re capable of. He also knows what the bad guys are capable of.”

  “Bad guys?”

  “Yes, Lemon, they’re bad. And you are good. Too good to get in the way of some psychopath killer.” There’s a sternness in his tone, that serious look on his face. “How about we walk across the street and share some pizza and theories with Detective Fox?”

  “No,” I say it so fast and hard the sound reverberates off the walls.

  “You’re stubborn.”

  “Only as much as you are ornery.”

  He presses a genuine smile, and it’s so rare I pause to memorize it.

  It extinguishes itself in a moment. “There’s a killer out there, Lemon.”

  “And I’m going to catch ’em.”

  Everett growls as if the thought angered him on some level. “Or they’ll catch you.”


  But they’re not going to catch me. Because I’m pretty certain they feel as if they’ve gotten away with murder.

  And if any more time passes—they just might.

  * * *

  Just before I dress for bed, and right after I give Pancake a second helping of his Fancy Beast cat food, there’s a light knock at the door.

  A prickle of excitement rides through me as I scoop Pancake up and interrupt his dinner number two. This sweet cat is so cute he could get me to rob a bank if he wanted.

  “Well, who could that be?” I trill as we head to the door. I peer through the murky glass between us, and the porch light seems to be shining down on a familiar dark head of hair. “I bet it’s Noah”—I whisper—“with his tail tucked between his legs and a big fat apology just waiting to stream from his mouth.”

  I swing the door open wide and jump back a little once I see it’s not Noah. It’s not Everett either. It’s tall, lanky Josh Normandy with a phone in his hand.

  “Hope you don’t mind me showing up, but I’ve got something to show you.”

  I shoot a quick glance across the street and spot a figure in the window at Noah’s house and feel a sense of relief.

  “Sure, what is it? Does it have to do with the case?”

  The case. I hate how clinical it sounds. Collette was a person, like her or not, and she’s dead. Murdered in cold blood right there in the open for everyone to see.

  “My aunt lives a couple of houses from Collette’s place. It’s how I met Collette in the first place. And once she told me how exciting it was to work for Endeavor, I took an internship right out of college, and that’s how I ended up at the company.” He glides his thumb over his phone and pulls up a picture before turning the screen so I can see it. “My aunt’s security camera caught this. It’s a still shot from the night she was murdered. There’s footage of you there too with your boyfriend or your brother getting some stuff together. My aunt says he was doing some work at the house and probably wanted to get his tools before they put the place on lockdown.”

  My heart lurches in my throat. “Your aunt would be right. How did you know where I lived?”

  He shakes his head as if it were a given. “My aunt knows everything. Anyway, this car showed up last that night. First, there was you and your boyfriend, then there was Jenna Hatfield who came out with a bag. My aunt thinks she was cleaning out the unmentionables—something about women having an agreement to do just that in the event of an untimely demise.”

  I twist my lips. “Your aunt really is perceptive.”

  He gives a light laugh. “Yes, well, she’s got a theory on why this last car showed up, too.” He hands me the phone, and I examine it under the porch light. A light gray luxury car I can’t quite place and a dark shadow emerging or getting into it. “That’s Rutherford. That’s his Buick. And see this thing in his hand?” He points to a rectangular object. “That’s a briefcase. A briefcase he didn’t have when he went in.”

  A breath catches in my throat. “So that’s where it went. What’s your aunt’s theory, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “She says a man like Rutherford needs to keep his name out of the news because it could spo
ok his investors.”

  “She’s right again. Does she think he killed her?” I’ve asked everyone else. I don’t see why Josh’s all-knowing aunt should be left out of the morbid fun.

  He glances over his shoulder in the direction of Collette’s home in the not too far distance. “She doesn’t think so. But she doesn’t think whoever did it meant to kill her at the ceremony.”

  “But that’s where you said he gave her the pills.”

  He shrugs. “And like I also said, I doubt Rutherford did this. Anyway, I want to keep my own nose out of it so I’m not turning this in to the police. I don’t think it’s big evidence. The deed was already done. Goodnight.” He jogs back to his hatchback and speeds off down the street.

  Pancake lets out a mean rawrr, and I glance right at Noah before stepping in and shutting the door.

  “Well, now everything is just as clear as mud,” I say, rocking my favorite ball of fur and nuzzling his face to mine. “Rutherford wanted any proof of his dalliances out of her house before the police got there—so much so that he risked getting caught doing it. I guess he values his position as CEO. Ticking off the board of directors could land him in the unemployment line. And he’s no spring chicken.”

  I plop on the couch with Pancake and turn on the television, hoping that something will start to make sense soon.

  But it doesn’t.

  Collette Jenner isn’t allowed to be Honey Hollow’s first cold case—not when Everett’s career is on the line. And as much as Noah wants me to step back, there’s no way I can stop now—at least not without speaking to Rutherford one more time.

  And then I’ll fill Noah in on everything I know and step back and let the professionals handle this.

  Although, Detective Fairbanks and Detective Fox haven’t solved a single case together yet.


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